Water Margin Survival

Chapter 551 Beheading

The 5000-strong cavalry battle is enough to take up a lot of space in the history of Goryeo. Unfortunately, it is just a disastrous defeat. If Goryeo is still in power in this land in the future, it will naturally be mentioned or not mentioned at all.It is a pity that after a few years, Da Dao Guan Sheng, whose reputation is not inferior to that of his ancestors, emerged in this battle, and people began to talk about it.

Self-damaged three hundred, wiped out three thousand.This one-to-ten exchange ratio still makes Guan Sheng feel a little distressed.After all, these brothers who died in battle have followed him since the time of conquering Liangshanbo.Of course, when Liangshan was attacked, we hadn't had much contact with each other. On the contrary, after we went to Liangshan, we continued this strange fate, and then we gradually became acquainted.Guan Sheng did not dare to say that he knew every brother under his command, but at least he could call out every small boss by name when he met him. It was with this confidence that he dared to categorically reject the three thousand cavalrymen of the opponent. Stop the opponent's way, not afraid of jumping over the wall in the slightest.

"Guandujian, Xuanjun horse! You are urging people to call me over, just to see you clean up the battlefield?" Mizuo rushed to help with [-] cavalry from the camp, but found that the battle was over, and found him immediately. Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan complained loudly.

"Don't be impatient, Dudujian. We have never fought against the Koreans on land. How do we know that they can't help fighting? We did follow the instructions of the village master in advance, and regarded this group of Dongyi as the elite level of the Hebei Forbidden Army. That’s why we sent people to notify you according to the usual practice! Who would have thought that these eight guards of the capital, before they lasted a round, the people behind started crying and ran away!”

Xuan Zan spread his arms and said.It seemed a little innocent at this time.However, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that he was showing off, so he just "hummed", and as expected, he "showed off" after hearing the praise:

"In just one round, more than 1000 people were beheaded and nearly 2000 people were captured. In addition, General Guan cut a fourth-rank guard in half. It's really a great harvest!"

"What kind of a coward is a dog thief?" Xuan Yuan couldn't help but cursed.After all, Wang Lun's words have always been regarded as the golden rule, but when he saw a cavalry in front of him escorting the opponent's fifteen or six soldiers, but no one dared to resist, he couldn't help but wonder if Wang Lun overestimated this group of Koreans people.

"How can a cavalry that turns into mud in one round match up to the level of Hebei's elite? I think back then in Hebei Daming, the real elite forced my brother to go into battle with Po Han Wudu himself!"

Guan Sheng is a cautious person, and he doesn't like being cheap and good-looking. He immediately said: "Despise the enemy in the heart. Pay attention to the enemy in the mind. I think the words of the village master are very vivid! There is nothing wrong with overestimating the opponent. We can let ourselves know beforehand." Be more prepared, just in case! Besides, this group of people are pretty good at riding and archery, if you keep fighting with us, I'm afraid that you will be ordered to come here at this time. We are still fighting fiercely!"

Hearing it in a daze.Before answering, Xuan Zan, who was refreshed after seeing the big victory, went on to say:

"What General Guan said is that their riding skills are really good. It hasn't been three or five years, and they can't practice at his level of dodging. Besides, you see, these guys don't have bows like bows, and their arrows can't make arrows, but they are still accurate. Yes, it’s just that the wicker is used as an arrow shaft. The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. The advantage is that it can shoot far. At any rate, it makes up for the shortcoming that this big slingshot is not as good as our yellow birch bow, but the disadvantage is that the arrow will not penetrate much in the second half. It’s hard, and their arrow skills are poor, and they are facing our army with thick armor, which has ruined the archery skills of this group of people!”

Hearing the words, Xuan Yuan felt unbelievable, and said in surprise: "Could it be that your county horse still thinks it's a waste? What do you mean, isn't it a waste to incorporate them into our army?"

"My little brother just sighed twice! How can I say anything about such a big matter?" Xuan Zan shook his head and smiled. In the past, Liangshan recruited soldiers in the Song Dynasty. There was no problem. The Koreans are worlds apart.

"Three uncles, uncles, just talking and joking here, I don't know what's going on in the city yet, so I ask uncles and uncles to send troops to support!" At this time, Mrs. Gu hurried down the city with her two companions, and when she saw the three of them, she handed over her hands road.

"The city hasn't been captured yet?" Guan Sheng was taken aback, and hurriedly said to Miu, "I don't know if there are any Koryo native soldiers coming, so I asked Midujian to guard the back road for me, I wonder if it is possible?"

Mrs. Gu glanced at Guan Sheng when she heard the words. It seemed that this quiet man could not speak, and a few words aroused his fighting spirit.Sure enough, he slapped his chest and said, "You can go with peace of mind, I will never let a Korean barbarian enter the city!"

"Thank you so much! General Xuan, hand over all the prisoners to the prison guard!"

