Water Margin Survival

Chapter 535: The Magic Star From Heaven 108

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The rain in summer originally came and went quickly.But the torrential rain last night came in a strange way. The raindrops not only fell like splashing water, but also accompanied by extremely rare and strong lightning and thunder, rumbling and rumbling in the middle of the night, scaring many children up and down the mountain. .

After finally waiting for the rain to clear up, Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu went to the cottage to investigate the damage. Many temporary residences for the relocated people were leaking. Xiao Jiasui, a leader with common sense, ordered the demolition and reconstruction on the spot.You must know that emigrating overseas is Liang Shanbo's established policy, and it is by no means a matter of overnight.If there is such a rare rain in a hundred years, how will the people on the mountain live in peace?

After dealing with these urgent affairs, the two remaining military advisers returned to the Juyi Hall. They had just sat down, and before they had time to take a sip of tea, Zhu Gui hurried in and said: "Two military advisers, Chao Gai of Erlongshan The brigade has arrived at the hotel at the foot of the mountain, do you want the navy to send ships to meet them?"

The two of them already knew about what happened in Erlong Mountain.Zhu Wu glanced at Xiao Jiasui, and said, "No need, now there is only a battalion of sailors under Hu Yanqing's command in the village, and most of them are newcomers. They are training hard now, let Wang Dingliu go! Ruan Most of the boats replaced by the brothers belonged to him, just in time to ferry Chao Gai up!"

Zhu Gui nodded when he heard the words, and asked the two military advisers to write the transfer order on the spot. Zhu Wu took the pen and paper and wrote it at his desk. After a while, he saw him write it and hand it to Xiao Jiasui for his signature. Asked: "Chao Gai arrived in Yunzhou the day before yesterday, why did he wait until now to arrive at the North Shore Hotel?"

Zhu Gui patted his forehead and said: "It's not the Shouzhang Hotel, it's our hotel at the Lijia Road Crossing in Yuncheng. Please trouble the two military advisers. Write another copy of the order, otherwise when the sixth son of the Wang family rushes to the north bank, who will he pick up?" ?”

Hearing this, Zhu Wu shook his head and smiled wryly, pointing at Zhu Gui and said: "You brother. You have always been cautious, and you never speak clearly. If it wasn't for Officer Xiao asking you something, wouldn't your trip be in vain!"

Seeing that Zhu Gui said he was just laughing and making amends, Zhu Wu didn't feel too hard for him. He shook his head and started copying at his desk. I don’t know the way. Why did you run to the intersection of Li’s house? What’s the reason?”

"What else could be the reason? It's just human nature! After finally getting to Dongxi Village, why don't you go home and have a look?" Zhu Wu didn't raise his head.Continue to write hard.

Zhu Gui echoed with a smile, but didn't speak.In fact, it's not his fault that he was not careful in intelligence, because Chao Gai was a friend of the Shanzhai, so Zhu Gui didn't send a spy post to monitor along the way, but he sent his brother Zhu Fu to contact him dignifiedly.

Zhu Gui wrote the new transfer order.Passed it to Xiao Jiasui to sign, handed it to Zhu Gui, and said with a smile: "This time I can't make a mistake!"

Zhu Gui immediately thanked him and was going to look for Wang Dingliu, but Xiao Jiasui stopped him and said, "Officer Chai went to Jeju Island with my brother, so you can take care of the reception. When I was young, Junshi Zhu and I would go Golden Beach welcomes..."

Before Xiao Jiasui finished speaking, he saw Zhu Gui's body swaying, Zhu Wu saw it and said, "Could it be that you have a cold? Did it rain last night?"

Zhu Gui waved his hands again and again, saying that nothing happened, but his calves were shaking a little.Seeing that Xiao Jiasui stretched out his hand to touch Zhu Gui's forehead and found that it was very hot, he hurriedly said: "This is not good, I have to ask the medical officer to come and have a look!"

Zhu Wu hurriedly called the sergeant on duty, and went back to Tianying to invite the medical officer who stayed behind. Xiao Jiasui pushed Zhu Gui to the top chair, and reprimanded him: "If you are sick, you should rest more. What if it becomes a serious illness? Now Doctor An is with your brother." It's time to go to sea, and Imperial Physician Mou is not in the cottage, so don't be joking at this time!"

Zhu Gui said that he was fine and wanted to get up, but Xiao Jiasui stopped him and said, "Chao Baozheng is not an outsider, so there is no need to talk about such hypocrisy! I called Cao Zheng to treat you, and it's just normal!" After persuading Zhu Gui, he told him to rest here until the medical officer saw it.

Cao Zheng was also a capable person. He took over Zhu Gui to greet Chao Gai and the others at the entrance of Li's house. After greetings, he invited the leaders of Erlong Mountain to board the boat first. Hey guys, of course someone is going to make a fuss.

