Water Margin Survival

Chapter 527 Pull 1, Make 1 String

"I don't want to eat the fish that comes out of your crotch!" Jiao Ting looked at Ruan Xiaoqi with disgust, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Even the new guy couldn't help showing his face. Man, it was the first time he laughed. ..

"Since the hero has defeated my numerous naval leaders in Liangshanbo, his abilities are extraordinary. If the hero does not give up, please go up the mountain and take the top spot!" Wang Lun said with a smile.

The man blushed, and said: "The king's boss has been flattered, but the younger brother really lost!"

"In the future, we will all be brothers. Does winning or losing matter? When it comes to water, am I the same loser to Xiao Qi?" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled.

"How dare I beat my brother, I won't let my old lady beat me with a big stick when I go back!" Ruan Xiaoqi laughed from the side.

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, but the man sighed and said: "The king's leader is approachable, and the brothers in the village are friendly again. I bow to you! I'll sell my life to my brother!"

Wang Lun handed over the towel and said with a smile, "The hero hasn't registered his name yet!"

"Brother, look at me. I am a fisherman. How can I have a name? The villain's surname is Cheng, and the single name is a noble character. My ancestors were fishing and ferrying in the Qiantang River. Because of the heavy grades, my wife and children suffered. The way out, I am lucky to meet my brother today, and I don’t ask for anything else, I would rather hold the whip and fall into the stirrup!" The man formally bowed down.Wang Lun looked at the future No. [-] general of the navy under Fang La.Asked: "Brother, you have such a good ability. Jiangnan Fangla is close at hand, didn't he come to recruit you?"

"My little brother is just a fisherman on the Qiantang River. Who knows the name of a villain? I think only a hero like Pang Zhaizhu can fall into Fang La's eyes!" When Cheng Gui said this, there was only one kind of hero useless. The loneliness of the land.

Wang Lun nodded, thinking maybe Fang La hadn't raised the flag yet.I didn't realize the importance of the navy at first.Second, I haven't met these four people yet.If it is said that Pang Wanchun snatched food from Fang La by himself, then this navy talent is the big leak he picked up.

"Don't talk about him, it's fate that we met today. Let's hold a banquet on this barren beach tonight, to cleanse the brothers!" Wang Lun said to Cheng Gui with a smile.

Ruan Xiaoqi came up again at this time, holding the fat fish and said: "My fish..."

"Leave it for yourself!" Everyone laughed, Wang Lun waved his hand, and asked everyone to come in and have a chat. At this time, Cheng Gui said mysteriously, "Brother, younger brother and three other brothers, all of them are from this younger brother." I want to recommend them to go up the mountain, but I don’t know how my brother would like it?" "My three brothers with different surnames are all heroes born in the water, and their skills are not inferior to mine. They also suffer from the fact that there are no heroes to appreciate them. It’s just being in the Qiantang River, I’m so depressed! It’s just that my younger brother is praised by his elder brother, and he couldn’t bear to leave them alone, so he specially told his elder brother to know!” Cheng Gui cupped his hands.When everyone saw that he was recommended by his brother, they all laughed from the sidelines.

"My second brother's surname is Zhai Mingyuan, my third brother's surname is Qiao Mingzheng, and my fourth brother's surname..." Before Cheng Gui finished speaking, Wang Lun suddenly said, "Thank you?"

"Show! Brother also knows his name?" Cheng Gui said in surprise.

"I've heard about you four names a long time ago. I didn't think you were all in the same place. I thought you didn't know each other! If you didn't tell me, you almost missed three heroes!"

Wang Lun let out a "ah", saying that the more he listened, the more curious he became. Isn't this the chief of the four major naval forces under Fang La's so-called "Zhejiang Four Dragons"? I didn't expect these four people to be a gang. It seems that I have a long memory. It's not as clear as it was when I first arrived.

"Brother knows him, so it's easy to talk!" Cheng Gui rubbed his hands together in joy, he could tell the big boss to know before he went up the mountain, and it would be easier when he went up the mountain in the future.

"Brothers, just go and tell them that our Liang Shanshui Army is expanding and we need heroes like them to join us. These three brothers will go up the mountain as they wish, and they will have a position waiting for them!"

Even though Wang Lundang agreed, the leader of the Shanzhai horse army is the most well-equipped, and each battalion may have one or two lieutenants to assist.Although the infantry was a bit weaker, the lack of generals was not too serious. Only the navy, except for the four brothers Fei Bao and Li Jun, had only one general in each battalion, which was very serious.At this time, with these four people who agree with each other, they will be added to each battalion in the future, but isn't it just because sleepiness meets pillows?

"Call me, little brother, the three of them are all willing, don't worry, brother!" Cheng Gui could see that Wang Lun sincerely invited his sworn brothers to go up the mountain, so he patted his chest and said, "Don't be in a hurry to eat, little brother Go and invite them to gather together!"

This Chenggui did what he said, and immediately wanted to look back for the horse. Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this, and saw Wang Lun pointing at Jiao Ting. Jiao Ting turned around when he saw this.

