Water Margin Survival

Chapter 474 I'm Not Your Father, I Have No Obligation To Spoil You!

Guanghui's words, to Liu Min, were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, as if the strategy of cheating the sky and crossing the sea came to the last step, and the success fell short.At this time, even the last hole card was called out by the opponent, which was already too much for him to bear.At this time, not only Liu Min was stunned on the spot, but even Liu Yijing was stunned. If he hadn't been slumped on the ground, unable to fall, the ugliness would be even worse.

Seeing them like this, Guanghui sneered inwardly.These guys still think how clever they are, and they are making a lot of small calculations, and they really treat everyone as fools, can't they see this little trick?Immediately he said: "Teacher Luan, the leader of the mountain! Although my brother said that he gave out [-] guan for hard work for the sake of Li Junshi's busy work all night, he didn't say that they can conceal the corruption!"

Luan Tingyu nodded to Shan Shiqi when he heard the words, Shan Shiqi smiled, turned on the general platform, and shouted: "Come on! Take off the clothes of the coalition army!"

Feng Tai looked at Liu Min and Liu Yijing who were stunned, spit, and left without saying a word. Du Po paused, wanted to say something but didn't say it, turned around and left.Only Wei He took a step forward, and left a sentence: "People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and everything in the world will end with mantis and cicadas!"

After Wei He finished speaking, he followed the two brothers away.Mulan Mountain was all infantry, and neither participated in the previous battle against Zengtou City, nor sent anyone to raid the house.This matter doesn't have much to do with them, but I feel that it's just embarrassing here, so it's better to see it out of sight.

"Du... Boss Du..." Liu Yijing yelled out loud, but didn't turn his head when he saw him.I couldn't help being extremely depressed.

At this time, under the order of Shan Shiqi, the Liangshan army began to coerce Wang Qingjun.If you say that this group of bullying bandits would not dare to lift their heads when they saw the Liangshan army, but now they are all carrying heavy treasures, but their courage is strong, and they are unwilling to arrest them without saying anything.After the infantry and the Liangshan Army in front pushed and shoved, the cavalry of nearly a thousand coalition troops behind the team also began to move around.

Seeing such a situation, Han Shizhong's face turned cold, and he cursed: "I scolded the neighbor next door. How dare you betray me at this time!"

After letting the Mulan Sanxiong who had retreated in shame go out, Han Shizhong raised his spear in one fell swoop, and the pro-army around him understood, and immediately held up the command flag.I saw that Han Shizhong did not hesitate, and rushed straight to the cavalry behind Wang Qing's army. There was a roaring sound behind him, and more than [-] cavalry followed Han Shizhong's lion into the flock of sheep.Crush this group of strong men who are shy towards the enemy and bark their teeth at the friendly army.

People have the inertia of remembering to eat but not to fight. Wang Qingjun only realized that Liang Shanjun was going to be serious this time, and the "smart" people who had awakened had already begun to play wisely to protect themselves and dismounted.Demonstrate your innocence.Just kidding, the [-] or [-] cavalrymen in Zengtou City were chased and spanked by this fierce man, but the [-] or so cavalry of my own were not enough for this ferocious-looking madman to stuff his teeth.But there are still stupid people who want to keep their wealth, shouting "fight".In their hearts, they are afraid that they still hope to coerce their teammates.Make things big, and hope that the Liangshan Army will stop in time due to the impact.

Shan Shiqi saw Han Shizhong's movements clearly on the high platform, and his excited subordinates shouted: "Why are you pushing? Raise your guns for me! Line up! Anyone who dares to resist in the corner will be killed without mercy!"

Noisy, crying, scolding, begging for forgiveness, filled the previously joyous school grounds, and the dust all over the sky became more intense and high-pitched under the pouring of blood.

At this time, Liu Min and Liu Yijing's hearts were ashamed, and in the current situation, it would be useless for them to pretend to be cowardly, not to mention the law of bandits is always to fight if they can't agree.At the moment, they all drew their knives to kill Sun An and Guang Hui.The two looked at each other and sneered, secretly thinking that I would have trouble if you didn't come, so it would save trouble.

Seeing the four of them killed in a group, Liu Tang held out the simple knife in his hand, and wanted to attack Liu Min with Guang Hui. Wu Yong hurriedly grabbed him, and Liu Tang turned around in surprise, and shouted: "It's all here!" When is it, can we still sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

Wu Yongjian was misunderstood by Liu Tang, so he hurriedly explained: "The one surnamed Liu is not the opponent of Na Toutuo, nor is Wang Qingjun the opponent of Liang Shanjun. We want to help, but we can't help! You go back and help Bai Sheng, and look after Zengtou City." That group of people, don't tell them to fish in troubled waters!"

Hearing this, Liu Tang subconsciously glanced at the captive team, and couldn't help being shocked. Wu Yong was sure that the people in Zengtou City were already a little unstable. They were all young and strong kneeling on the ground, and many of them stood still. When they got up, even the guards who scolded them did not hear anything, and many people gathered together, biting the ropes on their own people with their teeth. This situation spread quickly, and some people had already broken free. Rope, immediately fight with the guards and snatch the weapons.Seeing this, Liu Tang hurriedly said, "I'm going to transfer the cavalry, but how do I control the size?"

"What to do with Liangshanbo, we will do!" Wu Yong said, and ran towards the horse team, leaving only a voice echoing in the air: "You go and help Bai Sheng suppress it, and I will bring the horse team up!" Liu Tang Seeing Wu Yong's unusually clear attitude, he knew that he had misunderstood him, so he immediately ran towards the prisoner waving the simple knife.

