Seeing Fang La and the group of people parting from each other, Tian Hu's confidence in this jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom, which he had never met before, was greatly increased, and he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart at the moment, saying: "Master is worthy of being an eminent monk, and knows current affairs! But in my heart There is one more question, can Grandmaster clear this up for me!"

Deng Yuanjue glanced in the direction of Xu Fang and Liu Zan, and said coldly, "Please speak, King Tian!"

"I'm curious, how did you get this jade seal! How did you kill Wang Qing's leader, and how did you deceive Wang Lun? Can you tell me, and I'll take people away after I'm done!" Tian Hu didn't mind. Deng Yuanjue smiled at this attitude instead.

Now that Yuxi has been lost, the most important thing right now is to save the lives of the two brothers. Deng Yuanjue does not hide it at this time. How to ambush in Lingzhou, how to obtain treasures, and how to trick out of the city gate are all mentioned. When he came out, Tian Hu laughed loudly after hearing this, looked around and said, "Guo Gang has the most stinky mouth, it's his good fortune to die under Zen Master Deng's staff, one of the four great protectors of the Ming Sect!"

Deng Yuanjue made a sound in his nasal cavity, he didn't know whether he was echoing Tian Hu or laughing at him, but he didn't speak any more.It's just that Tian Hu seemed to have something to say, as if he wasn't happy, and said unconvincingly: "I think Wang Lun is a handsome guy on weekdays. He is obviously a grassroots bandit, but he pretends to be a master like others! Breaking the city, He also opened warehouses to release grain, and treated those people kindly to those people in a hypocritical way! I don’t know if his brain is burnt out, and he really regards himself as the imperial court? How can I still treat him as his subordinate? These are some silver-like pewter spearheads!"

After Tian Hu finished speaking, everyone laughed like they were applauding. At this moment, an untimely voice asked: "My lord, shall we go to Lingzhou to share the fat?"

Tian Hu looked back and saw that it was Geng Gong. He said angrily: "I don't believe that I have thousands of soldiers and horses. Without Wang Lun, I can starve to death! We are all people with integrity. If we don't go today, we will all follow me." Go back to the east of the river! Come on. Bring the baby here and let me have a look!"

Hearing this, Shen Ji quickly stepped forward, handed over the box with both hands, and Tian Hu took it away for a look.He opened his mouth and laughed all the time, it's not because he doesn't have a city, it's Jin Dajian's skill that he insisted on, and Tian Hu just suffered a big loss not long ago, at this time he accidentally got a piece of shit luck, he thinks I have made up for everything, how can I not like it?He raised his head and said, "Wang Lun, Wang Qing, Fang La, I, Tian Hu, have the last laugh? Wait until Lao Tzu ascends the throne and become emperor. Let's see if these three dare to be as famous as me!"

"My lord, forgive me! Among the three people who are as famous as your lord, our strength is not the strongest..." Geng Gong was a person who couldn't hide his words. At this time, he felt that Tian Hu was getting carried away, and subconsciously tried to persuade him.

"With this, it's hard not to be the strongest! When the time comes, heroes from the three mountains and five mountains will compete to vote, and worry about the great success? You will all be the founding heroes of the country, do it well!" Tian Hu passed on the jade seal of the country in one fell swoop, looking around everyone , encouraging the soldiers.

Seeing this, Dong Cheng and Shen Ji hurriedly bowed down and saluted, calling them Your Majesty. At this moment, Geng Gong saw Tian Hu looking towards him.Sighing, he got off his horse and bowed down. Tian Hu laughed triumphantly, and said to Deng Yuanjue: "I heard that among your congregation, there are three kowtows and nine prostrations. Today Tian has just tasted what your leader used to be like!"

Deng Yuanjue just looked at Tian Hu coldly.I just think this person is crazy.

He really couldn't figure out how a small jade seal could have such a great magical power, which could amplify the desire in a person's heart without limit, and make it swell to a terrifying level that cannot be attached.But the fact is so funny, countless clowns in history have deliberately obtained this jade seal.Thinking that it was the fate of the gods, lard blindly did stupid things that normal people could not understand.

Thinking of this, Deng Yuanjue sighed. In fact, even if he is as wise as the leader, he heard the whereabouts of the jade seal, so he couldn't wait to send a group of his brothers all the way to snatch it?What's more, Wang Qing almost lost his life because of this thing. For this reason, Wang Lun left Chai Jin, who was kind enough to know him, and moved to Lingzhou. All these made him feel the greed of human nature.

Deng Yuanjue was sighing and sighing, when he suddenly heard a voice saying: "Master Deng! There is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and now my fate should be on my Tian Hu. You and your two brothers, why don't you go back to Hedong with me?" Go, I can guarantee that you will never be worse than Fang La!" It turned out that Tian Hu spoke again, but this time he was talking about serious business, he wanted to persuade Deng Yuanjue to surrender.

It's a pity that he underestimated the attraction of Manichaeism to the congregation, only to see Deng Yuanjue sneer, "Thank you for your kindness, Deng does not have this blessing!"

Tian Hu saw that he didn't even think about it, so he refused, with a very firm attitude, and he was not angry at the moment, he flicked his horsewhip, and said loudly: "Go back to Hedong!"

Seeing that he was really going to leave, Deng Yuanjue thought in his heart that this person seemed to be an overlord.Shaking his head immediately, he walked towards Xu Fang and Liu Zan, but Shen Ji stopped Tian Hu's horse and said, "Your Majesty, just let this bald fellow go away like this?"

