Water Margin Survival

Chapter 448 Three Heroes Meeting Lingzhou

Although he felt exhausted, Wang Lun couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't because of the bed, but because the mystery about the death of Chao Gai in his previous life gradually became clear in his mind.

At that time, the battle between Chao Gai and Song Jiang's route had indeed reached a point where fire and water could not be tolerated. One side wanted to continue to gather in the mountains and forests, while the other side was determined to recruit security. This was no secret in the cottage.However, in the internal struggle, Song Jiang used the trick of assassination to get rid of the boss in order to resolve the conflict.

No wonder when Song Jiang visited Zengtou City for the second time, when he met Zeng’s family, he seldom mentioned that he came here to avenge Chao Gai (Hei Sanlang, Zhang Yi, suddenly didn’t fight righteously?), but he just forced Zeng Tou City to return it from the beginning to the end. The two plundered horses and Yu Baosi, this kind of behavior is simply inexplicable. It has reduced a well-known state of mourning soldiers to a low-level level where two local forces bargain and black eat black.

What's even more outrageous is that Zengtou City didn't seem to know that he had shot the boss of the opponent, and at the request of the opponent, he betrayed Yu Baosi cleanly and foolishly expected to make peace with Song Jiang.

The murderer boss will undoubtedly have a blood feud, even if Song Jiang has no intention of avenging Chao Gai, but a firm attitude is necessary, otherwise how can Song Sanlang, who relies on his reputation for food, have the face to gain a foothold in the world?After all, how could Zengtou City, which has thrived in the Song Dynasty for a hundred years, suffer from such childish diseases?

Originally, Wang Lun was a little puzzled, if it was really Chao Gai who was shot and killed by a master like Shi Wengong, how could he have no idea?Instead, he was obsessed with the final details of not returning the BMW. If he knew that he had killed the boss of the opponent, and if Song Jiang could have a clear conscience about Chao Gai's death, wouldn't these two groups of people be pretending to be stupid on the one hand, while on the other? One side is acting?

The answer is about to come out.

Therefore, when Liangshan of the Song Dynasty conquered Zengtou City for the second time, it undoubtedly seemed a little sneaky.General Lin Chong was in Xuezang in the cottage, and he brought out the richest man in Hebei who had just climbed the mountain, but he didn't give him a chance to show off, and deliberately only let him go through the motions and play tricks.Unexpectedly, Lu Junyi succeeded in stealing the show in the end.Captured Shi Wengong alive, and completed a shocking reversal in front of the leaders.This made Song Jiang fail again, and he had no choice but to come up with a bad move to attack the two cities around Shuibo.

It's time to give Chao Gai a vaccination!

Wang Lun turned over. At this moment, not far away, the snoring was very loud, and Wang Lun covered his head under the quilt.At this sleepless moment, I was thinking dully: Who shot this arrow?

At that time, the leader with good arrow skills on Liangshan was firstly promoted by Xiao Li Guanghuarong, followed by Yang Zhi, a green-faced beast who had practiced eighteen martial arts at a young age.One of these two people is Song Jiang's confidant, and the other is the victim who was robbed of the birth plan by Chao Gai.Therefore, Chao Gai didn't bring any of these two when he ordered the general.So the problem arises.Not to mention whether the temperament of these two people is suitable for assassination activities, even if Song Jiang sent them to sneak in secretly, given the popularity of these two people in the cottage, they will be recognized by the minions if they are not in order.A careless move will set fire to oneself, the degree of difficulty is too high, and it is also too reckless.

So, who will be the mastermind?

The more Wang Lun thought about it, the more he felt that the leader of the army was the most suspected. What's more, five of them had special identities. They were Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, who were almost beaten up by Chao Gai when they first went up the mountain, and Song Jiang's hard-core confidant Mu Hong. , Yanshun, and Sun Li, who is skilled in bow and horse.However, Sun Li can basically rule it out. After all, judging from the fact that Song Jiang has been suppressing him since then, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.Otherwise, it is impossible for Song Jiang not to reward him, and he must be allowed to enter the circle of 36 people in Tiangang.

Is it him?

Finally, a figure appeared in Wang Lun's mind, but when he looked carefully, he felt that it was a bit out of place.And we can't rule out the general minions and little bosses, it's hard to guarantee that there aren't a few of them who are outstanding in archery.After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Lun didn't have any clues. Wang Lun only felt that his eyelids became very heavy. With the onset of sleepiness, the image of the rebellious boy in his mind gradually became blurred.

The sky was getting brighter, but no one dared to wake up Wang Lun who had just marched hundreds of miles. When Wang Lun opened his eyes, it was already high in the sun, and Jiao Ting was already up. He was sitting in the tent to pass the time. Wang Lun asked He asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"Okay!" Jiao Ting only answered three words, then he was speechless, it was still so simple and clear.

"Of course you slept well!" Wang Lun muttered inwardly. Li Zhu's tent was a small one and didn't take up much space, so Jiao Ting's temporary bunk was not far away.

"When you get married, let's see how that little Jin'er sleeps!"

Wang Lun shook his head, got up and washed up.When he went out with Jiao Ting, he saw Li Si, the green grass snake, guarding the door with someone very straight.Upon seeing this, Wang Lun asked, "Did you sleep all night?"

"It was Zhang San in the first half of the night, and the younger brother who changed in the second half of the night is asleep!" Li Si laughed and said, "Brother Jiao snores a lot, we are not lonely outside the tent!"

Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, told everyone to wait a moment, turned around and went to the account to get the pen, ink and paper, grinded the ink, and wrote it with a brush. When the handwriting was dry, he folded the letter and came out to Li Sidao: "When Zhang San wakes up, tell him to run for a while." Legs, go to Erlong Mountain, ask King Chao Tian to send three thousand shi of grain and horse fodder, and send a military adviser to help!" Although Lingzhou belongs to Hebei, it is not far from Qingzhou, which is next to Jingdong.Therefore, Yu Baosi can wander around these two places for a long time.

