Water Margin Survival

Chapter 550 Beheading

As if the sudden death of a general from the third rank was not enough to arouse the bloodiness of the Korean soldiers, in front of a two or three feet high wall and unknown enemy troops, the Korean cavalry, led by their respective generals, turned around.

Sister-in-law Gu could never have imagined that this 3000-man cavalry team could turn around and escape with just these two rounds of ambush with the magic arm bow.She could tell that this group of people really didn't turn in, but completely withdrew.

"Oops, you guys can't help but fight so badly! If he retreats to Kaijing, wouldn't he have leaked the news?" Deputy Commander Zhao made the excitement just now not last long, and suddenly turned into worry. Time adjusted the status of the soldiers, and the retreat of this group of cavalry undoubtedly announced the advance of the time for the decisive battle.

Mrs. Gu is also mixed joy and sorrow at this time, the joy is that the city has been saved, and it seems that the head of the family will not be in any danger.The worries are the same as that of Deputy Commander Zhao, but there is no way to keep the three thousand cavalry.

When the two were helpless, they suddenly saw a large cloud of dust rising from the side of the retreating Korean cavalry. Aunt Gu was overjoyed and shouted: "Looking at the scale, it looks like a battalion of cavalry! I don't know which brother ordered the troops!" Are you here?"

"Who else? I'm afraid it's General Guan who is stationed on our island. He can't wait to let his cavalry soak in the sea all day long. He usually exercises with our battalion. I'm afraid it's just waiting for this moment." !" Deputy Commander Zhao said happily.Immediately waved his hands and ordered: "Brothers, be more energetic. When Fanzi is rushed over by the Guan Dujian, everyone will welcome you warmly!"

Deputy Commander Zhao guessed right, it was really Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan from the Eighth Battalion of the Liangshan Horse Army.

Speaking of which, the strength of this battalion of cavalry is not the strongest in the cavalry.Because of the short period of formation and the lack of actual combat, even though the battalion's leader ranks second among the five tiger generals of the horse army, at this time their battalion's strength is not even ranked among the top three of the horse army.But they have an advantage, that is, they are more adaptable to the turbulence at sea than the other battalions of horse troops. This time, they recovered after a short rest on the shore. I want to hit the Goryeo cavalry who hastily retreated.

It is said that since Guan Sheng led the large corps in battle, he has not won a single victory.This time he was promoted to the five tiger generals of the horse army, and his name put all the veteran generals Qin Ming, Tang Bin, and Hu Yanzhuo behind.Although this descendant of Guan Gong has some confidence, he always feels that he is not worthy of his name, and he is still short of a series of victories to prove himself.

This time, I thought it was a suspenseful suppression mission, but I didn't know that I met this group of Korean cavalry, although the number of opponents was larger than myself.But where is he afraid?He was full of shame.The urge to justify his name, I saw that he did not hesitate, and immediately ordered:

"Auxiliary soldiers withdraw, scout Wangdong to investigate whether there is an ambush on the other side, and order the soldiers to quickly notify the rear army to know about the battle here!"

Sister-in-law Gu and Deputy Commander Zhao watched the scenery happily on the tower, laughing and talking about Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan, it was really timely. In their hearts, they already regarded the three thousand Korean cavalry as dead. scare them away.At this moment, Tangtang Guan won the battle, how could he sell them cheap?

Seeing that Guan Sheng's army was about to cut off the Goryeo cavalry, a surprising scene appeared. Before Guan Sheng's soldiers could touch the enemy, the Goryeo cavalry was cut in two. Except for a few cavalry who couldn't stop, they still went straight according to the original trajectory, and then they were crushed by the Liangshan army, and the other Koreans escaped the blow.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Zan caught up with Guan Sheng and praised loudly: "These guys are good at riding. They look like veterans who have been on horseback for many years. They don't look like new recruits! They are the ones who went up the mountains around Liangshan. Common people, even two years of training can't reach his level!"

Guan Sheng also felt the same, but he didn't answer the words at this time, but ordered the flag bearer to wave the battle flag, and led the army to outflank to the east.Fortunately, most of the troops in my battalion were selected by the imperial court to surrender, and everyone was paid by the army before they went to Liangshan. In terms of riding skills, could they lose to this group of the most elite cavalry in Goryeo?

The Goryeo cavalry was taken aback by this strange opponent who suddenly killed them. They managed to stabilize the team, and the two teams formed a team again, only to find that the opponent was just on the way back to Kaijing. , and also put on a posture of total annihilation.The three guards couldn't help being furious, and were about to speak up, but they heard the other party speak first, shouted once in Chinese, and then shouted in Korean: "The Heavenly Soldiers of the Song Dynasty are here, you should hurry up and get off your horse!" Surrender!"

The three guards looked at each other, unable to speak for a long while, and suddenly burst into laughter, only to hear one of the guards reply in blunt Chinese: "You Song Dynasty can't fight...you can only defend the city, Incompetent in field battles, you are not the opponent of my Koryo army! It is better for you to surrender quickly, and then hand over Licheng Port, don't wait for my army to come out, wipe them all out, and finally hurt the peace of the two countries!"

