If it hadn't been for Niu Geng's desperate resistance this time, even if Shi Xiu and the rescuers arrived later, Feng Longshan's horse bandits might have already caused irreparable damage to the convoy.

Afterwards, more than a hundred corpses were cleaned up at the scene, except for the horse thief who died at the hands of Niu Geng and Shi Xiu, the others were identified, most of them were the minions of Pian Shishan under Niu Geng's men.

Yang Lin stated on the spot that these men should be buried generously according to Liangshan specifications.Niu Geng didn't know the concept of Liangshan standards at first, until someone began to register the names and places of origin of the dead for them, and asked the address of their hometowns, the new group of people who came to the mountain suddenly realized that the lives of these little ants How valuable it suddenly became.

On the contrary, Feng Longshan and his group became less valuable.Since he dared to attack the Liangshan convoy, it was the rhythm of declaring war with Liangshanbo, and someone had to pay a heavy price for it.

Tang Bin took Wen Zhongrong and his men, and killed all the horse bandits in one go, and seized about 1000 good horses along the way.But Jin Ding was very obedient, he left his subordinates and slipped away early when he saw something was wrong, which saved him a life for the time being.However, what will accompany him for the rest of his life will be the Jianghu hunting order issued by Liang Shanbo on the Green Forest Road, with a bonus of [-] taels of silver.As long as people don't die, this account will not be eliminated.In addition, the money was taken from this round of seizure. The silver ingots and nuggets were intact, and they were originally Jinding's money.As for the other leader of the thief, Huang Yue, because Shi Xiu had no life in his hands before this, he did not kill Huang Yue. Therefore, this immortal leader of the horse thief will be taken to Liangshan to wait for the king. Lun loses.

After these ordeals, he reunited with Ma Jun Tang Bin's battalion.The heart-wrenching days finally passed, and Yang Lin's heart was finally back in his stomach.The slightly frightened old Duguan felt relieved at this time, according to the preface, all the family members who did not want to go to Liangshan were dismissed here, and the rest were determined to go to Liangshan.Everyone went south to Jeju happily and happily.Only Shi Xiu's uncle was uneasy.I don't know the end of this road, what kind of fate awaits me and my nephew.

"My mother, I finally made it! It's not too far away. How come you've been walking for so long?" Niu Geng said with emotion to the brothers beside him, looking at the water pool beyond the horizon.

"People with four legs are not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry with two legs!" Leng Ning glanced back at the cavalry guarding the team, and provoked his old acquaintance, saying: "There are so many chariot battles. There are thousands of livestock , It’s not bad to be able to come back so soon! Old man, by the way, let’s remind you, we’re on the mountain, and when we meet each other for the first time, don’t make such a fuss!” “I know, I know!” Niu Geng waved his hands.It's like chasing away flies, but if you look closely, he doesn't show any impatience, but rather enjoys it.The corners of Leng Ning's mouth rose slightly, a half-smile.Just look at the hotel by the lake.

"Jin Baozi, Jin Baozi, you are expected by Chai officials! You don't know that the officials come down to our store on the North Shore every three days, making all the brothers anxious, afraid to say hello It’s not a good idea, I lost my timidity in front of the new official!”

Smiling tiger Zhu Fu picked up Yang Lin outside the hotel by the lake on behalf of Shanzhai. The relationship between the two is no better than others, they are both brothers in the same department, so they speak more casually.

"Isn't it? Even my brother came down and didn't see everyone so nervous!" Yang Lin replied.

"Official Chai is in charge of reception affairs in the cottage. Our hotel is also the window for reception, and he can manage it, so the children are afraid that his new official will be three fires!" Zhu Fu said with a smile, "Between brothers Love is love, but you have to do things with all your heart, and you can’t hold back the copycats, don’t you think so!”…

When Yang Lin saw that he was talking about this, he sighed and said, "Brother, I'm afraid I've messed up my errand this time!"

Zhu Fu looked at Yang Lin intriguingly when he heard the words, and said: "We may not be able to see your difficulties, and neither may my brother! Do you know that my brother said in front of the three military advisers the day before yesterday that Yang Lin This brother, Lin, handles things with the words 'diligence and prudence'!"

Yang Linjian said that he stared at Zhu Fu with wide eyes. It was strange to say that his heart, which had been tightly gripped these days, suddenly relaxed so instantly after hearing Zhu Fu's words.

At this moment, Tang Bin and Wen Zhongrong led Lao Duguan, Shi Xiu and others to come up. Zhu Fu stretched out his hand and patted Yang Lin on the shoulder, smiled mysteriously at him, and left a sentence: "Go to your house at night." Drink! Celebrate!"

Zhu Fu's nonsensical words made Yang Lin a little puzzled, let's celebrate?what to celebrateWanting to prove it again, Zhu Fu has already met Tang Bin and others, and met the old governor of Chaifu and the famous Desperate Saburo.

Zhu Fu is a person who is good at creating an atmosphere. He made everyone laugh with a few words, and had a good time, but Tang Bin waited for a long time and wondered: "What is the navy doing? They haven't come here for so long?"

