Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the Liangshan infantry by the Beiqing River had already retreated back to the camp. At this time, only Wang Lun's fourth battalion of cavalry remained in Qingzhou. They bid farewell to Chao Gai and others, and Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong ordered their troops. , went home.

"Having a carbuncle is a problem!" Xu Guanzhong looked back at Erlong Village, which had disappeared from sight, and sighed.This time, as expected by the two of them, Song Jiang still deliberately delayed outside, not daring to return the mountain.

"Obsession can make a person, but it can also destroy a person!" Wang Lun said with a feeling at this time, and he didn't know whether he was referring to Chao Gai or Song Jiang.

"Forget it, since my brother has made arrangements, we don't have to worry too much. It's better to go back to the mountain quickly and get your affairs in order first!" Xu Guanzhong urged the horse to go forward and keep pace with Wang Lun, only to hear him say again: "I'm going down the mountain. Before, Jinghu Ma Xie's father asked me to talk in detail about his two sons!"

Wang Lun is very clear about this father's desire for Jackie Chan. Based on his understanding in the past two years, the Ma brothers are indeed heroes who are upright and upright. beautiful thing.Because there are too many involved, Wang Lun's attitude has always been vague before, but under the current situation, it seems that there is a turning point again.

"I'll go back and talk to Wang Qing! After passing through Lingzhou this time, the leader may have pretended to be a lot!" The expression on Wang Lun's face seemed a little meaningful.


Liaoerwa in spring is full of vitality.On the sparkling lake in the distance, many unnamed water birds are playing and looking for food. From time to time, big fish jump out of the lake, happily welcoming the arrival of spring.

"It's so beautiful!" A hoarse voice came from Wang Qing's throat wrapped in a thick bandage, and he was leaning on the bamboo chair by the golden sand beach, looking quite contented.

Li Zhu didn't want his lord to still be so elegant, he didn't say anything, he just sighed at the scene, and he felt a little more emotional, and said: "As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing. The lord's fortune is deep, and God also favors him. you!"

"Why is God caring for me? If God was caring for me, I wouldn't be shot by Shi Gong! It's not all because of the army, I'm going to die that day, I don't know how many people are laughing!" Although Wang Qing was able to He opened his mouth, but the wound was still itchy badly, but he didn't dare to scratch it with his hands. As soon as he spoke, he couldn't help twisting his body on the bamboo chair, as if scratching his boots.

"The lord is absurd! Pindao is just doing what he should do according to his duty! If you want to say that Wang Zhaizhu is moral, he is willing to give me a hand at this time!" Li Zhu shook his head.

"That junior brother of yours is a character!" Wang Qing didn't know why.Sighing, he said again: "But if I hadn't had a Taoist priest by my side, Wang Lun might not have made such efforts to save me. I understand all this! The Taoist priest saved my life today, Wang Qing, and when he is rich and honored in the future, he will not dare to trust me." see!"

Wang Qing knew very well in his heart that what Wang Lun saved was not him, but the forces under him.Liangshan needs a team that can restrain the imperial court in the west of Beijing, as for himself.Really insignificant.Although Wang Qing thought it was cruel and sad to think like this, in fact Wang Lun could easily annex his own troops, or support another Li Qing and Liu Qing with one hand.But he didn't do that, it should be because this person's vision is too high.He despises his own team, which is full of bad records in his eyes.There is also a very important point, that is, the military adviser in front of him has no intention of replacing him at all.

Thinking of this, Wang Qing laughed at himself.Said: "Thank the Taoist priest for wealth, but I, Wang Qing, have no eyes. If the Taoist priest wants to be rich, it depends on your junior brother. Why can't you get it? How can Wang be able to get help from the Taoist elder? God bless you!"

However, Li Zhu didn't want to think too complicated about the matter, he just shook his head and said: "Since Xiaodao defected to the lord at the beginning, he naturally refused to act with two minds! In Lingzhou, Pindao mostly acted according to reason, if there is something wrong with the coalition forces, I also ask the lord to forgive me!"

"You did it right!" Wang Qing waved his hand, pointing to the long water plants swaying with the waves, and said, "Weakness is the foundation of dealing with things, and strength cannot stand against stronger ones! The people under you and me are used to walking sideways. But I don’t understand such a simple truth! Hmph, turn against Liang Shanbo, what will they do with me?”

"The lord can understand Xiaodao's painstaking efforts, so I feel at ease!" Li Zhu cupped his hands, "But some brothers really think about the lord..."

Wang Qing interrupted Li Zhu's words a little excitedly, and said angrily: "Listen to you, we have a share in taking down Lingzhou City! Listen to Liu Min, we almost wiped out our entire army after taking down Zengtou City! I really don’t know what to say about this man! When the Zhao family established the country in the early Song Dynasty, there was Lu Duan who was not confused about big things. Now I, Wang Qing, am also not confused about small things. I also have Liu Zhibo who is not confused about small things! What do you call this? !"

