The scene of Li Zhu and Liu Min arguing in front of the city gate was only bumped into by a small group of people who had just entered the city at that time, and most of them didn't know about it at this time.Just because the excitement of copying [-] households in Zengtou City last night has not passed, the big guys can't help but secretly laugh in their hearts.

Only Liu Min was troubled in his heart, and an indescribable trouble troubled him, making this wise man restless.He was not worried about offending Li Gu, which would affect his position in Fangshan. After all, he was loyal and he could see the leader.Although Li Zhu is a military adviser, he is not afraid of him.But for some reason, he just felt that his heart could not calm down all the time, and he couldn't help beating suddenly.

People who are immersed in joy will not notice the little unhappiness in others. Even though the preoccupied Liu Min is at the side, it has little deterrent effect on the group of thieves who are full of ambition.The moment of waiting for the money is the most relaxing time in life for the thieves. If they are not in a team, they are already in groups, bragging and farting together.

"Third, how's it going, how much did you get last night?"

It seems that groups of three or four are considered to be well-behaved. At this time, some people can't help running around, dragging their acquaintances and starting to show off. This is not a scar-faced person running among a few acquaintances and asking.

"Ninth brother, why didn't you see me overnight? Why did your body become so heavy? Seeing the way you raised your feet to the ground, you thought there was an earthquake!" San is also an old thief. At this time, he does not answer the other party's question, but brings the topic to the other party.

"Can you compare with your dog-nosed third brother?" Dao Scar said but he was not annoyed, he just replied with a hippie smile.This is not a curse, but because this person has a specialty, that is, when he goes to someone's house, he can definitely guess where the money is buried in the other's house without the effort of a cup of tea.He is not ashamed to be called dog nose because he always likes to sniff his nose before rummaging through boxes and cabinets.On the contrary, he was proud of it, so the nickname gradually spread. Even Wang Qing knew this person and regarded him as a treasure.

"Your third brother is here this time. The ones who are scouring are all rich households in Zengtou City. We useless people can only copy the houses of some poor ghosts..." Dao Scar showed a bitter look, and followed The acquaintance complained.

"Come on, are there any poor ghosts in Zengtou City? His mother's poorest wished to be richer than our little landlords from the Song Dynasty. The things hidden in the house were either yellow or white. They are fat cattle and sheep raised! This is the first time I have encountered such a Zhuangzi in the past ten years!" Goubi spit in public, and said again: "Old Nine, you dare to say that you have no oil on your body, but you ran to Are we here to show off?"

Scarface was originally here to show off, but at this moment, when the dog nose said it, he stuffed his words back to his throat. Scarface was too boring to see.Immediately, he was about to leave perfunctorily, but was grabbed by everyone, saying: "You are so boring, why are you leaving? We won't snatch you! If you are bumped into by Erlongshan's cowards, say Don’t necessarily want to eat your big family!”

"I'm afraid of him?" Dao Scar's face raised his voice and said: "This group of bird people saw Liang Shan as if they were seeing their own fathers. Liang Shanbo told them to die, and they immediately sharpened their knives! If I hadn't been late last night because of these people . Where is it like this now?"

This sentence resonated with everyone, and a loud voice said: "I said to ransack the house separately, but Li Junshi said to supervise each other, and the mother asked someone to supervise us. Is he our Fangshan military adviser or Erlongshan? The army..."

The dog's nose is not looking good.Hastily covered this person's mouth, and cursed: "You motherfucking stuffed, arrange a military division? If you want to talk about it after I leave, don't hurt me!"

With a loud voice, he was speechless and looked around guiltily.Seeing that it didn't attract much attention, he felt relieved and said, "Don't talk about the military division, I just say Erlongshan Head Office!"

"Needless to say! I heard from our leader Liu Yijing that most of these people were officers and soldiers captured by Liang Shan before. Somehow they came to Erlong Mountain. They are afraid of Liang Shan to the core. What do you think they are doing?" Disdainfully said.

"Who isn't afraid!" Scarface said suddenly, "Nine thousand heads were all cut off, would you be afraid!"

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and only heard the strange sound of the dog's nose and said in a strange voice: "The younger generation is fierce! We old seniors, let's just go down the mountain and forget it. Go back and buy a hundred acres of fertile land, marry a three-bedroom wife, and respect the Buddha for nothing. Pray to the immortals, live a good life! Sooner or later, this river and lake will belong to them!"

Everyone didn't take Gouzi's words as a joke, but instead aroused a certain desire in their hearts that had been suppressed.Scarface licked his chapped lips, and a dry voice came out of his throat: "Then let's run away? What are you doing here so stupidly, how much money on the table falls on you and me? "

Seeing the words, Goubi was moved for a while, and was about to speak, when he heard the sound of people on the school field suddenly. people?"

Hearing the words, Goubi raised his head and looked around, only to see more than [-] horsemen blocking the gate of the school grounds, and another [-] infantrymen, led by four leaders, marched towards the platform where the loot was piled up.