"Although I am not from the south of the Yangtze River, I also know how many state capitals you have to pass by land. When will you get there? Let's rest for a night. Tomorrow, I will send you a passenger boat. You go and take your brothers and their families. Pick it up, and then go to Liangshanbo, the sailors on the boat know the way, look how good it is!"

Cheng Gui clapped his hands when he heard the words, and said, "This is the best, this is the best! It's my brother who is thoughtful!"

Wang Lun laughed, and invited everyone to enter the account. At this time, Ruan Xiaoqi pulled Wang Lun over and said, "Brother, finally there is a hero from the water going up the mountain. This time, whatever you say, I have to match this hero with me! Can't we disperse all the leaders of the water army in order to build a new camp?"

"He hasn't gone up the mountain yet, so you're thinking about it! You, you!" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled when he saw this.

"Last time, I asked two apprentices to come over to help me, and my brother refused. At this time, there are newcomers coming up the mountain, so my brother can't let me go!" Ruan Xiaoqi insisted that Qingshan would not relax, and insisted on following the king's advice. There was a word in Lun's mouth.

"Don't look at the four leaders of Fei Bao's battalion, you will be jealous! The last time the navy expanded its army, you also know that his battalion has 2000 sailors, 3000 sergeants guarding the salt fields, and no less than 5000 saltmen. There are no four chiefs in charge of several islands with a scale of [-] people. How can they take care of them? Now Fei Bao is in charge, Ni Yun is in charge of transportation, Bu Qing is in charge of drying salt, and Di Cheng is in charge of guarding the island. Who shall I call for you?"

Having said that, Wang Lun glared at Xiao Qi, seeing his embarrassing expression, and said: "I will consider this matter, even if these four new brothers go up the mountain, they will not build a new water camp. Don't worry. When we get back to the cottage, we will have our own conclusion!"

But this is not Wang Lun’s trickery, it’s really a water camp with six widowed generals, and only four new blood join in. The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and it’s not good for anyone to dry it out. It's not something that Ruan Xiaoqi can casually agree to now after a while.

Ruan Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue, playing an emotional offensive, "Then I will wait for the good news from my brother!"

Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and quickly caught up with the crowd. They all entered the Chinese army's stronghold together. Cheng Gui saw the horses here, and the soldiers were strong, and he couldn't help but feel emotional. Jiang Guang, the navy is a bit weaker, but his brother has gone, so he can show his talents.

As soon as everyone entered the big tent, they saw that Jiao Ting had already been waiting inside. On the desk in front of the chief seat, these four piles of golden gold were very dazzling. Everyone smiled and looked at Chenggui , Cheng Gui couldn't help swallowing, thinking that he was a fisherman, he had never seen so much gold and silver, and the new life he had dreamed of now was within reach, but it made him feel like he was in a dream.

"Hero, you are going back tomorrow, and you will bring this settling fee with you. When you meet the three brothers, you will get 100 taels of gold each, so that they will have no worries!" Seeing this, Jiao Ting said.

"If I run away with gold in my pocket, the cottage will suffer a lot!" Cheng Gui said these words out of his mouth somehow.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to run with it, my brother even sent a boat to take you for a ride!" Pang Wanchun said with a smile at this time, he also took the money not long ago, and he felt like someone who had come here.

Cheng Gui laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "Every time you come and go, you always have to go up the mountain. It's still a burden to carry, why don't you give it to the mountain village brother!"

"You four brothers have lived in Hangzhou for generations. There must be three relatives and six relatives. In the future, they will go to Liangshan, and they may not be able to take care of them if they are far away. The gold will always be useful!" Wang Lun shook his head.

"Brother is right, really! So little brother is disrespectful!" To be honest, the main reason why Chenggui fell into the grass was because of the pile of things in front of him, but now the other party is doing very beautifully, which still makes him feel grateful and grateful again. Added a sentence: "The Shanzhai attaches great importance to us and other brothers, even if this skin is scratched, I will not dare to bear it in the future!"

Wang Lun stepped forward to help Chenggui, and was about to ask people to go down to hold a banquet. At this time, Li Si, the green grass snake, came in to report: "Boss Meng Kang and Tong Wei and Tong Meng are back!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun asked, "How many ships did you see coming back with them?" This morning, Wang Lun saw that Mingjiao was not a single hand in Mingzhou City, and he was a little worried that the owners of the shipyards would Temporary breach of contract.

"I can't count them at a glance, so there must be thirty or forty?" Li Si hesitated.

"We sent eight ships by ourselves!" Ruan Xiaoqi saw that he couldn't get an accurate word from Li Si, so he opened the tent and went to investigate. The leader followed out together.

Cheng Gui didn't know about Liangshanbo's purchase of a boat, so he followed the crowd out in a bewilderment, but he didn't know that when he reached the seaside, there were only a few passenger boats in the near sea, but now it was densely packed with seagoing boats of more than a thousand materials.At first glance, it is magnificent.

At this moment, Cheng Gui couldn't help but startled a question mark in his heart, "Could this be the Liangshanbo navy!?"

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