Water Margin Survival

Chapter 602 1 Abnormal Human Torch

"What? Tell Murong Yanda to escape?!"

Hearing this unexpected news from Qin Ming, Wang Lun couldn't help being startled, and at the same time he was greatly surprised, thinking to himself: This fierce vanguard rushed here without stopping overnight after he captured the city of Qingzhou just now. Just to break the news?

"But what did this guy notice in advance, and slipped away?" Wang Lun asked, and at the same time, he handed the news from Liangshan Feige to Xu Guanzhong who was beside him.

At this time, Qin Ming shook his head, and reported according to the facts: "According to the account of the captive officials, this guy is still dreaming of destroying Erlong Mountain in one fell swoop, waiting for the good news of the old thief Pang Yi in the yamen. Our army has just entered the city. At that time, it was said that this guy was still in the city!"

That's weird!

The index finger of his right hand tapped the chair very rhythmically. Wang Lun's rather happy mood turned to doubt after reading Feige's biography.He lowered his head and began to meditate. Suddenly, Wang Lun's eyes locked on Qin Ming, and he found that his expression was calm at this moment, and he didn't see the slightest bit of grief. The expression he had just answered was also calm and composed, as if this Murong Yanda had nothing to do with him at all. No.Qin Ming's anomaly made Wang Lun feel strange, at least with his traditional temper, if he ran away from his enemy, he would be furious, but it is absolutely impossible to be so calm.

"Guan Zhong!" Wang Lun turned his head and said to the military adviser next to him: "Pass my military order, ordering all the hidden lines we have ambushed in Qingzhou to mobilize and cooperate closely with the army to search for Murong Yanda's whereabouts, and then fly pigeons to send orders Shanzhai, ask Lao Liu to send Di Tingying over, no matter what, I must find out this person. Hand it over to Brother Qin Ming!"

Contact Qin Ming to see what happened overnight.Presumably he meant to ask for help, Wang Lun let Liang Shanbo's war machine run without waiting for him to speak.He has never been ambiguous when it comes to matters such as making decisions for his brothers.

Xu Guanzhong said "Yes", he had no objection, and was about to get up to find a pen and paper to write the military order, but Qin Ming spoke.He said something unexpected, which only made Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong doubt their ears.

"Brother, this guy ran away and ran away. Why did you mobilize the crowd to arrest him? I'm afraid he won't show his face in the future! Just let this guy live a few more years. Brother's kindness is so kind, I appreciate it!"

"Huh!" Xu Guanzhong was surprised, and said, "What is Qin Dutong doing today..."

"Have you changed your sex?" Qin Ming smiled awkwardly and said, "I knew my brothers would look at me like this!"

I think when he took the order to attack Qingzhou, he still gritted his teeth and asked Murong Yanda to pay the price.Unexpectedly, now that the city has been defeated, he persuaded Wang Lun and the others not to pursue this person. If it wasn't for Huang Xin's words, he also felt that he might have lost his mind and went crazy.

"Come on, brother, sit down first!" Wang Lun got up at this moment, and asked Qin Ming, who was uncharacteristically, to sit down first.Cai said: "Your attitude. The twists and turns are a bit big, which makes me and the military division hard to digest for a while! Brother, what are you thinking about this matter, why don't you tell me and the military division to listen!"

Qin Ming let out an "ah", cupped his hands and said, "Brother, listen, it's not that I, Qin Ming, are capricious. Why don't I want to eat this person's flesh raw? It was Brother Huang Xin's words that woke me up and called me Give up this plan!"

"Huang Xin?" Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other, only to hear Xu Guanzhong ask: "What did Brother Huang Xin say?"

"These are all his exact words!" Qin Ming declared to the two of them in advance.Seeing that both Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong nodded, they imitated Huang Xin and said:

"I think this Murong is not an ordinary person. After all, he bears the identity of an uncle of the country. His sister is the pillow of the official family. If I kill him at this time, I will be happy, but I will have a quarrel with the noble concubine Murong." Dai Tian's blood feud. If this lowly servant girl is made to yell in the official's ears every day, trying to plot me in Liangshanbo, and Gao Qiu, Cai Jing and other treacherous ministers are bewitching, but don't tell me that Liangshan will never have peace? Yes, my brother avenged the bitter and vengeful leaders of the village, executed Gao Lian, and made Gao Qiu grieve, and encouraged the officials again and again, isn't it just to get rid of me and make it quick?"

