Water Margin Survival

Chapter 522 Capture the Ming Sect Demon

This night on the moon lake, Wang Lun felt that this was a great windfall for coming to Mingzhou, and he arranged the eyeliner who would lurk in the court in the future. ?. .

Of course, Shi En is no better than a Shanzhai brother, so you can't trust him unconditionally.But this person has an obvious weakness, that is, he loves money. He had learned it in Mengzhou back then, so long as he is hooked with gold and silver in the future, he doesn't believe that there is anything that people without faith can't sell.

The price of the ships purchased at the official shipyard has also been negotiated. Each ship is [-]% more expensive than Deng Yuanjue's order price at the private shipyard, but it is still cheaper than the market price.Wang Lun didn't care about him at this time, since this man loves money, he will give him some sweetness first. Anyway, he took the black money saved by Shi En and his son half his life from Jiang Menshen, and slowly released it to infiltrate the whole world. It's like, coming and going is equivalent to a no-cost business, and you can also get information from many secret channels, why not do it?

After returning back, Wang Lun was going to ask Shi Xiu to choose a competent person, and he would stay in Mingzhou to contact Shi En one-way. As soon as he has information, he will contact the secret line left by Wang Lun. As for the price of each piece of information, according to the importance of Liang Shanbo, both parties will evaluate the price together, and the money and goods will be paid, and there will be no arrears.It turned out that the Koryo envoy was leaving at dawn, and he wanted to see him off at the pier, firstly because he was afraid that he would not be able to get away when the time came, and secondly because he was afraid that the information would be invalidated if he arrived too late.Wang Lun expressed his appreciation for his efficiency on the spot.Another request was to send Ye Chun out of the city. He had to send the news in time so that Li Jun and Ruan Xiaowu could make preparations early, and the Koreans would never be allowed to get these ships.

Sending someone out of the city when the city is closed is not too difficult for Shi En, so he agreed immediately.He was just thinking about his ghost account. Now the price of each boat has been negotiated with Wang Lun. As long as he can lower the price with the shipyard, he can lower as much as he can, and the more he sells, the more he will get. more.This is not a small amount of money, and it is very worthwhile for him to exert his official authority and overwhelm others with power.

After seeing Ye Chun off, Wang Lun slept again to recover his energy, because he had to say goodbye to Deng Yuanjue at dawn, and talk about cooperation with Jiangnan Fangla by the way.Waiting for Shi En to report the details of the ship and finalize the sale, his trip to Mingzhou will be able to draw a perfect end. "Master Deng has contributed a lot this time, Xiao Ke is very grateful, please do obeisance to the leader of your teaching Fangla for me!" After finishing the business with Deng Yuanjue.Wang Lun stood up and said goodbye.

"Where is the king? If the little monk has not been honored, how can he come back to this beautiful Jiangnan alive? The king is here, and the little monk should be a landlord. It should be! It should be! In addition, the king can rest assured, The brothers we sent to inform the owner of the shipyard have left. We will definitely not delay the delivery of the ship!" Deng Yuanjue also stood up with his fists cupped, and pointed to a pile of things in the corner:

"The little monk ate and took in Liangshan. The high-quality weapons, fine wine, and BMW were all given by the king. It's a pity that there is nothing on Liangshan that is not bad, and the little monk has nothing to give away. How ashamed!"

Wang Lun shook his head and said with a smile: "When Master Deng has nothing to do, you can also stay in my small village for a few more days. After all, we are all friends!"

"Yes, yes, they are all friends!" Deng Yuanjue smiled rudely, but suddenly a trace of reluctance welled up in his heart. He is a man of temperament, and he has lived on Liangshan for so long, so he has some true feelings.

Wang Lun chuckled and was about to go out anxiously, but at this time the door was knocked open from the outside, and Wu Yingxing hurried in, before he had time to be polite to Wang Lun, he said in a hurry: "The shopkeeper who came alone last night actually reported Officials, at this time with two or three hundred arresters and soldiers, they came here, mother Xi said, this group of guys really ate the hearts of bears and leopards!"...

Deng Yuanjue frowned when he heard the words, and said, "I really don't know how to write the word dead! Brother Wu, did you bring anyone to watch him?"

"This matter is my negligence. When it is done, I will ask the religious rules to punish me. But at this time, please evacuate the place quickly!" Wu Yingxing said urgently.

"Because of Bizhai's affairs, the Guijiao has been dragged down!" Wang Lunjian said.

"Don't do the business of the leader of the king. It's someone who doesn't take our religion seriously, but the Sajia went to him and talked to him!" Deng Yuanjue slapped the table and said to Wang Lun: "They are many people, please avoid the leader of the king." , the young monk will settle this account with him!"

Wang Lun thought for a while and said: "But if you are in a hurry, you can send a letter to Siming Mountain. Our army is still here, and we must break the city. Let these guys know how powerful they are!"

Deng Yuanjue laughed, and said: "Mingzhou is the territory of the Despicable Sect, so how can we use Chief Wang to take action? What face is there to tell me to wait! Chief Wang just goes out of the city first, this matter is handled by the little monk!" Wu Yingxing saw Said with a look of pride.