After a short time, the fleet arrived at the Golden Beach, where Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu met on the shore. When Chao Gai and his party got off the boat, Xiao Jiasui stepped forward to apologize and said, "What a coincidence, brother Wang Lun just happened to lead the team Overseas, the younger brother and Zhu Junshi will take the place of the older brother to welcome the heroes of King Chao Tian!"

Chao Gai laughed, and said, "It's not the first time I voted for Liangshan! Mr. Xiao still treats me as a guest, so I should be fined three times..."

But before Chao Gai finished speaking, he heard three sudden sneezes, and saw Wu Yong cover his nose with his head up, so embarrassed, Zhu Wu saw this and said, "Could it be that Wu Xuejiao has a cold too? The heavy rain last night was so strange." ! There is also a leader in our cottage who has led the way of the heavens!"

Wu Yong looked embarrassed, and was about to answer, but suddenly he sneezed again and again. In front of everyone, it was so embarrassing. Seeing that the leaders of Liangshanpo were all looking at Wu Yong, Liu Tang immediately shouted: "Pedant, you It's really time for a cold! Why did we all feel good last night, but you caught a cold?"

Seeing Liu Tang open his mouth, Gongsun Sheng said hastily: "People eat whole grains, so it's normal to catch a cold! Brother, you are in good health, but you can't control other people's headaches and fevers!"

"It's really weird! Mr. Gongsun, you have such a nasal voice, are you also sick?" Liu Tang wondered, "Where did you two go to be thieves in the middle of the night?"

Chao Gai's face changed instantly when he heard that, and he said quickly: "Brother, don't talk nonsense! The two military advisers were drinking and chatting with me last night, what kind of thief are you?"

When Liu Tang saw that his joke had drawn such a big reaction from Chao Gai, he couldn't help being speechless, so he didn't dare to say any more.

Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu looked at each other, they didn't know what kind of medicine were sold in these gourds, but it was not easy to ask, so they politely invited everyone up the mountain.


In the lobby of the Yuncheng County Yamen, an old magistrate who was over sixty years old was looking through the county's past official documents in the hall. The surroundings were quiet, and the yamen servants waiting in the two rows looked at him in awe.

To say that this new county magistrate is amazing, he has only been in office for less than half a month, and he has tidied up all the officials and servants in the county government.It's also thanks to Song Yasi and Lei Dutou who left early, otherwise they might not be able to enjoy themselves under the magistrate's subordinates.

Interested people inquired about the origin of the old county magistrate.Can't help but startled.

It turned out that he was transferred from Dengzhou Tongjuan. Originally, Yuncheng County was close to Liangshanbo, and many low-level civil officials in the court regarded it as a fearful way, but this master did not believe in evil.The scapegoat that obviously has nothing to do with him, but he took the initiative to take the blame, and assumed the responsibility of breaking Dengzhou City by Erlongshan strongman, and was relegated to this Yuncheng County as an official. It is said that he chose this place by himself...

It's incredible!

Everyone tried their best to see what was going on in the old magistrate's mind, they just blamed themselves and felt that their fate was miserable, and they met such an invulnerable Shangguan.

"Sanggong...Sanggong, there is a group of people at the door begging for help!"

A notification made the old county magistrate look up from the pile of books, and he looked at the person.He teased: "It is said that this Yuncheng is the most peaceful county in the Song Dynasty where people can live and work in peace and contentment. I haven't had a single case since I took office for more than ten days. Why are there people asking for help now?"

"The one who took the lead was Baozheng from Shijie Village. According to Baozheng, there was lightning and thunder last night. A hundred-year-old tree was split outside the village, revealing a piece of stone. There are inscriptions on the inscription, but everyone can't understand what is written on it. Fortunately, Baozheng is quite knowledgeable, and it may be an auspicious sign. So I specially asked someone to carry Shijie over!"

"Xiangrui?" The old magistrate smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Follow me to have a look!"

The crowd embraced him and went out of the yamen. The Baozheng of Shijie Village hurriedly came forward to salute, and said flatteringly, "My lord, our place is called Shijie Village. I don't know any allusions to it before. Now that this stone tablet has appeared, But isn’t it just fulfilled?”

The old magistrate comforted the people in front of him with his kind words, then he looked at the stone tablet in front of him, seeing that it was engraved with small seal characters, he understood it.Even ordinary scholars may not be able to recognize all these ancient texts, let alone these ordinary people.

But these inscriptions naturally did not bother him.

It's just that the gentleman's face became more and more serious the more he looked down. After he asked someone to turn over the stele and read it thoroughly, he told the loyal old man who was almost 60 years old that his beard trembled with anger.

What auspiciousness, it's simply making trouble!


But asked what was written on the stone tablet?