"Of course we are not afraid of him, but our brothers in Liangshan are all people who want to do big things. It is impossible to waste time with the court every day. When our overseas foundation is stable in the future, let alone kill Murong, it will be like killing the whole world." What kind of thing is he like a thief? My elder brother specially sent an officer and younger brother to attack Qingzhou. He is determined to avenge our brothers. He is not afraid of carrying these burdens. That is his friendship to us! Even if we are not grateful, we cannot give it to us. Didn’t brother add to the chaos? After all, Murong only took away our official positions in the end, and didn’t cause substantial irreparable losses. Instead, we are like ducks in water in Liangshan!”

"If that's the case, why should these things that can be tolerated now cause trouble for the cottage!? Gao Qi's tenth army is gathering, and they are eyeing Liangshan. Why should I add another secret aid to the court? As the saying goes It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years! It’s only been two years since we’ve created this situation, and ten years later, we still don’t know how big the noise will be. At this juncture, we’d better not make new enemies for the Shanzhai!”

Fortunately, Qin Ming memorized Huang Xin's words in his heart, and he spoke very smoothly at this time, without getting stuck at all.

Listening to his report, Wang Lun was deeply moved. Although Huang Xin was usually silent, he was very assertive in his heart. It was obvious that this was a great opportunity for the two of them to take revenge. Qin Ming, who has a hot temper, persuaded him and convinced him, which is really rare!Not to mention that Wang Lun is not afraid of this noble concubine, but Huang Xin's selfless performance still makes Wang Lun very moved.At least from this matter, Wang Lun has seen that this Huang Xin is far from being as simple as it seems.If the old Liangshan lost such a character, then the new Liangshan will definitely provide him with a stage to show himself.

Whether to kill Murong or not is not a big deal at all. Wang Lun even killed Gao Lian, so he was afraid of offending a noble concubine?But Qin Ming and Huang Xin's love for the sake of the cottage is still essential. Wang Lun stood up, poured Qin Ming a bowl of wine, handed it to him, and said, "It's according to your brother's wishes! But this person Even if he is registered in Liangshan, if you tell him to die at the third watch, I will not keep him until the fifth watch!"

Qin Ming laughed out loud.He took the wine bowl from Wang Lun, drank it all in one gulp, smashed the wine bowl, and said proudly: "Leaving this guy lingering in fear is also a kind of torture! Of course, this is also the work of Brother Huang Xin." Exact words!"

Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong laughed when they heard the words, and Qin Ming also had a happy reconciliation.him at this time.He has already broken free from the shackles of hatred, and successfully combined the future of this cottage with his own destiny, and merged the two into one, which has verified from a certain aspect that Wang Lun's new Liangshan has deeply won the hearts of these former government troops. The support and love of the officers spontaneously.

However, a wise man has a lot of worries, and there is bound to be a mistake.But there is one thing that Huang Xin and Qin Ming missed, and in the near future, it will cause a big disturbance on Liangshan.certainly.This is something for later.

The three laughed for a while, and saw that Wang Lun asked about the people of Qingzhou with great concern. Qin Ming frowned when he said that, shook his head and said:

"It's also strange. The common people were very enthusiastic when they saw our army, and they were very enthusiastic when they received the food. They also felt very kind when they saw Huang Xin and me. But at the end when the two brothers Yang Zhi and Han Tao recruited everyone to Liangshan, Many people hesitated, but in the end, less than a thousand people were willing to go with us, and most of them were single-family young people, and few brought their families!"

Wang Lun saw that he fell into deep thought. It seemed that the news of Gao Qi's attack on Liangshan had already spread. Many people really lacked confidence in whether Liangshan could withstand the encirclement and suppression of the imperial court's 13 troops.If you don't have enough food for a few days, you will ask the court to settle the score.Speaking of this kind of psychology, Wang Lun can also understand it. It is a gamble for the whole family to take refuge in it. No one will rashly bet when the court increases the stakes.

It's just that your own expectations have to be adjusted accordingly.

