Water Margin Survival

Chapter 571 Take it slowly if you can't finish it!

Baitiao Zhang Shun, who was so busy in Licheng Port that his bones ached, was so happy that he almost jumped up after receiving the order from Wang Lun.

In fact, it is not to blame this hero for making such a fuss, but to blame the Koryo navy for being too pusty, and almost wiped out the entire army in several battles back and forth on Jeju Island.On that day, Liang Shanshui's battle to seize Hong Kong in Licheng was almost effortless, so except for the busy half-day of exploring the waterways when they landed on the first day, Zhang Shun's water ghost battalion was never used again, but was instead used. They were dispatched to guard Licheng Port together with the Second Battalion of the Infantry Army.

Seeing the meritorious deeds of the other camps, the rewards and the rewards, but they have nothing to do in the port all day long, the brothers are almost suffocating.

"Brother and sister-in-law, you guys are really timely! Tell me, what does my brother want me to do with Zhang Shun?" Zhang Shun urgently asked Sun Xin, Mrs. Gu and his wife who came to deliver the order.

"Brother, let the brothers in your battalion take a boat to gather at the water gate of the capital. I brought here a Korean who knows the way to guide you on the boat!" theme.

"Did my brother tell us brothers to do something?" Zhang Shunjian said, and asked again. Although he also knew that there was unlikely to be a combat mission at the moment, he still didn't give up for a while.

"Yang Zhishi is so tight-lipped, didn't he tell you that we copied the granaries of the Korean people?" Mrs. Gu looked at Sun Xin in surprise, and seeing Zhang Shun's blank face, said: "Brother Tang Bin copied the Korean people's granaries in Kaijing City." Three million shi of grain was transported by land, but when and what month did it go? So my brother has already set up ships in the city, and he is sending the brothers in the navy. So ask your brothers to go over and help!"

"300 million shi?" Zhang Shun was surprised by the amount.After being stunned for a while, he said, "How can we rely on the temporarily arrested ships for so much food? These four large ships with [-] supplies have been filled to the brim by other captured ships, so naturally we can't make it! It's only our fleet's fault. When you go to Jeju Island, do you rely on these boats to move the ants and transport them to the year of the monkey?”

"I blame my wife for not explaining it clearly. When I left, I heard two staff officers say that the task of your battalion is to transport all the seized food except food. When our Liangshan fleet returns, it will not be too late to carry the food!" Seeing this, Sun Xin added.

"Even if our fleet has returned, there is no way to transport so much food in a short time? Could it be that my brother is going to transport the food to Licheng Port?" Yuan Lang, who had been listening to everyone's conversation, expressed his doubts aloud at this time, "Lichenggang City is smaller and easier to defend than Kaijing City. If we try hard, we will have to guard him for several months. The problem is not too big!"

When Sun Xin heard that Yuan Lang's concerns were roughly the same as what Qiu Xian said at the time, he couldn't help being quite surprised, and immediately said:

"Brother Yuan, let's not talk about it. At that time, Staff Officer Qiu asked my brother the same way, and I happened to be there! I heard from my brother that as long as we keep a soldier in Licheng Port, the hearts of the Koreans will not be relieved. Let alone the city. There are still 300 million food and grass that originally belonged to them. If we defend the city, we need at least tens of thousands of horses. After a long time, casualties will be inevitable. We cannot do such a thing that is harmful but has no benefit."

"Let's simply find an uninhabited island off the coast of Licheng Port, first transport the food to the island, and then leave a sufficient number of navy guards. Anyway, the Korean navy has been destroyed. It can be said to be very safe. Then we can transport it back in a leisurely manner! In addition, the pressure we put on the Korean people is completely different from occupying Licheng Port. This is especially important! What's more, when the time is right, we We can also use various channels to let them understand our difficulties... Marshal Wang will rely on these grains to get promoted!"

In fact, at the north and south ends of the mouth of the Licheng River, there are dotted islands. It is not difficult to find an island with a relatively flat terrain. Wang Lun means that it is best to find an island with fresh water that can be self-sufficient. .Of course, if you really don't have one, you can make do with it. After all, this place is not far from the Licheng River. Although it is a bit troublesome to replenish water every day, it is not an impossible task.

Yuan Lang couldn't help shouting "Okay" when he heard the last one. Seeing this familiar scene, Sun Xin, Mrs. Gu and his wife couldn't help looking at each other and smiling. Who knew there was something even more strange, so Yuan Lang continued:

"As the saying goes, 'If you have food in your hands, don't panic!' My brother worked so hard to keep this batch of food. He must have a big plan! When this batch of food is in the warehouse, he will migrate tens of millions of Song Dynasty from Jingdong. If people come over, we dare to pat our chests and say the three words 'be able to bear it'!"

"The leader of our Liangshanbo is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!" Hearing this, the couple felt this kind of sigh at the same time, thinking that Yuan Lang, a general, looked at this issue as deeply as Qiu Qian, a civil official, so they couldn't help being disrespectful.

