Water Margin Survival

Chapter 480 Washing hands in gold basin

Old man Ma heard from his two sons that Wang Lun would probably be able to return to the mountain before dinner today.As soon as he got the news, he severely scolded his two sons, blaming them for not speaking earlier.Seeing that the sunset was just rising, I didn't care about anything else, so I hurried down the mountain.He also lived in the cottage for more than a year, and the defenders everywhere recognized this old man, and his journey was unhindered.

When a person gets old, he becomes more stubborn, and what he decides in his heart is even more stubborn and refuses to let go.At this time, the old man managed to meet his two sons face to face, and he refused to let them go down the mountain again.He made up his mind early on, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, no matter what, he must ask Wang Lun to nod in person and take his two sons in.

The old man on the horse from this side went down the mountain, and Li Zhu from the other side was helping Wang Qing up the mountain. The two groups met before the second pass.To be honest, Wang Qing and Li Zhu could no longer remember who this person was. The old man Pianma was very impressed with Wang Qing. When Wang Qing went to his son's cottage, he even served tea to himself.

Although the old man Ma is old, he has not lived in vain for so many years. He knows that the reason why his two sons refuse to listen to him and switch to Liangshanbo is probably due to this person. Predicting the omen, he bent down, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and cried to Wang Qing: "The owner of the Wang village is the master of the little old man!"

Wang Qing was taken aback, turned around quickly, and saw an old man kneeling behind him, and looked at Li Zhu who was supporting him in wonder, Li Zhu was also confused at this time, and hurriedly said: "The old man kneeled wrong It's gone, the village master Wang hasn't returned the mountain yet!"

"Master Dao, where did I kneel to the wrong person? The one I kneeled is clearly the village master of Fangshan Wang!" Old man Ma said, looking eagerly at Li Zhu.

Hearing this, Li Zhu and Wang Qing looked at each other in blank dismay, Li Zhu wondered why there are people who know the leader of the alliance so far away in Liangshanpo, don't have any grievances!Immediately helped Wang Qing stabilize, and then stepped forward to help the old man, saying: "The old man has something to go up and sit down and talk about, otherwise he will block the road. It will affect the smooth flow of Liangshanpo!"

The old man Ma is old and strong. He knows what he wants and how to achieve it. How can Li Zhu be easy to coax him?Just kneel down.

This is the cottage of his junior brother, and Li Zhu didn't dare to use force, so he had to accompany him carefully and ask the sergeant guarding the city, who is this old man.Li Zhu and Wang Qing lived in the village for ten days, and every day they would go to the shore to bask in the sun. Everyone knew them well, especially since this Taoist was the senior brother of the village owner.Immediately replied: "This old man's surname is Ma, and he is the father of the owner of Jinghu Horse Village!"

Wang Qing regained his energy when he heard the words, and immediately patted his chest and said: "So it's Daddy Ma, sorry for my nephew's clumsy eyes! Did brothers Ma Xie and Ma Jin make me angry? It doesn't matter, my nephew will make the decision for you!"

In Wang Qing's Green Forest Alliance, the Ma brothers are outstanding heroes in martial arts and character. They are not the kind of people who only value money at all. They are quite loyal and filial.Although Wang Qing himself is not considered a dutiful son.But I also know the benefits of a filial son, isn't there a saying that a loyal minister must come from the door of a filial son?He thought about it all afternoon, and he was making up his mind to consolidate his foundation, which is not God's eye.I feel indescribably happy to be given such a comfortable stepping stone.

The old man Ma was overjoyed when he heard Wang Qing's words: "I just blame these two bastards, they are too unfilial. I also ask the village master to make decisions for the old man!"

When Li Zhu heard something was wrong, the old man Ma said that Ma Xie and Ma Jin were not filial, but he could rely on his own understanding.These two brothers listened to his father very much!Did the old man suddenly make some request that they couldn't meet?Thinking of this, Li Zhu looked at Old Man Ma suspiciously, feeling that something was wrong, but seeing Wang Qing was very enthusiastic, he couldn't get in the way for a while.

"As the saying goes, 'Hundreds of goodness and filial piety come first', if it is true that these two brothers are disrespectful to the old man, no matter whether I, an outsider, should take care of this matter, I have to take care of it!" Wang Qing said with a face The expression on his face was quite serious, and only when he finished speaking and looked at the old man Ma did he show a bright smile again.

"It's up to you, it's up to you, of course you, the village master, can take care of it! One word from you is worth ten thousand words from me!" Old man Ma bowed again and again.

"Military teacher! Don't help the old man up yet!" Wang Lun pretended to shout, and after drinking, he said to the old man very kindly: "The old man can just say what he has to say, and my nephew will make the decision for you!"

"I beg the village master to be merciful, let my two sons wash their hands in the golden basin, and become good citizens again! Give me the old man's retirement!"

As soon as the old man Ma's words came out, there was a sudden silence. Wang Qing seemed to have been hit by another arrow in his heart. He couldn't stand still, so he leaned backwards. He didn't make a fool of himself on the spot.

Wang Qingyuan, who was able to stand still with the help of Li, did not have the spirit just now, and his face was pale at this moment. What a serious blow to a man determined to get up from failure!

"Father, what are you doing! Didn't you say it's okay to talk about it slowly? Now that the lord is still ill, don't be mad at him!" The Ma brothers who rushed over after seeing the scene in front of them, based on their understanding of their father, Guess what happened is close to ten.

"If this matter is not resolved, I'm going to be so angry, you two bastards are at ease, right?" Old man Ma got up from the ground when he saw his son, and pointed at their noses and cursed.

