Pang Yi, who was over [-] years old, was getting older and stronger, and the bow and arrow in his hand felt just right for the thief, waiting for an arrow to fly out and take his life.But at this moment, he suddenly heard people screaming and horses neighing outside the door with his head heavily closed, and the chaos was in a state of confusion. Go, and when I looked again, I passed by the target's forehead, and Zhu Tie, who was so shocked that he almost stepped into the gate of hell, broke out in a cold sweat.

"What's going on next?" Pang Yi missed an arrow and stopped making up. He immediately turned around and asked Dang Shiying who had turned to wait and see.

Dang Shiying was also confused at this time, and turned around and said: "That's not right! Knowing that I am waiting to seize the stronghold here, how could Liu Tongzhi let the thieves ashore so easily? Pang Dujian, do you have other thieves' dens in Qingzhou?"

"No matter how poor this old man is, I still know the grass and trees in Qingzhou! Apart from this nest in Erlongshan, there is no other den of thieves anywhere else!" sensitive nerves.

"Not in several nearby states?" Dang Shiying asked because of the emergency, not caring about Pang Yi's face at this time.

"There are small groups of bandits in the neighboring states of Hebei, but our army sent troops to Erlong Mountain for a very short time, not to mention that they have no reason to rescue them. Even if these guys want to come, even if they grow wings, they can't win!" Pang Yi frowned tightly.

"Then there is something wrong with Liu Tongzhi! There are seven battalions of wounded soldiers from our army outside the pass. If they are taken by bandits, how will I explain to Liu Tongzhi when I go back?"

Dang Shiying reacted very quickly, and went to the customs with his own soldiers.Pang Yi was taken aback.Immediately looking at Dang Shiying's back, he said angrily, "What are you going to tell Liu Menglong? The troops from the Third Battalion brought by the Capital Supervisor are also outside. If there is anything wrong, let's see how he will tell me!"

Seeing Pang Yi's ruthless words, he immediately took big strides and chased Dang Shiying away.It's not that these two generals don't care about the life and death of Dang Shixiong who is fighting bloody ahead, the reality is.Even if the pass cannot be conquered in the end, it will not be fatal. With Dang Shixiong's military strength, even if he can't take advantage, he can't suffer.On the contrary, the soldiers and horses of unknown origin beyond the first pass are worrying, because the two of them have clearly felt the hooves of a large number of galloping horses.

Let's say that the two generals left the customs with their own soldiers, and happened to meet the officer who came to report the news in the urn city, and the officer saw the two of them.There was no time to salute, and he said straight: "It's a bad thing! A group of cavalry came out from somewhere, about four to five hundred, and they were very brave. Casualties were heavy!"

Pang Yi and Dang Shiying couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw a hint of panic in each other's eyes. As veteran generals who had been through battles for a long time, they already smelled a hint of death.The current situation is obvious. The three infantry battalions of the Qingzhou Army have been disabled when they attacked the first pass, and Dang Shiying's subordinates are sailors. Cavalry compete?

To be honest, I don't blame Pang Yi and the Dang brothers for being lax. They are actually fighting on their own land, and Liu Menglong will deal with Liangshan's reinforcements.So their attention has been on the defenders in the village.If you want to blame, you can only blame this opponent for not playing cards according to routine and common sense.

"Close the door!"

At this time, the two shouted in unison, and the officer who summoned the interrogator was stunned. After finally recovering, he begged bitterly: "Both generals, the brothers are all outside at this time! You can't just ignore it." , They, they were all brought out by Liu Tongzhi!"

"Close the door!" Pang Yi still said the same words. Seeing the officer's eyes filled with anger, Pang Yi said sharply: "The military order is like a mountain, is this what Liu Menglong taught you?"

The officer's face became more and more angry, and he was about to disobey orders, but at this time Dang Shiying came forward to change things, "Do as Pang Dujian said, and order the soldiers outside the city to return to the city from the couch!"

