When Tuo Junjing lost contact, some people were happy and some were worried.

The happy people are reveling all night long, dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Dream of sweeping Korea and restoring the hegemony of their ancestors.And the worried person was sitting on the soft couch at this time, facing his younger brother who was also frowning, speechless for a long time.

"Brother, did something happen to Tuo Junjing?"

Li Ziliang, the number one envoy of Koryo, finally couldn't sit still, and suggested: "We can't pin all our hopes on this closed disciple of Yin Guan, except for his northwest army horse, we have to spend more effort to contact other Taoists to come here. reinforcements!"

"Contact? How do I contact you? I'm empty-handed, and the dog doesn't care!" Li Ziqian sighed, looked at his younger brother and said, "I hate the millions of family assets that I have worked so hard to save over the years. There is no scum left! If Tuo Junjing’s [-] elite men are here, it’s okay to say that this person is our relationship for many years, and he is very particular about him. We don’t necessarily talk about money when we meet. But other people have their own reasons behind their backs. Master, the old man can't be easily influenced by a few words! At this time, besides gold and silver, what else can make them listen to the announcement!?"

He didn't take the loss of his family property seriously, because with Tuo Junjing's troops and the reinforcements from his hometown Inju (Incheon), he had enough confidence to firmly control the situation in Kaijing, but Tuo Junjing was so critical When the incident happened, Li Ziqian unexpectedly lost contact. How can Li Ziqian, who was dodged in the face of the incident, not panic.

"It's impossible for the Song Army to take away everything, right? Let's say that we can make some money by selling iron and pot. When the elder brother controls the situation, we will take out all the property from our hometown. It will be used as military expenses. Those who can be caressed in the future will be caressed. Ambition Those who are destroyed will be destroyed, and the world is not at your fingertips?"

Li Ziliang comforted his elder brother. Although the current situation is difficult, he also faces great opportunities.Speaking of which, the Li family is really looking forward to it. They have assisted the government for more than [-] years, but when has they been so close to the throne?

Seeing this, Li Ziqian bowed his head and pondered.He was noncommittal to his younger brother's words, and asked after a while, "How many soldiers and horses have come from Renzhou?"

"There are more than [-] people walking and riding! Brother, you know, the leader of the team is our nephew, and many of my children are officials among them, so they are very reliable!" Renzhou is the hometown of their brothers, and the officials there , The garrison has long been surnamed Li, and even if there are a few outliers, they are embellished for Wang Yu to see. In reality, there will not be much trouble, and it can be said that their brothers are most assured of the rear.

"The number of people is still too small. If Zide is still there, he will be able to relieve me a lot! It's a pity..." Li Ziqian sighed.

He didn't scold the bald man in front of the monk, and said some stupid things like walking away when he shouldn't have left.It's purely out of feeling. After all, Li Zide controlled the Privy Council of Korea during his lifetime and had considerable influence in the military circles of Korea. His younger brother Li Ziliang belonged to the civil service system.It overlaps with its own resources.It is far less than the role that Li Zide can play at this critical moment.

"Cousin... Alas! Fate counts..." Li Ziliang had just sighed a few words, but was interrupted by Li Ziqian, who only heard him ask:

"By the way, how much military expenses did they bring on the road?"

Li Ziliang realized that his elder brother was also in desperate need, and he was counting on a drop in the bucket to put out the fire... Immediately he said helplessly, "Master Qin, the future is uncertain, why would those uncles in our hometown ask them to bring a lot of gold and silver?"

Li Ziqian knew what he was telling the truth, suddenly he slapped the table and made up his mind: "That's all! A small amount is not a gentleman, and a non-toxic is not a husband! We have to borrow some money from the merchants and wealthy households in the city to save the emergency!"

"Brother, you must not! Even the people of Song Dynasty are not surprised by the farming market, and the autumn is not disturbed by them. If we do it...Brother, you are the one who wants to become king!" Li Ziliang was shocked when he heard this, and got up quickly Let me persuade you, for fear that Li Ziqian will destroy his foundation.

"Sit, sit!" Li Ziqian looked at his younger brother who was sincerely thinking about him, and his heart eased a little. He handed a cup of tea to Li Ziliang, and said slowly:

"If you and I do it ourselves, wouldn't my ministerial order be at the level of a district or county magistrate? Nowadays, there are all kinds of forces gathering outside the Kaijing city. As long as the people of Song Dynasty leave, we can casually confuse one or two forces that are not in line with us. Entering the city to loot, wait until they have almost robbed, and finally we will uphold justice and win the hearts of the people in one battle, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Seeing that his elder brother came up with such an idea of ​​gaining fame and profit, Li Ziliang couldn't help exclaiming inwardly, saying: "Brother, it's a great plan! This way, money and food will be worry-free!"

Li Ziqian waved his hand, and said: "I heard that the market is very active recently. The relationship between the common people and the people of Song Dynasty is not so harmonious, and the New Year's Festival is not as lively. If so, let's join in the fun!"

"At this time, the Song people haven't left yet, is it all right?" Li Ziliang asked cautiously, at this time he didn't ask any more questions, but tacitly comprehended the hidden meaning of his brother's words.

"It seems that your news is not very timely! As far as I know, the Dayi Warehouse has been completely emptied by the Song people. The boats that entered the river from Shuimen last night and today during the day were crowded with people. Song people, hum, If you have enough, you should go!"

At this time, Li Ziqian had absolutely no affection for Wang Lun, but neither could he say that he was hostile. No matter how much harm the other party caused him, he washed away the throne and put it in front of him. Li Ziqian was never a short-sighted person. At that time, the Liao Kingdom was disturbed by the Jurchens, and they were too busy to take care of themselves.Jurchen are also barbarians, and dealing with these uncivilized savages will undoubtedly lower the grade of Korea.Therefore, when he ascends the throne, not only will he endure the humiliation of breaking the city, but he will also vigorously develop the relationship with the Song State to ensure that the throne will last forever.

