Everyone was annoyed when they heard the words, they all thought that they had more than 200 riders, could they just stand by this man alone?It's amazing that Wang Lun has jumped up recently, but he's not in front of him right now!When the sky falls, there will naturally be a tall man to hold it up, so what's the matter with these scumbags?So someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone bent their bows and set up arrows, hoping that the man would shoot it.

It's a pity that this man seemed to have prepared for it long ago, the mount never stopped, and the arrows rained down on the horse's tail.This is not the most irritating thing, the most irritating thing is that this guy keeps shooting back while running, his aim is really terrible, but when he hears the sound of the bowstring, one of the group will definitely fall off the horse.The minions outside the cavalry were unwilling, and wanted to avoid the arrows inside one after another, but the ones inside were not stupid, so how could they let the outside crowd in?In this way, under the catalysis of this irreconcilable contradiction, the cavalry gradually became riots.

"None of the two hundred people can ride and shoot. Instead, they stand stupidly and ask others to use them as targets. It seems that the quality of the horse bandits in the east and Hebei green forests is not very good!" Deng Yuanjue, who fell on the ground, stretched his head, Quietly looking at the rare scene of one person beating a group in front of him, he secretly thought:

"Earlier, I met some kind of magic arrow general at the gate of the government office. It was obvious that I could kill myself, but I only shot my arm. Here I ran into another archer who is very good at arrows. If it wasn't for this person's key arrow, I would have died sooner or later. I just met the Tathagata Buddha... No, I am the newly promoted Dharma King of the Manichaeism, if I want to see him, I am afraid that the Da Mingzun and the Buddha will meet together..."

The thoughts in Deng Yuanjue's mind gradually diverged, and the vigorous figure of the big man in his eyes gradually blurred, and finally his eyelids could no longer be lifted, and it was suddenly dark.

"Brothers, take the heavy leader and retreat!" Unable to bear the situation of only being beaten but not being able to fight back, a small leader gave orders without caring about his face.

Everyone wanted to escape a long time ago.Hearing the words, it was as if he had received an amnesty, and suddenly saw three or five people rushing towards Shen Ji's place, but at this moment, two groups of people bumped into them, why did they say it was two groups?Because everyone in a team is tall and big.The armor is distinct.As for the other group, they have everything on their bodies.It's rare to find a piece of armor.Someone with sharp eyes recognized him and shouted: "Wang Qing's horse army! There are also Liangshan troops, let's go!"

In fact, the rivers and lakes are like this.Yesterday we were drinking and chatting happily, but today we might meet each other with swords and soldiers.My king robbed these two groups of people of their hearts, and naturally became a thorn in their eyes.In addition, there is an evil star outside who is using him as a living target, so there is nothing to fight at this time.I saw that all the minions couldn't even care about Shen Ji at this time, they scattered and fled north.

"This is the monk, this is the monk who killed Guo Gang!" At this time, Chen Yun was at the front of the team.Finding Deng Yuanjue lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown, he turned around and shouted.

Behind Chen Yun is the joint search and arrest team of Liang Shan and Fang Shan.Since Lu Junyi and Yan Qing reported the news, both sides have moved, and a total of three search teams have been dispatched.The other two teams are composed of Lu Junyi, Teng Jian, Yan Xiaoyi and Teng Jian.The reason for this is that Liu Min is naturally afraid that Liangshan will get the jade seal alone, and Wang Lun just can't make Liu Min suspect that he has snatched back the jade seal.So when Liu Min made this suggestion, Wang Lun asked Han Shizhong to bring Li Si and come with them.

Seeing the rear team coming, Han Shizhong stopped chasing him, put away his bow immediately, and came back to join the crowd. Chen Yun jumped off his horse and swung his saber across, intending to step forward to avenge Guo Gang, but at this moment an iron spear was thrown across In front of him, Chen Yun looked up, and when he saw this man, he said angrily, "Boss Han, what do you mean?"

It turned out that this person was Wang Lun's personal guard Han Shizhong, who heard the words and said calmly: "My brother said, we must keep alive!"

"He killed Guo Gang!" Chen Yun jumped up and said.

"Why did he kill Guo Gang?" Han Shizhong looked straight at Chen Yun, and there was something in his words.

Chen Yun asked Han Shizhong to ask a question, and subconsciously avoided Han Shizhong's gaze.yes!Why did he die at the hands of this monk?Indeed, this question is not easy to answer.Is it because Guo Gang killed innocent people indiscriminately, or did the two secretly go to get the jade seal?It's a pity that no matter what the reason, there is no light.At this time, in front of the friendly army, it is obvious that one's own side is unreasonable.

Chen Yunli was at a loss for words, his face flushed, and he said, "Should I ask about Yuxi's whereabouts?"

"There's still someone alive over there, and that's the gang that robbed the jade seal!" Seeing that Chen Yun was still showing his shame, Han Shizhong was not aggressive, but just pouted at Shen Ji.

Chen Yun also left the scene as if fleeing. Although the person in front of him was not very old, his mind was not simple. He obviously saw through his own intentions, but he was able to take it in and out freely and forbear it. It made Chen Yun feel a great shock. pressure.He secretly sighed, and looked at the clues given by Han Shizhong, but when he saw this person's face, he couldn't help but be surprised: "It's you!?"

"Who is it?" At this time, Liu Min didn't care about what to say to Li Si, and got off the horse first, came to Chen Yun's side, looked at the man under the horse, and said angrily: "Shen Ji, Tian Hugou thief's subordinate!"

Shen Ji was still conscious at this time, and when he heard people scolding the king, he said very weakly: "Your Wang Lun is a thief, and Wang Qing, why didn't he die at the hands of Shi Wengong!"

