Water Margin Survival

Chapter 529 The eldest brother is still there, and the second brother is crying?

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

It was midsummer, and a task force composed of dozens of large and small ships from Liangshanbo had sailed into the Beiqing River, and the fishermen from Qingzhou were vying to watch. It was not that there were no fleets passing by this river before, but it was the first time that such a large-scale fleet had passed by. be seen.Today's Qingzhou is not as prosperous as it was before the port was closed.

"This time I went to the south of the Yangtze River with my brother, it was an eye-opener for Hua Rong, and I was very relieved to meet this brother Wan Chun again! This way, my brother doesn't have to send me far away, and my younger brother will leave now!" , and bid farewell to Wang Lun, Pang Wanchun and others who saw him off.

"Brother Huarong, you said that it would be great if you could gather together with my younger brother on Mount Liang! This Song Jiang, alas..." Pang Wanchun was heartbroken, holding the rein of Huarong's steed for a long time. Ken let go.

"Combining and parting are all about fate. We parted today, but not for the reunion in the future?" Although Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun had known each other not long ago, they hit it off quite well, and immediately saluted, "Brother Wanchun, we will meet later!"

"Obviously the real brother is right in front of you, but you want to go back and join that black and vicious man, brother Huarong, you are so confused..." Pang Wanchun was not going to let Huarong go just like that, the scandalous things that Song Jiang did were all shocking. Ridiculous, Pian Huarong is obsessed with obsession, how can he feel at ease?Huarong was already a little embarrassed at this time, Wang Lun, who had been there before, glanced at Pang Wanchun, thinking that if he could explain some things clearly in one or two sentences, not to mention Huarong, even Chao Gai should have woken up long ago.But the words finally seemed light, at this time, it is useless to say light, and it would be embarrassing to say too heavy, so I just stepped forward and patted Hua Rong's hand and said: "Brother, have a good journey!"

Hua Rong clasped his fists and saluted with a sigh of relief.Pang Wanchun sighed angrily, let go of the horse's reins, and turned around to go to the boat first. Hua Rong led the horse to the shore independently, and after watching Wang Lun and others board the boat.Only then did he return in dismay.

This horse was originally the mount of my brother-in-law Tang Bin. Back then, my younger sister begged for it and forced it to me. I wanted to return it to Tang Bin. This man refused to take it even if he died, so Huarong stayed in the end.

This horse was a good horse in Chai Daguan's estate back then, although he was not well-known.But crossing water and climbing mountains is like walking on flat ground, not to mention the distance in front of him. When Hua Rong was still immersed in the sadness of parting, the horse had already carried him to the Dazhai of Erlong Mountain.

"Brother Liu Tang, it's me. Open the door!" Hua Rong looked at the triple door and yelled.

In the past, it was Liu Tang, the red-haired ghost, who was in charge of the pass, but at this time, he changed his person. I saw a man with a worried face sticking out his head, seeing that it was Hua Rong calling the pass, his face softened a little, and said: "Is it Hua Zhizhai who came back? What are you waiting for? You haven't opened the door yet!" Hua Rong looked up and saw that it was Mu Hong who was learning archery from him not long ago.He thought to himself: "Even if Liu Tang is not here, and Bai Sheng lives in the triple pass day and night, why are there no two figures of him at this time?"

Hua Rong was thinking about it.A dozen or so terrified men pushed open the city gate, and at this moment Mu Hong came out of the city empty-handed, looked Hua Rong up and down, and said, "I have borrowed my magic arrow for Zhenshan for so long, even point it!" There is no interest, it seems that Liangshanbo is getting more and more petty now!"

Hua Rong frowned upon hearing this.Said: "This cottage is all abandoned by others, and I will do my best. What is it?"

Mu Hongjian said, with a playful look on his face.He didn't talk back to Hua Rong, but said: "My brother has been waiting for Zhizhai in Baozhu Temple for many days, why not go to Hua Zhizhai to meet him?"

"Which brother?"

To be honest, Hua Rong didn't like the people in Jieyang Town. If it wasn't for Song Jiang's sake, how could he teach him archery?This person didn't say "Master" when they met, and he didn't even owe the slightest respect. Huarong was not happy, so he asked back immediately.

"Of course it's Brother Song, who else is there? Chao Tianwang is not in the cottage now!" Mu Hong was a little annoyed by Huarong's knowingly asking, but everyone was on Song Jiang's boat, and he didn't want to argue with him, so he couldn't bear it for a while.

"King Chao Tian is not in the village?" Huarong heard that Liu Tang was not at the pass, and immediately said: "Where are the two leaders, Liu Tang and Bai Sheng? Where did they go?"

"Borrowing food!" Mu Hong snorted coldly, stopped talking, and wanted to go back to the door.

"You follow me to practice bow and arrow so diligently, but you don't go to the battle this time to make meritorious deeds?" Huarong saw that Mu Hong was about to leave, but stopped him and said.

Hearing this, Mu Hong stopped, turned his head suddenly, and said with a horrified expression: "I have worked hard to learn how to shoot arrows for several months, just to make meritorious deeds before the battle. Before I left, King Chao Tian also ordered my name, but it happened that Wu Xuexue got in the way. , I must stay in the village, how can I get there! Even Bai Sheng, Han Bolong and others can lead the army, who is worse than me, Mu Hong?"

When Mu Hong said this, there was a hint of hatred on his face, and after leaving a word, he walked away. It turned out that what he said was: "I think this cottage is full of evil spirits, and those who do things loyally are being teased by those lip servicers." If this continues, you will be condemned by God!"