Although Li Zhu did not approve of Liu Min's actions, he was not the kind of person who would make trouble, so he immediately said: "After this incident, Liu Zhibo should wake up!"

"You are my military adviser, so you can't let them do whatever they want! When you encounter this kind of thing, you should be beaten and punished. Don't worry too much! Don't I, Wang Qing, know what you are like, Mr. Jin Jian?" Wang Qing was a little excited and said: "Liu Min is confused. Although he is someone I trust, you should discipline him, almost causing him to make a big leak! If you want to survive, you have to obey others! Bravery Bravery, to the end, who will suffer? They don't understand!?"

Wang Qing accused Liu Min face to face, but Li Zhu just nodded to admit his mistake, and didn't say anything substantive. Seeing him like this, Wang Qing changed the subject and said, "Military commander, don't worry, after returning to the mountain, I will ask him to follow him." You admit your mistake, let you calm down!"

"Whether you can get rid of your anger is secondary. Pindao is also angry. I still hope that the two families will be harmonious. After all, the enemy is now, and we can no longer kill each other!" Li Zhu said, looking at Wang Qing.

"Wang Lun saved my life, and the world knows it! If I turn against him again, I'm afraid there will be no place for me in the future! Don't worry, military commander, I won't put you in a dilemma in the future!" Wang Qing said these words in front of Li Zhu Come on, he's just a smart guy, and he hasn't said enough.That's a small fight, I remember your kindness, but when the real world is divided into two, it's another matter. Didn't Liu Bang also accept Xiang Yu's love, so he should do what he should do in the end.

"With the leader's words, Xiaodao can rest assured!" Li Zhu felt relieved. He really lived through the days of putting out fires at both ends, and he is not without a long-term person. Too far too far.At this time, it was enough for Wang Qing to have this promise in front of him.

With Wang Qing's clear statement, Li Zhuxin's last doubts were also dispelled, and he asked something that he hadn't figured out: "The leader is not at home, why arrange the joint village in advance?"

"The arrow is on the string, so I have to listen!" Wang Qing looked back at Li Zhu, thought for a while, and said honestly: "Hezhai is just a cover, I let them have something to do, and they can't keep thinking about the Lingzhou University. What a failure! I know that many people complain about this defeat, but they don’t say it, but they don’t know how much they blame me in their hearts!”

Li Zhu looked at Wang Qing in surprise, and said in surprise: "The leader is worried about our brothers in Fangshan...?"

"People's hearts are separated. They followed me to drink in big bowls and eat meat in large pieces. If they are slightly frustrated, I don't know what will provoke them! I am a useless person at this time, and I can't even speak well. If If we don’t meet, they may still have some concerns about me! If we meet, seeing me in such a mess, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, wouldn’t it only increase their disobedience? To put it bluntly, my two uncles are How can I rely on him when I encounter problems? Although the military commander is loyal to me, but I can't beat four hands with two fists, I still avoid the limelight on this Liangshan Po, and recover from my injuries. Wait until they have enough trouble with the foreign village Now, I'll go back and preside over the overall situation!"

What Wang Qing said shocked Li Zhu's ears, and he couldn't help marveling at Wang Qing's sharpness and sophistication, and he couldn't speak for a while.Wang Qing smiled and said: "Maybe I was too careful, but the world is dangerous, and some things have to be guarded against! Daoist, there are still many people who want to use this head on my neck to show their prestige !"

"That's not enough, many brothers in the cottage are loyal to the leader!" Li Zhu held back a sentence for a long time.

"When Tian Hu was running around our camp that day, don't think that I didn't know anything when I was lying on the hospital bed. What some people did really chilled me!" Of course Wang Qing didn't say this to Li Zhu, but Li Zhu Hearing aids, although it is warm spring and March at this time, my heart can't help but feel chilly.

"I don't know how that junior brother of yours manages it. He leads nearly a hundred members, but manages the cottage like an iron bucket..." This situation made Wang Qing speak with infinite loneliness and envy.Apparently he has realized the looseness of his foundation. If he can see through the future like Wang Lun, facing the piles and rows of surrendered generals when Song Jiang conquered him, he won't be able to spit out a mouthful of old blood everywhere.

"Look at his cottage, idlers, merchants, fishermen, thugs, generals, and rich businessmen gather together, but they can enjoy themselves happily and like brothers and sisters! But I can't figure it out. What kind of ability does your junior brother have to make this Partners with one heart and one mind? Does the word 'loyalty' really have such a great magic power?" Wang Qing was puzzled, and looked at the only person beside him who could match Wang Lun with burning eyes, hoping He can prescribe a recipe for self-blind recovery.

"Money can buy a person for a while, but not for a lifetime!" Li Zhu didn't want to say too much about Wang Lun, for fear of hurting Wang Qing who was angry with his words.

Wang Qing let out a "hmm" and fell into deep thought.Li Zhu didn't speak any more, just quietly looked at the lake surface of An Ruoming mirror, but felt the deadly vortexes hidden under the water that were difficult to touch with the naked eye. (To be continued..)

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