Hearing this, the officer felt better, and immediately gave Dang Shiying a grateful look, then turned around and passed the order.At this time, Dang Shiying and Pang Yi had no time to discuss anything, and they went to the city one after the other to observe the war situation.

For the unsuspecting officers and soldiers, on the plain outside the city gate, there was simply a nightmare from which they could not wake up.I saw this team of cavalry with huge advantages clashing back and forth, "hunting" the frightened light infantry on the flat ground to their heart's content.At this time, the established units outside the city were nothing more than the five sailor battalions that the Dang Brothers had not yet put into use, with a combined number of more than 2000 people. Unfortunately, they were not equipped with magic arm bows.At this time, all they can rely on is the weapons in their hands, plus the inertia of "huddling together for warmth".Of course, being able to maintain this kind of inertia instead of running away under the pressure of the roaring cavalry is enough to make them among the elite soldiers of the Song Dynasty. Of course, there is a major premise, that is, they are still alive after this battle.

Although Xie Zhen, the leader of this team of cavalry, was born as an Orion, she had "advanced training" in Guan Sheng's battalion, and she still knew some tactical essentials of cavalry. In my heart, under his leadership at this time, the horse team of the mountain battalion does not attack the organized sailor ranks from the front, but specifically picks the gap between the two battalions to break in, as long as there is a slight hole in the opponent's ranks Xie Zhen, who was born as a hunter, can always seize the opportunity keenly and lead the warriors behind him to expand the enemy's mistakes infinitely.

A whistling is a path of blood. No matter how hard these lightly armed sailors can resist beatings, how have they ever experienced this kind of purgatory?Finally, during Xie Zhen's fifth regrouping charge, the bewildered sailors began to rout, and more and more people joined the ranks of the rout and went straight to the building car in front of the checkpoint to snatch it.

"Lin Chong! It must be Lin Chong!" Pang Yishen gritted his teeth and looked at the horse team galloping down the city, and suddenly cursed: "Straight mother thief! Liu Menglong, you did your own crimes, but you dragged me into the water too! "

Seeing that Dang Shiying frowned, he thought to himself that if you Murong Yanda hadn't come forward, who would have had enough to eat to kill Erlongshan? You must know that all of them are sailors this time!It's fine if you don't accept such a big favor, why bother to hurt others?

It's a pity that he also discovered Pang Yi's virtue.This man is a smooth donkey.The more he went against him, the more he choked up, and he suppressed his anger, and said: "Old General, don't be impatient. After all, it's just a team of cavalry, and they can't attack the city. We guard this pass, and they won't be able to enter..."

Dang Shiying hasn't finished speaking yet.The whole person froze, and he suddenly realized sadly that he had the potential of a crow's mouth. He saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance, and a group of infantry marched in a hurry. It seems that the number of people could not be less than two or three thousand?

It turned out that along the way, the rout soldiers who escaped from the Erlongshan path were gathered together, and 800 people were gathered like a snowball. These people were guilty of escaping before the battle. strength.To come back and rescue the brothers who sacrificed their lives for their own escape.

The situation took a turn for the worse, but Pang Yi in the city became more and more angry as he watched the victory, but it turned into a situation where the thieves turned against the siege. The unknown karma in his heart rushed up, and he immediately scolded the pig teammate Liu Menglong This is a big mistake.Dang Shiying couldn't persuade him.My temper also came up.Simply put aside Pang Yi, and headed to the other side of the city pass with his own soldiers.

"What are you doing standing still! Burn the building for me!" It's funny to say that these two siege weapons carefully crafted by Pang Yi have now become his biggest threat.

Most of the sergeants who just went to the city were Pang Yi's Qingzhou Army. Now that they have received the order of the main general, who cares about the life and death of the Jinling Navy?I saw them searching for kindling everywhere, lighting the torches, and throwing them at the two building carts next to the city wall regardless of the friendly troops on the building carts covering their successful retreat.

