"Master Wang, look at my brother, how is he doing?" Wang Lun turned around with a smile and asked Wang Qing who was going down the mountain to meet Chai Jin's family.

Wang Qing said "Huh?", feeling a little surprised, but he returned to normal immediately, and said: "I think Yang Lin is a hero, his words are sharp, and his affairs are orderly. The Chai Daguan and his family can arrive at the village safely. They are inseparable, as far as I see, he is really a rare talent in Jianghu!"

Wang Qing was always talking about his kung fu, but now in front of Wang Lun and Yang Lin, how can he not praise him right now?

Wang Lun smiled and said suddenly: "I'll invite him to Hebei, how about partnering with Boss Du?"

"That's kind!" Wang Qing smiled, and unexpectedly stepped forward and patted Yang Lin on the shoulder, congratulated him a few words, and said: "The cottage that our two families jointly opened must be headed by Liang Shanbo. I think Yang Lin Lin Haohan can take the position of village master!"

Where did Yang Lin care about the village masters? He must know that among the people he recruited along the way, most of them were the village masters of the various villages. Didn't they want to go to Liangshan because of their fame and position?Besides, it's not that my own village doesn't have a brother who is the village owner, isn't the Zou family's uncle and nephew currently the village owner of Qingyun Mountain?But where do they think that this position is inferior to the Gaoshanzhai brothers?So at this time, Wang Qing praised a few words, his mind was still clear, and he looked back at Wang Lun, meaning that he could do whatever his brother arranged, anyway, we don't want that false name.Wang Lun smiled and said, "We at Liangshanbo are just playing side drums for this village. The main purpose is to provide convenience for Boss Du in the future and to coordinate the relationship between the two villages. I think we sent three brothers to Liangshan, and Yang Lin took the first place." Second place, Niu Geng takes third place, Leng Ning takes fourth place!"

"Cheng Chengcheng, Chief Wang opened Jinkou, so let's do it! It's just that the mouth of the Yellow River is isolated in Hebei, far away from our two villages, and it's close to the border of Song and Liao. How many people will Chief Wang plan to send there?"

Wang Lun appointed the second, third, and fourth top spots in one breath, but Wang Qing is now pointing at Liang Shanbo for dinner. These things do not want to go against Wang Lun's intentions. explain.

"One thousand soldiers, two thousand civilian husbands!" Wang Lun smiled and said, "You don't need to use our number in Guizhai. You also said that the situation in this village is complicated, so you can rest assured if you send more brothers!"

"That's it. That's it!" Wang Qing showed his posture very well at this time, and repeatedly bowed his hands to Yang Lin, Niu Geng, and Leng Ning, saying something like "sincere unity", and then clasped his fists and went to the house with Chai Jin It's all about exchanging pleasantries, Niu Geng listened for a long time, took advantage of the time, and whispered to Leng Ning, "What kind of 'leader' is this person called by brother Wang Lun, what exactly is he doing?" Leng Ning couldn't laugh or cry.He didn't know the identity of this person for a long time, he was really dull, so he whispered: "This person is Wang Qing!"

"My lord, I thought it was brother Wang Lun's follower. I don't think it's Wang Qing!" Niu Geng said in shock.

"Be quiet, I'll talk about it later!" Leng Ning saw that Wang Qing was not far away, afraid that Niu Geng would say something unpleasant, so he hurriedly covered it up.

Niu Geng stopped talking.But two strange eyes kept turning on Wang Qing's body.

At this time Yang Lin came over, pulled the two of them over, and confessed: "Brother Wang Lun just spoke. What do you two think?"

"If you have a top position, what idea do you have? Just do it!" Niu Geng said with a smile.Leng Ning is much more reliable, and said: "As soon as I go up the mountain, I will ask Brother Wang Lun to entrust me with a heavy responsibility, and I am sincere and terrified!"

"Brother Wang Lun said that both of you are from Hebei, and you have lived in Hebei for many years. You are familiar with the situation in Hebei, and you are the only ones who are suitable for errands!" Yang Lin said again.

Leng Ning said "ashamed" when he heard the words, but Niu Geng took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, and asked, "Then what kind of person am I in Liangshan Benzhai?"...

Yang Lin shook his head and smiled, "Brother Niu Geng is naturally a top-notch person. He just went up the mountain and was temporarily appointed as an infantry commander. If you do well in the future, brother will never wrong you!"

"Commander? There is one in the Imperial Imperial Army, why did we set up such a position in Liangshan?" This time it was Leng Ning who asked.

"Brother Tang Bin's horse camp, you have also seen it. There are four commanders at the bottom, divided into four commanders and commanders, and the lieutenants of Wen and Cui are at the top. The two brothers should work harder! We Liangshanpo not only has a commander, but also has a supervisor and a regiment! When drinking at night, I will tell you in detail!"

Yang Lin's face was full of smiles, although he was only going to the mouth of the Yellow River to be the second in charge, but he was the No.What's more, his job was not removed, but his authority was increased. All the intelligence personnel and hotels in Liangshan in Hebei were allocated to him by Wang Lun. No wonder Zhu Fu just congratulated him with a smile, which made him confused.

"It turns out that Lao Tzu is a lieutenant general like Yishan Lishi. He can reach it with his hand. How dare you!" Niu Geng said happily. He is still very satisfied with this arrangement. Vaccination, now that the dust has settled, I realized that this is not low, how can I be unhappy, and immediately said: "When I came, I signed up only as a cottage owner, so I didn't make a big splash. Now when I go back, there is Liangshan Park behind me, which can be regarded as that... ...Then what, Lao Leng, how do you say that?"

