The Liangshan Fleet, consisting of more than 80 large and small ships, has been sailing on the endless sea for many days.Qiu Xian, the magistrate of Xu City who was dragged onto the flagship in a daze, had more and more doubts in his mind.

He has also been on Jeju Island for more than half a year, and he does not dare to say he is proficient in the situation of Korea, but he knows a thing or two.

He knew that from Jeju Island, it would take half a day or a day to arrive at Jeolla Road, the southernmost point of Koryo (Korea's "Tao" is similar to the "Road"-level system of the Song Dynasty), and this fleet is on the sea. After walking for more than five or seven days, there is still no sign of landing. Could it be... the destination of this trip is not Korea?

Qiu Zhuanxian thought about it, this is not impossible, after all, the "Heavenly Falling" Shijie made a lot of noise, and it probably attracted the attention of the court. It is also reasonable for Wang Lun to return to Liangshan and make preparations early, so... the army Wouldn't it be a waste of time to come and go like this?

Looking at it this way, it really doesn't look like Wang Lun made Shijie from the sky.

It's a pity that it's always difficult to tell the truth about ghosts and gods, Qiu Qian rubbed his temples tiredly, and simply went to bed to sleep.

I don't know how many hours of sleep, Qiu Qian was suddenly awakened by a loud noise, several times in succession, until the deck above his head boomed, based on his experience of sailing for several days, he felt that it should be the sailors. Fan, so he didn't care, turned over and continued to sleep.

Unexpectedly, after the sail was finished, the noise did not disappear, but the deck was still vibrating, as if many people were running back and forth on it, and Qiu felt a little bit in his heart, and suddenly realized that the army was about to land! ?

Qiu Xian secretly yelled "Confused!".He got up abruptly and got out of the cabin.He rushed to the deck.Fortunately, it was midsummer, and he didn't need any more clothes. I saw him take three steps and two steps, and rushed onto the deck. When he saw the shocking scene in front of him, he couldn't help but shivered. The full moon is reflected on the sea.At least thousands of fires are drawn out.

From a distance, many of the flames are still, but more flames are moving again. From this, the big ships should be anchored, and many small boats are moving towards a burning fire on the shore like ants moving house.

I feel that this should be some wild beach, because many big ships are hundreds of feet away from the coast, so they can no longer move forward. There are many water ghosts swimming back and forth in the water, and I don’t know what to communicate loudly with the sailors on board. .It looks like it should be Zhang Shun's battalion.

Still want to attack Goryeo!

Qiu's heart suddenly sank. The sight in front of him that looked spectacular to ordinary people was very dazzling to him. At this time, his heart was far from the fierce feeling before declaring war on a country, and there was only endless regret .

Even if you want to attack Goryeo, the safest way is to land in Jeolla.Relying on its own combat effectiveness that is a bit higher than the average level of the Song Dynasty Forbidden Army.Advance steadily and steadily from south to north.And in the situation where the strength of this kind of troops is only one-twelfth of the opponent's, at least he can keep his back safe, and there is no need to take the risk of dividing his troops to occupy them.

But now the army has gone northward for five or seven days, and half of the three thousand miles of Koryo has fallen behind. At this time, the army landed from the middle of the peninsula, and it is bound to face the enemy. This battle has not yet started, and the army has already entered a dangerous situation. !

At this time, Qiu Xian really wanted to ask someone to clarify, but it was a pity that ordinary soldiers came and went, and it was useless to ask them.Qiu started to trot on the deck, just in time to see Wen Huanzhang pulling Ma Lin and Tong Wei who didn't know when to get on the boat and confessing something, Qiu looked left and right but couldn't find Wang Lun, so he went up anxiously waiting.

It can be seen that he still respects Wen Huanzhang very much. After more than half a year of running-in, the two people's ideas of governing the people are very consistent. Sometimes he couldn't help sighing, if he could meet such a boss in the Song Dynasty, maybe the two of them could become bosom friends.

"Anyway, Ma Tou is the first to come to the Navy, and Vice Admiral Tong will spend more time this time. You will return to Jian after you seize the port!" Instruct Tong Weidao.

"Master Wen, don't worry. Brother Li Jun has already told me when my younger brother came. This time, my younger brother will definitely help Brother Ma Lin to get familiar with the command of the navy as soon as possible!" Tong Wei clasped his fists and said.

Wen Huanzhang nodded reassuringly. Ma Lin's mission was to pick up leaks on the outermost side and carry unregistered personnel and supplies. The front line still relied on Li Jun and the three Ruan brothers to rush forward. He patted the shoulders of the two and sent them away. Before he could speak to Qiu Xian, Lu Fang and Guo Sheng came over again. Wen Huanzhang had no choice but to say to Qiu Xian:

"Tairan (Qiu Qian), I know what you are worried about, but I don't have much time to explain to you now, why don't I tell you in detail after the army lands?"

Qiu Jianwen Huanzhang really couldn't get out at this time, so he had to ask one last sentence: "Wen Taishou is a cautious person, do you also approve of this action?"

