Water Margin Survival

Chapter 478 Give You Three Life-Saving Hairs

Wang Lun is very busy, really busy, so busy that he can't do anything at all.

But even so, he still stayed in Erlong Mountain for a full twelve days.Just because he knew the special experience before and after, it made him feel that the atmosphere on Erlong Mountain was very strange at this time.

It has been almost a month since Song Jiang went down to attack Boxing County on the pretext of going down the mountain, and took away most of the leaders of the village, not to mention brave generals like Li Cheng and Sun Li, even soy sauce men like Li Zhong and Zheng Tianshou were brought by his side , not to mention the minions who were transferred.As a result, Chao Gai wanted to repay Wang Lun's love for a while, but he could only spare [-] minions to help Lingzhou. This number is already the limit.

After that, things became more and more wrong. Song Jiang almost broke the city on the fifth day after going down the mountain, but he was never seen leading the army back to the village.After Chao Gai met Wang Lun, Song Jiang had already breached Qiancheng County. Wang Lun was waiting for Song Jiang to go up the mountain and warned him face to face. With all his strength, he took down Linzi County again, no matter how Chao Gai urged him, this guy had a lot of excuses, but he refused to go back to the mountain, and he didn't know if he had already heard the news that he was in Erlong Mountain.

Everything abnormal is a demon. If you are not guilty, why are you afraid of meeting yourself?Wang Lun felt that Song Jiang was going to go all the way to the dark.But this kind of intuition can only be that he knows it in his own mind, and it is inevitable that he will be suspected of being arbitrary if he speaks an argument without evidence. Wang Lun can guess Chao Gai's inner entanglement and resistance without even thinking about the life and death of the "brother" who tore his face.

There is no room for the kindness of elders in the political arena. Wang Lun has realized this more and more deeply. After all, there are some things that he cannot do by himself.If it is said that character creates destiny, the moment Chao Gai greeted Song Jiang up the mountain, his ending was doomed.If the incumbent goes against the will of the expander and stands in his way, the seeds of contradiction have been planted.And the outbreak is just a wènti sooner or later.

"My little brother has always been curious, what is the reason why my brother has been spared no effort to build momentum for Chao Gai?"

Standing on the earth hill behind Baozhu Temple, looking at the lush wild forest, Xu Guanzhong, a military adviser who came from Liangshanpo, asked questions with great interest.Wang Lun stayed in Qingzhou for so long that the brothers in the cottage were very concerned and asked him to come over to find out what happened.

"Do you know? In fact, I could have left Chao Gai on Liangshanbo! But after thinking about it for a long time, I finally placed him in Erlong Mountain!" Wang Lun put his hands behind his back and didn't look back.Just take a deep breath of fresh mountain air.

Hearing Wang Lun's heartfelt words, Xu Guanzhong suddenly came to his senses. Combined with the fact that Wang Lun even invited Chai Jin, who was famous all over the world, to go up the mountain, the window paper in Xu Guanzhong's heart was suddenly pierced. It is not Chao Gai's reputation and prestige, but the person who treats others with humility to the bone.

Wang Lun turned his head and saw that his trustworthy confidant had a dignified expression, and said to himself: "At that time, there were no more than a dozen leaders in Liangshanbo. The soldiers were less than a thousand, and they were no more than a third-rate small village in the rivers and lakes. This kind of hard work , When striving to be strong, it depends on the unity of the people! If a person with a different heart comes in, over time. A good pot of porridge may be contaminated and deteriorated by the first one, then two, three or even dozens of mouse feces! Of course, I also It can be used to deodorize. But it will inevitably smell like shit!"

"Brother is the hope of all the brothers in the cottage, how can you waste your energy on such a thing!" Xu Guanzhong clenched his fists when he heard this.Dao: "There is a saying in the Book of Changes: 'A gentleman thinks about troubles and prevents them'. It can also be said to prevent troubles before they happen. The elder brother's eyesight is beyond the reach of the younger brother!" With this relationship between Chao Gai and Song Jiang, Wang Lun can Seeing Song Jiang's potential harm to Liang Shanbo, and Song Jiang was still working as a prison officer in Yuncheng County at that time, he might not necessarily choose to fall into the grass.But everything that happened now proves Wang Lun's vision, and it is abhorrent to use the four words "seeing thousands of miles clearly".

Wang Lun was used to being treated like a monster by others, so he didn't take it seriously at the moment, he just shook his head and said, "I pushed it lightly, but it hurt Chao Tianwang!"

"Brother is bad! Everyone chooses their own path. Song Jiang was provoked by Chao Gai himself. What's the matter with brother? Now it's in a state of chaos, which shames loyalty! In the future, except for everyone to scold Song Jiang for being shameless, Some people will definitely ridicule him that Chao Gai doesn't know people first, and he has no means!" Xu Guanzhong's words were quite fierce, he paused, then shook his head and sighed, "Everyone wants to be the boss, but who knows this position? Anyone can sit securely? Maybe your life will be lost, and I don’t know who did it!"

"Did Guan Zhong see it too?" Wang Lun asked suddenly.

