Water Margin Survival

Chapter 523 Who Knows What Zhang Mingzhou's Identity Will Be in the Future

Hearing the conversation of these people outside, Wang Lun showed a self-deprecating smile on his face.

In fact, the imperial court's armaments in the south of the Yangtze River have always been relaxed. For example, in the huge Mingzhou, there is only one commander under the command of the Busi. Therefore, Wang Lun only brought Jiao Ting into the city with Deng Yuanjue, but he never thought that he would even go to Tokyo. The strong winds and waves are like walking on flat ground, but they are forced to be on top of a carriage in this beautiful southeast land.

However, although the current situation is urgent, it is not a dead end. At least Wang Lun has more than one card in his hand, so he calms down and thinks about countermeasures.

The Mingzhou police who fell down from the stone wall, after confirming to the sergeants on the spot that no one escaped from here, gradually locked their targets on these three or five carriages.Liu Tiha had no objection at this time, he came to the south of the Yangtze River to perform guard duties, if he told the demon to hide in the car and frightened the nobleman, it would be a trivial matter, if any irreparable losses were caused, he would not go back this trip.

Of course, it was impossible for him to call the police of Mingzhou Prefecture to search the car alone, and he was standing aside with a knife, monitoring Ma Dutou's actions the whole time.

After a search, the first three carriages showed nothing unusual. When it was time to check the fourth carriage, Liu Tiha suddenly hesitated, reached out his hand to stop the horse who was about to get on the carriage, and said, "Wait a minute!" Liu Tiha let go of his hand and said, "That's all!" Although the nobleman he protected was young, he was always graceful and magnanimous, and never made things difficult for them. Those who are serious have finally made up their minds.

Ma Dutou smiled and thanked him.He was about to ask someone to go in and investigate, but at this critical moment, he suddenly heard a coquettish voice from behind, and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Ma Dutou hurriedly stopped the crowd, his face was full of smiles, and when he turned around, he saw that it was the servant girl next to the nobleman. ..."

"My nobleman's car. How can you allow a man to spy on you!" The maid insisted, and the horse didn't dare to speak up. He saw it with his own eyes that day. This maid and the nobleman are of the same flesh and blood. Noble man, to offend that noble man is to offend Mr. Zhizhou. You must know that this house is the small courtyard of Zhizhou's family. "Look, what's so interesting!" Sister Huan pouted, and immediately climbed into the carriage from the other side in a fit of anger.Said: "My little lady's car, I will take a look at it myself, but don't peek while you wait!" The voice has not yet landed.I saw her get into the carriage headlong.

Seeing her recklessness, Liu Tixia subconsciously drew a knife in his hand and reminded: "Sister Huan, be careful!"

Seeing that Liu Tiha was about to board the car to protect her, who would have thought that sister Huan suddenly turned her head back, stared at Ma Du's head and said: "Mingjiao Fang La is inside, you go and catch it!"

Liu Tiha let out a breath when he heard the childish words, and jumped out of the car. At this time, there was a burst of laughter from around, and it turned out that the soldiers who came with the maid all laughed.Ma Du's head was choked by her words, he couldn't express his suffering, and he didn't know whether to go along with it or smile, or to ignore it, and secretly scolded these maids of rich families for taking himself too seriously, so he didn't take them seriously These errands look like people.

In this circle of sister's cynicism, Ma Duu checked the last carriage, but still found nothing, so he had no choice but to say goodbye, but the leader of the nursing home of Master Feng's family was not relentless, saying:

"I saw the two of them turn over from this stone wall with my own eyes, they must have spread their wings and flew! This car, please ask the villain to check it, otherwise it will be difficult to explain when we go back!"

"Bold! You can stop my nobleman's carriage with a single sentence and you can't explain it? Who gave you the courage? If I let you in today, how can I explain to my master when I go back!?"

Unexpectedly, sister Huan suddenly became angry.This girl is usually very popular, after she finished speaking, all the accompanying soldiers shouted in unison, which scared the nurse and the horse's head.

"My master is..." The leader of the nursing home is also a character who walks sideways in Mingzhou on weekdays. How can he be afraid of these passing gods?Immediately, he was about to mention the name of his master, but before he finished speaking, he heard a soft and gentle voice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention:

"General Liu, please thank Lord Zhizhou for your hospitality on behalf of my family. We will wait for you on the road outside the city. I think we will leave the city now!"

As soon as the woman came out, all the soldiers automatically moved out of the way, and saw a beautiful woman in white filial piety falling into everyone's eyes. There is an old saying: "If you want to be pretty, you must be filial!" The beauty of the country, coupled with this white dress, made all the government officials in Mingzhou astonished.