Wen Huanzhang had a gratified expression on his face when he heard the words, he patted Qiu Xian on the shoulder, and said: "You don't know, the village master started preparing for this matter last year! I also think that in our situation, we can fight! "

Qiu Xian sighed, his performance was a bit too "enthusiastic", and it was indeed a bit inconsistent with his usual demeanor, no wonder people thought it was abnormal.

But this is something that can’t be helped, no matter whether Qiu Qian accepts it or not, he and the group of people in front of him will become grasshoppers on the same rope. If they can’t fly, I can’t hit him, just because of Liang Shanbo’s existence on Jeju Island It has become a fait accompli, and he has to admit that the county magistrate of himself is afraid that his beard and hair will be completely white, because Wang Lun's worst ending is also the appearance of a monarch of a country. Hundreds of miles in size, but enough for self-entertainment.Right now, it is impossible for any other external force to change the current situation!

Don't say that Da Song is not interested in Huawai Land, even if he is interested, the navy that is the least valued in the Forbidden Army sequence cannot bear this ambition.Not to mention the Liao Kingdom, even the navy of the Song Dynasty is far inferior, let alone mention it.

The key point is that Goryeo is at the moment. At the beginning, I heard that they sent warships to seize the island. After repeated battles and defeats, the navy was wiped out. There was no movement for a long time. I am afraid that they acquiesced to the fact that Tamna Island is out of control.That being the case, the two sides have reached a helpless tacit understanding and balance. Isn't it good to maintain the status quo?

But Liang Shan wanted to plunge himself into the national war with this country. Whether it was ambition or ambition, this showdown of disparity in strength was enough to lose Liang Shanbo's family fortune.We must know that in front of the Liao Kingdom and the Great Song Dynasty, although Gao Li was just a pleasing and crying little brother, but replaced by the current Liangshan, Gao Li is undoubtedly an insurmountable behemoth!Think about a country with a population of 200 million, can it be conquered by these [-] to [-] soldiers?Do they all regard themselves as heavenly soldiers and generals?

Wen Huanzhang saw that Qiu Qian was slightly startled, and said: "The village master and Xu Junshi have already boarded the boat and landed. Do you think you will follow me or go ashore with the village master?"

"Follow the prefect! This time, even the Mabu Army has lost their light. As long as this fleet is still there, Jeju Island will be as stable as Mount Tai, and Wang Lun will still have room for change!" Qiu Qian said, planning for the worst.

Lu Fang glared at Qiu Xian, trying not to embarrass him face to face, but Guo Sheng's temper was not as good as Lu Fang's, and immediately pointed at Qiu Xian's nose and began to curse. Zhang was very angry and trained people on both sides. He first trained Guo Sheng for being unseemly, and then blamed Qiu Qian for disturbing the morale of the army.It is no small matter for a kind person to get angry, and he scolded until both sides fell silent.

"Before the old men went into battle, he waved his hand and killed us all. What do you call this? If Pei Heimian was here, he would have been pushed down to kill the army with a word of trouble, so there is no need to talk nonsense to him!" Guo Sheng was dragged away by Lu Fang, and he complained angrily on the road, "He still called my brother by his first name, no big or small!"

"You don't know that, my brother is open to all rivers and rivers! If anyone who goes wrong will die, can our Liangshan develop to where it is today? According to you, the first one to die is Chao Baozheng! A brother who is stronger than anyone else?" Lu Fang persuaded.

Guo Sheng didn't want to hear this now, he just stomped on the deck and complained, "Why hasn't Ou Peng come to pick us up?"

Ou Peng was in a hurry at this time, but he sneezed for no reason, but he didn't care, just beckoned the people to speed up.

Today, it was hard to get a pioneer officer to do it. He led four commanders and 2000 troops under his amphibious battalion, and went straight to Licheng Port, the largest trading port in Korea.Prepare to have a back and forth attack with the brothers in the navy, and catch the turtle in the urn.At this time, the five tiger generals of the horse army, the five tiger generals of the infantry army, and those who stood on the ground and could block the wind were all left behind by him, waiting to eat ashes behind his ass.

Ou Peng was so proud of himself, who told them that each of their buddies could not withstand the bumps. Originally, each battalion on Jeju Island had more than [-]% non-combat attrition, and they were forced to stay on Jeju Island to recover. There are quite a few guys with weak feet, dragging these famous heroes who can stop children from crying by hopping on the shore.

This is the first battle after setting foot on the Koryo Peninsula, and it is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. In the annals of the founding of Liangshan in the future, it must be recorded that he, Ou Peng, led his troops, and killed him only [-] years away from Kaijing, the capital of Koryo. Licheng Port is miles away.Didn't my brother personally give this conquest a name, "Operation Beheading"?Then he, Ou Peng, and these two thousand brothers were the first sharp knives that stabbed the opponent's neck.

By the way, I heard that this port is still the hometown of the Lord of Koryo. After he made this contribution, the entire navy will be able to stand up straight in front of horses and infantry in the future! (to be continued~^~)

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