It turns out that in front of the stele, the names of 36 people are written.On the back of the stele, the names of 72 people are written, namely:

36 members of Tiangang Star:

Tiankuixing white-clothed scholar Wang Lun

Tiangang star game Xiao Hewen Huanzhang

Xiao Jiasui, pharmacist of Tianji star disease

Tianling star Xiao Zhangliang Xu Guanzhong

Zhu Wu, the military strategist of Tianmi Star

Tianxiong star leopard head Lin Chong

Tianmeng Xinghua monk Lu Zhishen

Tianyi star jade unicorn Lu Junyi

Tianshou star mixes Hailong Li Jun

Tianguixing Xiaoxuanfeng Chaijin

Tianquanxing, the king of hundreds of feet

Tianyi star sword Guan Sheng

Skyburst, Starburst, Thunderbolt, Qin Ming

Tianying star falling carved bow Tang Bin

Tianweixing Double Whip Hu Yanzhuo

Tianhao star drunk and subdued tiger Wusong

Sun An, the dragon slayer of Tianlixing

Bian Xiang

Tian Min Xing Sai Hu Crazy Goosebumps

Tuo Guanghui

Tianjie Star Splashes Han Wu Han Shizhong

Shi Wengong

Li Guanghuarong, the star of the arrow

Ruan Xiaoer

Tianyan Star Iron Lock Hengjiang Huyanqing

Tiantao star short-lived Erlang Ruan Xiaowu

Tianxiao Xinglang Li Baitiao Zhang Shun

Tianning Star Golden Gunner Xu Ning

Tian Jiexing has no feathers and arrows Zhang Qing

Yang Zhi, the blue-faced beast

Luan Tingyu

Yuan Lang, the red-faced tiger with stars in the sky

Tianshun star white-haired tiger horse

Tian Kuai Xing Huo Yan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi

Tian Zuo Xing Xiao Yang You Ji Pang Wan Chun

Tianwei star has no face and is anxious

72 members of Earth Fiend:

Di Kui Xing Iron Face Pei Xuan

Earth evil star touches the sky Du Qian

Earth Guardian Star Desperate Saburo Shixiu

Earth Jiexing Jiuwenlong Shi Jin

Earth killing star black whirlwind Li Kui

One-eyed Tiger Ma Jin

Di Ying Xing Jing Mu Yan Hao Siwen

Ground Speed ​​Star God Colt Ma Ling

The time shift

Earth Dwelling Xingmoyun Golden Wing Ou Peng

Earth Star Redbeard Dragon Fei Bao

Fan Rui, the incarnate devil king

Song Wan, King Kong in Difu Xingyun

Dimixing Dryland Hulu Zhugui

An Daoquan, a star medical doctor

Yanqing, the prodigal son of Earth Spirit Star

Sun Ding

Mou Jie

Xiao Rang

Jiang Jing

Dizhenxing Town Sanshan Huangxin

Suo Chao, Pioneer of Earthburst Star

Earth Chou Xing Chou County Ma Xuanzan

Earth Mercury Holy Water General Shan Tinggui

Earth Star Killing Gun Hu Yantong

Wei Dingguo

Landmark star flower Xianghu Gong Wang

Arrow Tiger Ding Desun in Earth Hurt Star

Han Tao

Earth Fuxing Tianmu General Peng Qi

Wen Zhongrong

Cui Ye

Di Zuo Xing Xiao Wen Hou Lu Fang

Earth Blessing Star Sai Rengui Guo Sheng

Earth righteous star fire eye Suan Ni Deng Fei

Diyi star iron flute fairy Ma Lin

Land Trade Star Flying Tiger Hu Cheng

The Earth Comet

Earth sin star little Tianbao Su Ding

Sai Zhi Jie Shan Shiqi

Bao Xu

Chen Da

The hidden star white flower snake Yang Chun

Nezha Xiangchong with Eight Arms

Li Gong

Earth Bird and Star Two-headed Snake Jie Zhen

Earth beast star double-tailed scorpion solution treasure

Earth mad star general Shi Yong

Earth craftsman star leopard Tang Long

Earth Made Star Jade Banner Gan Mengkang

Earth ship star little Luban Ye Chun

Li Yun, blue-eyed tiger

Dungeon Star Cold Noodle Festival Level Lin Ren

Dimo star nine-tailed turtle Tao Zongwang

Dicha star curly hair tiger Ni Yun

Diqiuxing Yangzi Jiaobuqing

Xiong Dicheng with thin face and thin face

Earth Avoiding Stars Out of the Cave Jiao Tongwei

Earth Retires Star Turns Mirage Tong Meng

Earth Flashing Star Living Flash Queen Ding Liu

Earth short star from Lin Long Zou Yuan

Zou Run

Earth Planet Jinbaozi Yanglin

Laughing Star Smiling Tiger Zhu Fu

Di Tu Xing's knife ghost Cao Zheng

Little Wei Chi Sunxin

Dici star mother big bug Gu Dasao

Huang Fuduan

Jade arm craftsman Jin Dajian

Dile Xingtie is called Zilehe

Earth Superstar Danger God Yubao IV

Hou Jian

(End of Volume [-])

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