The Jinling navy had never encountered such an unappetizing friendly army, who closed the city gate as soon as they said it would.They burned the buildings and cars without thinking about the lives of those outside the city. Fortunately, they used their lives to cover the retreat of the Qingzhou Army!

At this time, the bandits' cavalry did not continue chasing and killing the remnant soldiers. Instead, they stopped their horses one after another and raised their bows to suppress the Qingzhou army who crossed the river and demolished the bridge on the top of the city.Seeing this upside-down scene, the Jinling navy, who was frozen on the building car, was in a complicated mood at this moment. Many people looked back at the opponent who had given them their first taste of defeat, with mixed feelings for a while.

"The survivors will not die! The heroes of Liangshan give preferential treatment to the prisoners!" Xie Zhen shouted, and the brothers in the cavalry came back to their senses. Many people saw their former self in the eyes of their opponents.

"I was also an officer back then, and now I'm in Liangshan, and I'm living a good life! If I die, I have a hundred guan's settling allowance. How much is it worth when you die? Put down your knives and guns, Liangshan heroes will never kill prisoners !"

I don't know whether it was the testimony of the soldiers of the former imperial army that played a role, or whether Liangshan Bo's reputation for benevolence and righteousness spread across the country. In short, there was a strange scene on the battlefield at this time. I saw a man on the two building cars take the lead and spit in the direction of the city wall. , but was shot to death by the furious Pang Yi. The situation suddenly became unmanageable. Many Jinling sailors spat at the city wall angrily, and immediately threw down their weapons, and one by one, they came down the stairs. , quite orderly.

"Disarm, don't kill, stay where you are! Liang Shan keeps his word!"

Seeing that the building car was empty, Xie Zhen ordered two teams to dismount and go to grab the car.Naturally, the city didn't want to watch the building car being pulled to a safe place by them, so Pang Yi stopped shooting arrows and threw torches out one by one with his own hands.

After going on like this for a long time, the large group of troops led by Li Que had already approached the city. Immediately, Xie Zhen ordered Xie Zhen to take the cavalry and the minions of Erlongshan to guard the prisoners, while he reconciled with Xie Bao, each with seven or eight hundred troops, and surrounded Xie Bao. The building car dragged back by Jane sounded the horn of counterattack.

Although there are quite a few people at the top of the head, they vaguely add up to two battalions, but they are all panic-stricken routs, and it is good to try to keep them from breaking up at this time, how can we expect them and those under the city to save Zhu Zhu to the death? A bloody battle with different warriors?

But when he saw Yan Jiao, who was under the protection of the shield hand, rushed to the critical moment, Pang Yi shouted angrily. He just wanted to make a quick decision and kill him with an ax so that he could rescue Zhu Dian.Unexpectedly, the first time he got started, he suddenly felt that the old thief's saber skills were powerful and heavy, he couldn't help but felt overjoyed, and shouted: "Children are robbing the city, I will take care of this guy!"

After he finished speaking, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the selfless fight with the generals who defended the city.Speaking of which, Pang Yi's knife was really not covered. He actually carried the scorpion for more than a hundred rounds. From time to time, the protruding foot of Yanjiao protruded and hit Pang Yi's lower abdomen. Pang Yi was unsteady and stepped back, but suddenly his foot stepped on the air, and he turned over the wall and fell outside the pass.

Pang Yi yelled "It's a pity" when he saw this, thinking that this person fell to his death, but Pang Yi happened to fall into the pile of corpses before the Qingzhou Army attacked the city for the first time, and managed to save his life. The pain was not light, he spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and kept yelling: "Liu Menglong also misled me!"

At this time, a big black man suddenly appeared from behind him, stepped forward without saying a word, stepped on Pang Yi's chest, and said angrily: "You thief who shot cold arrows, you have today!"