"Homecoming!" Leng Ning continued.

"That's right, homecoming... Homecoming!" Niu Geng burst out laughing suddenly, causing everyone's eyes to focus on him.

"Where did this birdman come from? He's even ruder than me!" Suddenly, a big black man ran over and squeezed between the three of them.

"Where did you come from, black guy? I'm the newly-appointed commander of the Liangshanbo infantry, and the third head of the new village in the mouth of the Yellow River handpicked by my brother. You black guy has some rules, okay?" Niu Geng has a new identity, and he looks like it The child with the new toy showed off to the visitors.

Seeing this, Yang Lin hurriedly pulled Niu Geng away, and said urgently: "This black brother is the leader of brother Wang Lun, and he is the one who is called Black Xuanfeng by people in the Jianghu!"

Li Kui stared at Niu Geng with bull's eyes, and said in his heart that he would chat with the master again, and greeted you with a pair of fists, but Niu Geng was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You...why don't you bring an ax when you go out? I don't even recognize it. It's not a collision if you come out as your brother?"

"I'm at home, why do I bring two broad axes? How would you know that when I strike out this broad axe, I'm going to behead you!" Seeing him calling his brother, Li Kui withdrew his fist, but immediately brought it up again.

"I know you, I know you! Back when Liangshan broke the Daming Mansion, you took your troops and turned Tanzhou's elite soldiers several times. The blood flowed like a river, and it spread all over the Hebei Road!" Niu Geng just saw an idol. Generally, if you hold Li Kui, you will not let go.

Li Kui is a big talker, he can find something to brag about if he has nothing to do, not to mention that this matter is a real military exploit, if he meets a bosom friend right now, he will spit in front of Niu Geng, Yang Lin and Leng Ning looked at each other, both He shook his head helplessly.

It's a pity that Li Kui hadn't said anything about it, so he heard a voice urging: "Tie Niu, let's go, go up the mountain and talk about it!"

Li Kui looked back, and it turned out that everyone had moved back to the mountain. At this time, Lin Chong and his wife approached him with a young couple.Seeing that it was Lin Chong, Li Kui didn't dare to make a mistake, and asked, "Brother Coach, is this your relative?"

Lin Chong looked at Li Xiaoer and his wife with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "But they are not relatives? If it weren't for him and his wife, I wouldn't be able to go up the mountain!"

"You want to have an extra drink! Little brother, remember that I'm Tieniu, and ask me for a drink later!" Li Kui said carelessly.

At this moment, Li Xiaoer and his wife looked away from Li Kui, and Lin Chong smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, this big black man looks fierce, but he is simple and cute! I will toast him later, and I will not be in the cottage for business in the future. You can find this brother!"

"What Brother Coach said is, if you drink with me once, I will help you once, and if you drink with me ten times, I will treat you as a brother! Let you walk sideways in the cottage!" Li Kui saw that Lin Chong actually entrusted his relatives For myself, I feel very face-saving, and I immediately smile.

Lin Chong shook his head and smiled, "Let's go, go up the mountain to drink!"

Everyone laughed and went up the mountain. At this time, Chai Jin accompanied Wang Qing and walked in the front, and Wang Lun and Shi Xiu deliberately lagged behind. There were too many people just now, and Wang Lun had something to say. Taking this opportunity, he asked him to leave the building. Seeing Wang Lun's kindness, just like the rumors in the Jianghu, Shi Xiu was also happy in her heart, and immediately poured out all the suffering and accumulated words she had suffered for so many years in front of Wang Lun.

Also, in the original track, Shi Xiu met Yang Xiong, and after a brief conversation, they became sworn brothers. After that, Shi Xiu was very devoted to Yang Xiong, even if the other party misunderstood him and kicked him out of the house, Shi Xiu never left, completely I am worthy of my righteous brother, and also worthy of his title of "Desperate Saburo".To be honest, later Yang Xiong was able to occupy the position of Liangshan Tianxing, all thanks to the blessing of this very eye-catching younger brother, otherwise it would be impossible to overwhelm many people who are more capable than him, and sit in the No. 30 second place.

"I see that your uncle's complexion is not good. Could it be that there is something stubborn on his body? I'll ask Doctor An to take a good look at it later!" Wang Lun thought of Uncle Shi Xiu, who was about to die. The Liao Kingdom ran into him before, otherwise the two uncles and nephews would have passed, but only one nephew would have returned alone.

"It's thanks to my elder brother to take care of me, and my younger brother is so grateful!" Shi Xiu turned to worship, but was stopped by Wang Lun, and said, "You are walking alone in the rivers and lakes, and there is no one to help you when you encounter problems, so don't go down the mountain now, let's get together as a brother." Wouldn't it be nice to do justice for the heavens together? Don't worry about your uncle. I, Liang Shanbo, also have a foundation overseas. When he recovers from his illness, he will sit in business if he wants to be a businessman, and do business if he is willing to do business. , It’s easy to spend your days leisurely!”

Shi Xiu is a man who has tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and has a heart of a child who knows how to repay him. Hearing this, he can only feel a fire burning in his chest. Confessionally said: "I, Shixiu, am an orphan, but I have met many nobles since I was a child. Apart from my master Tiha, my elder brother is the most kind. My younger brother will be an ox and a horse in the future, and I will not fail my elder brother's kindness!"

With a hero like him joining, it was too late for Wang Lun to rejoice. He was not needed to make such a great gift, so he immediately stopped him, but Shi Xiu insisted on worshiping. He said in his mouth: "Brother! Brother Tokyo, Feige, urgently reported that the imperial court has made major moves today!"

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