"Let go!" At this moment, Sun An and Liu Yijing had already decided the winner. A long sword was pressed against the opponent's throat, and he kicked the opponent's knife hand. Liu Yijing immediately let go of the sword, and Sun An seized the opportunity to push Liu Yijing to the ground. , pulled out the opponent's belt, and bound his hands.Almost at the same time, Liu Min also kicked Guanghui to the ground, and Guanghui, like Sun An, pulled out the guy's belt and put it on.

"Hit the stone with an egg!" Guang Hui cursed, and said to Sun An: "The military master Erlongshan seems to have some knowledge!"

"Brother has kept this person, it seems to be of some use!" Sun An obviously heard about Wu Yong's past, and there was an intriguing expression on his face, and after a glance with Guang Hui, he looked into the distance.

At this time, the battle on the school field was not as fierce as before. The main reason was that Wang Qingjun's cavalry team had given in. Of course, those who refused to give in had already died on the spot. .

It turns out that blood and water can really make people understand.

Only the Fangshan infantry, who had no intuitive understanding of the combat power of the Liangshan army, was still struggling to resist Luan Tingyu's team.It's a pity that all hope disappeared when Han Shizhong charged again after finishing the opponent's cavalry.Only when the horse's hoof tramples on their flesh can they realize it painfully.What is personal pain and what is external.

To take personal pain for things outside of the body, perhaps this is the stupidest decision this group of people have made in this life.

This is already a battle without suspense.Sun An's eyes turned away without a trace of remembrance, and fell on the group of captives who rose violently in Zengtou City. The momentum of nearly [-] people here came later than Wang Qingjun's, but came more intensely.

Also, who can really be indifferent to the destruction of the originally affluent life overnight.What's more, Zengtou City was recruited as soldiers. In the army that fought against Liang Shanbo, every household had their own people, and no one stayed out of it.They and the three groups of people in front of them all have unresolvable mortal feuds.

In front of seven or eight thousand captives, the more than a thousand minions in Erlong Mountain still seemed a little powerless, if Luan Tingyu hadn't temporarily ordered the cavalry team and Wu Yong to form a team.Just relying on the one-thousand-mortgage guy, he really couldn't hold back for a while.

However, compared with Wang Qingjun, although the bones of the Jurchens were much harder, they were still much inferior to the iron spearheads and blades.

More than 3000 heads fell to the ground.The ending of nearly half of the captives returning to the west finally made this group of Jurchens who had been sinicized for more than a hundred years realize the reality. It turned out that they didn't kill themselves last night because they didn't dare to kill themselves!The Song people in front of them are no longer the lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the impression, let alone submissive and tolerant.Some are just iron and blood, and some are just uncompromising.

The hard bones developed in the domineering atmosphere also collapsed quickly.The remaining Jurchens who survived the knife fell to the ground and howled and begged.Like a pack of greedy wolves, trembling and trembling when they meet a pack of really angry tigers, they appear extremely humble and lowly.The gene of submitting to the strong that had been dormant for more than a hundred years in his bones was completely stimulated at this time.

After all, compared with hatred and life, the latter seems to be more urgent.

"Bitch!" Sun An cursed pointedly, and then his eyes just glanced back and forth at Liu Min and Liu Yijing.

"My son relies on his father's favor to live his life, and he is not so blatant! From now on, even if the two of you call me father, I will not spoil you!" Guang Hui answered, and stopped talking.He just quietly waited for Luan Tingyu's men to clean up the "battlefield" and count what was captured by these fellows.

The two waited for half an hour, but they didn't get Luan Tingyu's number, but they waited for Liu Tang, who was furious, and Wu Yong, who came to stop him, and Liu Tang said loudly: "Brothers from Liangshan, this group How to deal with it?"

Guanghui looked at Liu Tang, who was covered in blood, and replied, "Brother, what's your suggestion?"

Wu Yong pulled Liu Tang away, stepped forward and said: "Brother Bai Sheng's arm was broken by these gangsters, so Brother Liu Tang was angry for a while, the two leaders forgive me! Of course, no matter how these gangsters deal with it, We are all looking forward to Liangshanboma's head!"

Guanghui looked back at Sun An, and both of them said with concern: "Then send it to Doctor An soon, maybe you can save this arm!"

Liu Tang wanted to speak, but Wu Yong stopped him and said, "Send Brother Bai Sheng to Fu Ya An's doctor!"

When Liu Tang thought that Bai Sheng's condition was serious, he left angrily. Seeing this, Sun An stopped him and said, "In this case, let me explain to you two. It is easy for this group of people to kill him, but it is meaningless to let him live to atone for their sins." What's more, we only need [-] captives in Liangshan to go back to graze horses, and the rest of the preparations will be handed over to Guizhai and Wang Qing's subordinates. Now that something like this has happened, the rest of the people will simply be handed over to you. Brother Wang Lun's younger brother will go there. explain!"

As soon as Liu Tang regained his energy, he jumped up and said, "Okay! It's straight to my heart! Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill these guys with one knife!" Liu Tang was so excited that he didn't know who was coming from behind, and turned around He bumped into Shan Shiqi, Shan Shiqi had heard about Liu Tang for a long time, and he didn't mind at the moment, he pulled him back and said, "Don't worry, brother, let's go after taking the money! Damn it, these 2000 lives, There are 10,000+ gold beads hidden in the body of the dead, and there is still a face here waiting for the money!"

"Thank you, brother, for your kindness. I don't care about the money distribution. My family's military adviser is here!" Liu Tangchao Shan Shiqi cupped his hands and went to look for Bai Sheng.Everyone burst into laughter, but at this moment Wu Yong came forward and said, "Don't worry about dividing up the money. There is something that I have to tell Brother Wang Lun face to face, and then I will not worry about it!" 6

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