Water Margin Survival

Chapter 449 Three Heroes Meeting Lingzhou

Looking at Shan Tinggui who was running towards Lingzhou City alone, all the leaders under Wang Qing felt that this matter was too whimsical.Even Du Po and Ma Jin are not optimistic about the former regiment training of this friendly army. How can the officers and soldiers in the city open the city gate by themselves, let alone what other people think at this time?Because Wang Lun was not in front of them, some people couldn't help but started talking strange things to their cronies, waiting to see Liang Shanbo's jokes.

Liu Min also had a look of incomprehension, and said to Li Zhu: "If the persuasion fails, it will inevitably arouse the defenders' rebellion, and it will be difficult to attack the city again!"

"My junior brother fought in the south and north, and broke more than one or two cities! Doesn't he know about this? Didn't you see him persuade that Shan Tinggui not to stay, and finally let him go?" Li Zhu was determined. , have great confidence in Wang Lun.

"It is said that Liangshan's orders are strict, how can anyone dare to disobey the leader?" Liu Min was noncommittal when he heard the words, but only expressed his surprise.

"My junior brother has always convinced people with virtue, and never bothered to force his subordinates. Instead, he made him very united in the village. You can see that there is no one who refuses to obey him up and down Liangshan Mountain!" Li Zhu shook his head and sighed, Said: "On the other hand, we are far behind! If it is only voluntary this time, only Chief Du and the Ma brothers can count on it!"

"Yeah! When the leader is ready, we have to talk about it!" Liu Min resonated with Li Zhu's words, and he also sighed, "Let the Hongtaoshan people take the lead later, and let everyone take a good look at this guy. We will end half-heartedly!"

"It's time to rectify it!" Li Zhu turned his head to look at the carriage carrying Wang Qing, and his eyes turned to Shan Tinggui who was under the city.

"I'm Shan Tinggui! Open the door!" Shan Tinggui came to the city on horseback, unwilling to even bring a weapon. Looking at the city, he declared his family, and shouted to open the door very confidently.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by him, who doesn't know him among the soldiers in the city?Maybe he and Wei Dingguo are only middle-class in martial arts.But he is good at leading troops and is willing to treat ordinary soldiers kindly, so he has always won the morale of the army, which also gave him the confidence to call the city alone at this time.

Unexpectedly, Shan Tinggui's voice has not yet fallen.A cold arrow has been shot in the city.It's just that there is a distance of ten feet away from Shan Tinggui, Shan Tinggui sneered.Just look coldly at the archery general.

"Rebel...rebel, you still have the face to come back!" The new trainer of the Lingzhou regiment was dispatched from a neighboring state, so the vacancy was quite timely.After he finished cursing, he shot another arrow.This time it was better than last time, at least it was a few feet closer to Shan Tinggui.It just brought a huge side effect. At this time, except for the soldiers around him, the other soldiers were all staring at him.

At this time, Shan Tinggui was still as motionless as a mountain, and there were still two words: "Open the door!"

Seeing that he despised him so much, the new regiment trainer was furious.Regardless of his own low ability, he shot at Shan Tinggui arrow after arrow, and the anger of the soldiers around him became more and more intense. Some people couldn't help but shouted to the city: "Single group training, avoid it!" Your old mother. You dare to surrender to the enemy!" The cronies around the new Tuanlian have already begun to suppress the anxious army.

Shan Tinggui stood proudly, looked up coldly, didn't even call "open the door", just let Nayong diffuse.

The leader of Wang Qing's army couldn't help being astonished, Xiang Gu exclaimed: "I thought Shan Tinggui was just stupid, but I don't know that he is crazy!"

The new regiment practiced five or seven arrows and couldn't hit Shan Tinggui at all. He was already panicking, and the hand that took the arrow began to shake. At this moment, an arrow flew up from the city, and hit the red tassel on his iron helmet. He was so panicked that he dodged the arrows and lay down on the ground.

Shan Tinggui looked at the sound of the horse's hooves, and it turned out that his partner Hao Siwen couldn't stand it any longer, and Pegasus came to help, Shan Tinggui praised: "Brother Hao is an amazing arrow!"

Between Hao Siwen's horses, he returned the bow and arrow, annoyed: "God, what kind of arrow, I aimed at his dog's head!"

Shan Tinggui was completely convinced, and cupped his hands at Hao Siwen, but still didn't intend to leave, Wang Cheng shouted, "The incompetent bird will come again!"

The new trainer was furious, bent over and shouted: "This guy is abominable, what are you looking at, why don't you shoot him to death with random arrows!"

All the troops remained motionless, only a dozen or so cronies around them bent their bows and put up arrows to shoot at Shan Tinggui. The regiment scolded all the troops, saying, "If you disobeyed the military order before the battle, you will never commit rebellion!"

"If you say we are rebellious, then we are rebellious! Anyway, if we retreat from the enemy, this fellow will settle accounts with us! You can't just sit and watch them shoot and kill Shan Tuanlian!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and the crowd immediately became excited , rushed towards the city tower, and the group of trainers and cronies around them couldn't care less about Shan Tinggui who was under the city, and they drew their knives to suppress them.

The poor general has lost his majesty, he is no different from a pawn, and he can be captured by anyone.After the cronies were killed one by one, the official chair under the buttocks was thrown from the tower before the seat was warm, bleeding from the seven orifices immediately, and he died.At this time, there were still civil servants in the city who were supervising the war, and when they saw this, they ran away with their heads in their arms, and the city cheered loudly.Not long after the city gate opened wide, Shan Tinggui and Hao Siwen looked at each other and nodded.