"How can the second master sweep away [-] to [-] percent of the soldiers and horses, and leave the eldest master with a few widowed generals to guard the stronghold? This Erlong Mountain has been indistinguishable for a long time, and sooner or later it will lead to a catastrophe! Brother stays here this time, very happy The high-profile ones called Coach Lin, they show their strength every day, isn't it just to support Chao Gai?" Xu Guanzhong shook his head and said, "But every day my brother is in Erlong Mountain, Song Jiang dare not go back to the mountain every day, so it's not a waste of time. Brother, stay for a while longer, maybe Song Jiang is going to fight Qingzhou again! Brother, you didn't have the energy to spend with this guy back then, and now is not the time!"

Song Jiang is the most shrewd guy, although Wang Lun is unlikely to cross Chao Gai to take his life, but he still smells a hint of danger and dare not take the risk to return to the village. Wandering down the mountain.Only Xu Guanzhong sighed and said: "Brother has done his best to Chao Gai, he chose this path himself!"

"How's the situation along the Beiqing River?" Wang Lun didn't respond to Xu Guanzhong's exclamation, but just asked.

"According to the principle of people before things, a large number of people, captives, cattle and sheep that have been captured and purchased have been shipped back to the village, and food has been shipped back and forth several times. It is estimated that all the remaining personnel and materials will be shipped back within three days. Shanzhai!" Xu Guanzhong said truthfully.

"Just stay for three days, and we will be the last to board the ship!" Wang Lun said, waving his hand.

"Chao Gai made a wrong friend in his life, but he also made the right friend. I really don't know whether to sympathize with him or envy him!"

Xu Guanzhong shook his head, and accompanied Wang Lun, who was in low spirits, down the mountain. The two walked halfway up the mountain, and found that Wu Yong was rushing up the mountain alone. Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other and stopped.Only Xu Guanzhong said with a smile: "It's really good luck to trick people. I don't think Wu Xuexue at this time has become a lovely person!"

"If you don't know anything, you won't gain wisdom! If this person's intelligence is used in the right way, it is worth looking forward to!" Wang Lun said meaningfully as he looked at Wu Yong, who was not only protruding from his hips.

"Brother Wang Lun, Guan Zhong's military advisor, Chao Bao is preparing a banquet in Baozhu Temple, waiting for you two!" Wu Yong panted.

"In three days, I will raise my army and return to the mountain! I have two letters here, and you and I will give them to two people respectively!" Wang Lun said straight to the point, and he and Wu Yong didn't need to talk about politeness.

Wu took the letter from Wang Lun with both hands, put it away carefully, and asked respectfully, "Brother, I don't know who to hand it to?"

"The thick one is for Brother Hua Rong, and the thin one is for Song Jiang. When you give it to them, avoid people and don't make the city full of storms!" Wang Lun instructed.

Xu Guanzhong saw that Wang Lun had been prepared, so he smiled and said nothing, just looked at Wu Yong with a smile.Seeing that Wu Yong complied with all his strength, he said with embarrassment: "My brother's order, I dare not slack off in the slightest, but...just, how can I contact my brother when the matter is urgent?"

"When you go down the mountain, I will ask someone to give you three pigeons. You have learned how to raise them these few days. If there is something urgent, you can report it to Liangshan with pigeons, and I will respond!" Wang Lun said calmly.

Wu Yong had seen the beauty of Liangshan flying pigeons passing on letters, so he couldn't help but said hurriedly: "If you have this thing in your hand, my brother will feel more at ease! Brother, feel free to go back to the mountain. There is a younger brother here to take care of Baozheng and fix it." Don’t dare to live up to my brother’s high expectations!”

Wang Lun knew that Wu Yong had no other skills, but he was very good at doing these things, so he stopped talking. Seeing that Wang Lun had no intention of speaking, Wu Yong hurriedly led the way for the two of them, and the three walked along the road. The path goes downhill.

At this time, Chao Gai was waiting behind Baozhu Temple. When he saw Wang Lun coming down, he came up to him with a smile. , don't be too obsessed!"

Chao Gai put away his smile, and his expression became serious.During the more than ten days in Erlong Mountain, what Wang Lun did can be described as abnormal. First, he strongly urged himself to reward the whole village with [-] yuan of money, and then he had individual long talks with all the leaders of the village. , including Li Ying and Du Xing.

After that, Wu Yong took the initiative to propose to himself that he would choose five hundred minions to be his personal guards. Security expert Jiao Ting practiced for ten days.

All the situations in front of him made Chao Gai feel sad while lamenting that his family's ugliness had been publicized.

"You said that the two of us strangled you to death in Yuncheng County, did I lose my mind?" Chao Gai held Wang Lun's hand, as if he was joking.

"It's going to get in the water, it's all in the water!" Wang Lun smiled and said conciliatively.

"That's right! Smart people are too easily swayed, because they know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages too much! Only a stupid brother like you can always stretch out one hand and slap the stupid brother!" When Chao Gai spoke, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, " But I, Chao Gai, are dozens of years old, and you will have two rounds when you grow up, so I can't always drag you down, brother!"

"At any time, my Liangshanbo is Erlongshan's natal family, the king of heaven must remember!" Seeing his emotion, Wang Lun felt uncomfortable, and immediately said the last word of promise to him.

Gongsun Sheng, Wu Yong, Liu Tang, including Li Ying and Du Xing, all stood aside, watching the scene intently, not daring to disturb them. (to be continued...)

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