"The naval army has just been expanded in the past few days, and it is training sailors day and night. Now the sixth son of the Wang family is here to pick us up!" Zhu Fu introduced.

"The naval army has expanded again? If they don't fight a single battle, how can they expand faster than our horse army?" Wen Zhongrong continued casually.

"Keep your voice down, a good man doesn't tell anyone's fault! Be careful and bear in mind, next time you will feed the fish!" Tang Bin shook his head.

"We don't fight, but we can send you to fight! If you want to expand, naturally we will expand first, otherwise how can we carry you?" Said Cao Cao arrived, only to hear the voice of Wang Dingliu from the hotel at this time .

"Okay, why don't you just say send us to do the stuffing!" Wen Zhongrong said with a smile.Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.At this time, I only heard Tang Bin ask: "Lao Liu, the navy has expanded, and you haven't expanded, why have you been talking for so long!"

"I'm acquainted here with my little second brother who took more than [-]% of it, so it's a bit slow, brothers, don't blame me!" Wang Dingliu cupped his hands and said.

Shi Xiu heard the accent of his hometown as soon as Wang Dingliu opened his mouth, and he felt very cordial immediately, and kept his eyes on this person. After Wang Dingliu greeted everyone, he walked up to Shi Xiu with a smile, and said, "Sanlang, I I know you, but you don't necessarily know me!"

"When I was in my hometown in the past, I never went out of the city to pay a visit to Sixth Brother. I am so disrespectful!" Shi Xiu clasped her fists.

"What name did I have at that time? The two water ghosts didn't think much of me. If you, Shi Sanlang, had heard my name, it would be strange!" Wang Dingliu laughed.

Speaking of which, Shi Xiu was the topic of conversation among their peers, what happened to Sanlang yesterday, and who did Sanlang fight with today. He regards this young man who fights like a regular meal as his idol.

But the idol was right in front of him, and he called himself Sixth Brother. Wang Dingliu felt complicated, but he couldn't escape his pride. He grabbed Shi Xiu's hand and said, "Sanlang, my brother." I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, let’s go up the mountain now! After meeting my brother, I’ll take you to meet Ma Lin, the Iron Flute Immortal from the village, and An Daoquan, the genius doctor!”

"Listen to Sixth Brother's orders!" Although Shi Xiu has not been tortured by fate at this time, her character has been sharpened and matured in life. There is a kind of humility in her tone, and at the same time, it can make people feel his love. With great confidence in my heart.

Tang Bin kept complaining that the boat didn't come, but when the boat came, he didn't board the boat again. He just sent the important people in the team to board the boat first. He wanted to take Wen and Cui to stand on the last watch.

Yang Lin didn't forget Li Xiaoer and his wife, and asked them to come here. In order to save space, everyone boarded the same small boat. Li Xiaoer and his wife were eye-opening along the way. The endless big moor.

"Island...island..." Niu Geng, who was dizzy and swelled by the lake water, yelled as if he had discovered a new continent, making everyone laugh non-stop. Leng Ning shook his head and said, "If you go to Liangshan to shed grass, anyone will do." , I am afraid that the water will not work!"

"I'm practicing...practicing...water skills are not enough! Don't talk to me, I just want to go ashore now!" Niu Geng's reaction was too intense, and everyone stopped laughing at him. Yang Lin just shook the boat quickly Some, seeing this, Shi Xiu got up and asked the sailor for an oar, exchanged a smile with Wang Dingliu, and the two men who grew up on the Yangtze River started paddling together.

Niu Geng finally couldn't hold it back, but at least he persisted until he reached the shore before vomiting. Wang Qing was surprised by that posture, pointing at Niu Geng, he didn't know what he was talking to Wang Lun.Yang Lin hurriedly stepped forward to introduce Niu Geng's identity to Wang Lun. Wang Lun had a little impression of him. He and Leng Ning were both lieutenants stationed in Zhaode Mansion after Tian Hu's uprising. He and the reinforcements fought bloody battles with Song Jiang several times, and finally lost into the city. At this time, some people saw that the situation was over, and wanted to change the court and offer the city to surrender. The heads are in the city, they can be regarded as a pair of dead brains.

However, at certain times, dead brains are far more respectable and reliable than living brains, because smart people know how to be wise and protect their lives, pay attention to the two ends of the first mouse, pay attention to the blessings of each other, and have the belief that the boss can't stop them. How could Wang Lun despise and reject him?

It's a pity that these two people don't have much reputation in the Jianghu, and their martial arts are between the second and third rates, and they are not the old ones among the one hundred and eight generals in the past. In my own heart, or in the hearts of the big guys, it seems a bit abrupt, and it is not easy to be accepted by others.

Seeing Wang Lun looking at Niu Geng for a moment, Yang Lin hurried forward to introduce Niu Geng and Leng Ning's achievements along the way. To recommend him wholeheartedly in front of Wang Lun is to praise him without hesitation.

Wang Lun listened to it for a while, and roughly understood the contributions of these two people along the way. Seeing that Yang Lin had been praising these two people all the time, it seemed that he got along with them happily. He glanced at Wang Qing and suddenly had an idea in his heart .

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