Water Margin Survival

Chapter 572 Graceful, it's time to stand up

Day by day, the Liangshan Army's transfer of spoils in Kaijing City was proceeding in an orderly manner. Langli Baitiao and Zhang Shun had successfully found an uninhabited island off the coast of Licheng Port that could moor large ships. Wang Lun immediately Two thousand auxiliary soldiers were dispatched from the Tenth Battalion to pave the wharf and set up a temporary camp to store the lucrative capture of this campaign.

The action was quite effective. When the navy fleet returned, all the supplies in Kaijing City except food and grass had already been transported in sevens and eighties.Even the tens of thousands of war horses and more than 3 cattle and sheep captured by the Qin and Ming Pili camps were also called Shuigui camps. They also arrested the Korean civilian ships on the Licheng River, and "titled" them to the unnamed island one by one like ants moving their houses.

Wen Huanzhang is worthy of being the number one military adviser in Liangshanbo. Under his dispatch, the fleet did not come empty this time. Not only did the fleet carry [-] soldiers from the engineering battalion under Tao Zongwang, but also [-] soldiers were temporarily collected from Jeju Island. These people are all immigrants from the Song Dynasty with pure blood. Since they came to Jeju Island with their families, there is nothing to say about their loyalty.

With the addition of this batch of fresh troops, the plight of the Liangshan Army's shortage of troops has been greatly improved.Wang Lun immediately ordered that Tao Zongwang take [-] brothers from the engineering battalion to build large-scale construction projects on the island, improve the infrastructure, and take care of the soldiers.And [-] Minzhuang are stationed in Dayi Warehouse, responsible for the task of transporting grain and grass onto the ship.

It’s a bit hard work to say, but Liang Shanbo never treats the people badly, and the immigrants from the Song Dynasty who intend to earn a “wife money” in the future enthusiastically join the ranks of “Yugong Yishan”.

The soldiers of the Liangshan Horse Army, who were freed from the heavy guarding tasks, basically gathered near Dayi Cang.Become a mobile force that travels lightly.Wang Lun's Chinese army tent also moved out of Wangcheng, and found a place to camp in the Dayi warehouse nearby, so that he could command nearby.

"Well, once the grain mountain here is emptied, our Liangshan Mountain will be worthy of the name!" In the headquarters of the temporary occupation army, Xu Guanzhong, who was in a good mood, joked.

"Half a hundred miles is half ninety! Now the big head has just begun. In addition to the more than 80 shi of grain distributed to the residents of Kaesong. And what we and the prisoners consumed, there are still [-] million shi left. We estimate that there are still [-] million shi. It will take half a month to move back and forth!" Wang Lun said here, and asked Qiu Xian: "Is there any news about the scouts we sent out?"

"There is no news from the scouts. After all, we are only patrolling fifty miles around Kaesong, and we haven't found any traces of the Goryeo local army for the time being. However, there is news from our allies that the Goryeo provinces have sent reinforcements and are heading to Kaijing. Hurry up!" Qiu Qian replied.

"We can't rely entirely on the news of this man Gong. His calculations are well known to passers-by. We wish we could kill all the reinforcements from all over the country before leaving. If our own people are reliable, we will ask the Fourth Infantry Battalion to send more scouts to patrol. At this juncture, order them not to be stingy with their horsepower, and how many mounts will die from exhaustion. I will double it to replenish them!" Wang Lun swung his right hand down forcefully.

"That's true. Anyway, we don't lack horses now!" Xu Guanzhong laughed when he heard the words, and calculated the accounts in front of Wang Lun. In the capital, more than [-] horses were seized from various government offices in Koryo, and this Gong certain man brought us another [-] yuan in income, and the total is almost catching up with the previous wealth of my Liangshan army!"

It's no wonder Xu Guanzhong was too excited. It's really that there is no place to buy this huge batch of horses if he has money.At this time, the place where good horses are produced is not in the Liao Kingdom, but in the territory of the old enemy Xixia.Or it is the hinterland of Jurchen, even the Song Empire is extremely rich, with money in hand, they are not willing to sell it in large quantities.Thanks to the fact that Goryeo wasn't a big threat, the Liao Kingdom didn't take him seriously, so Liang Shanbo took advantage of it.

"It is estimated that Korean reinforcements will arrive within half a month. We should also clean up the house and welcome the 'guests'!"

Wang Lun's sudden words made the two staff officers, Xu Guanzhong and Qiu Qian, look terrified, only to hear Qiu Qian, who was getting more and more into a state, said: "To appease Yi Di, the most important thing is to give kindness and power. If we blindly show kindness, we will inevitably be punished by some people Consider it a weakness, and it’s time to clean up the house, lest when the war breaks out, the dust will squint its eyes!”

"They will be grateful for the favors given to ordinary residents! But the nobles in Goryeo may not think so. I don't know if my brother and Chief Qiu have noticed. Let go of your courage and cooperate with us. I have thought about it for the past few days, and I guess the reason lies in my Wang Shi's measures to calm the people. When Lu Fang brought him into the city that day, it was Hao Siwen who brought the surrendered troops to the residents of Kaesong to distribute At the moment of food and salt, I don’t know if it gave him the illusion that we want to win the hearts of the people and hope to stay forever, so he hesitated temporarily!”

