Water Margin Survival

Chapter 601 Unexpected Huang Xin

Qin Ming, who stayed in the middle of Qingzhou North Gate, didn't wait long, and Lu Zhishen, the monk of Hua, brought a large group of people to meet up.When the army first entered the city, they found that Qin Ming was still at the gate. Lu Zhi was deeply surprised, only to hear the great monk said in surprise, "Why are you at the gate to meet him? Today the sun is rising in the west!"

Qin Ming had expected that the people who came would think so, so he couldn't help laughing, and proudly said: "I'm not here to guard the city gate, there are still nearly a thousand remnants in this city, if these guys are called to fight back, what will happen if they block the gate?" ?”

"If I had known this earlier, my younger brother would have competed with Director Qin for the position of the vanguard officer!" But Wu Song said with a smile.Everyone knew that Qin Ming was eager to seek revenge on Murong Yanda, and the troops in the city were very weak at the moment, and there was no threat at all in front of Qin Ming's cavalry battalion. Therefore, before the battle, Wu Song and Yang Zhi had a tacit understanding and did not argue with Qin Ming. The vanguard position.

Qin Ming laughed and didn't answer, but looked at Lu Zhishen and asked, "Monk Lu, why are you so late?"

"You can't blame the Sajia! Just received my brother's messenger, so there was only a short delay! But don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, the Sajia will let you catch that Murong Yanda!" Lu Zhishen explained, and he was about to mobilize troops and prepare to enter the city.

"If you wait until you're here before we start, eating shit won't be as hot as the hot ones! Brother Huang Xin has already sent me on a mission. Isn't it a sure thing to catch that thief Murong alive? Don't worry! Tell me, brother sent him overnight!" People come over, what did they say!"

This Thunderbolt was in control of the overall situation at this time, and he didn't pay attention to the remnant soldiers in the city, so he advised Lu Zhishen not to be impatient.It made all the leaders laugh secretly in their hearts.

"You are abnormal today!" Lu Zhishen said and shook his head.Report to Qin Mingtong: "My brother has promoted our brothers! From now on, the leaders of all the field battalions in the village will have their titles. All the generals of the battalions will be awarded the official title of 'du control', and the deputy will be given the position of 'control'!"

This "control" of soldiers and horses is Qin Ming's old position in Qingzhou in the past, and his status is still higher than that of Huang Xin, the capital supervisor.That night, after Wang Lun appointed Zhu Ting as the military superintendent of Jeju Island, he considered separating the field battalion from the local defenders, so that Guan Sheng, Xuan Zan and others would no longer be appointed as the military superintendent, regiment training envoy, etc. A local position (similar to a commander of a military division colonel).Besides, Liangshan didn't actually control so many state capitals at present, and it was impossible to take care of every leader of the army.Therefore, after some discussion with Xu Guanzhong, they were simply unified as capital control and control (similar to the major general and deputy commander of the field army).

If the appointment of Zhu Dian was like a shot in the arm for the former leader of Erlongshan, then the new position of the leader of the field battalion in Benzhai was the benchmark Wang Lun set up for the old Liangshan brothers.

Everyone has an upward mind, and Wang Lun, who has been a man for two lifetimes, has a deep understanding. Now that the water is rising, the height of the hull will naturally increase accordingly.

Seeing Qin Ming's surprised face, Han Tao joked about his new appointment: "My little brother has reached the level of Manager Qin back then. Speaking of which, I have to thank Gao Qi! It's really unpredictable!"

"Brother Han wants to thank Gao Qiu, so don't I want to thank Murong as well? Thinking about it now, it's very boring! In the past, it was the same for any official. Anyway, I was also a dignified commander back then, but Murong Yanda wanted to kill me. Even the imperial court I have never reported it. If I talk about it, I will be doomed! If it weren’t for Brother Huang Xin’s heroism, this old thief would have almost ruined my family! I’m still on Liangshan with so many brothers who are of the same heart and the same mind, comfortable and comfortable There are too many, as for the title on the head, it is secondary!"

