Breaking through the Bohai Bay surrounded by the mainland, the conquest fleet of Liangshanbo, composed of more than 80 large and small ships, crushed the waves of the Yellow Sea and sailed majesticly towards Jeju Island.

Bearing the title of strongman, regardless of victory or defeat, success or failure, it seems that Liang Shanbo has always been punished by the imperial court in terms of status.Even if the Daming Mansion in Xiongzhen, Hebei is broken, only the local people who have benefited from Liang Shanbo will say hello in their hearts, and in the eyes of the world, they will eventually be shameless, but it is nothing more than "forced bandits and rebellion".

This time, the situation is different.

This is the first "action to destroy the country" since the founding of Liangshanbo. Of course, the small court of Goryeo has been established for hundreds of years, with nearly 200 states and counties under its jurisdiction, and a population of nearly [-] million. down.

However, Wang Lun also has a very clear goal for mobilizing people this time. If he operates properly, he will probably be able to take root in this peninsula and plant the banner of Liangshanbo, laying a place for his brothers and the people who follow him to recuperate. The foundation comes.

And with this paradise after the opening of the troubled times, Liangshanbo can be attacked, retreated and defended, the strategic maneuvering space has been greatly expanded, and the war potential has doubled. The root of the tree can be compared.

The towering trees of the future begin with this foundation-laying battle.

Standing on the deck, Wang Lun looked out of thin air, surrounded by barren blue water, without a trace of land in the distance, except for flying seabirds and big fish jumping up from time to time in the sea, it seemed empty and lonely.Fortunately, the more than 80 large ships around him made him feel that his brothers were always together, and his heart was solid and warm.

At this moment, Wang Lun felt someone coming. Hearing the cheerful footsteps, Wang Lun didn't have to think about it, it must be Ruan Xiaoqi.

"How about the new boat, is there no more water seepage?"

The person who came was indeed Ruan Xiaoqi.Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, they scolded Shi Enlai in front of Wang Lun: "Brother, do you have any responsibility in your 'deep sea' eyes other than money, and use this instant product to fool people, if we didn't bring a group of shipbuilders I don’t know how many big ships I will sink along the way!”

It might sound like a joke that the quality of the boats in official yards is not as good as in private yards, but that's how it is.

I bought these more than 20 sea boats from Shi En, walked along the coastline and approached the sea and returned to the cottage without any problems, but since entering the Yellow Sea, there have been constant problems, big and small.Either there was a leak here, or there was a crack there. Fortunately, Meng Kang took the original shipbuilder of the cottage to build a new shipyard on Jeju Island with the boat, and it happened to come in handy at this time. Except for a passenger boat that sank to the bottom of the sea, the others They are still some problems that can be solved, except for a little time delay, there is no major loss.

"Things in the world are not so perfect! As long as you don't delay major events, you can get over it!" Wang Lun's words didn't have a good effect, Ruan Xiaoqi still had that bitter face, it turned out that the passenger boat that crashed was the new assigned to him.

"When the new shipyard on Jeju Island is built, the first ship will be assigned to you. Is it done?" Wang Lun smiled and said, these leaders are really doing their duty, if they don't regard the current matter as a career Treat it, replace it with an old oil in officialdom.It's nothing to sink a ship or two, it's all sunk, as long as the boss likes it.

Ruan Xiaoqi heard the words.Only then did he laugh, and said, "It's still the elder brother who always misses the younger brother!"

"That's right! Otherwise, why would we always sit on your flagship, which is more delicious than other places!" Jiao Ting said with his eyes wide open.

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed out loud when he heard the words, and was quite proud. Although the Liang Shanshui army was the foundation of their Ruan brothers, Li Jun, a sea dragon, rose later, with great prestige, and his status in the hearts of the sailors who joined later faintly surpassed the three of them. Brotherhood, but so what?Although everyone in this cottage is his own, but there are always relatives of different ranks. Ruan Xiaoqi dares to say with confidence that he is one of his brother's own people.

"How long will it take to reach the shore?" Wang Lun smiled and asked about business.

"I came here to talk about this. If there is no accident, we will arrive at Jeju Island before sunset!" Ruan Xiaoqi replied, "If it wasn't for my brother's order, don't drive by the shore. I have taken a lot of wrong roads, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be there early." It's here!"

"If our more than 80 sea-going ships were sailing along the coast, wouldn't Gao Li have noticed it?" Wang Lun replied, turned around and went off the deck, and told Ruan Xiaoqi: "Be careful, I'll take care of you first." down!"

"Let's go, let's go! Brother, go and sleep, and you'll be there when you wake up!" Ruan Xiaoqi waved his hand and smiled.


Before dusk, the fleet arrived at its destination: Jeju Island.The army will rest here for two or three days. After all, no matter how big the Liangshan Pond is, it cannot compare to this boundless sea. Moreover, the horse and infantry brothers are not all in the water. After wandering on the sea for more than ten days, they suddenly landed on land. Every calf trembled.

At this time, the pier was very busy, and Jeju Island hadn’t been so lively for a long time. Ou Peng himself stood on his huge ship of [-] materials, and excitedly called the flags to call the ships into the port, full of mastery.

