Water Margin Survival

Chapter 591 Liu Menglong's plan

Liu Menglong, who was still scolded by Pang Yi until his death, still did not forget to gnash his teeth, did not know that he had been labeled as a "pig teammate" at this time.

At this moment, he is smug and full of ambitions, and he wants to make the most exciting stroke for his resume with the navy army coming from Liangshanbo.

As we all know, it is an indisputable fact that the Great Song Navy is not reused in the Forbidden Army sequence.Even Gao Qiu's three navy generals, Dang Shiying, Dang Shixiong, and Niu Bangxi, who were born in the navy, are all carrying the status of an infantry general at this time, and this is the perfect transformation that Liu Menglong dreamed of.

Because, his road to promotion in the navy has come to an end, and there is nowhere to go any further.

He urgently needs to use this battle exploit to complete his magnificent turn.He has been actively preparing since the battle against the bandits in Xichuan, and paid special attention to strengthening the land combat capabilities of his subordinates, hoping that the high-level bosses would notice his talent in commanding troops outside of the navy.

This is also one of the main reasons why he can safely hand over the ten battalion navy to the Dang brothers and take them to attack Erlong Mountain.He was about to use the mouth of Gao Li's general to show that Liu Menglong was far more than just a navy commander.

The opportunity to break through the bottleneck of official career is now.

Generally speaking, if a person without strength has too much ambition, then his life will be reduced to a tragedy, because he will continue to struggle in failure.And pain will be the bad emotion that will eventually accompany him for life.But Liu Menglong is obviously a general with both strength and ambition.He had made extremely thorough preparations for this battle, and from the moment the Liang Shanshui army entered Beiqinghe, he entered the field of vision of this ambitious man.Fight on this narrow river.It is the strength of the Jinling Navy after his intensive training.He sincerely does not want to enter the Liangshan Lake area to fight against his opponents. After all, there are "thousands of waterways around, and eight hundred miles of water in all directions. There are 72 sections of the port, and there are thousands of warships hidden."

That vast and boundless puddle full of murderous intentions can be described as a paradise for Liangshan bandit troops, and at the same time it is also a hell for guest troops with unknown terrain.As an outstanding veteran general in the Song Dynasty Navy, how could Liu Menglong make the low-level mistake of "taking advantage of his own weaknesses and attacking others' strengths"?

Beiqing River is his ideal battlefield. After Liangshan enters the river, there is no geographical advantage, so the key to victory lies in the temporary dispatch of the commanders of both sides and the quality of the naval forces under his command. Although this is a great test for him, But he has absolute confidence in his followers.

"Although I can't choose my opponent, at least I can choose a battlefield that suits me!"

On the mast of a [-]-meter passenger boat, Liu Menglong looked into the distance.He seldom has the experience of climbing up to the watchtower himself, but the great battle in front of him is too important for him to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Msister, what are these bandits capable of? Can you make Xianggong pay so much attention! The young general is here enough, why don't you please go down and rest?"

Liu Menglong even hit the pole in person, and his confidant couldn't sit still.At this time, Liu Menglong's most optimistic commander of the navy was crowded in this small place with Shangguan at the same time.Responsible for protecting the safety of the boss and issuing orders.

"If this battle goes well, I would rather stay on this mast for three days and three nights!" Liu Menglong shook his head and sighed.

"The other party is just some grassroots bandits. Except for one Hu Yanqing, what do other pirates know about water warfare? He is good at fishing! The young general heard that there are three heroes from the Ruan family in Liangshanpo, who came from a poor fisherman's family, and there is a gangster Jianglong Li Jun was no more than a smuggler of salt on the Xunyang River back then, our [-] elite soldiers, dealing with these people is still a sledgehammer!"

The conductor was quite optimistic at this time.Of course there is a reason for this.In order to ensure the victory of this battle, Liu Menglong did not use any river boats in the Jinling Water Village. Instead, he asked Niu Bangxi to take Gao Taiwei's order to temporarily collect a hundred large ships from Hangzhou Port. Marching, secondly, the sea ships are strong, and they are more reliable in the event of fierce water battles.