After Guan Sheng finished speaking, he urged the horse to leave. Xuan Zan wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. He suppressed his smile and handed over the captives to the commander of Yan Ji, and handed over the captured [-] good horses to Xuan Zan. Jiao's horse team took care of him. At this time, he realized that the mounts of the Koreans were better than the horses on Liangshan. He immediately walked into the group of horses on foot, couldn't help looking left and right, and called out the good horses.

When Mrs. Gu saw that Xuan Jiao was so devoted, she didn't want to disturb her, she just asked the whereabouts of her two cousins ​​who followed her.Everyone saw that this woman was the elder sister of Xie Zhenjiebao, the deputy general of the camp, and she was also the leader of the village, so they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly informed the whereabouts of the Xie brothers.

Aunt Gu nodded and thanked her, and asked her companion to carry the body of the left and right general back to the city gate. All the soldiers from the Ou Peng camp surrounded him to celebrate the general who killed Fanzi. Aunt Gu chatted with her brothers for a while, then put The commanding authority was returned to Ou Peng's subordinate commanders. At this time, he was focused on climbing the tower, standing high and looking far away, waiting for the reunion with the two cousins ​​who hadn't seen each other for more than half a year.

I don't know how long I waited, and finally saw a group of infantry approaching. The crossbowmen on the left and right pointed to the city not far away and said, "Sister-in-law, isn't that the flag of the mountain camp? Those two younger brothers are coming!"

Mrs. Gu was overjoyed when she heard the words, thanked her left and right, and ran downstairs very happily, just in time to meet Xie Bao who came to hand over the defense. The commander of Ou Peng's subordinates saw Mrs. Gu coming down, pointed at her and said, "Xie Bao should be trained with Gu. When the leader is handed over, she is the supreme commander here!"

"I can't do it, I can't do it! If it weren't for the strength of the brothers, how can I keep it as a woman?" Mrs. Gu repeatedly refused.

The conductor smiled upon hearing this.Suddenly shouted: "Brothers, is sister-in-law right?"

"Due it!" Hundreds of voices from upstairs and downstairs yelled at the same time, shaking the ears of everyone in the city gate. Xie Bao was infected by the atmosphere of everyone supporting his sister, he raised his head and looked serious. Jing said: "Lieutenant General Xie Bao of the Sixth Battalion of the Liangshan Infantry, now accept a gift from Chief Gu to defend the city gate of Chenggang!"

Sister-in-law Gu suddenly found out that her younger brother had become black and thin.However, he became more energetic. When he remembered that the Xie family gave birth to these two younger generations who could shine in the family, he said with relief: "Brother, I will leave this place to you. Tell your brother, I won't wait for him. I went to find your second brother!"

Sister-in-law Gu thought she had a lot to say to her younger brother, but now that she met her brother, she let go of her hanging heart.It's just that there is no news from her husband yet, so she can't help but worry again.

"Sister, be careful!" Xie Bao hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, there are five or six hundred brothers beside your sister!" Aunt Gu smiled and went up the tower.

Xie Bao watched his sister walk along the city wall, not wanting that Deputy Commander Zhao in the Oupeng camp turned back to point out the significance of the dead body of General Koryo.Xie Bao was overjoyed when he saw this.Repeatedly told him to rest assured that he would definitely report this matter to the village master.

Not to mention that Xie Zhen and Xie Bao were pleasantly surprised by their sister's great achievements, but that they had waited for a long time with all their cavalry in full attire, but no Korean army appeared again, and finally realized that they had been fooled by Guan Sheng. He said that he didn't clean up the ready-made Fanren in the city, but was fooled into sitting here waiting for a rabbit. There is no one more stupid than himself.

About an hour later, the endless horse and infantry finally arrived outside the city gate, and I knew that it was Wang Lun who had come.He led the cavalry forward to greet him, Wang Lun saw that the scorpion had not entered the city honestly, and said with a smile: "You have always been fighting for the future, why have you changed your nature?"

"I'll take the initiative to cut off the successor for Guan Sheng!" Li Ji emphasized that he was "active", and he continued to "play" and said: "He just fought a big battle and wiped out three thousand cavalry in Goryeo. Now, the city is full of remnants of soldiers, I am too lazy to compete with him, it is better to wait here for the fresh troops of Korea!"

Wang Lun smiled when he heard the words, but he didn't poke the thorns, but said: "If you like to defend the city, you can stay here!"

Yan Jianjian said he was dumbfounded, he came to Kaijing, what is it to stay here?Just as he was about to repent, Xu Guanzhong said with a smile: "King Gaoli Fan received the news that sooner or later he will send a large army. If you can't hold the gate, our army's spirit will be frustrated. How about it? If you can't hold it, it will be sooner." Say, let's call Lu Tisha over to guard the gate!"

He was most afraid of being provoked in his life, so he hurriedly said: "Monk Lu is the leader of the infantry, and he is very busy on weekdays. It is not an overkill to ask him to defend the city? My little brother can defend it, and he can defend it!"

Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled, the two of them didn't say anything else at this time, and listened to the report of the battle situation in the city.

The situation of the battalions was not optimistic when they landed this morning. An Daoquan's suggestion was to allow the brothers to rest until tomorrow morning at least, so that at least [-]% of the soldiers could recover to the previous level.Of course, Wang Lun has been remonstrating like a stream, and the established goal of capturing Licheng Port has been achieved. Right now, Liangshanbo can be attacked, retreated and defended. plan.

"Each battalion finds its own campsite, and the infantry approach the city wall. Remember, any official property encountered by the Goryeo government on the road, including the property of Goryeo officials, will be sealed up, and troops will be stationed there, waiting for special personnel to go to collect it. In addition, it is called the records of the Military Justice Department. Everyone in each battalion has made great achievements in battle! Let Li Jun know that all the ships in the port will be detained by me, and he must be prevented from going out to sea!"

Xu Guanzhong memorized Wang Lun's military order and asked, "What about the prisoners Guan Sheng captured?"

"Look for a few generals to come over to torture Kaijing's military situation, and the others stripped off their armor, and they will be imprisoned on a navy ship and escorted back to Jeju Island for guarding as soon as possible. Of course, the materials seized in Licheng Port this time are also included Send it back to Jeju Island. Let Li Jun arrange this matter himself, there is no use for the navy for the past few days, try to use the spare time in between!"

Wang Lun thought for a while and replied that the soldiers of Goryeo were not going to let the tiger go back to the mountains, because Liangshanbo never had the idea of ​​just getting a ticket and leaving on the peninsula, but completely engaged with this country.

When the army entered the city in sequence according to their numbers, Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong discussed many trivial issues. After returning to the Tianying and other logistics sequences to enter the city, Wang Lun asked Han Shizhong to enter the city with his personal guards. Han Shizhong just followed him. Looking at the war horse captured by Guan Sheng, his eyes were straightened, and when he came back, he was very excited and said to Wang Lun:

"I heard that there are [-] cavalry in the capital of Goryeo. If they all have mounts of this quality, then our trip is really worth it!"

"No matter how good things are, they are not as important as territory!" Wang Lun sighed with emotion, and said to Han Shizhong: "It's not time to count the spoils yet! As usual, you still lead people to be in charge of guarding the city!"

Han Shizhong took the order to go. Under the guidance of the liaison personnel sent by Sun Xin, Jiao Ting led 500 people to escort Wang Lun, Xu Guanzhong and others to the Licheng government office. All the businesses along the way were closed. The road was clean and there were not many traces of fighting, but when the brigade came to the government office, they suddenly heard the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, which made people feel very intrusive. Xu Guanzhong said:

"It's said that he is crying and howling, but he still has a tune, as if someone is singing!"

Wang Lun also felt that what Xu Guanzhong said was reasonable, so he nodded in agreement, but the companion sent by Sun Xin was very clever, and immediately told the origin of the song: "This is called Li Chengjiang Qu, a song dedicated to complaining, and it is also related to us. It's related to Song Dynasty!"

Seeing Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong both looking at him, this partner didn't dare to tell the truth, and told the history of this song in detail. It turned out that He Tougang, a Chinese businessman who is good at playing Go, came to Licheng Port and fell in love with a famous husband's Korean beauty woman.The woman's husband was fond of chess, so the businessman fell in love with the beautiful woman's husband, played chess with him, and deliberately lost to him.When the woman's husband was convinced that the merchant's chess skills were very bad, the merchant suggested a game of betting with him, with the merchant ship and the beautiful woman as bets.As a result, the businessman won and took away the beautiful woman.The Korean people lost their souls, and they sang to the distant merchant ship, telling their sad feelings.This is the famous "Li Cheng Jiang Qu".

After hearing this, Xu Guanzhong frowned and said, "That's the story of a liar and a gambler. The two rotten people are just the same. The Korean man thinks he is the victim, so he is more noble? This Korean man is greedy for money, so he uses his wife as a fool." Bet, since he dared to take advantage of the heart, why didn't he think that his own retribution was in front of him? In such a big country, from writing to culture, everything is from my Chinese. They all say that they eat water and don't forget to dig wells People, but this group of Dongyi don't know what's good or bad, and the folks specialize in spreading such deeds, and they never get tired of it, it's really disgusting!"

At this time, Wang Lun seemed much calmer than Xu Guanzhong. After all, he had heard and seen many things in later generations that were worse than the Li Chengjiang song that hadn't been handed down before him. This one can only be regarded as pediatrics:

"Why should Guan Zhong be angry? You said he was disgusting, and he still made up that we don't take a bath! This story tells us that there is a kind of person who wants to take advantage of the advantage, and when he steals the chicken and loses the rice, he will cry like a shrew. Calling your mother to hate you everywhere, dealing with this kind of person, you have to have the consciousness of being a father, otherwise there is no relationship that can better explain this kind of... Willfulness shown in this kind of person!" (to be continued~^ ~)

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