Water Margin Survival

Chapter 528 Walking on Two Legs

Wang Lun's worries are not unreasonable.

Sure enough, after the news that Honglian Pavilion had hunted down the members of the Ming Cult came out early in the morning, the owner of the shipyard really regretted it on the spot.

"Little brother received the elder brother's military order brought out by Brother Ye, and rushed to the designated sea area. We arrived at about the same time. After waiting for an hour, it was the agreed delivery time. At that time, ten shipyards sent people over. Brother Ye I told me that there should be 33 shipyards, with a total of [-] sea-going ships. After thinking about it, I only picked up [-] ships. How did I come back and explain to my brother? The four shipyards that came over one after another, but the other three did not show up, I thought I might not be able to make the return trip any longer, so I brought my brothers back first!"

From Sishi to Shenshi, the six hours in between are definitely not due to being too late. It seems that there are really three shipyards that want to touch Mingjiao's tiger's whiskers. Wang Lun thought about it and said to Meng Kang:

"Business that pays for both money and goods. If you make an agreement but go back on it, you obviously don't take Mingjiao seriously. It seems that the city of Mingzhou is going to be calm. Write down the name of the shipyard you came to. It will be transferred to Deng Yuanjue, and those who keep their promises should not bother him again!"

"Little brother will take care of himself!" Meng Kang clasped his fists and said, "This time we brought a total of 14 taels of silver and delivered 11 taels of shipping money, that is, 600 passenger boats and 400 thousand material ships. Twenty-nine thousand and four hundred taels are all on the boat, and I will hand over to Brother Lu Fang in a while!" "It's so rich that I can't spend it, huh?!" Wang Lun didn't answer Meng Kang's words, but just hummed sadly In a word, if it hadn't been for the accidental collision with Shi En, who had "developed" him, how could the [-] sea-going ship be enough now?

Fortunately, Wang Lun does not only walk on one leg. As long as Li Jun successfully hijacks the Goryeo ships and Zhang San gets a batch of official ships from Shi En, the last obstacle to attack Goryeo will be successfully lifted.

It's just that although the problem has been solved, the feeling of being "choked" by reality is still unacceptable to Wang Lun.At that moment, he pulled Meng Kang over again and said:

"I will ask Lu Fang to exchange the remaining money for the boat in your hands into gold for you. You have not been exposed, so you will stay here for the time being. This time we will not buy a boat, but a person! This famous man in Mingzhou city Shipbuilder, dig one by one for me, just say that you are a high-ranking official from Goryeo, you can settle their families, and each household can get a hundred acres of land. If you do well, you will have a bright future waiting for you. them!"

Meng Kang listened.He couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't know what the Koryo fan looks like, and I don't know if the little brother pretends to be like it!" The mission is to come out to Mingzhou alone to buy a ship.Everyone laughed when they heard it, and only heard Ruan Xiaoqi say: "When my brother and brother Li Jun come back, you can see the fake one! You are so delicate and tender, you can see it at once." It’s the yamen of the great official’s house in Fanbang, and it’s an accurate portrait!”

Everyone booed when they saw this.The words "Meng Ya Nei" and "Meng Ya Nei" were all in his mouth, and Meng Kang suddenly yelled, "I am a good man, what kind of bird Ya Nei... Do it and my son will do it in the future!"

"Don't talk about your son. Let's talk about your son's mother first! But there is one thing to say, I'm working hard, don't let my son develop the virtues of Gao Yanei in the future!" I have been busy in the barracks The old Han Shizhong came out at this moment and heard Meng Kang's words.Come forward.

"Han Wu, you can rest assured! Iron-faced Pei Kongmu will give birth to a son, and take care of your son! Anyway, his father will take care of us, and his son will take care of our son! There is no shortage of children and grandchildren!" Ruan Xiaoqi tugged happily words.

"Then why not kill him!?" Pang Wanchun said without knowing.

Everyone suddenly couldn't help but laugh.Even Hua Rong shook his head to admit defeat. Cheng Gui couldn't understand what the group was saying, but he looked very devoted, and his mouth was crooked.

Seeing that they were getting more and more noisy, Wang Lun coughed immediately and said, "You are making fun of Pei Kongmu here. If my camp picket hears about it, even if you don't deal with you now, you won't be able to run back!" Begging for mercy, everyone was panting and chatting for breath.

Wang Lun laughed with them for a while, then introduced Chenggui to Meng Kang, saying: "Brother Chenggui just happened to be back in Hangzhou, so there is no need to hurry, just wait for Brother Mengkang to finish digging the shipbuilder in Mingzhou City, and go back to Liangshanbo together. If there is any emergency, Zhang San, the street rat, is in Mingzhou City, and Brother Ji Ji is still in Siming Mountain, so they can take care of you!"

"Brother, we also have a shipyard in Hangzhou! Do you want me to buy a few boats too?" Cheng Guishun breathed out and found that these boats were all bought from the shipyard, so he asked Ying immediately.

"Mingzhou is lined up, and the situation in Hangzhou is probably the same! To be honest, our ship is still the face of Mingjiao Dharma King Deng Yuanjue, and these shipowners are willing to stop. If we go to Hangzhou to line up, I don't know when it will be. It’s been a month. It’s still better to ask for others than to ask for ourselves. Let’s give them a bottom line and increase the scale of the shipyard by ourselves. Why should we look at people’s faces in the future!” After Wang Lun finished speaking, he patted Cheng Gui on the shoulder and said:

"However, you can also go to the city of Hangzhou to dig for craftsmen, and get funding from Lu Fang later!"

"Don't you have any, little brother? What else do you want!" Cheng Gui declined.