"Brother sent the pigeons back to the village, wouldn't it be enough, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Zhu are here? What's the use of asking Wu to use a half-tone?" Li Si asked puzzled.

"Half-tune has its benefits. Sometimes he can really get things done! Don't ask, just go!" Wang Lun handed the letter to Li Si and waved his hand.

Li Si went there in a daze, Wang Lun walked towards the main tent, Jiao Ting followed closely behind with a small team of personal guards, met a lot of people along the way, but no one stepped forward to ask questions. It was Li Zhu who had already given orders. Although these people did not dare to go forward, they all stole glances at the white-clothed scholar in front. Their eyes were filled with awe and joy, as if they had gained support.No wonder, after losing two battles in a row, even the boss is almost broken, so it's no wonder that the morale is still high.

When Wang Lun came to the big tent, he saw Liu Yuan and Pan Zhong were still there to show the public, and he couldn't help shaking his head. At this moment, a man was waiting at the door, and when he saw Wang Lun, he said enthusiastically, "My benefactor, I slept with you last night." I'm dead, no one can call me, so I couldn't come to greet me, it's really rude!"

Seeing that it was Ma Xie's younger brother, Ma Jin, Wang Lun waved his hands and said with a smile, "Uncle Ma's two sons are both hot and cold people. He is very lucky!"

Ma Jin smiled when he heard the words, cupped his hands and said: "My old man has troubled my benefactor for more than a year, and I feel ashamed when I think about it! Several times I wanted to make a special trip to Liangshan to express my thanks, but it is a pity that I have been unable to leave. Don't be offended by the benefactor!"

"It's also to blame, isn't it exhausting! Let's go, brother, follow me in to see President Wang!" Wang Lun patted Ma Jin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"The lord has changed places, and Li Junshi and Liu Tou are waiting inside with the big guys!" Ma Jin said hastily.

"How are you doing now?" Wang Lun asked.

"The miraculous doctor said that the leader's condition is getting better and better, and he may wake up at any time!" Ma Jin showed a look of admiration at this time, and said: "The arrow in the throat can be cured, no wonder my old man's little thing, until now It’s nothing in the hands of the genius doctor!”

Wang Lun laughed. In fact, there is a "precedent" for An Daoquan to heal the arrow in his throat. When Zhang Qing conquered Liao Dynasty, he was also rescued by An Daoquan when he was shot in the throat by Tianshan Yong's arrow.Wang Qing is still lucky, if there is no such thing as Chai Jin, if An Daoquan wants to come from Liangshan, I am afraid that he will suffer to death.

Wang Lun exchanged a few words with Ma Jin, and was about to enter the account, when two people came out from the inside, Li Zhu and Liu Min, who greeted Wang Lun when they saw Wang Lun. , Wang Lun happily entered, Jiao Ting left his guard at the door, and went in with Wang Lun.

As soon as they entered the big tent, they saw twenty or thirty green forest heroes from the west of Beijing and Jinghu standing close together. When they saw Wang Lun coming in, they said in unison: "I have seen brother Wang Lun in Liangshanbo!"

"You're polite!" Wang Lun bowed his hands and bowed around, then nodded to Du Po. Li Zhu and Liu Min invited Wang Lun to sit down. Wang Lun was not Tian Hu, so he insisted on sitting on the side. Li Zhu and Liu Min Helpless, I had to vacate the upper seat to accompany Wang Lun, and asked everyone to sit down.

"I've informed you with Tian Hu, but it's a pity that this guy is too disrespectful, he just pushes the camp and hasn't set up a camp, so he can't come to help!" Li Zhuyan returned to the main topic and talked about business.

Wang Lun hadn't spoken yet, all he heard was that everyone was yelling at Tian Hu, the scene was very heated, but for a while, he couldn't tell who was really cursing and who was just pretending to cover up what happened to him.

Wang Lun and the rest of the crowd stopped cursing, and waved their hands: "Come and follow him, Lingzhou is just a middle state. Liu Yu invaded Liangshan and took away 5000 people. How many people are left in the city now?"

All the heroes nodded in agreement when they heard the words. Some people said that Liu Yu was overthinking his own strength, which caused everyone to burst into laughter. Suddenly Du Po said: "My little brother is willing to be a pioneer and break that Lingzhou!"

Ma Jin also said: "Measure this lonely city, what's so difficult about beating it? It's also my little brother!"

After the two expressed their views, no one else spoke, and the scene became cold for a while. In stark contrast to the rather active situation just now, Teng Jian snorted coldly, glared at everyone, and said with his head up: "In this way, our Fangshan people will definitely Can't fall behind!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun secretly thought that Wang Qing's big stall was really a meat for everyone to eat, and the bones were connected directly. He just smiled and didn't say anything. Leader Hao raised his troops and came to join us!" Jiao Ting left after hearing the sound, and the camp became active again, Wang Lun was not surprised, and proposed to visit Wang Qing, everyone immediately responded.

When Wang Lun had seen Wang Qing, he estimated that the time was almost up, and he came out with everyone. At this time, his soldiers and horses had already arrived. Lin Chong and Lu Junyi were both leading the troops outside the camp. Only Hao Siwen led Shan Tinggui in. Shan Tinggui came in. As soon as Ting Gui saw Wang Lun, he said, "Brother, my younger brother has been eating all day long in the village, and he has not made an inch of merit, so he has always felt ashamed. If you want to take the city of Lingzhou, no matter what, let my younger brother try it first!"

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