Hua Rong stood in the same place and pondered for a long while, and when the young men timidly closed the gate and came over to lead the horse, Hua Rong handed the horse to them, only to see a little boss come over and whisper: "Brother Chao Gai is going to the expedition?" Take him with you, but wait for Chief Bai Sheng, and Chief Mu is angry about this, and he hasn't seen his smiling face for several days, Hua Zhizhai don't take it to heart!"

"Are you angry about this? What are you talking about! Hua Rong looked at the direction where Mu Hong disappeared, smiled, and suddenly asked, "You are not on duty at Baozhu Temple, how did you get transferred to this triple pass? "

"The people here are all from the old department of the two chiefs, Liu and Bai. Brother Song was afraid that Chief Mu would not be able to command them, so he ordered the villain to bring a hundred brothers to come and wait for orders!" The little chief clasped his fists and replied.

Hua Rong nodded, and didn't comment. At this moment, the little boss said: "Boss Mu can't think about it. If he doesn't go, he won't go. What's the good of going with Chao Tianwang? It might be dangerous!"

Hua Rong was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Seeing that Huarong was serious, the little boss laughed and said, "The villain chews his tongue, don't let Hua Zhizhai take it to heart!"

"What the hell is going on!" Hua Rong asked him with a playful smile.

The little leader was cornered by Hua Rong, so he had no choice but to say: "Huazhi Village is at the gate of Baozhu Temple, you can tell it at a glance!"

Huarong saw that he couldn't ask any more questions, so he immediately walked up the stone steps, and the minions he met along the way were all mysterious, originally there were groups of three or four gathered together and discussing something mysteriously, all the time. When Yu Huarong passed by, he hurriedly avoided it with a secretive expression on his face.I'm afraid that the usually upright leader will blame them for spreading rumors.

Hua Rong didn't get any news from these people, and full of doubts, he went to the Baozhu Temple, but he was shocked by the sight in front of him, and saw that the big flagpole with the handsome flag was broken in two at this time. Cut it upside down on the open space in front of Baozhu Temple, very conspicuous.

Huarong immediately called the guards in front of Baozhu Temple, and asked, "The handsome flag in the cottage just fell on the ground like this, and you don't care?"

"It's not that the villains don't care about it! It's that Brother Song often comes here to weep, so I wait..." Facing Huarong's reprimand, the minions felt embarrassed.

"Why is brother Gongming crying?" Hua Rong asked hastily.How long has he been gone, why are there so many strange things in the cottage?

"I don't know the head of Hua. A few days ago, the leader of Chao Gai was going to lead his troops down the mountain. Brother Song Jiang couldn't persuade him. After he left with his troops, there was a strong wind that night. When everyone got up early the next morning, they saw this handsome flag. Then it fell down, and it was rumored in the village that this was an ominous sign. The wind blows the handsome flag, which is not good for Shuai! Brother Song Gongming set up another handsome flag at that time, but he didn't know that when he woke up the next morning, it was still broken into two pieces. Cut off, the brothers all turned pale when they saw this, and who would dare to help after this two times in a row!"...

What the minions said made Huarong feel confused, and immediately took a big step away and went straight to Baozhu Temple, just bumped into Kong Ming and Kong Liang who heard the movement and came out to investigate. When the two saw Huarong, He hugged his arms from left to right and said:

"Brother Zhizhai, you are back, please persuade Brother Gongming, for the past few days, he has not thought about eating and drinking, and is restless, afraid that something will happen to Brother Chao Gai!"

Huarong entered the temple, and sure enough, he saw Song Gongming's eyes were red and swollen, and his face was sad. When Song Jiang saw Huarong, he forced a smile and said, "Brother, go back to the south of the Yangtze River and take in that little Yang Youji for the king. ?”

"Fortunately, it's not a disgrace! Now this Pang Wanchun has gone to Liangshan! Chief Wang also asked my younger brother to pay homage to the Heavenly King and Brother Gongming!" Hua Rong clasped his fists and said.

"You brother, when did you tell a lie? I believe that you subdued Pang Wanchun, and the leader Wang took care of Chao Tianwang. I also believe that, but why would he ask you to tell me!" Song Jiang stood up, "punched" the flower Rong, said: "Sit down, brother, I haven't had a backbone these days, it will be much better when you come back!"

Huarong knew that Wang Lun didn't want to see Song Jiang, so he didn't talk about his affairs in Jiangnan at this time, but said: "Brother, the atmosphere in this village is so strange! Why did the brothers in the village feel as if they were mourning when King Chao Tian went down the mountain? Steady!"

Song Jiang sighed deeply when he heard the words, and said, "My dear brother, I don't know that Baozheng's going down the mountain today is not as usual. Before he went down the mountain, Mr. Jia Liang and I tried hard to persuade him, telling him that this place is not unusual, but he just didn't like it." Listen, later on I said that my elder brother is the owner of the cottage and should not be moved lightly, but my younger brother is willing to walk on his behalf, but Mr. Jia Liang suddenly changed his face and turned around to urge Baozheng to go down the mountain. You said this... ah!"

Song Jiang's sigh was as if there were thousands of hills and valleys in his chest, and he couldn't express it quickly, as if Chao Gai listened to the slander and didn't trust him as a loyal person, making an upright and loyal man like him extremely wronged.

"I knew this trip was not that simple. Sure enough, when the strong wind blew off the commander-in-chief flag at night, there was a lot of discussion in the village. I immediately ordered everyone in the village not to speak nonsense, and those who violated the military order would be dealt with. At that time, the commander-in-chief flag was erected again. The next day, the handsome flag fell to the ground again, only to make me lose my position, how can I hold the children? I really don’t know whether Baozheng’s trip is a bad luck or a good one.”

I finally figured it out. It turned out that the editor did a good deed without leaving a name, and gave my brother a big surprise. Thanks to the few good guys who left comments in the book review area to clarify the confusion!Thank you!

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