Wang Lun also had Xu Guanzhong's doubts in his mind. At this moment, he thought about it and said, "As soon as Guan Zhong said it, it's really the case! This guy still wants to deceive the world and steal his name, so that the people in Kaicheng think that our army's distribution of food is his favor. If he rejected him, he must still have a knot in his heart!"

"Since he has this concern, will the other high officials of Korea also have such concerns?" Qiu Qian asked.

"Then let's get rid of their thoughts! Pass the order, Han Shizhong and Tang Bin guard the passage from Dayi Cang to Shuimen, and Qin Ming, Hao Siwen, and Yang Zhi's three battalions will all gather, and we will plunder and do it." Do what they think the occupying forces should do!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking, Xu Guanzhong laughed. He looked at Qiu Xian and said, "If we don't do this, they won't believe our determination to leave!"

"Old rules, the common people don't disturb him, even rich businessmen who are not deeply involved with the powerful, we will not touch him except for ordering them to release the servants in the house! Confiscating all the homes, this is called pacifying the vast majority, finding out a small number, and treating them differently!" Wang Lun ordered.

Seeing this, the two staff officers did not delay, and immediately began to write the military order. After Wang Lun signed it, he immediately issued it to the three leaders including Qin Ming. According to the picture, I copied it from the home of Li Ziqian, the first official in Korea.

Since the Liangshan army came to break the city, not only can they be said to have committed no crimes, but they also distributed food and sea salt to the residents of Kaesong, in the standard manner of a king.Therefore, after the first few days of silence, Kaijing City has returned to its former hustle and bustle and vitality. Many shops have begun to reopen, and residents have begun to come out to buy daily necessities. the people who came to fetch water.

The Liangshan army patrolled the knights maintaining order back and forth, and no one came to interfere with the lives of these ordinary citizens. Everything was like the scene before the city was broken.No, it should be said that the situation in Beijing was more harmonious than before the city was broken, because there were no more bullying by princes, nobles, or villains.Even the thieves, pickpockets, and ruffians have all disappeared, because the heads of many villains among them have been hung in the streets for public display. I believe that no one is willing to make trouble at this time and be with the old cronies.

Therefore, at this time, the troops from the Three Battalions of Liangshan were dispatched and did not cause much commotion. The residents looked at the Song army galloping on the street. Although they carefully avoided the sides of the street, they were not afraid in their hearts. Gossip together.There is also a new notice posted on the bustling street, the "Emperor of the Song Dynasty" issued an order to release the slaves in the city, and it also attracted people with no money to watch, amazed, because these things have nothing to do with them Well, for most of the city's residents, they are the bottom-level people who are struggling above the food and clothing line, and keeping slaves and maidservants is really too far away for them.

"Taishi...Master, it's not good, Song Bing has come in!" The mourning sound of the housekeeper shocked Li Ziqian from his nap, and he got up in a cold sweat, pointing at the noise in the house He hurriedly asked the housekeeper, "What's going on?"

He was really confused at this moment, Song people have been very peaceful these few days, since the palace broke up, the two sides have lived in peace, I don't know how peaceful it is, why suddenly came to his house for no reason at this time?His first reaction was that Han Anren had defected to the Song people, and reached some agreement with the Song people to take his own head to establish the prestige of the new dynasty.

"The Song soldiers who watched us at the door didn't know what was going on. They almost clashed with the Song people who had killed them. Later, a man who seemed to be a general of the Song Dynasty came and showed some kind of warrant. These Song soldiers received the order. We have retreated, and now this group of people has already killed and entered, I am afraid there will be thousands of people! Master, do you want this old slave to gather our people and do it with them!?" The old housekeeper panicked.

"Do it, do it, who are you going to do it with? If we can do it well, the city won't be destroyed, and Wang Yu won't let them take him away!" Li Ziqian said angrily, the old butler was at a loss when he was scolded by his master, but at this moment Li Ziqian shut up After thinking about it, he asked, "Do they have a warrant?"

"Yes, yes, when they were about to enter the mansion at the beginning, the Song people who guarded the gate refused to let them go, and they left only after they got a warrant!" The old housekeeper said hastily.

"What do you know, you don't have to be afraid if you have a warrant! As long as it is not a disorderly soldier, there is room for change! The old man, Marshal of the Song Dynasty, has personally seen it. Although he is young, he has a deep city. My old friend, they have no reason to kill me! If you mess around and annoy them, they will have a reason to kill me!" Li Ziqian scolded.

"Then what should we do?" The old butler was at his wit's end.

"Change clothes with the old man, I want to meet this Great Song General in person!" Although Li Ziqian was also beating his heart, he also had a trump card in his hand and hadn't revealed his hole card, thinking secretly: "Could it be that he came to catch My grandson's?"

How could the old housekeeper know what his master was thinking, so he changed Li Ziqian's clothes tremblingly, and followed the master to meet the intruding general from the Song Dynasty. Along the way, Li Ziqian was in a hurry and walked steadily. The old housekeeper secretly admired him, thinking If the tiger dies, it will not fall, after all, I am the number one person in the Korean court.Unexpectedly, when Li Ziqian came out of the inner courtyard, he bumped into the generals leading the Song Dynasty. Without further ado, he pushed down the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillars, bowed down, and praised:

"General, misunderstood! Misunderstood! Imperial physician Mou Jiemou, the imperial physician of the Holy Dynasty, is the life-and-death friend of the subordinate official! What's more, Marshal Wang also received the subordinate official, and personally promised to save the lives of the subordinate official and his family. !” (to be continued~^~)

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