"Then who is sent to find the island?" Prompted by Yuan Lang's words, Zhang Shun was already eager to try.

Both Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu looked at Zhang Shun, and said with a smile, "Brother, you!"

"Me?" Zhang Shun was taken aback.

"Search for suitable islands, find out the water level, and build docks for boats. Among us, who is as good as you, brother?" Sun Xin laughed. Seeing that Zhang Shun still had a puzzled expression, he suddenly "Oh" and said: "It's my fault that our husband and wife didn't make it clear for a while, and my brother misunderstood! It should be your brother who went to open the water gate of the capital to report to Xu Junshi. Brother, you have another appointment, so you brought a Hundreds of brothers, come with us to find the island. A few days ago, we chose the landing place, and we also traveled a lot, so we still have some impressions!"

"Then what are you talking about? Just do what you say!" Zhang Shunjian said with a smile on his face, cupped his fists at Yuan Lang, and said, "Brother Yuan, give my greetings to Brother Shi Yong, and I won't go to bid farewell to him!"

"I will definitely convey it! It's important for you to do big things!" Yuan Lang nodded with a smile, agreed with the three leaders present, and then left.

Zhang Shun sent Yuan Lang away, without further ado, he gathered the brothers in the whole battalion and asked them to take a dozen or so small Korean merchant ships and go to the water gate of Kaijing City to stand by.

And he took Sun Xin, Mrs. Gu and his wife as guides, built two small boats made of various materials, and wobbled towards the south of the mouth of the Licheng River.

Feel the sea breeze blowing in your face.Zhang Shun was quite happy.Speaking of which, he can barely be regarded as the elder of the cottage.It's a pity that there are not many tasks on their Shui Guiying's turn, and they are just training, training and training every time. Now he has been "reduced" to any task, as long as he can touch it, he will rush to do it, for fear of being forgotten.

Of course, it's not that the Shanzhai doesn't pay attention to him. In fact, the whole navy is almost in the same situation, and they haven't encountered any strong water opponents yet.In fact, Wang Lun has always placed high hopes on Zhang Shun.Because he firmly believes that when the cottage develops to a certain stage, the navy will definitely become another trump card in his hand.

"Brother and sister-in-law, where is the island we are going to?" Seeing Sun Xin, Mrs. Gu and his wife pointing to the sailor, Zhang Shun turned around and asked.

"Brother, you are the number one in the sky, and one of the few 'five tiger generals' in our cottage navy. You go up the mountain before us and your husband, and call us brother and sister-in-law. You really can't afford it!"

Just now I was talking about business, and Sun Xin didn't have time to talk about etiquette. At this time, everyone was more relaxed, so Sun Xin blurted out the words as soon as they came to his lips.

"Leave aside the nonsense, in terms of age, the two are older than the younger brother. What's wrong with the younger brother calling brother and sister-in-law?" Zhang Shunchu was still in high spirits at the beginning.It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly dimmed, as if he remembered something from the past.

Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu looked at each other when they heard the words. In fact, they had heard about Zhang Shun. His brother Zhang Heng was unfilial and could not get along with his wife. He came up to the mountain, and later followed Song Jiang to avenge his personal revenge, but died at the hands of the villagers.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xin was also touched by the scene at this time.He couldn't help but think of his elder brother Sun Lilai, thinking that he would rather follow Song Jiang all the way to the dark than go to Liangshan with Chao Tianwang, Sun Xin couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.I don't know if my elder brother didn't have this fate, and he couldn't make it to Liangshan's evil list of heaven and earth.

"If you don't give up, treat our husband and wife as relatives! What do you call sister-in-law, sister!" Mrs. Gu's appearance is rough and rough, and she can't be compared with gentle and charming, but her heart is actually full of unpretentious maternal glory. The brothers all said that Xie Zhen and Xie Bao are blessed to have such a sister in this life.

"Success! Brother, sister!" Zhang Shun clasped his fists and bowed to the couple upon hearing this.

Let's say that the three of them have smoothed out their relationship, and they spoke more casually, only to hear Mrs. Gu say: "The island we went to has no name, and it is farther away from the land than other islands. It is said that it is sheltered from wind and rain. From time to time, fishermen will come to the island, but there are basically no permanent residents, so we just don’t bother anyone!”

At this point, Mrs. Gu only listened to Sun Xin's interface: "Officer Qiu meant to find an inhabited island and rent their houses to stockpile food and grass, but neither my brother nor Mr. Xu very much agreed with this idea, so I gave up. !"

Zhang Shun didn't ask Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong why they disapproved. The perspective and depth of these two copycat leaders' perspectives on the problem were far beyond the reach of their brothers.At this time, his thoughts had already flown away with the sea breeze.

"It's time to go. When we come back next time, I don't know what it will be like!" Zhang Shun sighed.

