Water Margin Survival

Chapter 546 Could it be that if the Liao Kingdom couldn't do it, Liangshan couldn't do it

Qiu Xian expressed unreservedly that he was not optimistic about the prospect of Liang Shanbo's expedition to Korea. At the end, Xiao Rang, who was not familiar with war, also became a little uneasy.

Because this person is not just bad-mouthing Liangshan, but he has reasoned and well-founded analysis of the old story of the Liao Kingdom's four expeditions to Goryeo a hundred years ago and Xiao Rang's repeated analysis. At one time, Xiao Rang was speechless. After all, the Liao Kingdom raised an army several times. The attack on Goryeo did not achieve very good results, so the idea of ​​​​using large-scale troops against Goryeo has since been absolutely eliminated. It can be counted that there has been no major war between the two countries for decades.

During the period, Qiu Xian had a sentence that Xiao Rang could not let go of, "I think that the Liao Kingdom tried its best to conquer Korea again and again. Although they forced Korea to sign the alliance under the city every time, they still couldn't swallow this The country must return in dismay! I... Although you Liang Shanbo dominates the green forests of the Song Dynasty, you dare to say that it is more powerful than the Liao army? Remember, the Liao army a hundred years ago is not what these incompetent children and grandchildren can do today. Comparable!"

Feeling the impassionedness of Qiu Xian's faction, it gave Xiao Rang a feeling that he might leave at any time, who knew that Qiu Xian just sighed repeatedly, wanting to leave or not, looking back several times in the middle to look at the leader who was surrounded by stars. The scholar did not take a step in the end, and finally waited for Wang Lun to announce the end of the meeting, but left with the flow of people, lonely.

Xiao Rang can see Qiu Xian's complicated psychological activities. Although he is not good at military affairs, he is still somewhat accurate in judging people. What Qiu Xian said just now can be regarded as heart-to-heart. Qiu Xian told Wang Lun about his heart, and he was moved by Qiu Xian.I also want to know urgently.How sure is the owner of his own village about this battle related to the fate of Liangshan.

"Brother, military advisor, wild beasts have repeatedly appeared in Xinghua Village, and the people begged to come over, but the police in the Xushi County Government were unable to kill them. The meaning of the county magistrate Qiu is that please send the brothers from the Dudu Supervisor to work hard, This... the little brother also knows that the army is about to march, and we..."

Before Xiao Rang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wen Huanzhang. He called the brothers Xie and Xie to stop, stretched out his hand to embrace the three of them, and said with a smile, "Three generals, why are you making such a fuss on the mountain? Instead, the wild beast They all drove down the mountain, causing the people in Xinghua Village to suffer, and the livestock to be disturbed repeatedly?"

Although Xie Zhen and Xie Bao knew that Wen Huanzhang was just joking, they still looked cautious and didn't answer casually, while Xie Bao showed a look of indifference.carelessly said:

"I heard that the prefect just orders you if you have something to do. But why do you say that we drove the tiger and wolf down the mountain? Two brothers, make a hard trip, bring three or five children, and get rid of this harmful idiot!"

Xie Zhen and Jie Bao are both honest people, and upon hearing the words, they didn't wait to say anything, and turned around to carry out his orders, but Wang Lun stopped them and said, "It's enough to bring three or five people with you to eliminate harm. The key is that you have fewer people going, so where can you easily meet him? Tomorrow the army will be dispatched. How can you allow you to search carefully? And bring a commanding brother, and search all over the mountain, so that you can solve it quickly!"

Seeing that Xuan Juan just smirked when he heard the words, he didn't refute a word, but just waved his hands and told the Xie brothers to go and do it quickly, Wen Huanzhang shook his head and smiled, "I've been talking here for a long time, and I was able to mobilize three or five people. How can I get a word from my brother?" ? Dudujian, hudujian, you have always been rumored to be upright, so it turns out that even you are judged by your face!"

Unexpectedly, when he heard the words, he jumped up, and immediately shouted: "In front of my brother, the military adviser, I heard that the prefect didn't say anything nice about me! We have never neglected the edict of the prefect's mansion, and we have never been diligent in doing things. Satisfy you?"

"It's because my words are effective, so every time the county government of Xu City asks me to deliver a message, you can't save me some snacks? Qiu is the official county magistrate appointed by my brother himself. You always embarrass him, but you put my brother's Where is the military order?"

Wen Huanzhang is well aware of the difficulties of the county magistrate Qiu Xian, and it is difficult to get rid of it with a few innocuous words, so he simply took this opportunity of Wang Lun to cure these titans. fault.

Ou Peng was still in the government office at this time, and when he heard that Huanzhang was admonishing him, Qiu Qian's name came out of his mouth again, he leaned forward and said: "He is not my brother in the village, and there is no name for him on Tiangang Disha, It's just that my brother asked him to come over to help temporarily, so we don't make things difficult for him, so why don't we ask him to chop off chicken heads and burn yellow paper?"

Hearing someone chime in, he didn't let this opportunity go, and called out to Qu: "That's right, why should we show our faces to his cold ass, as if someone owed him ten pennies all day long! This guy is so unhappy. ,I do not like him!"

With Wang Lun here, it was not Wen Huanzhang's turn to "teach" the two generals a lesson. Wen Huanzhang spread his hands and looked at Wang Lun with a wry smile.

"Whose island does it belong to?" Wang Lun didn't punish the two, he just asked.