All the sergeants got the woman's words, and they didn't reject the nursing home who was sitting in the well watching the sky, and kept this group of people out of the circle as idlers. Take your own responsibility and step forward to help the "idle people" by the wall.

"She... this... is really deceiving people too much!" Seeing this posture, the head of the nursing home did not dare to move rashly, but just complained to Ma Du's head, feeling very aggrieved.

"How big of a disaster do you have to make before you give up? Don't say that the demon is not in her car, even if he is in her car, you can just watch. Your cousin's beating is nothing!" Ma Du At this time, the head is an afterthought.

"Old Ma, what is the background of this woman!?" The head of the nursing home asked.

Ma Dutou smiled when he heard the words, and said coquettishly: "Which mansion is Jingdong? For some years, this noble person will come back every year to burn paper and incense for her mother, because she is very low-key and doesn't like to show off, so not many people know every time!"

"It's just a magistrate. You don't think my master has anyone in the court? What did you stop me from doing just now? It's really a big deal for our family!" The head of the nursing home said indifferently.

Ma Du glanced at the pretentious guardian, and said: "Looking at our Song Dynasty, all the prefects add up to a rare number, and you are still "nothing" and "no more". To tell you the truth, if you have the courage, you can catch up. What will this group of soldiers do to you! Think about it, when this nobleman came back to sweep the grave two times ago, she was still the daughter of the magistrate, and within a year or two, she became the daughter of the magistrate. As the saying goes, things are unpredictable, who knows what identity she will have when she returns to Mingzhou ? You are not afraid of causing trouble for your master, so you go, forgive me for not being with you!"


"The two big leaders of Liangshanbo, how did you become a Mingjiao demon?" At this time, Xiaohuan in the carriage naturally no longer had the vicious look just now, facing Wang Lun and Jiao Ting, looking at each other and smiling.

At this time, Wang Lun called the little girl to be sarcastic, but he was not angry, and said, "How did you know that we got into this carriage?"

"Where did the slaves see you? To tell you the truth, it was my little lady who saw you sneaking around. At first, she thought it was two disciples. How did you know that one of you likes to wear white clothes, and the other has no eyebrows or beard? I asked my little lady to find out, so I sent the little girl to come forward and rescue you two!"...

This little girl has fangs and sharp teeth at this time, she is far from the distraught look she had when she went to Liangshanbo to seek medical treatment.On the contrary, the little lady in her family, who used to speak well, didn't say a word at this time, but just looked at Wang Lun with a pair of beautiful eyes.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the breath can be heard. At this time, the owners of the two sets of eyes have never experienced this kind of experience before. Although the beautiful woman felt shy, she couldn't help asking: "You... you knew about the slave's family a long time ago. identity?"

This question has been held in her mind for a long time. Although she didn't expect to meet him here, she blurted out the question she had prepared for a long time, and the image that was forcibly forgotten in Wang Lun's mind suddenly became very clear. It turns out that some feelings can't be forgotten just by forgetting them. She didn't erase them from her memory, but just hid them deeper.

Wang Lun coughed dryly, not knowing how to answer her question, and finally just nodded.

"Boss Wang, the outside world has spread the word about you, and the slave family also thinks it is amazing! How come you can recognize me and my little lady once we go up the mountain?" Xiaohuan asked Wang Lun when he saw that the master was silent.

Wang Lun had no worries about Mrs. Cheng's servant girl, Xiaohuan, and replied, "As soon as your wife reports her name, I'll know!"

Who would have thought that this big truth shocked the two women present, they only heard Xiaohuan's "ahhh" and exclaimed: "You are a strong man, but you know my little lady's boudoir name for no reason, what are you planning? Could it be that he made up his mind a long time ago and wanted to snatch my little lady up the mountain to become Mrs. Yazhai!"

"Xiaohuan!" Miss Cheng couldn't sit still when she heard the words, her cheeks flushed with shame, she gave the servant girl a reproachful look, and when she found Wang Lun's eyes looking at her, she immediately lowered her head.

Wang Lun always felt that the woman in front of him was very dignified and elegant, and her manners were very decent, but he rarely saw such a young woman like her. Seeing her shy expression at this time, he couldn't help but feel distracted.

"My brother forcibly robbed your little lady? Wouldn't it make the world laugh out loud!" Jiao Ting and Jin'er had been familiar with Xiaohuan before, but now they didn't see her, and said:

"But to be honest, if it weren't for my elder brother, it would be impossible to find a magistrate to be Taishan. Our Shanzhai brothers would have gone to your house as a matchmaker! Even my family, Jin'er, said that besides your little lady, who else is worthy of being our Liang Shanbo?" Mrs. Yazhai?"

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