"Junior Brother, tell me the truth! This group of people who robbed the jade seal are with you..." Li Zhu was very protective of Wang Lun in front of him, but when there were only two people left facing each other, he suddenly asked.

No, to be precise, there were three people in front of Guo Gang's body at this time: Wang Lun, Li Zhu, and Jiao Ting.At this time, the entire street in front of the Yamen in Lingzhou Mansion was blocked by Wang Lun's personal guards, and there was no one idler to be seen.Because Li Zhu always regarded Jiao Ting as Wang Lun's shadow, he didn't take any precautions against him.

"Brother, tell me the truth! If I sent this group of people, what are you going to do?" Wang Lun didn't answer Li Zhu's question, but met Li Zhu's flashing and complicated eyes, and asked him back. .

This mutual testing of each other's bottom line did not arouse much reaction between the two questioners, but Jiao Ting unconsciously tensed up and looked at Li Zhu vigilantly.

His subconscious reaction naturally couldn't escape Li Zhu's eyes, only to see this Mr. Jin Jian glanced at Jiao Ting, and said seriously: "Jiao Ting! The sword on my waist can be aimed at anyone in the world, just not Will point to my teacher! You can rest assured, don't be nervous!"

After Li Zhu finished speaking, he smiled at Jiao Ting, turned to Wang Lun and said, "That's all! If you dare to ask this question, I dare to believe that you have nothing to do with this group of people! In this case, it will be much easier for Brother Yu to go back!"

Wang Lun's eyes were like flames, looking at the Taoist in front of him who never left his mouth as "junior brother", he couldn't figure out why he had such a strong kindness or affection for him, when he found out that he said the word "shimen" , that kind of sacred and solemn expression that doesn't seem to be pretending at all, can't help but suddenly enlightened.

In fact, everyone in this world has their own feelings that are valued, such as the righteous character that is most valued by Liangshan heroes, and the benefit character that other sentient beings value very much.Or what Li Zhu valued was a close character, just like what he said about the feelings of a teacher.

Originally, when I came to help Wang Qing, I had more considerations in other aspects. It can be said frankly that the most important reason was not because of this "senior brother" who fell from the sky.Rather, he wants to draw a successful conclusion to the matter of Yuxi, and strive for the critical time for Liang Shanbo to grow and develop.

Although Wang Qing, who would die in the eyes of others, was temporarily saved, Wang Lun never had any special feelings.There are indeed some benefits for Wang Qing to be alive, but even if he dies, there is no so-called loss for Liang Shanbo.After all, we only met because of conflict.The improvised business partners are far from being a life-and-death alliance like Chao Gai.

But I don’t know if it’s just because of this attitude of wanting nothing but saving all one’s life that arouses the other party’s sense of psychological identity. Lun was a little touched, at least it gave him a feeling of windfall.

Although these are not the full significance of Wang Lun's move to Lingzhou, at least it shows that he has made a good start.At this time, the anxiety of being killed halfway by this group of unknown people disrupted the overall plan.Also relieved a lot.

"Brother, this group of people has nothing to do with me!" Facing Li Zhu's gaze, Wang Lun said calmly.

"Junior brother, I still have a solid foundation in my heart! I just want you to tell the truth. Now that I have it, let's not talk about it!" Li Zhu waved his hand and said, "What is the origin of this monk? It's so misunderstood. Lu Tiha, you think it's mighty and extraordinary!" When he went to Gaotang Prefecture to ask for help, the first person he dealt with was Lu Zhishen, so he was more impressed.

"There is indeed one monk in the world who can be as famous as Lu Tijutsu!" Wang Lun nodded tacitly to Li Zhu, and immediately withdrew his thoughts, focusing on Cheng Yaojin who was killed halfway.

In fact, when Chen Yun mentioned the monk, Wang Lun thought of it first.That Baoguang Tathagata, Deng Yuanjue, whose original trajectory was tied with Lu Zhishen in the fifty rounds of the Hangzhou battle.It's just that there is not much evidence to support his intuition, so Wang Lun is not sure, "There is a monk under Fangla in the south of the Yangtze River, surnamed Deng, and named Yuanjue. He is called Baoguang Tathagata. A Zen stick makes ghosts and ghosts disappear. Does Fan have anything to do with him!"

"Fang La!?" Li Zhu was startled when he heard the words, looked at Wang Lun and said, "It's really a stick to the end, what kind of turtle bastards have come out!"

