Water Margin Survival

Chapter 549 Beheading

"Could it be the Jingyong of the Eight Guards of Goryeo?" Sun Xin asked in amazement.

It turns out that Goryeo not only imitated the Tang and Song Dynasties in all aspects of the official rank system, but even the military system is full of the shadow of the Song Dynasty everywhere. Just like the command of the imperial guards in the Song Dynasty, each commander has a battalion number, and the commanders of the eight guards of the capital of Goryeo also have their own. The titles are Baosheng, Jingyong, Service Leader, Changling, Hailing, etc. Among them, Baosheng belongs to the infantry, and the Jingyong belonging to each guard belongs to the horse army. There are 6000 collars in total, with a total of [-] [-] people, so Sun Xin, who had been lurking in Korea for more than half a year, called out their origins in one go.

"It doesn't matter who he came, it's not ours anyway! The head of the family, hurry up and inform the leader of Ou Peng!" Mrs. Gu and all the brothers sealed the door with all their strength, and they shouted to their own men before they could turn their heads back.

"Don't come early, don't come late, why come at this time!"

Encountering such an unexpected situation, Sun Xin couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart. You must know that the pawns are only passive in front of the horse army. Because Goryeo is not a threat at all in the eyes of the Liao Kingdom, the Liao Kingdom does not need to be wary of him like the Song Dynasty.

"That's it! You lead people to guard here, and Brother Ou Peng and I will split up and attack his other gates, otherwise it will have no effect just closing this one gate!"

Sun Xin is very clear about his wife's abilities.But Sun Xin was worried about asking her to take people to seize other city gates, because he couldn't guarantee that the Koryo horse army would not turn around and enter the city through other city gates.Infantry has a huge disadvantage in front of cavalry, not to mention that they are not as numerous as the opponent.Instead, he stood guard at the city gate at this time.Honestly, it's safer.

"The head of the family, don't fight recklessly. Before the end of the mountain, our follow-up people in Liangshan will arrive in a blink of an eye! It will not be difficult to break his city by then, you... Take care!" Sister Gu is also a person who knows the general situation. Don't get involved with Sun Xinman at this critical moment, just turn around and ask.

"Don't worry! I can introspect myself!" Sun Xin responded.While waving her hands, she left all her companions here, and ran to the city gate alone to find Ou Peng. Aunt Gu forced the last few hundred people to enter the city, and shouted: "If you are in a hurry, I will overstep. Brothers, stay here with me, and I will explain to brother Wang Lun face to face after this battle!"

The commander is also a straightforward person, he saw the Koryo horse army coming, and he didn't hesitate when he heard it.Then he called the brothers to listen to Mrs. Gu's dispatch. Mrs. Gu left more than 200 knives, and the gunman was guarding the gate at the bottom of the city. She personally took the rest of the soldiers to the city to defend. Said: "By the order of Chief Oupeng: All the soldiers in the fourth command of the battalion are temporarily restrained by Chief Gu. Keep the tower here. Anyone who violates the order will be executed!"

The commander was relieved when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Sister-in-law guards the tower, younger brother guards the city gate, our backup will arrive immediately! Even if the city gate...is broken, sister-in-law cannot go down the city!"

After the man finished speaking, he turned his head and left. Mrs. Gu felt sorry for her, so she asked Sun Xin's more than 100 companions to go down to the city to help the commander and guard the city, while she took the rest of the brothers and turned to go to the city. When she came up, Ou Peng He and Sun Xin had already snatched the gate along the city wall.Only the dead bodies were left, and Mrs. Gu didn't care to cover her nose and eyes, and shouted: "Brothers, squat behind the city wall! Come, a knowledgeable brother, and tell me where we are in range!"

Not to mention Mrs. Gu's arrangement on the city tower, the three Korean horse troops galloped down the city under the leadership of a majestic general, he also caught a glimpse of the movement in front of the city gate just now, but he never dreamed that it was someone from another country attacking his own house In the city, he thought it was a rebellion on his own side, so he heard him shouting far away from the city:

"Bold! Where do the rebels dare to occupy the city? I am the general of the left and right guards in Kaijing, and I have to surrender quickly!"