Liu Min felt a coldness in his heart, not because of Shen Ji's few words, but because he felt that Yuxi was completely out of touch with him.After all, Tian Hu has thousands of troops under his command, so it may be difficult to grab them!What's more, Wang Lun was probably keeping his eyes on Yuxi, otherwise he wouldn't have sent all his own troops out.The life and death of his own coach is unknown, and he has to rely on the other party, and the hope is even slimmer.At the moment, I can't help but secretly hate Chen Yun and Guo Gang for their ineffectiveness in handling things, causing all these troubles, and screwing up a very stable thing.

Seeing that Liu Min was deflated, Shen Ji didn't mention how happy he was, and added fuel to the fire: "My king will be enthroned soon. If your two surnamed Wangs know each other and vote for my king in the future, they can share a bowl of meat. If not...cough cough...by the way, I would like to thank Fang La, who sent this monk all the way to help my king, this bird leader is really not bluffing, he really has a heart of a bodhisattva..."

Chen Yun said angrily, "Just like you, Tian Huniao, do you seem to be a successful person? If you ask him to attack the city together, he won't come, and he will stab a knife in the back. If such a ruffian can make things happen, I, Chen Yun, will come." Take his last name!"

"Fart! We have been busy half the night and set up camp again. How can we have the strength to attack the city during the day? You all broke out and left. Shi Wengong of this dog day saw that we were singled out and came to attack us. I waited to break out of camp and ran into this Monk Deng. Dude, what do you call stabbing in the back, my king killed your people? You still want to be my king’s son, you don’t have the blessing!” Shen Ji said angrily, and at this moment, he saw the expression on his face. There was a strange blush around her, and she no longer stuttered.

Chen Yun was furious, pointed at Shen Ji and was speechless, at this moment Liu Min sighed, walked up to Shen Ji, drew out his saber, put his palm against the hilt, pointing down, and was about to kill Shen Ji , found a sound of footsteps behind him, he looked back, it was Han Shizhong, shook his head and said: "Look at this, I'm afraid the jade seal will fall into Tian Hu's hands!" He is on his way.

When Han Shizhong saw Liu Min killing someone in front of him, he didn't even say hello, thinking he was out of control, he rolled his eyes, looked at Li Si and said angrily, "Brothers, get on your horse and get the jade seal back for me!"

Li Si understood what Han Shizhong meant, and quickly grabbed Han Shizhong and said, "Brothers of the Han family, don't act rashly. There are only two hundred of us, how can we get along with Tian Hu? We should go back and report to my brother, Just make calculations!"

Han Shizhong stretched out his hand and pushed Li Si back, angrily said: "It's as slow as you, Tian Hu has already run away, do you think he obediently waits for us to chase him? Don't think that you are relying on flattery, I will not Dare to move you!"

"Paralyzed Po Hanwu, you are just a rogue from Yan'an Mansion. When I was hanging out on the streets of Tokyo, your hair hadn't grown yet! Now I don't give me face in front of so many people, I... I and You worked hard!"

Li Sizhen entered the play, and when he went up, he hugged Han Shizhong and started fighting.Liu Min and Chen Yun looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't get over it, so they stepped forward to persuade them.It's okay for Li Si to say, but this Han Shizhong is too fierce, Liu Min and Chen Yun can't stop him by holding an arm, and they can't help crying:

"Fourth brother Li is right! Tian Hu has thousands of troops, brother, don't you rush up to die? You should go back and listen to brother Wang Lun's orders. Even if you want to chase, you have to gather your troops, right?"

"If I were Tian Hu, if I got the jade seal, I wouldn't send people to a safe place beforehand. Could it be that I put it on my body and asked you to gather all your troops to grab it? Why are you delaying me like this?" Han Shizhong cursed.

Liu Min hadn't thought of going anywhere else before, but Han Shizhong's yelling reminded him instead.Right now, it would be the best ending for neither of these two families to get Yuxi.After all, Liang Shanbo has been dazzling for the past two years. If he gets the jade seal again, wouldn't it be even more powerful?When the two families deal with each other in the future, won't they be overwhelmed by them?Even if Fangshan is no longer promising, he will not be like Erlongshan, who is determined to be Liangshan's younger brother.

Thinking of this, Liu Min gritted his teeth and stopped Han Shizhong desperately, but said in his mouth: "Liang Shan has a great favor with us, even if I risk my life, I can't just watch you die!"

Han Shizhong struggled on his own, but he didn't dare to use his real skills. If he really got rid of these two people, wouldn't he be cheating?But it was difficult to turn around for a while, so I had to get entangled with them. Fortunately, Li Si was a smart man, and seeing Han Shizhong's helplessness, he turned around and shouted: "Han Shizhong doesn't take the lives of his brothers as a stake for his own selfishness." What’s the matter, if any of you go with him, you’re disrespecting brother’s order! You can decide the consequences yourself!”

Han Shizhong felt sleepy and hit the pillow, he threw Liu Min and Chen Yun to the ground, pointed at Li Si and said, "You are a lieutenant general, dare to talk to me like that, do you understand what is called rules? I don't want to rob Yuxi, let's go!" Let's see clearly in front of my brother!"

Liu Min caused Han Shizhong to fall into disgrace, and was about to explode when he suddenly saw that he was going to seek Wang Lun's judgment and stopped chasing Yuxi. Han Shizhong got on his horse.Seeing that they were still cursing endlessly after they were on the road, Liu Min showed a smirk on his face, and gave Chen Yun a wink, and the two followed behind to watch the show.

It's just that they didn't realize that, in fact, the two people in front were also watching their good show.

Thank you T Junyu for the rewards!Message received, thank you for your encouragement!

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