"Ours!", "Military Brother's!"

The two replied without thinking, Wang Lun chuckled, and said, "Who opened the prefect's mansion here and the Xushi county government?"

This time, the two looked at each other, secretly feeling that Wang Lun's question was still obvious, but it was Wang Lun who asked the question, so the two had no choice but to say again: "It was opened by the village owner!", "We opened it!"

Wang Lunjian said "OK", and then asked the two people: "Magistrate Qiu is in our territory, our government, doing things for us, comforting our people, but you are waiting to see his jokes, I would like to ask Ask, are you still one of us?"

"This..." The two were at a loss for words for a while, but they heard Wang Lun say again: "The public is the public, and the private is the private. No one tells you that you must like him, but he is our county magistrate, and he is dedicated. He has done his duty, there is nothing to criticize, you have to respect him! Even landlords treat long-term tenants, I think there are few people who are as bad as you!"

They are all old brothers in the cottage, and Wang Lun did not beat around the bush when he spoke. The two blushed and felt uneasy when they heard it. Wang Lun ordered them to go down and think about it. Fu Yamen said goodbye to Ou Peng before complaining to the Xie brothers:

"I annoy this guy because I can't get used to his face. Why do you join in the fun and sing bad faces with me? Remember, I will still ignore this guy in the future, but if you can sing red faces, what does the government need us to help with?" Yes, no matter who is here, as long as it is official business, if you boldly decide to do it, I will definitely not blame you here!"

Xie Bao heard the words and muttered: "Brother, why did you ask us to sing the red face, I think he is also very annoying!"

"Because you are my deputies, and deputies have no right to show their faces, remember?" Yan Ji said eloquently.Xie Zhen and Xie Bao looked at each other when they heard the words, and went away with their heads bowed. He smiled and took his big axe from the guard, and rushed to Xinghua Village single-handedly.

The crowd dispersed, but Xiao Rang stayed where he was, trying to restore Qiu Xian's worries just now as much as possible for the reference of the brothers present. Wang Lun listened with his hands behind his back, and heard that Qiu Xian used the Sui Dynasty to conquer Goguryeo and the Liao Kingdom to conquer Goryeo. As a case, it is a little uncomfortable, because after a few years, the Goryeo people will forcefully recognize Goguryeo, a local rebel who was canonized by the Central Plains government in the past dynasties, as their ancestor.

However, Wang Lun was relieved after thinking about it. When Liang Shanbo restored the Anton Protectorate on the peninsula in the Tang Dynasty, this group of people who loved to recognize their ancestors would definitely not let him go.

"Aren't they too self-willed?" Wang Lun, who has pure Chinese blood, could not help complaining secretly. He didn't want to have his birthplace somewhere on the peninsula in some future myths and legends. .

But at this time, Wang Lun's thoughts had not had time to diverge, and Xu Guanzhong suddenly interjected and asked, "Did he call himself Liangshan just now?"

"That's what I said subconsciously, but I quickly changed it back!" Xiao Rang thought for a while, and at this moment he couldn't help but glance at Xu Guanzhong, secretly thinking that after this military adviser went to Liangshan, he gradually became famous, and everyone in the world It was said that he was Xiao Zhangliang, and he should have considered the risks of conquering Korea in advance. Why did Qiu Qian not listen to a word of his heart-to-heart words at this time, but instead asked about these side details?

What a shrewd person Xu Guanzhong was, he could see Xiao Rang's doubts from a quick glance, but he didn't explain much, just apologized with a smile: "Brother Xiao, please continue to talk!"

Xiao Rang was taken aback for a moment, then bowed his hands to Xu Guanzhong, and uttered Qiu Xian's remaining original words, plus his own worries, before and after, and then carefully observed the reactions of the three core figures.

Unexpectedly, the reaction of the three people was just to look at each other and smile, Wen Huanzhang smiled to Wang and Xu, "It seems that our county magistrate still doesn't want to see my brother suffer failure in Korea! Otherwise, why would we take pains to borrow Xiao's favor?" The county magistrate’s mouth, uttering so many heartfelt words? It seems that the old saying is true, people are not grass and trees, and no one can be ruthless. I wonder if we will add more burdens to him in the future!"

Wang Lun smiled and didn't answer. He just stepped forward and patted Xiao Rang on the shoulder, said a few words of comfort, and told him to go about his own business. Said: "Brother, Magistrate Qiu's consideration is not inattentive, I hope that my brother and the two military advisers will take care! Goryeo rejected Daliao four times in more than [-] years, it is impossible that there is no morality!"

Wang Lun smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "I know a little about his morals and deeds. You don't have to worry about this! You can guard the island with peace of mind. This time, I heard that the military division will go to Korea with me. You should take care of the things on the island. My The apprentice knows that I will come to see me on the island, and you will receive him for me in the future. In addition, I have explained to them Deng Shoubei and Li Butou, and will cooperate closely with you, and Tao Zongwang and Meng Kang are also there On the island, if there is any important matter, you can invite everyone to come and discuss it! I will keep Tong Meng to assist you, so that nothing will go wrong!"

Xiao Rang was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Assist me? Will Qiu County Magistrate stay here?"

"His heart is always hanging in the air. How can he take on the heavy responsibility that his talents should take on in the future? Let him see with his own eyes how we, Liangshanbo, can do things that the Liao Kingdom couldn't do!" (unfinished To be continued~^~)

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