When the words fell to the ground, the city was completely quiet, and no one cared about him.Deputy Commander Zhao, who accompanied Mrs. Gu to the city, voted in Liangshanbo together with Hu Yanqing in Dengzhou, but had learned Korean dialect from Hu Yanqing for a while. : "Damn it, I bumped into a big fish!"

"What big fish?" Both left and right asked curiously.

Mrs. Gu looked at the leader in surprise, and said, "Brother, do you know the situation in Korea?"

"I heard from General Huyan in Dengzhou back then that there were eight guards in the capital of Goryeo. Each guard has a chief general called the general and a deputy general called the general. They seem to be senior officials from the third rank?" Zhao said. The deputy commander was a little uncertain.This was all talk when he was bragging and farting back then, and he didn't know whether it was true or not.

"You're right, this fellow is really a big fish!" Mrs. Gu clenched her fists and said, "There are eight guards in the capital of Korea, and there are 16 generals and generals in each guard. The place where these 16 people discuss matters together is called Being a heavy house is the highest institution of the military officials, and General Ying Yang is the chairman of the meeting, so he is also called the leader of the class! Although this guy is not the leader of the group, he is also one of the top 16 members of the military officials!"

"Hey, this is not equivalent to our Baihu Jietang. The leader of this bird class is the model of the old thief Gao Qi. If he sits at the door of the heavy house, he may have framed many Koryo instructors!" Ou Peng's gang They all fought at sea with the Koreans. Although the enemy was approaching, no one was so flustered, and they were still in the mood to talk nonsense.

"Sister-in-law doesn't mean that this person is one of the 16 guards. He is far away from Gao Qiu. At most, he is the second child of the commander of the guards and horse troops!" someone corrected.

"Even if it's one of them, it's a rare encounter. Let's overthrow him all at once, isn't it louder than the credit for seizing the city?" Someone suggested.

"Ah! What is the name of our operation? Isn't it 'beheading operation'? It's my brother's idea of ​​capturing the thief first and capturing the king. Why don't we think of a way to do this? It's also called our amphibious camp and sister-in-law Yin and his wife. There is light!" Deputy Commander Zhao said excitedly.

Mrs. Gu also wanted to drag this group of people here, and not tell them to enter the city through other gates. If they can eliminate people who are slightly inferior to Gao Lian in their country, the three thousand cavalry can still return to the city in a hurry. where to goAs long as they hesitated, the head of the family and Ou Peng would have an extra chance of winning.At this time, Deputy Commander Zhao's suggestion coincided with her thoughts.The two immediately lowered their heads to discuss the details.

The general of the left and right guards in Kaijing saw that there was no news from the city gate for a long time, and was impatient to wait. He was about to command the sergeant to tie ropes to climb the city, when a female voice shouted from the city: "Fortunate to meet the general, I am very frightened! My family Husband is a first-rank general in the army, just because my husband’s family members were persecuted to death here, my husband became angry. I have gone to find my opponent and question the crime, and I ask the general to be the master!”

"First-rank army?" The general felt baffled. This rank of army is a miscellaneous soldier among miscellaneous soldiers. Even Wang Jun is much more respectable than him. Don't tell me where this little miscellaneous army has the courage to come here. The land where the king made his fortune is messing around?Immediately, he shouted: "What a mess, you woman, open the city gate first, and then come and cry!"

At this time, Mrs. Gu showed her body on the city wall.Weeping and begging: "The general first pardoned our capital crimes, and then dared to open the door!"

At this time, the general saw Mrs. Gu's face and body, looked around and was surprised: "I have never seen such a burly and strong woman! She is really a working body. I didn't believe it just now. What is this rank of army?" Don’t you have the guts to rebel? But after seeing her, I will believe it! Anyone who dares to marry this woman is probably a fool and bold!”