Seeing that it was the big man whose arm was shot by himself earlier, Pang Yi couldn't help saying in amazement: " did you come from outside the city?" In fact, as long as he calms down, he can naturally think of the reason. There may only be one way in and out.It's a pity that the great changes in front of him have made him unable to calm down, and he is just extremely shocked at the moment.

Lei Heng is not a confidant who answers all questions. Holding his simple knife, he slashed towards Pang Yi's neck, but he didn't know that the rolled-edged simple knife was stuck in Pang Yi's neck, and Lei Heng Born as a horizontal blacksmith, he was extremely powerful, and suddenly he went up to the area, and Pang Yi, who was in great pain, died.It is embarrassing to say that the poor Pang Dujian, who was so self-sufficient, was ruined by Lei Heng in such a way.

How did you know what happened under the city? At this critical moment, the officers and soldiers either surrendered or lay down their corpses on the spot. Only Xie Baozheng and Dang Shiying were singled out. Seeing this, Xuanyuan asked his commander to lead someone to grab the second place. Guan, he stepped forward to take a look, Xie Bao was a little struggling at this time, he barely blocked it, and when he saw this, he shouted: "Little Xie, get out of the way!", Jie Bao rolled on the spot when he heard the shout , to avoid Dang Shiying's deadly knife, but fortunately, the big ax was already closely attached.

Although they are both from Orion background, Xie Bao and Luan are not heavyweights at all. Dang Shiying was able to let go of Xie Bao before, but now under the pressure of Xuan, he felt the pressure doubled.Having learned the lesson from the fight against Pang Yi just now, he did not force his opponent to the edge of the city wall, but chose to knock off his opponent's weapon to end the fight.

"Tied up!" Li Ji still remembered what Wang Lun had said to him: You don't have to kill all the people in the Forbidden Army, you just remember that they are all your compatriots anyway.

"Xiao Jie is here to take the surrendered soldiers!" Afterwards, he gave an order, and ran down the city with a big ax in hand. At this time, the brothers who had captured the pass first had already stepped on the earth bags and went straight up the city wall of Erchong Pass. For this sake, there would naturally be no more resistance, and without much trouble, the second gate was opened again, and within a day, it ushered in its second fall.

At this time, Dang Shixiong's situation suddenly became embarrassing. What 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi?It's like a moment in the east of the river and a moment in the west of the river!Half an hour ago, he still had the chance to win, and he took the initiative to plead with his brother to take down this group of thieves in one go.Unexpectedly, the solid rear turned into a purgatory in an instant, Dang Shixiong looked at the helpless sailors around him, and finally ordered: "Flee, flee to the mountains!"

Zhu Dian really wanted to take the last 80 or so remnants of soldiers to stop them, but unfortunately, at the end of his battle, he could not enter Lu Jin.When the wind blows, it cannot fluff up.Zhu Tong suddenly felt as if his strength had been sucked dry by something, at this moment, even standing for a while longer became a heavy burden.

It seems that this kind of situation did not only happen to Zhu Dian alone. At this time, only the sound of knives and guns falling could be heard endlessly. The more than [-] overdrawn brothers all sat on the ground, leaning on each other, just like they were on the battlefield just now. like that.

Zhu Tong felt familiar with the general who emerged from the earth bag with an axe. He suddenly remembered that when he was in Dongxi Village, it was this man who restrained Chao Baozheng's dying blow and made Wang Lun have the last laugh.

It is said that things in the world are impermanent, but the sum of the strange things in the past few years is not as much as the past two years!Who would have expected that Chao Baozheng and Wang Lun would become brothers who would never change their heads?And that Xiaoyi Black Saburo actually wanted to murder his elder brother and elder brother who had been friends for more than ten years?And myself, because of this Liang Shanbo, who actually didn't have a deep relationship, almost died here.

"This river and lake is not what it used to be. I'm old and I can't keep up. Maybe it's time to leave..."

Zhu Tong felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and gradually fell into darkness. (to be continued~^~)

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