Water Margin Survival

Chapter 580 "Tuo" Fear and "Song" Fear

Tuo Junjing, the key figure who is absolutely capable of disrupting the current balance in Korea, was finally removed at a given point by Hao Siwen, who had never had a strong record to prove himself, in front of this unknown stream.

Although Wang Lun, who has a detached vision, has always been optimistic about Jing Muyan under his command, he can barely be regarded as the veteran of Liangshan, but he has never encountered a good opportunity to prove his strength.

He never thought of making him famous in the last battle in a foreign country.A few years later, when the Fourth Army was revising the military histories of each army, the editors suggested to the bigwigs in the DPRK and China that this unknown stream be named "Siwen River", just because the bigwigs in the DPRK and China wanted to downplay the unification war. considered, and ultimately rejected the proposal.

In the end, the senior generals Guan Lao and Tang Lao who were in their sixtieth years couldn't stand it any longer, and they brought the matter to the founder of the country one after another, so there was such a Siwen Creek endowed with humanistic color and commemorative significance, which continued quietly. It flows on the open field of Kaizhou on Andong Road in Xinchao for future generations to look up and remember.


"The battle is over, we will return to Licheng Hong Kong immediately, everyone hold on to me, Doctor An is waiting for us there!" Hao Siwen checked the injuries of the injured brothers one by one, and did not forget to give his condolences to the injured brothers. They have one hope.

This battle was not without tragedy. No one expected that the Jurchens would appear among the Goryeo cavalry. How did these two enemies, who have been pinching each other for hundreds of years, manage to find me in you and you in me? Puzzling.

Hao Siwen thought about it afterwards, this emerging force that rose in the backyard of the Liao Kingdom was really not good, and many brothers fell into their hands in this battle.certainly.The brethren did not make it easy for each other either.In the head-to-head confrontation, nearly a hundred enemies were killed, and the remaining more than 100 Jurchens were forced to run away.And it was this group of people who fled the battle that accelerated the collapse of the Divine Cavalry Army and declared the death of the most elite cavalry team in the Koryo Frontier Army.

After cleaning the battlefield, Shan Tinggui came back to discuss matters with Hao Siwen, and found that the general was comforting the wounded, so he stepped forward to boost morale and said, "Cry out if you hurt now. Don't complain when you get to Lichenggang, let the little one back to Tianying Ladies underestimate us!"

The wounded soldiers burst into laughter unknowingly, and the atmosphere became less tense.At this time, Huitianying, which has gradually become a holy place in the eyes of Liangshan soldiers, not only has Xinglin genius doctors such as An Daoquan and Mou Jie who saved lives and healed the wounded with superb medical skills, it makes people feel at ease, but also a female medical team under Hu Sanniang makes people yearn for it.

Of course, people in this era are not so nasty, yearning and evil thoughts are by no means the same thing, but the kind of beautiful feelings of "Guan Guan Jujiu" inherently exist in the hearts of every Liangshan soldier. This group of young women who like to dress in white and are affectionately called "White Women's Army" nurses.The desire to survive naturally became stronger.

"Hey! Brother, aren't you tying up piglets? I'm human! Can't be done lightly! It's really useless to go back to Tianying, how did you learn from other girls!"

Thinking of the benefits of returning to Tianying, some brothers have already begun to "complain" that the comrades who act as temporary medical soldiers around them are too heavy.

At this time, the entire Liangshan Army only had female soldiers in the Huitian Camp, mainly because of the current customs and the danger of the battlefield, so the limited number of women who voluntarily joined the army were not sent to the front-line field camps.And because of the severe shortage of doctor resources at this time, they were finally assigned to each battalion.There are only one or two medical officers at most.Those who help them are mostly combat soldiers or auxiliary soldiers with some rescue experience.

"I'm just half a spoonful of water, otherwise I would have been the apprentice of An An's doctor! If I have meat, I'm too hairy. When I was in the Imperial Army, no one would care if my brothers were injured..." The guards didn't care about their complaints, and they dealt with them very quickly. injury.

Shan Tinggui just heard the complaints of the hard-working "part-time" guards, and his face became hot.The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty was also equipped with medical officers, but not to mention the limited number, and the service objects were also given priority to those with official titles. If there was a real war, who would pay as much attention to the wounded soldiers at the bottom as Wang Lun?

Not to mention that even the imperial physicians in Liangshan can diagnose injuries for ordinary soldiers in person.Even if the soldiers are injured and can no longer continue to fight with the army, Liang Shanbo will not let them go. Not only is the pension very generous, but also the second-line positions of instructors and arresters are placed for everyone. .Looking at Song and Liao, the two world powers, no one can achieve Liangshanbo.In Wang Lun's words, "The tens of thousands of brothers who follow us can't be guaranteed, so how can we appease the people of the world in the future?"

"Brother Hao, it's time for us to go to the city in a group! Don't call this Gong a certain person who is still peeing on the couch after dawn!" Shan Tinggui wiped the blood on his face, and told Hao Siwen mentioned the next step.If Gong Qi is killed, his brother's strategic expectations will be greatly compromised.

Hao Siwen quite agreed with his opinion. Although Yuan Lang, who was in charge of cheering Gong Qi up, was brave, his infantry and cavalry had less than 2000 troops. He immediately asked about his own casualties and the situation of the enemy's prisoners, pondering After a moment, he said:

"At present, the strength of the troops is urgent everywhere. There are only two battalions of ours here, but we can't let the brothers in the infantry fight alone! General Shan, you take the first and third command to treat the wounded soldiers, and escort the surrendered soldiers and horses. The remaining three commanders go for reinforcements!"