Qin Ming made a rare exclamation, which made everyone feel the same way. Han Tao sighed: "Brother Qin Ming is right, the village owner has set such a high price for us, so it is worth selling your life to the cottage. !"

Although Wu Song didn't have the deep-rooted sensitivity to official positions that these old Forbidden Army officers had, he still answered at this time.Said: "Brother is benevolent and righteous, we will live up to this benevolence and righteousness!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. In such a turbid world, it is so easy to meet a good superior who knows people and is good at responsibility, and the future is bright, who would think that his life is too good?Everyone said a few more words with emotion. At this time, Qin Ming saw that the army had not yet assembled, and asked again: "Is there any other news from Brother?"

"It's not a big deal, except for the transfer of three people: Chao Baozheng's Zhu Dian was transferred to Jeju Island Military and Horse Superintendent, Lei Heng went to raise horses, and took over Deng Fei's old position. Deng Fei's brother Transfer back to guard Erlong Mountain, and be responsible for all matters in the ten prefectures of Qi, Zi, Qing, Wei, Lai, Deng, Bin, Di, De, and Ling under the jurisdiction of Jingdong Hebei!"

"After all, the old brother is more caring! Erlong Mountain is handed over to Deng Fei, and I feel much more intimate. Otherwise, if I happen to pass by, I have to go around!" There are no outsiders here, only Qin Ming said bluntly.Although he didn't mention his views on Zhu Dian and Lei Heng's positions in his words, there was obviously a hint of disdain.

"The five brothers, Guan Sheng and Yan Ji, will come in handy in the future. Wouldn't it be a waste of talents to live on Jeju Island? My brother is planning ahead of time for the use of troops in Goryeo! But I heard that Zhu Dian The second time I defended Erlong Mountain, I fought so hard that there were only 81 men left, and I was praised by my brother, so I sent him to Jeju Island to be responsible for the safety of the island, which is considered to be the best of his talents!" Yang Zhi said.

"This battle was fought so fiercely? I'm afraid Pang Yi can't do it alone! By the way, how do the rest of the brothers arrange it? They all go to Jeju Island with Zhu Dian?" Qin Ming asked.Every general hopes that his subordinates will have such soldiers who treat death like home. Qin Ming immediately felt that it would be a waste for them to follow Zhu Dian to serve as the local defenders.

"Isn't that right! Let alone those of us who are irrelevant, they are the brothers who rescued them with their own hands. At that time, they had made plans with these brothers, but they recognized Zhu Dian, no one else! Brother, I want to be fulfilled." Their loyalty, instead of doing such a forceful job, each has a reward, and the official is promoted to a higher level. But then again, they can live and die with Zhu Tie, but if they follow other leaders, it is not necessarily the case. It has such an effect!" Yang Zhi expressed his opinion in front of everyone.

All the generals present were veterans of leading troops, they all quite agreed with Yang Zhi's inference, and everyone couldn't help sighing a few words on this matter.The topic suddenly shifted to the insightful Yang Zhi.

"Yang Dutong. In the future, when the marquis of thousands of miles will revive his family reputation, don't forget to invite us to drink!"

"It's just drinking, when can't you please? If I become a marquis, you will all be princes! Then don't look down on me, Yang Zhi!" After Yang Zhi came back from Korea, his mood changed a lot. He absolutely does not take up this topic, but at this moment he is looking at everyone and laughing.

Everyone is "where" and "where".After a burst of laughter, Lu Zhishen saw that almost all the three battalions under his command had entered the city, waved his hands and said, "Stop talking, it's time to get down to business! As usual, the Sa family and the Wu Song brothers sealed off the four gates and surrounded deserters. Manager Qin is familiar with the situation and is in charge. Attack the state government office and seal the money and food storehouses in the city, and Brother Yang Zhi will lead people to wipe out the remnants of the enemy in the city!"