When the two tall and thick men saw their father, they were like mice seeing a cat, but they couldn't see the arrogance on their bodies. They just walked up to him with low eyebrows and hugged his father who was trembling with anger. Wang Qing really wanted to say a few words on the scene To ease the situation, but for some reason, the wound on the throat became more and more painful, and he couldn't help reaching out to grab the gauze. Seeing this, Li Zhu hurriedly said: "Old Ma, you know this place well, go and ask Doctor An for help!"

Hearing this, Ma Xie hurriedly ran up the mountain. Seeing that Wang Qing was not pretending, the old man felt ashamed. He hurriedly put aside his youngest son and stepped forward to help. The old man Ma's old face came closer to him, he wanted to scold but couldn't, he wanted to have a fit but couldn't, he was out of breath for a while, and almost lost his breath. Seeing this, Ma Jin hurriedly put Wang Qing on his back, and said, "I'm afraid I'll wait Terrible, let's send the leader up!"

Li Zhu thought about it too, and urged Ma Jin to go fast. At this time, the old man Ma didn't dare to say any more, and ran up with the three of them. The scene of these four good men rushing on the mountain road with a sick man on their backs was called just about to go down the mountain. Li Kui, who was welcoming Wang Lun, met them. Li Kui glanced at the backgrounds of these people and said: "What a mess, it made my cottage jump like a dog! If you make grandpa upset, give him two sticks to eat, it's also a shame." He knows I'm hospitable!"

"I'm afraid Wang Qing is ill!" Bao Xu looked back for a long time and replied.

"If you're sick, run around like a bird, won't you stay in the guest room obediently? Every day you go to the golden sand beach to bask in the sun, it's no wonder you don't get sick! I see, this group of people can't stop their medicine!" Li Kui cursed road.

"Brother Tieniu keep your voice down, you must know that Taoist priest is brother's brother!" Li Gun reminded.

Li Kui stared at him, and said: "My brother's senior brother is not my brother! I'm afraid he's an idiot! Besides, since he's my brother's senior brother, why don't you help my brother and follow that Wang Qing's ass?"

Li Gun and Xiang Chong felt that what Li Kui said was very reasonable, and they both nodded in agreement. At this time, Du Qian and Song Wanyou came down from the mountain talking and laughing. When they saw Li Kui, they said, "Tie Niu! Could it be that you are waiting for us?" , standing here and refusing to move!"

When Li Kui saw Du Qian, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed him, saying, "Brother Du, why are you short of the food in our camp?"

"No!" Du Qian was puzzled, and said, "Every battalion is allocated as much food, how could it be possible that you are alone in the camp!"

Seeing Li Kui approaching Du Qian, Song Wan couldn't help but chuckled. Li Kui's camp is full of big-bellied men, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself. He eats [-]% more food than other camps. , the account of the kitchen can't always be settled, and I've been hurt by this guy. It seems that it's time for Du Qian to have a headache.

These few people were noisy, but they also left the topic of Li Zhu aside.At this time, under the guidance of Ma Xie, Li Zhu had already found An Daoquan who was busy in the barracks of the wounded soldiers. An Daoquan made a move, determined in his heart, after all, he was able to rescue people before the gate of hell was closed, let alone now?Li Zhu immediately pulled the three of Ma's father and son out of the door, and asked, "You two brothers, which song are you singing?"

Ma Xie and Ma Jin looked at each other, and it was difficult to speak for a while, but the old man Ma did his part and told the truth. Li Zhu listened to the old man Ma's narration with a calm expression, looked at the Ma brothers and said, "You two are serious. Want to wash your hands in a golden basin?"

"Military teacher, although loyalty and filial piety cannot be achieved since ancient times! But the two of us are such a father, we can't let him eat and sleep well every day because of our brother's affairs? If it is because of this reason, if there is something wrong with his old man , My two brothers regret it! Since there is a leader who lost the king, we will never go out of the mountain again, that's all!" Ma Xie said helplessly.

"You will be able to stand up to President Wang if you don't come out of the mountain?" Li Zhu asked, looking at the two of them.

Ma Jin was more straight-tempered than Ma Xie, and upon hearing the words, he replied: "We don't want any more villages, nor money and food, so let the brothers go back with Leader Wang, and Leader Wang's subordinates are like clouds, and they don't want me. These two incompetent people, please ask the military adviser to help my brother to turn around, don't make things too embarrassing!"

The premise of Ma Jin's remark was that Wang Qing did not want to offend Wang Lun when he went to Liangshan this time, so he sent all Fangshan's direct descendants who had had conflicts with Liangshan back to the cottage, and only Ma Jin, who had a good relationship with Wang Lun, was sent back to the cottage. Some of his men served as guards and took them to Liangshan.Ma Jin thought that it was an act of benevolence and righteousness for his two brothers to leave the house, and he could be regarded as worthy of Wang Qing.After all, he just joined the alliance, not the real leader of Fangshan.

Seeing that Ma Jin didn't understand what he meant, Li Zhu shook his head and said, "This bowl of rice in Jianghu is easy to handle! Although the gold basin is expensive, how much dust can it wash away? Let me ask you two what to do in the future. Take father back to farming or fishing? To be a businessman or a businessman? How about not being the number one in the examination, how about honoring your ancestors?"

Ma Jin became anxious when he heard this, and shouted: "How can the military master entertain my two brothers!"

Li Zhu just smiled, not worrying about Ma Jin, just stared at the old man Ma for a while, and suddenly said: "Let me try and see if I can let my uncle's two sons stay in Liangshan to take care of you!" continued...)

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