"It's been more than half a year since we parted, and my brother looks more and more energetic!"

Wen Huanzhang smiled and led all the officials on the island to the pier to welcome Wang Lun. Even the garrison officers Guan Dujian, Mi Dujian and Deng Shoubei came, but the county magistrate, Lord Qiu Xian, was not there. Wang Lun and everyone met After the ceremony, I asked him where he was going with a smile.

"I'm writing a legal code in the county government office. Didn't my brother ask us to perfect these basic laws and regulations? It just so happens that Qiu Zhixian has a lot of insights into "Song Xingtong". In the past half a year, Xiao Xiancheng and I have had many discussions with him. , it will be revised soon!" Wen Huanzhang replied with a smile.

Guxuan's overseas rules are indispensable, and it is impossible to address the brothers as casually as in the past. Wen Huanzhang is used to calling Xiao Rang and calling him, but at this moment he forgot to change his words.

"Okay!" Wang Lun sighed, and said, "Brothers are so hardworking, I'm ashamed to be lazy! General Guan, how is it? Are you used to staying on this island?"

Guan Sheng has never been good at talking and laughing, but when he saw Wang Lun again at this time, he couldn't express his emotions. Hearing Wang Lun's question, he immediately clasped his fists and said: "The soldiers and horses under the young general's command have been practicing on this island for half a year. Appointment, the young general will go all out!"

"Listening to General Guan's words, I'm very confident!" Wang Lun looked back at the crowd and said with a smile. Wen Huanzhang smiled and told some anecdotes about Guan Sheng's military training on the island. Embarrassed, explained:

"Brother Guan and the brothers under my younger brother are all old men in the Forbidden Army. They all have some background, so it is not difficult to practice. They are not like the first-class Shanzhai Linjiao. They all started from scratch, which is awe-inspiring!"

"Brother Lin is not here, brother Junma is flattering!" Yan Jiao said with a smile when he saw it.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Wang Lun, only to hear Wang Lun smile and say, "Whether I brought any brothers here, you know, brother?"

"Brother Military Advisor, although I'm not a roundworm in your stomach, I can read now! I waited on this pier for a long time, but I didn't see the word 'rock'. If Coach Lin came here, his Suo Xianfeng must not Let someone else, the first person to get off the pier is him!" said Yan Ji plausibly.

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, Wang Lun pointed his fingers and said, "How are your soldiers and horses trained? You and General Guan are both supervisors, so don't let people say that you are miserable." !"

"Don't mention it! Ever since I became a high-ranking official, if I go home and work harder, my mother will beat me with a big stick and insist on driving me back to the barracks. Such a prisoner, if incompetent and dismissed by the military brother in the future, she will not recognize me!" With bitterness in his stomach, he finally met someone who could dump him, and immediately yelled aggrieved.

Guan Sheng, who was always serious when he said these words, couldn't help smiling, and rarely said: "Our two battalions often compete with each other, and the cavalry team in the Brothers' battalion has nothing to say about fighting tough battles!"

All the people present could hear that Guan Sheng wanted to say good things about Yan Ji, but unfortunately, he was cautious and said something, and Wang Lun immediately heard something else. , but not very flexible?

However, he said complacently: "My cavalry has nothing to say, but my other children will open your eyes as well!"

"That's right! You eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the mountains every day. The wild animals in this mountain are now far away, isn't it enough to open your eyes?" Xiao Rang said with a bitter face: "I don't know, my county There are also one or two hundred hunters here, who refused to ask for fields before, saying that they don’t know how to plant, and they only need to hunt for a living. But now it’s better, everyone says that the wild animals in the mountains are extinct, and they want to farm again. The fields on my island The distribution is almost done, where can we squeeze out tens of thousands of acres of land to distribute?"

"Ah, if there are hunters, don't you ask them to join the army? What do you think, the county magistrate? I still think there are too many people?"

Xiao Rang probably called Wen Huanzhang and Qiu Xian to come out, and he was no longer as timid as in the past in the cottage, so he didn't let him go, and said: "Zhengyin is the magistrate of Qiu County, I'm just the county magistrate of Xushi!"

"It's not too late!" Muttered.

"Okay, if you have something to say, save it for the dinner at night, let's block my brother here, what does it look like?" Wen Huanzhang laughed.

Wang Lun nodded to Xiao Rang, and replied: "It's just right, this is the end for the brothers in the navy. Please, General Guan, come forward to receive the horse army who came with you, and go to receive the infantry army. Mr. Wen, Guan Zhong and I will discuss the war! "

After hearing this, Guan Sheng and Yan Ji received the order, and took Xuanzan and Xie brothers to the assembly place of the horse and Bu battalions.

Wen Huanzhang greeted everyone to return to the city with a smile at first, but at this moment he looked at Wang Lun with flickering eyes. Seeing that he seemed to have something to say, Wang Lun nodded knowingly, and asked Xiao Rang and Jiao Ting to take the lead and lead everyone to go ahead. Let's go, only Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong were left at this time, Wen Huanzhang just started to speak, and immediately said something, which made Wang Lun's face change drastically, Xu Guanzhong was puzzled, and both of them stared at Wen Huanzhang and asked :

"Where are those people now?" (To be continued...)

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