The specific situation of the casualties of each commander was reported by Shan Tinggui. He naturally knew that the first commander of the battalion suffered heavy casualties in this battle and was no longer suitable for continuous fighting. The three commanding cavalry, worth a thousand, got on their horses again and went to perform reinforcement tasks.

It is somewhat inaccurate to describe the Dawei Kingdom as a flashback, but when its life is hanging by a thread, Gong Qi’s army has indeed exploded with great potential. The news of escape, and at the same time sent people to the army to spread the news that the other party would massacre the city after victory. everywhere.

Later, he and Hao Siwen came from Licheng Port, and the second battalion of the Liangshan Infantry joined the battle after recuperating for half a month. They used their god-armed bows to call the Koryo's elite crossbowmen to really see what it means to be a crossbowman. Glory, after clearing the obstacles, Yuan Lang personally led the [-] cavalry to crush the remnants of the enemy, and finally reversed the whole situation.

"The holy grace of the Celestial Dynasty, the lonely king will never forget it, never forget it! In the future, Dawei will unify the land of the Three Koreas, and he will definitely serve the Celestial Dynasty as the master and never betray him!"

Gong Qi, who escaped from the dead, could no longer care about the reservedness of the king of a country, and dragged Yuan Lang to bow down.Of course, this was in a closed city tower, and Miao Qing, who was extremely anti-Song beside him, was also sent out specially.

Yuan Lang came from a wealthy family, although he possessed martial arts skills enough to be among the five infantrymen, but he did not have a strong aura of a general. At this moment, he raised his bow in a friendly manner and said:

"In a few days our army will return to the imperial court, and the matter here will be resolved by you! If you have nothing else to do, our battalion will withdraw!" Hao Siwen and Shan Tinggui were worried about Yuan Lang, so why didn't Yuan Lang Worried about the situation of the other party?Liangshan Mabu and the two armies made a fuss, but it was at home.Outside, brotherhood prevails, and no one doubts this.It is precisely because they have the confidence that everyone dares to make troubles with confidence and boldness, unlike the estranged people who carefully maintain the so-called "harmonious" situation.

At this time, Gong Qi heard this title, and his mood finally got better and became gloomy again. This is the performance of Song Guo who still doesn't recognize his status!He doesn't expect the other party to really treat him like a king, and to do any big gifts, but at least in words, he has to support himself!

Yuan Lang saw that he was mentally fragile like this, so he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, and said: "Licheng Port will be handed over soon, I hope your army is ready! Before our army returns to the division, we will send someone over to inform your army!"

"Thank you so much, thank you so much! Your king and marshal is faithful to his word, he is really a role model for my generation!" Zheng Zhihan saw that the master was a little lost, and hurriedly stepped forward to answer on his behalf.

Yuan Lang knew very well what he was here for, so naturally he wouldn't see anything strange with Gong Qi, and immediately bowed his hands and bid farewell to the other party, then Gong Qi came to his senses, grabbed Yuan Lang and begged, "General, once you leave like this, I'm dead!" Since the other party didn't recognize him, Gong Qi didn't dare to call himself lonely in front of Yuan Lang.

"How do you say that?" Yuan Lang asked.

"I told Marshal Wang that day that Tuo Junjing has an elite cavalry army that is invincible. He regards it as a treasure and refuses to send them into battle easily. Once you leave, I will suffer as soon as I leave the city! " Gong Qi begged.

"Don't worry, your invincible elite cavalry... I'm afraid it has become history at this time! This general is going to investigate the truth at this moment!" Yuan Lang turned back and said.

"Cavalry, cavalry attack..."

I don't know who took the lead in shouting on the top of the city tower, and the beaming Tianqi Zhongyi army suddenly seemed to be facing an enemy. The Koreans who were picking up weapons outside the city jumped like crazy, and rushed to the nearest city gate, while the people at the gate were in a hurry. Close the city gate, no one cares about the life and death of people outside, the battlefield that had just stopped suddenly became lively again.Fortunately, the backing army of the Celestial Dynasty was in the city, so there was no bombing of the camp.

Seeing this, Yuan Lang also looked into the distance, and saw that this team of cavalry was flying high, and the team was neat. It definitely didn't look like they had lost a battle. Even if there was something wrong with the number of people, they should have left men and horses to guard the prisoners. Yuan Lang suddenly felt confident .

But Yuan Lang thought again, Hao Siwen came to help him after he quickly stabilized the battle situation, he couldn't help being moved in his heart, sighed, turned back to Gong Qi with a smile and said: "The big thing is done, let's rest here with peace of mind!"

"What... what? Is this Song Qi? Is it a team to destroy the Divine Cavalry?" Gong Qi was stunned.It was Zheng Zhihan who reacted the fastest, and quickly ordered a dozen soldiers to shout loudly on the city wall to stabilize the already agitated military spirit.

"Yes, our people!" Yuan Lang said with certainty.

"The Divine Cavalry Army! That's Tuo Junjing's favorite Divine Cavalry Army! Marshal Wang only sent this few troops..." Gong Qi is willing to believe in the invincible Divine Cavalry that he regards as a tiger in his heart with just a few words. The army was thus defeated.

Of course, Yuan Lang would not tell him the actual situation of Liangshan Army's tense military strength at this time. Gong Qi saw his determined expression as unfathomable. Its heart sprouts. (to be continued~^~)

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