The generals gladly took orders.Seeing that the four battalions were moving separately, Qin Ming also divided his cavalry into four and headed straight to the warehouses in the city according to each command.Let's say that Qin Ming passed the prefecture's office temporarily on this road, but he turned his head and went in, but he didn't know to wait for him to get off his horse and have a look.It was found that the gate of the yamen was unattended.Qin Ming sensed something was wrong, and secretly wondered:

"Brother Huang Xin came before me, how come he is nowhere to be seen at this time? He is an old man here, and there is no way he will lose his way. This is strange!"

"Search for me, find out the old thief Murong first!" Qin Ming didn't know what to do, so he simply dismounted and went to catch the enemy himself, only to see him handing the mace to the soldiers behind him, pulling out his saber, and stepping in through the door.Unexpectedly, from the top to the bottom, the governors, judges, judges, joining the army, arresting envoys, and yamen servants all escaped cleanly. When Qin Ming went to the back yamen to search and arrest, except for some maids and servants who had nowhere to escape, they panicked. Looking at these people who broke in suddenly, where is the slightest shadow of Murong Yanda?

No matter how angry Qin Ming is, he will not use it on this irrelevant person, only to hear him say angrily: "The dog kills people who will hide! Left and right, let me inform the whole army and the leader of Lu to know, and the whole city arrests Murong Yan Da!"

Hearing the words, the soldiers hurriedly sent orders to go, Qin Ming rushed out of the state office angrily, just in time to meet a group of soldiers and horses who came late, it was Huang Xin's group of soldiers in Zhen Sanshan, and saw a bloody horse hanging on Huang Xin's mount. Qin Ming was overjoyed at the blurred head, went forward to meet him, and shouted: "My dear brother, did you kill Murong Yanda?"

Huang Xin jumped off the horse, took off the human head, cupped his hands and said: "This man is named Ma San, a land scraper on the streets of Qingzhou, who also colluded with the government, all the people in the city hate him, my younger brother executed him on the spot! "

Qin Ming looked at Huang Xin incredulously, and said, "My dear brother, didn't you come to catch Murong, that bastard? Why did you suppress the street halfway! Deal with these hooligans, and when the city settles down, you'll have a lot of time to do it. You, how can you be so confused!"

Huang Xin handed Ma San's head to his subordinates, and confessed: "Shaoqing hangs the beam to show the public!" Then he said to Qin Ming: "Men Guan, take a step to speak!"

Seeing that Huang Xin had something to say, Qin Ming came to the gate of the prefectural government with him, Qin Ming was about to speak, but saw Huang Xin already prostrated himself on the ground, and said: "The young general made the decision without authorization, please be punished by the benefactor!"

Qin Ming didn't realize the true meaning of Huang Xin's words at all, he just stepped forward to help him up, stumbled and said, "My dear brother, it's not brother Yu who blames you! But you really didn't think carefully this time! This Ma San has nothing to do with you!" Even if he is capable, he will not be able to escape to Qingzhou City! Murong is different, since he heard me coming, he ran away without dying? What is more important, the order of priority is completely reversed!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Xin's next sentence completely stunned Qin Ming. It turned out that Huang Xin suddenly bowed down again, and repeated in an emphatic tone: "The young general made the decision without authorization, and please be punished by the benefactor!"

"Brother Yu, didn't you say that this time..." Before Qin Ming finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and suddenly came to his senses, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe it: "Brother... Could it be that you, you did it on purpose? Let him go!?"

Huang Xin was daring and didn't intend to deceive Qin Ming, so he nodded and acknowledged Qin Ming's guess, "Men Guan, this Murong Yanda was deliberately let go by the young general!"

Qin Ming, a man like King Kong, felt dizzy when he heard the words, and almost couldn't stand still. This Huang Xin is his most trusted person. He thinks that when his family was in a desperate situation, he would be executed by Murong Yanda. It was the person in front of him who was desperate, voluntarily gave up his bright future, and desperately tried to keep his family out of the encirclement.At this time, how could Qin Ming believe that such a person would actually do such a thing at such a critical moment! ?

Qin Ming couldn't face such a cruel fact, so he stretched out his right hand tremblingly, pointing at the Yellow Channel: "You, you are very good! You are very good!" (To be continued~^~)

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