"Damn it! This is a city!?" Fangshan Chen Yun in Wang Qing's formation had a look of disbelief, looking back at Guo Gang, the brave general in the same village, and said.

"What a bloody evil!" Guo Gang cursed, looked at Teng Jian, the leader of the army, and said like a cannonball: "What kind of thing is this! Didn't we agree to attack the city? Who is going to take down the city now? How will the money and food be divided up? Can we still enter the city?"

Teng Jian also had a complicated expression on his face, and he spit out and said: "It's all like this, you still have the face to pay? Why don't you go back and protect the leader's chariot battle?" , Went to Li Zhu of the Chinese Army.

"Haha, my junior brother, what a talent he has under his command! In the past, he just heard about it, but today he has opened his eyes!" Li Zhu was in a good mood, and smiled at Liu Min unabashedly.

Liu Min had a complex expression, and was about to answer, but saw Wang Lun hastened over, hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "I've heard that Liang Shanbo is very popular, today is really eye-opening!"

"Liu Tou-Lai is over-reputed. Thanks to Brother Shan's good command of the army, a fight has been avoided!" Wang Lun laughed as he got off his horse.

Li Zhu felt that his relationship with Wang Lun was different, so he didn't say those false words, but said: "Junior brother, are we going to the city now?"

"Let's borrow Lingzhou City to live temporarily! The money and food we get will be half of each of our two families, how about it?" Wang Lun nodded, but looked at Liu Min and said.

"This..." Liu Min was stunned for a moment, and said with shame: "My little brothers depend on brother Wang Lun for taking care of me, so how can I take advantage of Liangshan again?"

Wang Lun waved his hand and said with a smile, "But I, Liangshan, have conditions!"

Liu Min was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Li Zhu, then cupped his hands and said, "Brother Wang Lun, please tell me!"

"When your army enters the city, you must follow our Liangshan standards. You must not invade the people or disturb the local area. Does Leader Liu agree?" Wang Lun said seriously.

Liu Min thought that Wang Lun had some kind of plot. It turned out that he was afraid that his family would spoil his reputation in Liangshanbo, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "When the camps are divided into camps, they are not allowed to go to the streets without a military order. The assigned guards Ma, don't leave the city, is the king satisfied?"

"Really?" Wang Lun laughed.

"Really!" Liu Min patted his chest and said.

"Since that's the case, I have soldiers and horses patrolling the market as usual in Liangshan. If there are criminals, the most serious thing is that they will be killed on the spot! Is Chief Liu acceptable?" Wang Lun asked again.To be honest, he was really worried about the strongman nature of these friendly troops who "go out without money and rely on robbery for food". At this time, the two armies are together, and it will inevitably affect their own family.

"Yide! If there are criminals, let the Liangshan army deal with it! We will have nothing to say!" Liu Min knew that there would be a lot of friction when the two families joined forces, and it was not so embarrassing when he joined forces with Tian Hu. constantly?It's just that Liang Shanbo acted aboveboard, and he didn't take credit for saving Wang Qing. Instead, he was willing to share half of the food and grass he got. This alone made Liu Min open-minded and speechless.

"Okay! Leader Liu is a straightforward person, so I will send some people to follow the army to count the money and food!" Wang Lun laughed.

Liu Min nodded, greeted Li Gu, and arranged for people to go. Just at this moment, Teng Jian brought Chen Yun and Guo Gang over, and Liu Min caught the three of them, and said: "Two brothers, old Teng, go Order the whole army to behave properly when they enter the city, and anyone who has dirty hands and feet and bumps into the hands of the inspectors at Liangshanbo will be beheaded for nothing!"

The three were shocked when they heard the words, Chen Yun and Guo Gang couldn't help complaining, "Damn, he loves the people in Liangshanbo like a son, and he loves to go! But they are them, we are us, why should we follow their rules! "

"For the sake of the leader, let's do it once!" Teng Jian sighed, and said, "If it wasn't for Li Junshi's face, do you think he would be willing to join us? Back then, he almost got involved in Huangpi County. You forgot ?”

Chen Yun and Guo Gang were silent for a while, Liu Min comforted them and said: "Liang Shanbo is still very appetizing in his affairs, and Chief Wang himself proposed to give us half of the seizure, and Lao Teng will give it to everyone later. Zhai made it clear that what should be given to them is a lot, don't add trouble to us at this time!"

The three people met and said that their complexions have improved a lot, Chen Yun and Guo Gang both said: "They behave, we will behave!" Teng Jian also said: "It is much more comfortable to deal with Liang Shanbo, how is it like that Bird Tianhu? If we let them know the loss if we don't come this time, I'm afraid these turtle grandchildren will regret it too!"

The four of them had a deep feeling, and after talking for a while, Teng Jian took Chen Yun and Guo Gang to go down to make arrangements, but Liu Min stopped Chen Yun and Guo Gang and said, "Wait a minute, you two, I have one I leave the important things to you!"

Chen Yun and Guo Gang looked at each other and said, "Please tell me!"

"It is rumored that the Imperial Seal of the Kingdom was dedicated to Lingzhou by Zengtou City, and it must still be in the city at this time! You two keep quiet, choose ten or twenty reliable brothers, and quietly go and get it for me!"

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