"Brother, you can scold others. Don't scold yourself too!" Wang Lun smiled wryly, secretly feeling a little troubled. As far as he knew, Fang La was a very tolerant person who had been lurking in the south of the Yangtze River for more than ten years. There was no big move. If he hadn't been denounced by the country, he might have to wait until the time is more ripe before raising the flag.If he really took the jade seal right now, he would probably continue to hide his strength and bide his time.

In this way, rumors about Yuxi's whereabouts will continue to spread in the Jianghu for a while, and maybe they will go around, and the biggest suspect is himself, after all, Lingzhou broke it by himself.

Thinking of the key point, Wang Lun's mind began to work quickly. At this time, besides himself, there were four parties in Lingzhou, and what he wanted to do now was to try his best to use the caliber of these four parties to make Liang Shanbo was washed from this muddy water and then picked out.

Seeing that Wang Lun made a joke, Li Zhu fell into deep thought. Knowing that he was involved in everything, he would not disturb him, so he offered to leave. Wang Lun came back to his senses and suggested: "Senior brother, there is no news about the three-way people, why don't we bother?" Send someone out to find out the news?"

"Junior Brother, this matter is easy to handle! Brother Yu, let's arrange the manpower!" Li Zhu finally understood why Wang Lun was worried, and immediately agreed.

Wang Lun thanked him with a nod, and personally sent him to the intersection. The two said goodbye. Wang Lun stopped and watched for a while, seeing that there were few people on the street, he told Jiao Ting, "Hurry up and ask General Shan to come to the government office!"

Jiao Ting nodded and ordered the two guards to send an order. Just as he was about to catch up with Wang Lun, he suddenly heard a commotion on the side of the street. He looked back and shouted: "Brother, our brother who went out is back!"

Wang Lun hurriedly turned his head and rushed over, looked at the place where Jiao Ting stretched out his hand, and saw Han Shizhong and Li Si, who were like fighting cocks, walking and pinching, and Liu Min and Chen Yun, who were in good spirits, persuaded them.

"Brother, you have to make decisions with my younger brother!" Li Si threw himself at Wang Lun's feet as soon as he stepped forward, and cried with great aggrievedness: "Han Shizhong, a rascal, said that I rely on flattery to get to the top. If I start to flatter, Who is that brother!"

"Brother, don't listen to his nonsense, and listen to the younger brother to report the truth! Today, I was ordered to chase after the group who stole the jade seal. On the way, I met this monk who was killed by Tian Hu's men. It turned out that Tian Hu came from this group. Someone snatched the jade seal, so I was going to chase it with my brothers, but I didn’t realize that the green grass snake Li Si is a rat, but he is afraid of death, so he desperately stops him, and at this time, the villain must file a complaint first!" Han Shizhong danced and danced, very indignant.

Li Si waited for Han Shizhong to finish speaking.Appropriately shouted: "Obviously you overestimated your own strength and wanted to take everyone to death. I also have leader Liu and leader Chen of the friendly army to testify. It depends on the situation at that time. It is better to chase after it, or come back to invite soldiers!"

Liu Min and Chen Yun became very silent at this moment, but when Li Si looked at them.Only then did he firmly give his eyes encouragement.

"Please, please, is he standing there waiting for us to chase after him? Maybe he sent a fast horse to transfer the jade seal. Even if I have [-] soldiers, I don't know where to find it!" Han Shizhong said angrily.

To Wang Lun's ears, the voices of these two quarrels were extremely beautiful.I don't want this baton to be taken over happily by Tian Hu.He was overjoyed!This guy is actually the most high-profile family of the three bandits. He has no foresight and great ambitions. If the jade seal is in his hands, even if there is no other person to help the flames, this guy probably can't help but tell the world.If such a living target is erected, if it can drag the court for a year and a half, it will make an indelible contribution to the development of Liangshanbo!

At this time, for Wang Lun who wished to award Tian Hu the title of "Old Friend of Liangshanbo".The most painful thing is to pretend to be extremely angry even if you want to laugh, it is really suffocating.

Forget it, let's go back and laugh.

Wang Lun's face was quite tense, but he was afraid of losing his tune when he spoke, so he turned his head and entered the mansion without saying a word, leaving behind Liu Min and Chen Yun who were looking at each other.In fact, they were both aware and surprised by Wang Lun's reaction. The reason for the number was that he didn't feel hairy because of such a big matter as the loss of the jade seal, but they were surprised because they didn't expect Wang Lun to lose his composure like this.I was so angry that I didn't even bother to say a word.

The two of them didn't dare to go forward to disturb the tiger's beard, but they just gave Li Si a sympathetic look, and then left.When Han Shizhong and Li Si saw them disappearing at the corner of the street, they looked at each other and smiled tacitly, then ran to the government office and said, "Brother, make the decision for me..."