Guan Sheng looked back at Xuan Zan suspiciously, and asked, "Did Song and Gao Li fight each other before?"

Xuan Zan wondered, "I haven't heard of it!"

"Why do you guys speak so loudly? It sounds like the Liao people in the north!" Guan Sheng didn't know much about this country before, and naturally he didn't feel bad about it. His anger rose.

"Probably because I have been a dog for the Liao people for 200 years, and I regard myself as a Liao person in front of the old owner. Don't you feel too good about yourself? Didn't my brother say that people in this country can't be treated with common sense? Brother, why bother?" Are you offended by these Yelangs?" After Xuan Zan finished speaking, he took out a long arrow, aimed at the Goryeo general who had just said big words, and shouted: "Since Dong Yi has made big words, he must have the ability, let's take an arrow from Grandpa! "

Xuan Zan's archery technique is the magic weapon for his fame. If he hadn't outmatched other people with arrows in the school field back then, how would he be where he is today?It's a pity that although Dongyi is also a fan, he is the weaker one among them. I saw that this fourth-rank guard was shot by Xuan Zan, and he was shot right in the face, with Yelang's arrogant sneer on his face, and he was already killed On the battlefield, a ray of soul saw him go to the founder of the country.

Seeing this, the Koreans cursed one after another, and the other two guards took out their bows and arrows to fight back. Seeing this, Xuanzan almost dropped his jaw in shock!Hey, this is not a bow and arrow. It looks like it is only five feet long, and its shape is very simple, just like a Song Dynasty slingshot.

Xuan Zan was watching with enthusiasm, when two arrows from the Koreans shot straight at him, Xuan Zan tilted his head to let out one arrow, and then the second arrow came again, Xuan Zan used his supernatural powers, Actually biting the shaft of the arrow with their teeth, all the soldiers in Liangshan couldn't help applauding this miraculous skill, Xuan Zan took off the shaft in his mouth, turned around and asked, "Is no one injured?"

A knight covered his face and said: "The shot didn't hit it, it just hit it!" It turned out that the arrow that Xuan Zan let go just now hit a flagpole steadily, but it bounced off, hitting the knight's chest On his face, Xuan Zan was an expert in using arrows. He noticed something unusual, and immediately picked up the arrow shaft he bit off just now, and found that it was actually made of some kind of short wicker. He was overjoyed, and quickly said to Guan Sheng:

"Brother, the heavens are going to kill these guys, quickly order the army to raise their bows and shoot them!"

Guan Sheng was well aware of Xuan Zan's ability, heard the words without any hesitation, and immediately ordered to release arrows. All the soldiers couldn't wait for a long time. As soon as they heard the order, they raised their bows and shot in volley. The arrows rained into the sky, covering the Koreans. The Korean people here are not idle, even faster than Guan Sheng's action, and countless Korean wicker arrow shafts fell from the sky. This kind of dismissal seems to be the same, but after a while, it is two completely different expressions. .

I saw that most of the soldiers in the Guan Sheng camp were unharmed, except for a few people whose exposed skin was red with arrows, and many of them just rubbed their armor somewhere on their bodies, but the opponent's arrows were bounced off by the armor, and there was no pain except for the arrows. , no other harm.

At this time, the situation in the Goryeo cavalry team was quite different. The opponent's round of cavalry shot directly caused hundreds of people in the fixed target team to fall off their horses, and they could no longer gallop on the battlefield.

It's easy for a dead person, but the living person still suffers from the collapse of confidence.Obviously they were shooting at each other, and their own casualties were heavy, but the other party had few casualties, as if nothing happened, how could it be said that it was not a big blow to them?It's a pity that at this time, even being depressed and stunned is a luxury, because the opponent's second round of arrows rained again, and the only guard who survived finally drew out his sword, pointed at Guan Sheng's army and roared heart-piercingly, because That direction is their only lifeline.

Looking at the charging Koryo cavalry, Guan Sheng opened his squinted eyes suddenly, and said loudly: "Pass my military order, the last round of rapid fire, the whole army will charge with me!"

Xuan Zan smiled when he heard the words. At this time, he had already shot and killed two generals of the opponent, and when he was about to shoot the remaining man, he told him to hide in the crowd, and he could no longer find his trace. He shot and killed a man with a hideous face, then put away his bow and arrow, raised the steel knife, followed closely behind Guan Sheng, who usually does not open his eyes, and opened his eyes to kill, and rushed to the battlefield with horseshoes shaking the sky.

The enemy of self-confidence is formidable.But the enemy who bases self-confidence on self-hypnosis is undoubtedly weak.When the cowhide they believed to be true was punctured mercilessly by their opponents, this battlefield of life and death would not give them a chance to breathe, frustrated and annoyed.When their surviving guard who was famous for his martial arts in the Eight Guards of Kaijing met Guan Sheng but was chopped into two pieces like fallen leaves, the inexplicable pride of this group of Koreans finally faded rapidly, and the deep feelings in their hearts In front of the fierce cavalrymen of the Song Dynasty, the sense of inferiority was not persisted for a round, and finally all of them were aroused. (to be continued~^~)

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