Water Margin Survival

Chapter 582 Advising You to Forget About Goryeo, Go West to Song Country for Small Snacks

"Brother, it's bad, Han Anren, he ran away!" Realizing that something was wrong, Li Ziliang hurried back to the house, and when he saw Li Ziqian's face, he yelled away.This person is the only person in the court who can wrestle with their Renzhou Li family. If he is asked to go to the local area, there will be a powerful noise in the future Koryo political circle for no reason.

"Run away? The entire capital city of Kaijing was besieged, where could he go? Send someone to search for me secretly, even if I dig three feet, I have to dig him out!"

Li Ziqian was taken aback when he heard the words, originally he thought that catching Han Anren would be as simple as catching a turtle in a jar, but it was the spreading of rumors that made him uneasy, for fear that the people of Song Dynasty would spy on his selfish intentions and deal with it.Unexpectedly, it is good now, the difficult things go smoothly unexpectedly, but the simple things go wrong.

"Brother, he is not the only one who escaped alone, but the fifty or so hard-core henchmen under his command suddenly disappeared. I don't think it's easy!" Li Ziliang looked anxiously and collected all the news Let it out for my brother's reference, "There is also Jin Fushi, the son of the former minister of rites, Jin Duzeng, who was sitting on the fence, and he also disappeared at the same time!"

Li Ziqian was startled when he heard the words, and thought to himself, what other power in this city could make these courtiers disappear at the same time?Could it be that the people of Song deliberately did not make themselves feel better?Li Ziqian is worthy of being a politician who has controlled the government for many years. He suddenly thought whether he had offended Marshal Song by using the hands of Song people to get rid of his grandson and spreading rumors.

"Isn't Doctor Mou on good terms with Eldest Brother? Maybe the people of Song Dynasty captured these people and went back to offer them up as captives? The monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty are so lively! If they want to be unfavorable to Eldest Brother, why not... Eldest Brother, don't blame me. They want to come to the door Catching our brother is just a matter of leisure!" Li Ziliang said cautiously.

Li Ziqian's mind was confused, and he always felt that this matter would not be so simple, but he couldn't think of the key point of the matter. After all, as his younger brother said, if the people of Song Dynasty want to blame themselves, a team of pawns is enough.Now they spare their lives.He also took away his political opponents. Could it be that he wanted to bet on both sides in order to control the political situation in Korea in the future?

"In the past, the Turkic Khanate was originally a confidant of the Central Plains Dynasty. Later, after the Sui Dynasty split it into Eastern and Western Turks, it failed to cause much trouble. The old man sees that the people of the Central Plains Dynasty like to do this kind of thing. It's just that I didn't expect that our Dakoryeo Kingdom would be murdered by them today!" Li Ziqian got up angrily, and said:

"It's a pity that they think too highly of Han Anren's idiots, and those monsters who are great for the country. I'm afraid they were supported by Song people, but how can I allow them to fight against each other! Within two years, I will rule Korea! "

"Isn't it? The Song Dynasty's civil and martial arts have different ways, how can a mere military general surnamed Wang have such a great talent?" Li Ziliang was surprised.

"I'm afraid that when they come, they will have made up this idea!" Li Ziqian showed an angry look on his face.Gritting his teeth, he said, "It's a shame that I did everything I could to please them. So they didn't intend to kill me at all! It's just that this Wang is too hateful. When the old man takes the throne in the future, even if he spends all his money, he will bribe the king and ministers of the Song Dynasty." , Take him out for me, to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Good plan! When the eldest brother ascends the throne, the younger brother will carry the letter of credence to go to the state of Song. We must find out for the eldest brother where the root of this surname Wang is! If Tong Guan's lackeys, I will infiltrate Cai Jing and Gao Qiu. If Gao Qiu's minions, I will bribe Tong Guan and Cai Jing heavily, if Cai Jing's people..."

Li Ziliang was about to show off how much he knew about the government of the Song Dynasty, and he didn't want to be interrupted by his brother suddenly, so he only heard Li Ziqian say: "Who is outside the door? Come in!"

At this time, a short man dressed as a commoner pushed open the door and came in, and hurriedly said: "Grand Master, the Song people have retreated!"

Li Ziliang was overjoyed when he heard the words, jumped up and asked, "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago, the last batch of Song people boarded the boat and left quietly!" The man dared not neglect and hurriedly replied.

Li Ziliang danced with joy when he heard the words, but Li Ziqian didn't seem surprised by the result, waved away his eyes and ears, then got up and said: "Zi Liang, follow me to the gate of Changba!"

"Brother, it's better for us to contact all the ministers overnight..." Li Ziliang tried hard to persuade him, he really didn't understand why his brother still had a "gentle spirit" at this time, and wanted to visit the capital at night.

"If you don't watch them go, I can't feel at ease!" Li Ziqian took his saber casually for a rare moment of willfulness, and strode out the door.Li Ziliang subconsciously felt that his brother's gait was quite different from usual, and became brisker.

As the saying goes: "Three caves of cunning rabbits", although Li Ziqian's family called Qin Ming to "plow" once, but at this moment, Li Ziliang was still able to organize a guard team of more than two hundred people to protect his brother from going out with great fanfare, but it's a pity The people of Song plundered all the horses in the city, and they were as rich as Li's mansion, but they couldn't find a single horse to pull a cart.

The crowd had no choice but to hold up torches and walk in Kaijing City. At this time, it is said that the residents should have rested, but along the way, they saw that the common people did not go to bed. Hurriedly carrying bags of heavy things home.Li Ziliang was very puzzled when he saw the situation, so he asked someone to arrest a commoner and asked them for details. The commoner was originally beaming, but now he was stopped by his own troops, and his face was full of fear. Pulling out his sword, he had no choice but to tell the details: "The heavenly soldiers of the Song Dynasty opened the salt warehouse, and let us people take it for ourselves..."