Seeing Wang Lun's words, the two people's self-esteem was directly aroused, and he didn't say anything more at the moment, just nodded his head, and said carefully, Deng Yuanjue asked Wu Yingxing to summon the brothers, and personally sent Wang Lun away through the back door In a short while, I only heard the chaos in the Red Lotus Pavilion, and the sound of swords and soldiers merging could be heard endlessly. Wu Yingxing clasped his fists and said: "I will send you here, the king will meet you later!"

"There will be some time later!" Wang Lun turned around and clasped his fists, watching Wu Yingxing go. Suddenly, he heard a head protruding from the upstairs window and shouted, "These two monsters are with the monk. Don't tell him to run away." !"

Wang Lun and Jiao Ting looked back, and saw that it was the late shopkeeper who was beaten by Mingjiao last night, and then five or seven arresters also stretched out their heads, and Jiao Ting said, "I'm going to lead the horse. !"

"Don't worry about the horses, just order 'Deep Sea' to take it for you, it's just a matter of one sentence!" After Wang Lun finished speaking, Jiao Ting winked at him. Jiao Ting stomped his feet and protected Wang Lun went out of the alley.

The two thought that it would take some effort for the group to go around, but they didn't know that the policeman of the Mingzhou government worked hard and jumped directly from the window on the second floor, which was several feet high. Seeing this, Jiao Ting cursed: "Damn it, it's still lingering, brother go first, I'll stop them!"

Wang Lun saw that there were more than five or seven people jumping from the other party, and there were more people jumping down by the window, so he immediately grabbed Jiao Ting. At this time, a fork in the road appeared in front of Wang Lun, and he did not move forward. After running away, he went in and told Jiao Ting: "Just get rid of them, don't beat the small with the big!"

I saw him twitching the weighted lead strips on his arms while he was talking, and taking the sword to cut off the lead bags on his legs. He immediately felt relieved. Looking at a fence, he ran up and climbed up. , also climbed up the stone wall, and the two fell down together.

It happened that there was a pile of soft soil beside the wall, and three or five carriages were blocked in front of it. The two of them landed on it without much movement. Wang Lun hid behind the carriage and looked forward, only to see that this was the front gate of a manor house. There was a large flat area, and dozens of sergeants were talking lazily.

At this time, the noise of chasing soldiers outside the wall alarmed the group of soldiers, and they all drew their knives and surrounded them to investigate. It just so happened that another group of soldiers came out of the courtyard. Afraid that he would not be able to force it, he immediately stretched out his legs and wiped the footprints of the two of them on the soft soil, grabbed Jiao Ting who was eager to try, and said in a low voice: "Get in the carriage!"

Hearing this, Jiao Ting immediately climbed onto the back of the carriage and built a personal ladder, but Wang Lun had already practiced Kung Fu for two years, and he had already achieved some success in this specific spirit, so he gently carried himself on the railing, and the whole person stepped out from behind the carriage. Jumping in from the curtain, Jiao Ting saw that Wang Lun had already entered, glared at the group of sergeants angrily, and climbed in after he had no choice.

At this time, the noise outside the wall, coupled with the footsteps and shouts of the soldiers inside the wall, just suppressed the voices of Wang Lun and the two of them. Seeing this, the sergeant shouted: "There are assassins! There are assassins!"

Unlike this group of soldiers who shouted loudly, but refused to take a step forward, when the group of soldiers poured out of the mansion, they all unsheathed their swords and charged towards the wall aggressively. They looked like elite soldiers. General, it is very different from these standing sergeants.

When he turned over first, the man was shocked when he saw this, and suddenly realized that he was not dressed properly, and quickly shouted: "Wait a minute! I am the guardian of Master Feng's home, and this time I am here to arrest the Mingjiao monster with the help of the government. Don't get me wrong!"

The sergeant who came out of the mansion didn't care about this man's words, only saw the leading officer yelled: "Drop your weapon, or you will be shot to death!"

The man heard that the officer's speech was not with a local accent, and he declared again: "I'm from Master Feng's house, and I'm assisting the government to arrest Mingjiao demons. Where are you soldiers from, how dare you be so rude!"

Judging from his tone, it seems that he is very superstitious about this "Master Feng", as if in this Mingzhou city, once he announces this name, he is almost more powerful than Zhao Guan's family.

"I'll say it for the last time, drop your weapon, or you'll be shot!" The officer from other places was unmoved at all, the saber in his right hand was out of its sheath, and it seemed that he might rush over at any time.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" At this time, a man dressed as a policeman climbed up the wall, and shouted to the officer: "Liu Tijutsu, Liu Tijutsu! You are a villain, and the state government is the head of the horse! The yamen the day before yesterday I've seen it before!"

As soon as the officer saw this person, he was indeed Dutou from the prefecture's office, he immediately put the long knife back into the scabbard, and said: "The demon was arrested early in the morning, Ma Dutou is so respectful to his duty!"

The horse turned his head off the wall, wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "The Devil Cult gang is getting worse and worse, and they actually blackmailed Mr. Feng's family property. I don't know that Lord Zhou has said that he will definitely arrest this gang of thieves." It's impossible to arrest and bring them to justice, I just saw two people come over the wall, and I asked Liu Tixia to make it easier!"

What Liu Tiha was worried about just now was that someone would assassinate his important guards, but now he saw that the government was acting and he was also arresting Mingjiao demons, so he didn't stop him, he just nodded and said: "So please!")

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