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.Immediately, they competed to follow the general's words, completely ignoring Mrs. Gu's group of people.

Mrs. Gu couldn't hear what these people were saying, but a woman's intuition made her realize that these guys were laughing at her, and immediately clenched water from her fists.But when she thought of the situation of her husband and Ou Peng, her mood gradually calmed down. When she looked at the general's face again, she only had a sneer in her heart. Weeping and telling the truth about how this Licheng official persecuted her husband's family.

Mrs. Gu's bet was right.Where there are people, there must be rivers and lakes, and Koryo is naturally not a monolithic country. It just so happens that the general of the left and right guards and the civil servant from the Li Cheng family are not on the same page, and he can't help but listen attentively. Who knows that when he hears the key point, it involves a person in the court. When the minister was in charge, the woman's voice became more and more indistinct, the general was anxious, he couldn't help urging his horse to go forward, the left and right hurriedly stopped him, and persuaded: "General, be careful of deceit!"

The general laughed when he heard the words, patted the bow and arrow on the saddle, and said with a sneer: "When I was playing with arrows, you were not born! Who are these people, and how far can an arrow shoot? I don't know how far I can go. Besides, the mere first-rank army, even if they rob the defenders of their bows and arrows, they may not be able to use them!"

The general put down these words, and urged his horse forward very confidently. This time, the general saw dozens of cavalry around him, and quickly followed up to protect him. However, this general is still very cautious when talking big words. He was still far away from the maximum range of the bow and arrow, so he stopped.But he said that he was about to continue listening to what the woman was saying, when suddenly he saw the woman raise one arm and drop down suddenly, at the same time she shouted Song Yu very excitedly!

Korea is proud of being proficient in the culture of the Song Dynasty. Although this general is a general, he can understand Chinese and know that it means "shooting arrows". The magic weapon came, his legs couldn't help clamping the horse's belly, and the rein in his hand was almost torn off. Among the dozens of people present, he was the only one who returned to the horse immediately and walked away.

The dozens of cavalry soldiers hadn't come to their senses yet, but when they saw hundreds of crossbowmen standing up on the city tower, the arrows in their hands had already been fully wound, and they could only hear the sharp sound of the arrows piercing the sky, and there were repeated "swish". The sky was full of arrows, and the dozens of people who were bewildered were all buried like a rain of locust arrows.It's a pity that although the general took a step first, he did not escape the life-seeking arrows. He saw a dozen blood holes in the armor on his back oozing blood. Even when he sat on the tall horse, he fell to the ground, wailing continuously , the general stretched out his hand and pulled out a short arrow that penetrated deep into the ground, and exhaled his last breath with a complicated expression:

"Great Song Divine Arm Bow..."

In the blink of an eye, the general was killed in front of his eyes, and the three thousand cavalrymen were stunned. It seemed like such a sharp weapon that they had never seen before, where had they seen it?I felt that the identities of the "chaotic soldiers" in the city suddenly became mysterious.

The guards of the three collars were not as ignorant as low-ranking officers and soldiers. They had also heard about the flaws of the God Arm Bow, and knew that it could not shoot continuously.

Unexpectedly, the "dogma" of the crossbowmen in Ou Peng's battalion is terrible. Even in such things as raiding the enemy's general, they actually abide by the principle of three-stage shooting. The number of people has been strengthened, which is basically equivalent to the sum of the number of people in the remaining two rounds of shooting.This directly led to waiting for this group of Korean cavalry who came to snatch the corpse. In addition to the surprise rigid soldiers, there was still a rain of arrows like a skynet.

Representing the pinnacle of single-soldier long-range weapons in the world, the close contact with flesh and blood turned out to be one-sided. The tragedy of the annihilation of the Koryo team's officer corps just now happened again. The ending made the three guards dumbfounded. Silently, in the silent eye contact, the three made a very difficult but not uncommon decision, that is: retreat. (to be continued~^~)

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