Liu Menglong shook his head when he saw this, and said: "Hu Yanqing, general! It's only because he hated the captain that he has always been a subordinate. How many years he has only been able to be the commander of the Ping Navy, but this does not mean anything! As a general, underestimating the enemy before the battle is a big taboo! When this gang of thieves is broken, I don't care what you say, but now, don't be contemptuous!"

"Xianggong taught you a very good lesson, the young general has been taught!" The commander hurriedly restrained his frivolity and said respectfully.

Liu Menglong nodded, but said nothing. At this moment, someone shouted from under the mast, saying: "Report! The Liang Shanshui army is anchored ten miles away. It seems that they are about to land on the shore!"

Liu Menglong frowned slightly when he heard the words, tapped his knuckles on the mast rhythmically, and said, "Did you startle the snake? This is within the territory of Zizhou, and there are dozens of miles away from Erlong Mountain! They chose to land here. Haha, something interesting!"

"Their sentry ships and scouts were all intercepted by our army, so it's not surprising that they noticed something!" the commander said.

"What news?" Liu Menglong leaned forward and asked.

"The Zizhou army sent definite news that this time the bandit navy dispatched more than a hundred large river boats, stretching for several miles, but there was only one Huyan banner, and no banners of Sanruan and Li Jun!" The officer who reported the news Again.

"A hundred or so big boats? My lord, it seems that all these fellows are here! But, why didn't San Ruan and Li Jun come?" The commander asked excitedly but also not confused.

"It doesn't matter who comes here, the important thing is that as long as Liangshan's main warships are dispatched, then it will be done!" Liu Menglong suddenly laughed, "As long as we seize the ships, Liangshan will become an isolated island. We want to You can make it however you want!"

Seeing the commander laughing, the commander also laughed for a while, before saying, "Then shall we..."

"En!" Liu Menglong said decisively: "Order the whole army to lift the anchor and go straight to the Liangshan army. In addition, four thousand infantry troops from Zizhou and Qingzhou are invited to attack the thief. They must not be let down one by one!"

The commander didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly passed on the commander's order. After a short while, he heard the sound of drums and horns on the flagship, and the court water army, which also stretched for several miles, moved slowly and began to march against the current.


The Liangshan infantry who came to rescue Erlongshan in a navy ship encountered a lot of trouble when they landed.

"Damn it! They have a bird's arm and a bow. We don't have it? Why do you ask us to withdraw? The brothers who died on the shore died in vain? I want to avenge them!"

Li Kui was dragged back from the river bank by Bao Xu and Li Gun.Very dissatisfied and furious on the landing command ship, the vanguard troops who had just fallen into the camp and landed encountered a premeditated blockade by the officers and troops. The abominable opponent did not fight, but suppressed the Liangshan army on the river bank with the magic arm bow from a distance.Seeing this situation, Zhu Wu, the commander-in-chief of the Shenji military division, immediately ordered to stop the landing, and the whole army was temporarily on standby.

At this moment, Li Kui suddenly became anxious, and Chao Gai, who was blushing, couldn't come forward.Xie Fu of the Navy didn't know Li Kui very well, only Fan Rui came forward to persuade him, but Li Kui didn't give any face. Speaking of which, without using weapons, Fan Rui couldn't control him for a while, and Li Kui was about to make a fuss When he got up, he suddenly saw a pair of strong arms holding the person down. After struggling for a long time, Li Kui couldn't break free.On the contrary, those hands became stronger and stronger, Li Kui turned his head and stared unconvinced, and when he saw the person, he shouted: "Sun An, it's not your brother who died on the shore of feelings..."

Sun An rushed over to participate in the general's discussion, and happened to bump into Li Kui and went crazy.Only then did he help.Hearing him screaming at this time, he persuaded: "Brother Tieniu, the officers and soldiers are already prepared. Let's go ashore here. Didn't we tell the brothers to die?"

"We Liangshan heroes, are you afraid that he won't be able to play tricks?" Li Kui yelled, seeing that Sun An just didn't let go, he yelled at Chao Gai: "Chao Baozheng, say something! Since you can move the two military advisers, How did you get to the shore? Did you shrink your head back? The people on Erlong Mountain can’t be saved?”