"If you want to rely on the boss's money to do things, I don't know what is going on in our cottage?" Wang Lun laughed, and immediately appeased Chenggui, calling everyone to go back to the camp to welcome Chenggui, Meng Kang, Tong Wei, and Tong Meng. up.

Because they were camping in other places, everyone didn't drink much, they just ate a meal happily. Chenggui only wished he hadn't come earlier and was very active at the banquet. At night, everyone had a good time, except for Han Shizhong who stayed on the shore to be on duty. , Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, everyone went back to the boat to rest.

On the second day, Cheng Gui woke up naturally after sleeping, asked a sailor for a bowl of water to rinse his mouth, and came out on the deck. It's such a big sea ship, judging by its posture, I'm afraid it won't be less than five thousand pieces.Moreover, the size of the fleet moored in the offshore area has more than doubled, making this barren beach more lively than the bustling wharf.

"Brother, what is this?" Cheng Gui saw Wang Lun talking to a man he didn't know on the deck, and Ruan Xiaoqi was standing beside him, so he stepped forward to greet him.

"Brother came just in time. This brother is the leader (captain) of a passenger boat under Xiaoqi's command. Let's get acquainted. His boat has [-] crew members, and I have assigned you to take command!" Wang Lun pulled Ruan Xiao Seven brothers who have played since childhood.Introduce to Cheng Guidao.

A leader without a ministry is a false title, and it is far less intuitive than obtaining the command of a large ship with two thousand materials. You must know that before he came to Mingzhou to visit relatives, he could only fish on the river and play with a ship full of patches. Broken fishing boats without money to replace.At this time, he got this passenger boat that can only be bought at a market price of five or six thousand dollars, not to mention the excitement in his heart. He even forgot to ask the origin of the four huge ships that shocked him.

Although he didn't ask, Wang Lun didn't forget to mention it to him, "This morning, my other two fleets from Liangshanbo had already returned. Because of the hard work all night, Hunhailong Li Jun and short-lived Erlang Ruan Xiaowu took the brothers down. I went to rest, you were still resting at that time, so I didn't disturb you!"

Cheng Gui let out an "Aiya" with a regretful look on his face, and said, "I usually wake up when I don't arrive at five o'clock! I don't know why, but I slept soundly on this big boat. I just didn't get up until now, but I missed it." hero!"

"What a miss, everyone will be brothers in a cottage in the future. You can't see up and down. Brother, you just remember to go early and return early! And don't forget me, brother!" Ruan Xiaoqi winked.

"Brother Seven's words, I'll write it down! I'll meet Brother Mengkang, see you in the village!" Cheng Gui clasped his fists and said, he didn't even bother to eat breakfast after talking.So he said goodbye to Wang Lun.

Wang Lun personally sent Chenggui to the passenger boat assigned to him. Before leaving, Wang Lun said goodbye to Chenggui, and ordered An Chuji on the passenger boat to prepare meals.Only then did he turn around and get off the boat, watching Chenggui's boat sailing slowly out of this place.

"Brother, Fifth Brother and Brother Li Jun are back, and ten large ships have also been taken back. When will we set off for the mountain?" Ruan Xiaoqi asked about the business.

"Wait until your brother and the others have a full day's rest. Just waiting for the news from Zhang San, I want to see what 'Deep Sea' can do!" Wang Lun thought for a while.

"Then...how to deal with these four ships?" Ruan Xiaoqi also knew that these ships could not be assigned to him, but couldn't help asking.

"The draft is too deep to cross the Beiqing River, so let's put them in the Oupeng camp on Jeju Island!" Wang Lun waved his hand and said, "Ask Tong Wei to take the four boats straight to Jeju Island, and ask Lu Fang and Guo Sheng to take the four boats straight to Jeju Island." With [-] relatives on board, first, to escort the captive Korean sailors, and second, to prevent the ship from running empty! In addition, keep the envoy, so that Meng Kang can take the stick from him!"

Ruan Xiaoqi nodded and said: "Then I'll pass on the order! It is said that this group of people is really useless, they surrendered as soon as they met face to face, thanks to the imperial court building such a good ship for them! But what is 'stick spirit'?"

Wang Lun smiled and didn't answer this question, but said: "Now we have [-] passenger boats and [-] thousand-material boats in Mingzhou, and hang them under the three of your sea camps first, and wait for Li Jun and your brother The son woke up, and the three of you discussed and made up your mind. Tomorrow, regardless of whether Zhang San’s news comes or not, let’s go home first. It’s too conspicuous for so many ships to gather here, so we will send the extra sailors to Siming Mountain!”

I don't know if Zhang San knows that the fleet will be evacuated the next day, but he sent someone to send the news before the city gate was closed that day.

Both Deng Yuanjue and Wu Yingxing's whereabouts are unknown, they should have run away.

Wang Lun and Jiao Ting also asked Shi En to find a way to get the mounts of Wang Lun and Jiao Ting back. Because of the big business in the future, there will be no extra charge for this.

The last news about the big deal is that if the delivery is made tomorrow, there will only be seven passenger boats, but if it is delayed until three days later, there will be five passenger boats and eight thousand cargo ships.

Wang Lun made a quick decision and left Tong Meng with enough sailors to go to Siming Mountain, waiting for a deal with Shi En.Unexpectedly, Shi En was able to get more than 3 feed ships. After the fleet scraped together and squeezed out the sailors who stayed on the ship, there were not enough sailors in many positions in the fleet. Hundreds of sailors were all dispersed into the three returning fleets, which temporarily relieved the embarrassing situation of having no one to sail.

The increase in collections yesterday was so weird, and it actually increased by more than 500 in one day. May I ask the new readers yesterday (Saturday, November 11nd), from which channels did you find this book?A lot of words (if you know the details, please post in the book review area to let me know, thank you!)


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