As soon as the two entered the door, they saw Wang Lun bent over and didn't know what he was doing. When the two wanted to look up, they were stopped by Jiao Ting. They were surprised and fell silent. It took a long time for Wang Lun to straighten up , rubbed his face and said: "Okay, you have done a good job in this matter, and you will be rewarded for your merits after you return to the mountain. In addition, first tell me what happened in detail!"

"You know how to flatter, you say it first!" Han Shizhong kicked Li Si and said.Li Si smiled and told the story of the incident. Wang Lun calmed down a lot at this time, and after listening to Li Si's story calmly, he said, "Where is Baoguang Tathagata now?"

"I have sent someone to An's doctor!" Han Shizhong replied.

"Transfer it to my government office, and order people to guard it day and night. He has Guo Gang's life in his hands. Wang Qing's people will not be overwhelmed at this time, and they will come looking for trouble soon! "Wang Lun ordered.

Han Shizhong understood it sincerely, knew that Wang Lun was a talented person, and immediately went out, who knew that he walked halfway, but turned back, just stared at Li Si, who looked uncomfortable at Li Si, and only listened to Han Shizhong's words. Zhongdao: "This play will be even more perfect if the four Li brothers can sacrifice a little more!"

"Did Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai?" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, but at this time the three big bosses around him didn't react at all, let alone resonate, only to hear Li Si wondering: "Zhou Yu? What kind of fish is that? What's that for?" Want to hit Huang Gai?"

Only then did Wang Lun realize that he had said another allusion, but the advantage of sitting at the top of Liangshan Bo is that he doesn't have to explain so much. He coughed and said, "I just turned my anger on you and showed it to the world!"

"Do you want to hit the army stick?" Li Si subconsciously touched his buttocks and said, if Zhang San would grab it here, after all, his brother's stick would never be in vain.

"First of all, this is not an order. You can refuse it completely. It is not necessary to do this. You don't have to bear the burden!" Wang Lun thought about it and said to Li Si.

"Anyway, it's neither cold nor hot, so why don't you put my younger brother at the gate of the yamen to show the public, just like Gao Lian in Gaotang Prefecture!" Li Sihu said.

Han Shizhong looked at Li Si like a monster, and said, "Isn't the sacrifice too great? I can't bear to chop off your snake's head!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Who said that it was chopped up to show the public! A living man wears a shackle to show the public!" Green Grass Snake Li Si said angrily.

The two started arguing again, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. At this time, Shan Tinggui walked in, seeing everyone's happy faces, and said with a smile, "What's so festive?"

Wang Lun invited everyone to the main hall with a smile, and when everyone was seated, he told the story in detail. Shan Tinggui said happily: "Tian Hu, this critical moment really makes people look at you differently! It's just Li The four brothers have suffered a bit!"

"If you don't suffer, you will be a gatekeeper, and you don't have to do anything!" Li Si smiled. The advantage of Poppi's background is that he is not afraid of losing face. If it is changed to Jiao Ting, he would rather suffer dozens of army sticks and make his ass suffer. , and I don't want that face to be lost.

Wang Lun saw that he didn't care and didn't feel uncomfortable, so he made a decision and asked Jiao Ting to take Li Si down to have a good meal first. Maybe this public display will last for a few days, and it's too late to make up.Han Shizhong patted Li Si on the shoulder, got up and said goodbye, and went to transfer Deng Yuanjue.After sending them off, Wang Lun asked Shan Tinggui to sit down and asked, "Wang Qing's subordinates still behave?"

"In just a short while, there were seven accidents on the street. Wang Qing's group looked okay outside the city, but once they entered the city, they all showed their original shape!" Shan Tinggui said excitedly, he was considered Lingzhou Therefore, he and Hao Si led a team to patrol the city.

"Is it dealt with?" Wang Lun asked.

"I've detained him for the time being, and I'm here to ask my brother for advice!" Shan Tinggui replied.

"For this group of people who disturb the people, what should be killed and what should be done! If you can't handle it properly, ask Han Shizhong to accompany you, he is familiar with this!" Wang Lun said in a deep voice.

"Although it's my elder brother who said it first, if we kill too many Wang Qing's people, the two sides are afraid of friction!" Shan Tinggui expressed his concerns.

"Since you have something to say, you should be firm. If you give in a little bit, people will only think that we Liangshanbo are talking! The situation that harms the people will only intensify. Don't worry, just do what you want!" Wang Lun said: "Let's talk about it , I can’t just blame my own family!”

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