"If I do what I promise, how can I break my promise? Isn't this leading people away? As for whether you leave or not, it's none of my business!" Tian Hu laughed, and tapped the whip on Shen Ji's hand, waiting for him to step aside Road, fly away.Geng Gong took a complicated look at Deng Yuanjue, his eyes were full of pity, but unfortunately his words didn't work, he gritted his teeth and urged the horse to leave.

"Master! This guy is a scoundrel! How can you trust him!" Xu Fang and Liu Zan cried.

Deng Yuanjue put his hands together and said: "Amitabha! It seems that the path of the poor monk has come to an end!"

"Your mother, you have such a long mouth!" Dong Cheng shouted suddenly, and scolded Shen Ji: "If you want to kill him, why didn't you kill him just now? Now you have promised this bald guy not to kill the three of them, but you want to rub the fire again! I can't afford to lose face, you can figure it out!" After saying that, he rode away, leaving only the 200 or so people at the scene, looking around, at a loss for what to do.

"Kungfu is so powerful that you can't last forever? My brother Dong, you have to learn to read the king's will!" Shen Ji was not annoyed, looked at Dong Cheng's back and muttered to himself, then got on his horse and ordered: "Everyone Don't dawdle, trample these guys to death!"

"Master, go, leave us alone!" Xu Fang and Liu Zan screamed with their last strength.At this time, the cavalry had already started, and Shen Ji led the way, stepping over Xu Fang and Liu Zan, and the others followed suit. In less than a while, the two hundred or so cavalry had already run over Fang La's two generals. , There was only a pool of minced meat and blood on the ground, and it was hard to tell who was who.

Deng Yuanjue's eyes were red like blood, his teeth were gritted, and he held two pieces of wood, facing the horse team, and did not avoid it, just staring at Shen Ji, full of murderous aura.

Sensing the killing intent on the monk, Shen Ji felt chills for no reason, he hesitated for a while when he was about to rush to the monk, gave up the idea of ​​killing him himself, and unexpectedly diverted away.

Unexpectedly, Deng Yuanjue jumped up suddenly, desperate to expose his back to the men behind him, grabbed onto Shen Ji's saddle, and immediately used his injured right arm to stab the broken pole in Shen Ji's waist, only to hear Shen Ji Ji yelled in pain, his expression became ferocious and terrifying. Seeing this, the followers behind Shen Ji stabbed Deng Yuanjue with long spears. Deng Yuanjue was thinking of dying with Shen Ji, Climbing on the saddle left and right, his injured right hand desperately stabbed the broken pole at Shen Ji's body. He was shot three times, bleeding profusely, unable to hold on for a while, and fell to the ground.

"Master, in fact, this jade seal, it doesn't matter if you don't want it, it will be a disaster!" Deng Yuanjue closed his eyes and said silently in his heart.At this time, time seemed to be suspended, becoming slow and long, and the sound of roaring horseshoes amplified infinitely in the ear, and a calm and calm smile appeared on Deng Yuanjue's face.

"Stay away, I'm going to kill this monk with my own hands!" Shen Ji's face was as pale as paper, the blood from the wound on his waist seeped from his fingers, half of the white horse under him was dyed red by him, he Ever since I was a child, have I ever suffered such a big loss?Right now, he is so ruthless that he doesn't care about his life. He has to solve Deng Yuanjue with his own hands.

It's a pity that this group of people is not good at equestrian skills, and some of them were not in a hurry to avoid it, but stepped on Deng Yuanjue. Deng Yuanjue was extremely strong, and he didn't make a sound, but the minions who were trampled by him by the horses were very frightened, secretly thinking that this monk Don't let yourself be trampled to death! ?It's not a prank to tell Chief Shen to take his anger out on him.

Shen Ji gritted his teeth and watched his men and horses passing by. He felt his body getting weaker and weaker. The severe pain from his waist made him impatient. He immediately ignored him and rushed towards the tail of his own team, shouting as he rushed : "I'm just a ghost, and I'm biting you on the way to Huangquan..."

"Master, Deng is incompetent, so he can only give orders like this!" Deng Yuanjue suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, and shouted sharply.Seeing that he was not dead, Shen Ji was overjoyed, and cursed, "Bad donkey, take your life!"

Seeing that Shen Ji, who was lying on the horse, was about to run over Deng Yuanjue, suddenly the group of robbers exclaimed, and then a sharp arrow flew from a distance, and hit the horse's neck with a "swish".Shen Ji didn't even have time to shout, he was overturned by his mount and fell to the ground with half of his body under the horse, unable to move.

Seeing this, the group of thieves panicked for a while, and when they realized that there was only one horse coming from a distance, they felt relieved, and they rode down several times to rescue Shen Ji, but they didn't know that the other party was a man who bent his bow and put an arrow on his horse, and shot arrows down his horse. There were a few more corpses on the ground.Everyone was horrified when they saw this, and shouted desperately:

"Catch this guy and avenge my brother!" Everyone shouted, but no one took the lead.joke!They can be killed with one arrow at such a distance, and whoever comes first must die first.

The galloping big man galloped back and forth without stopping, his eyes calmly surveyed the situation in front of the battle, and at the same time he warned the group of people: "The tiger is dead, the shame of a strong man! Liang Shanbo mainly captures people alive. You Xiaoxiao are also worthy of harming him?"

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