"Do you want to inform the army outside the city to attack the city overnight?" Li Ziliang asked in a low voice at this moment.

"Confused! They are leaving, why are you messing with these plague gods?!"

Li Ziqian roared out subconsciously, seeing that Li Ziliang was worried, he softened his tone and said:

"Although the Marshal of the Song Army has the same surname as my son-in-law, his methods are completely heavenly and underground! This man surnamed Wang has a good way of running the army. I think he has a very harmonious relationship with his generals. This time we opened the capital Jinshan The treasures like the sea of ​​silver were snatched by the Song army. You can see that they have gone too far? If it were our people, they would have turned upside down in front of these gold and silver! It can be seen that this person has extraordinary wrists! Such a person. If he Will be attacked. Do you think he will sit idly by! When you mobilize a thousand soldiers, he will dare to leave tens of thousands of soldiers here to fight us. Forgive me, he can afford it, but we can’t Get up!"

Now that he has come to this point, Li Ziqian simply spoke clearly, lest his subordinates get mad in a moment of anger, only to see him admonishing his younger brother with a more emphatic tone.

"Not only can't mess with them, but let them go safely! Only when they are gone, can we plan our major affairs wholeheartedly! Our top priority is to stabilize the situation in the country, not to feud with the aloof Song State! You can understand this truth understand?"

"Brother is right, it's my younger brother who is short-sighted!"

Li Ziqian spoke very seriously, Li Ziliang quickly admitted his mistake: "It's a pity that my younger brother has been sent to the Song Kingdom so many times for nothing, and I have never heard of such a person in the Song Kingdom's imperial army. I am really ashamed!"

"Don't say it's you, how could this old man have expected that the Song Dynasty would go to war for Tamra Island and send a large army across the sea to question the crime? Hey! After this incident, the power to open the city is probably exhausted! If I ascend the throne, I should move the capital for it. The best strategy!" Li Ziqian expressed his feeling, at least the person in front of him was his own younger brother, so he waved his hand as he had finished some words.Indicate that the younger brother does not need to blame himself.

"Moving the capital? How about moving to Renzhou!" Li Ziliang's eyes lit up.Excitedly said: "Wang Jian's hometown is in Lichenggang, so he decided to open Beijing as his capital. Our hometown is in Renzhou. Big brother, why not move the capital to Renzhou! In the past, the overlord of Chu didn't say that wealth does not return to his hometown, just like embroidered clothes. Nocturnal, who knows!"

The ministers of the Goryeo Kingdom love to talk about the historical allusions of the Central Plains as their own topics. This is almost the same mentality as later generations of Japan prefer to make video games with ancient Chinese backgrounds.

"The Overlord of Chu lost to Liu Bang!" Li Ziqian's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, with a sense of power.He said: "Renzhou is too close to the sea. With the Song people's battle example in front of us, who knows that people in Liao and Jin will not follow suit in the future? You can understand how you feel, but you can't govern the country according to your own preferences." !"

"Big brother taught me a lesson, and my younger brother has been taught!" Li Ziliang hastily apologized, he couldn't sit still after making such a fool of himself, he got up and said, "It's not too late, younger brother, let's go out and set it up!"

Li Ziqian nodded, and said: "Be careful in handling things, and don't show any flaws! Also, keep an eye on this old man Han Anren and his henchmen. Now that my son-in-law is gone, let's see who they take advantage of!" "


"The king has no way, and the city wall collapses. The eighteen sons will be kings!"

The next day, at some point in time, the residents of Kaijing heard more than a bunch of children singing this new folk song in the street market.

On the day the city was broken, although not everyone saw the collapse of the city wall with their own eyes, they basically heard it with their own ears, and some even went to the ruins to verify it. The broken walls that can be seen everywhere can still glimpse the scene of the explosion that day.In Kaijing, where the theory of ghosts and gods is extremely prevalent, the two consecutive events of heaven and earth shattering, which are difficult to explain with common sense, have already been sublimated to the level of mythology.

In this myth, the Song army, who represents the king's division, did not violate the interests of the vast majority of residents after entering the city. On the contrary, they distributed food and salt to maintain order in the city, hunted down local ruffians, and punished corrupt officials while treating honest officials favorably. The exciting move directly brought a great contrast to the people who thought they would be massacred by the Song people (the last tragic experience came from the Liao Kingdom). Many people have begun to reflect on whether it is because their king annexed Tamna, Provoking anger and resentment, asking God to use Da Song's hand to bring severe punishment?

In short, the actions of the people of Song Dynasty who did not offend the common people in Kaijing, in turn, added color to this myth from some aspects, so that many people began to believe that Wang Yu was abandoned by heaven.And the makers of this rumor took advantage of the psychology of the common people and processed it into a twelve-character prophecy that could subvert the foundation of the Wang family. In less than half a day, it had already spread throughout the streets and alleys of Kaijing City.Under the night, the residents of Kaijing were in groups of three or four, mysterious and discussing endlessly.

"Li... Li Ziqian... a national traitor, a national traitor! Before Song people left, why didn't they kill this beast..."

As the saying goes, rumors stop at wise men, but there are not many wise men in Kaesong. Han Anren, Wang Yu's lone minister, is barely one of them. When he heard the rumor circulating on the street, he was already out of anger. Well, with his political wisdom, it is really not difficult to see the profiteers at the end of this prophecy.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of slapping on the door of the mansion sounded just right, Han Anren was startled suddenly, looked back at his young wife and children beside him, and said bitterly: "I will die here today!" (To be continued~^~)

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