Liu Min waited for a long time, but before Li Zhu and Wang Lun appeared, her heart beat faster and faster.It's a pity that I am the highest person in charge of the coalition forces here, and I couldn't avoid this face-to-face meeting, so I could only squeeze out a pale smile, and went forward with Liu Yijing to meet the four leaders of Liangshan. Good to hand over!"

Sun An and Guang Hui, who were temporarily sent by Wang Lun to observe, both looked at Luan Tingyu, the master and apprentice, and only heard Shan Shiqi shout: "Is there a book?"

Liu Yijing felt it was funny when he heard it, and thought to himself that everyone is a gangster, and they are not accountants, what are they doing, but these people are busy!But wanting to think about it, the words were filtered into: "I came in a hurry last night, and I didn't have time to keep the account!"

"Damn it! You don't keep an account of the seizure, how much did you leak out? Do you know what rules are?" Shan Shiqi scolded.

Liu Yijing became angry as soon as he heard it, he is an upright leader on Fangshan, and he is not an ordinary guy, how can he be called around by others?At the moment, he was about to confront Shan Shiqi with a needlepoint, but was stopped by Liu Min, who apologized and said with a smile: "I have been busy all night, and I am a little angry. The leaders calm down! Let's receive the supplies!"

"Shiqi, it's so good to talk to people!" Luan Tingyu stopped his apprentice at the right time, at this time Wu Yong also rushed over with Liu Tang, greeted the four chiefs first, and then stood aside in a respectful manner without speaking.Liu Tang saw that Wang Lun was not here, and he didn't know the four of them very well, so he didn't make a sound.

"Mr. Wu, wait a moment. When we count the numbers, we will have [-]% of Erlong Mountain! Shiqi, go and give some [-] coins to Chief Liu, so that they can go down and rest earlier!"

Luan Tingyu's unhurried words sounded like a bolt from the blue to Liu Min, who froze on the spot, and cold sweat covered his forehead like soybeans.retribution?At this moment, his heart and mind were completely filled with these two words.

He suddenly shuddered, gathered his energy, forced a smile on his face and said:

"Don't bother the brothers in Liangshan. The confiscation this time is more than 500 million guan, and there are other cattle, sheep and livestock. We only need money. Why don't we convert 200 million guan and take it away, and then refund more and pay less?"

"My master said, take a hundred thousand guan and get out!" Shan Shiqi saw that he opened his mouth for 200 million guan, he really had a lack of heart, and he was not afraid of jumping his teeth.

"One hundred thousand strings? Do you really think we are beggars?" Liu Yijing was furious.

"Aren't you?" Shan Shiqi looked at Liu Min and Liu Yijing strangely, and asked in confusion.

Being forced to this point, Liu Yijing couldn't bear it any longer, and was about to draw his sword immediately, but Shan Shiqi was faster than him, and kicked him on the stomach, and was immediately kicked away.

Liu Min knew where the root cause was, and seemed to have never heard of all this before him, immersed in regret all the time.Wu Yong turned his head and looked at Liu Tang with disdain.

Du Po, who was dozing off by the side, was awakened by Wei He's shaking. Seeing this, he rushed over with Feng Tai and asked, "This good man, talk so well, why did you move your hands?"

When Liu Yijing saw that a helper was coming, he immediately got excited, sat on the ground and complained: "Boss Du, they...they are cheating, and they will send us away if they want a hundred thousand dollars!"

Du Po heard the words and frowned and said: "Don't talk nonsense! No one here knows that the king is a man, how can you allow you to slander him!"

Seeing this, Feng Tai also said: "Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Liu Yijing was scolded by Feng Tai, at this time the situation was stronger than others, but he dared not speak out, Du Po cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what happened?"

Guanghui and Sun An had met Feng Tai and knew the identities of these three, only to hear Sun An laughingly said: "The matter is very simple. At the beginning, the head of the village proposed that the three families should share equally, but your leader Liu Min disagreed. Now Liu Min Leader Min figured it out and asked the three families to share it equally, but my village head also disagreed."

Although Sun An's words were a bit convoluted, the three Mulan heroes could hear clearly at this moment. Du Po and Wei He shook their heads, and Feng Tai had the worst temper. Eat enough and have nothing to do! Think about defrauding people every day! If Leader Wang finds out about this, you can wait seven days and let him overdo it!"

At this time, Liu Min was accused by thousands of people, and her remorse flooded in like a tide, and she couldn't help scolding herself in the bottom of her heart!If you say that he is usually quite tolerant, how come he couldn't help but make a fuss at this moment?Feng Tai, the joker, was right, if the leader knew that 200 million would change to [-], wouldn't he die of heartache?

It's just that the matter has come to this, one should have the courage of a strong man to sever his wrist. After all, Liu Min is not an ordinary character. At this time, he suppressed his breath and said: "One hundred thousand guan is one hundred thousand guan! Yijing, get up! Take the money and go!"

"Wait!" Guang Hui, who had been staring at Liu Yijing, suddenly yelled, staring at Liu Min and said, "Liu Zhibo, Liu Zhibo, you really have a good plan, taking a lot of money while taking it for yourself! You are a baby when you are a Buddha, look Can't you tell me what's on each of you two thousand people?"

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