Zhang Shun's exclamation brought out the feelings of Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu who had been undercover for more than half a year, and they both sighed.However, Mrs. Gu found that Zhang Shun had suddenly felt a little depressed from just now, so she comforted him:

"We won't wait too long! But when we come here again, we won't land from its waist and abdomen. When the time comes, we will fight steadily and secure a city and defend another city. We will have our own territory in Liangshan!"

"At that time, I don't know how many brothers will wear official seals. When you see me, you will say 'Sun Taishou', and I will say 'Gu Taishou' when I see you. See how lively our family is? By the way, call Zhang 'prefect' laughed at me!"

Sun Xin's joke made Mrs. Gu burst into laughter, and even Zhang Shun couldn't help forgetting her troubles and laughed heartily. She saw Mrs. Gu pointing at Sun Xin and saying, "The elder brothers in the cottage are all prefects, and it's not your turn." , just talking nonsense here! What a serious matter, why is it in your mouth, just... a dog can't spit out ivory?"

"It's not a well-behaved place here, can't our family say it out loud?" Facing his wife's accusation, Sun Xin didn't take offense at all.

Mrs. Gu glared at Sun Xin, and said to Zhang Shun: "When my family is supposed to be serious, he is unambiguous. He is usually troublesome, but if he doesn't have this temper, he can't stand your sister's straight temper!"

Zhang Shun is a delicate person, enjoying this kind of scene like a family gathering together to chat about homework, nodding repeatedly, responding to the sister who "commented" her brother-in-law.The human feeling is strange, Mrs. Gu just gave Zhang Shun the feeling of a real sister, while Sun Xin, the newly recognized brother, is more like a brother-in-law at this time.

Seeing that Mrs. Gu was willing to say that, Sun Xin smiled gratifiedly and said, "My God, you finally know that I always let you go!"

Mrs. Gu ignored him, and said to Zhang Shun: "I am a woman, and I don't know what is the future. It's just that my two brothers can comfort his parents under the nine springs in the future, and I, the older sister, will feel at ease!"

When Sun Xin saw that his wife was talking about his cousin, the expression on his face eased a little, and he resumed his cousin's dignity. When Mrs. Gu finished speaking, she sighed and said, "Sister, there is something I haven't discussed with you all this time. , but it’s not too late to say, Brother Zhang Shun will also help me refer to it!”

"Master, what's the matter?" Seeing Sun Xin's serious look, Mrs. Gu was a little puzzled.

"After finishing this ticket, I want to talk to my brother to see if I can go to the infantry!" Sun Xin's words made Mrs. Gu's mouth open for a long time, and Sun Xin didn't smile. Instead it continued:

"Our Sun family has been from the army for generations. You know the reason why I didn't join the army. But the world is unpredictable. Now that I am in Liangshanbo, I see my brother is wise, the military advisors are wise, and the brothers are loyal. Where guns compete for fame and fame, if I don’t fight, when I get old, what will I use to protect my descendants?”

Mrs. Gu was completely stunned by what Sun Xin said in her heart, not wanting her husband to hold back such thoughts in her heart, she immediately complained: "The head of the family, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"What's the difference if you say it sooner or later? What's the difference? It didn't say on Shijie that I can only do meticulous work for the rest of my life!" Sun Xin shook his head. In fact, he wanted to join the field camp for another purpose, that is, to make more contributions and have a better future. He has the confidence to speak for his brother in front of the brothers in the cottage.

He is a younger brother, so he can't watch his elder brother go further and further on the road of no return with the unreliable Song Jiang!

"Forget it, I'm the one who dragged you down! In fact, let alone go to the infantry, how can you not go to the horse army? In order to take care of us, my brother always asks us husband and wife to act together. Now that you have this heart, I Why can't I stop you? When the time comes, we husband and wife will go find brother together!" At critical moments, the wife always faces her husband.

"Brother, two leaders, there is a big island in front of you, but it's not the nameless island that Leader Sun pointed out, do you want to go up and have a look!" At this time, Zhang Shun's little leader came over and told.

"Take your brother and go to the island to check the environment first. I will sit with my brother and sister for a while, and then I will come!" Zhang Shun ordered.

The little boss was about to turn back, but was stopped by Mrs. Gu, who only heard her say: "Brother, don't sit down, don't waste your time, our husband and wife will go to the island with you!"

"Yes, we have a lot of burdens on us! Whether the 300 million shi of grain can be safely transported back to Jeju Island depends on whether we can find a good island for the army!"

After Sun Xin finished speaking, he took a step forward, plunged headlong into the sea water, and got up, only to hear Mrs. Gu's angry voice on the boat reach the eardrums, Sun Xin smiled knowingly, and swam vigorously to the unknown destination in front of him. .

For the [-]-word chapter, fill in one chapter first, and continue to fill in tomorrow. (to be continued~^~)

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