"What heavenly soldiers! They're all thieves!" Li Ziliang was furious. Everything in this city will soon be surnamed Li. How can the common people take it for nothing?Immediately, he stepped forward and kicked his compatriots over, drawing his sword was about to end his life. The people screamed in fright. hundreds of people.

The guards of the Li Mansion suddenly became nervous. They were all holding the handles of their knives and were ready to draw them at any time. Who would have thought that it would arouse the common hatred among the common people? Someone in the crowd said angrily, "If you are capable, throw it at the people of Song Dynasty. What are you going to do with us?" able!"

"It's against you! Do you know who we are, the master is..." Li Ziliang saw that the sheep-like residents of the past dared to use the power of the Song people to pretend.Immediately angry.Just as he was about to tell his family history, he suddenly heard Li Ziqian say: "The common people want to fetch salt, let them fetch it. Are we not as good as the people of Song Dynasty? Let's go back, it's dark and the road is slippery, be careful where you step!"

Li Ziliang looked at his elder brother in surprise, but Li Ziqian under the firelight only frowned.Shaking his head slightly, Li Ziliang gave up when he saw the situation, glared at the people around him, and beckoned the guards to protect his brother and leave.

These common people are only outraged for a moment, but they are afraid that this group of people will attack them after punishing a salt-bearer. If they really want them to fight with the adults, they will not have the courage after all. After all, it is impossible for the people of Song Dynasty to support them all the time. .

"It would be great if the heavenly soldiers didn't leave!" someone in the crowd murmured.It attracted the attention of the common people, but when they thought of those vicious officials in the city who came back from the soil, the residents subconsciously dispersed. They also wanted to carry dozens of catties of sea salt back home before these gentlemen regained power.As for what the future holds, no one thinks about it.Because in the country of Koryo with clear hierarchy.They have no future.

"These untouchables have no integrity at all. They actually talk about holy pilgrimage and shut up about heavenly soldiers. They simply regard the thief as their father!" Although Li Ziliang didn't kill people on the spot, his anger didn't decrease but increased, and he rushed to his brother to complain.

"Zi Liang, do you know what your biggest shortcoming is? You can't hold your breath! There are quite a lot of objections to your envoy to Song State in the court, and it is the old man who tried his best to make you an envoy of a country. The purpose is to let you experience more and have some achievements in the future! Among my younger brothers, you are the most talented, but you have let me down so much!" Li Ziqian said very seriously, but his tone was very light.

Li Ziliang was overwhelmed by these few words and didn't dare to speak out. He didn't dare to quibble. He just heard Li Ziqian say again: "It's a good thing that you are a high-quality official when you meet the people with swordsmen. People from the Li family in Renzhou, this kind How can things be done? No matter how much you look down on them in your heart, you should pretend when you should pretend, and act when you should act! The people are stupid, most people only trust their own eyes, and rarely use their brains , so when you face them, show a few more smiling faces, and speak more kindly, even if they never enjoyed the slightest benefit when you were in power, many people will be moved by this incident before you, and then pass on the good things of your life !"

"Brother, I'm ashamed, I've been taught, I've been taught!" Li Ziliang was enlightened when he heard the words, and quickly digested his brother's political wisdom. At the moment, he felt that it was extremely miraculous and very useful.

"You treat him well in essence, so you don't need to pay too much attention to form, but when you can't take care of him, form is very important at this time! The foundation of our Koryo is the co-governance of the royal power and the nobles. We must try our best to protect the interests of the nobles. How much sweetness do you want to give to the common people, under such circumstances, are you not even willing to give them a smiling face that is beneficial and not costly?" Li Ziqian simply said it all at once, so as not to make this younger brother confused again,

"Politicians, nothing more than the word 'benefit distribution'! There is a lot of knowledge in it, enough for you to study for a lifetime!"

Li Ziliang was sweating profusely from his brother's few words, and he repeatedly claimed yes, saying: "Give them the sea salt, I'm confused for a moment..."

"Where did you get confused for a while, I think you are rarely sober! The salt is placed there with them, and it is impossible to fly to the capital. Someone will retrieve it for us tomorrow, just be patient!"

Li Ziqian shook his head, his patience was exhausted, he stopped talking now, and just led his men to walk quickly on this night that was destined to be unsettled. , there is no longer a figure of half a person from the Song Dynasty, disturbing his state of mind again.

"Forgive me, Wang Wei in the Tang Dynasty had a Weicheng song, do you still remember it?"

Li Ziliang was worried that his elder brother would not talk to him all the way, so he said hastily: "I advise you to drink a glass of wine, and go west to Yangguan without an old friend? Eldest brother, do you still miss this Wang..."

At the end of Li Ziliang's speech, he quickly kept silent, because he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong again.Unexpectedly, Li Ziqian did not blame him, but said with great interest:

"The old man doesn't care about the mediocrity today, so I changed this poem, and it's called, 'I advise you to forget about Korea, and go west to the Song Dynasty for snacks!' How about it?"

What else?If Li Ziqian barks like a dog, Li Ziliang and the guards around him will also praise him.

Li Ziqian looked confidently into the distance in the darkness, and then he turned around and left, ready to start his big business, but he still did not forget to say in his heart:

"Marshal Wang, let's go! Sooner or later, someone will express this heavy gratitude for the old man in Song Dynasty!" (To be continued~^~)

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