I think Li Kui once saved Chao Gai's life during the dispute between Chao and Wang.Besides, Chao Gai is a very loyal man to his own people, so he said immediately:

"Brother Li, if I was alone, I would have gone ashore if I had been stabbed! But the situation is different now. Knowing that the officers and soldiers are prepared, you tell me to force the brothers to die? Don't worry, if brothers Zhu Dian and Lei Heng are killed because of What's the difference if we go late, I put this head here, whoever blames me will take it, and I will never say a soft word!" This time, the fourth and ninth battalions of the Liangshan Infantry Army were all mobilized At that time, more than a thousand brothers who Chao Gai had brought to Liangshan from Erlong Mountain also followed.

Seeing that Chao Gai had forced Li Kui into such a state, Sun An suddenly said, "Okay, Brother Tieniu! You must be indispensable in the fight, let's keep this tone for now, brother, I will guarantee you that sooner or later you will be let go." Time to vent your anger!"

Li Kui looked at Sun An angrily, and was about to speak when he saw Wu Yong and Gongsun Sheng who had gone to the flagship of Huyanqing to inquire about news came back. Xie Fu rushed to meet him and said, "Bosses, what orders does Master Zhu have?"

Gongsun Sheng nodded to Chao Gai first, then clasped his fists at Xie Fu and said, "It happens that Chief Xie is here. Master Zhu means that the officers and soldiers on the shore are all infantry, and this loophole can be exploited. The ships carrying infantry Turn around and go back, as long as you get rid of these guys, when and where to land, the five leaders Xie, Baozheng, Li Daochang, Fan Daochang, and Sun Touling will discuss and decide on their own!"

Chao Gai saw that Zhu Wu still insisted on implementing the established plan to rescue Erlongshan at such a critical moment, and the heavy stone in his heart was gone. It seemed that in the hearts of several military advisers in Liangshan, they still regarded Erlongshan as their own. Gai felt emotional in his heart, and asked Gongsun Sheng, "Why didn't Master Zhu come with you two?"

Gongsun Sheng's expression darkened when he heard the words, and he said: "On the river ahead, a hundred and ten warships from the imperial court suddenly approached. Master Zhu stayed on the flagship of Hu Yanqing's leader. Buy us time!"

Xie Fu exclaimed, the Jinling Navy and the others had heard about it in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was indeed a very successful navy.I heard that 5000 of them came here just to wipe out Liangshan. At this time, there were only a few thousand people in the Huyanqing camp?If you want to stop them, you will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg. What is even more worrying is that the eldest brother and the second brother are on the battleship in front, so there must be nothing unexpected.

"It's not too late, I'll wait and retreat quickly! As long as the infantry is safely ashore, Army Master Zhu and Hu Yan's leader will be able to concentrate on advancing and retreating freely. They are buying us time!" Sun An instantly realized this. Close the key, urged.

"That bastard, Liu Menglong, dared to resort to this vicious trick! If the whole crew of our navy were here, how could we be afraid of his tricks! At this time, Master is far away in a foreign land to open up new land for my cottage, and Wang Dingliu doesn't know what happened to him!" They didn't!" Fan Rui let go of Li Kui's hand, aggrieved.

"Even if we do meet, it won't happen in a short while! After all, it's hard to put out a fire near the water!" Sun Anjian said, sighed, and let go of Li Kui's hand. I didn't make trouble anymore, but just stared at everyone in a daze for a long time. Seeing that everyone was silent, I said angrily: "What do you all mean? Can't Zhu Junshi and Hu Yanqing come back? That thief bird Liu Menglong really Pulling the ground like that?"

At this time, no one answered Li Kui's words, Xie Fu was in a trance, Fan Rui was in a trance, Chao Gai and the other three lowered their heads again, as if indirectly acknowledging the embarrassing situation:

In this battle, Liang Shanbo was at an absolute disadvantage.

However, Sun An's reticence was not because of negativity, but because his attention was all on the three people who were originally in Erlong Village.For these three people, he has always had a feeling that he can't explain clearly, and he hasn't mentioned it to anyone for the time being.

He felt that the three of them had been behaving abnormally since the news of the conquest by the imperial army came out. That is to say, the panic that bounced off, in the eyes of the thoughtful Sun An, the inside story might not be simple.

He felt that at such a critical juncture, especially when the village owner was not in the village, he had to stand up. (to be continued~^~)

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