"It was originally a temporary thing, and the purpose was just to remind the state officials all over the world, don't lick the beards of the beams and tigers. You can bring back as many people as you can this time. Don't force it. Keep it secret. Don't leak overseas affairs!" Wang Lun instructed, "When we have passed the hurdle in front of us and solved the [-]th army of the imperial court, and our reputation will be greatly shaken, are we afraid that the common people will not flock to vote? At that time, Deng Brother Fei is worried!"

"Since my brother has made a decision, I will bring the news back overnight and pass it on to Monk Lu and his party's leaders!" Qin Ming's irritable temper seemed to be contained for a while, and he couldn't hold it for a day. Living.

"Brother, don't be in a hurry. It's getting late now, and it's too hasty to go back. Listen to me, and rest for one night, and leave tomorrow!" Wang Lun stood up and asked to stay.

Fortunately, Qin Ming is also a straightforward person. When he saw Wang Lun, he opened his mouth and said, "Then listen to my brother and let him stay overnight. I think it's not like I didn't rest here at Erlong Mountain when I was a prisoner! By the way, brother , I heard that Zhu Ting fought a fierce battle, I want to meet this man!"

"Alright, in the future everyone will be brothers in a cottage, so we should move around more!" Wang Lun turned his head and said to Jiao Ting: "Take brother Qin Ming to see Zhu Dian, and send a brother to Zizhou to bring a message to Sun An , Let’s talk about the matter of the people throwing themselves into the mountains, there is no pressure, come and pick up as many as you want, don’t force it!”

"En!" Jiao Ting went in response, and bowed his hands to Qin Ming, but Qin Ming said "Congratulations", Jiao Ting was taken aback, and asked: "I'm not married yet, how can I be so happy?"

Qin Ming laughed loudly and said, "I said you, brother, just want to get married! Now I call you Jiao Dutong, should I congratulate you?"

Jiao Ting's face turned red immediately, and he turned his head to look at Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong, who were smiling but not smiling, and dragged Qin Ming straight to the outside of the temple.

Only then did Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong laugh out loud. The two talked about Jiao Ting for a while, but they saw Xu Guanzhong praising the cloth slip that Wang Lun handed him just now, persuading him: "Brother hasn't had a good rest these days, why don't you rest first?" Go to rest! When these three come, I will wake up my brother!"

"No problem! Let's talk again!" Wang Lun waved his hand.

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong didn't try to persuade him anymore, but just said on the topic just now: "The people in the two states don't have much confidence in us at present, but fortunately, the more than 1 troops who surrendered are very confident. They are all willing to take refuge in my cottage, it seems that the navy's military expansion plan has come to fruition!"

"I have to thank Pang Yi and Liu Menglong for this matter. At the critical moment, they showed their nature of not treating soldiers as human beings. I think there are many bloody people in the navy in Jinling. After this blow, they lost confidence in the court. It's not surprising. If you ask me to say that Liu Menglong has the ability to cultivate this powerful army, but abandons it like a waste at the critical moment, besides being a cartilaginous bug, he is really a complete prodigal!"

"My brother has never killed these four people, do you have any ideas!" Seeing Wang Lun talking about Liu Menglong, Xu Guanzhong suddenly asked.

"Catch one and kill one. In the end, won't it hurt the vitality of our Han people? Guanzhong! The Jurchens in the north should not be underestimated. I don't think the Liao Kingdom will last for a few years. At that time, the soldiers of the Jin people will definitely point to the Song Dynasty." , we people, we need to prepare early!"

This is not the first time that Wang Lun has talked to him about the group of people who rose from Baishan and Heishui, and Xu Guanzhong has once again paid attention to it. This brother's vision of assessing the situation can be said to be the most accurate among the people he has ever met in his life.Since he has been saying this all the time, there must be a reason for him, so he nodded slightly and fell into deep thought.

Seeing that Xu Guanzhong was thinking about something, Wang Lun didn't disturb him. He just leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He accidentally fell asleep. Waking up from a light dream.

"Report! Report to the big leader and Xu Junshi. A group of people came down from the mountain. The leader claimed to be Li Ying, the leader of diplomacy, and Li Ying, the leader of foreign affairs, and Du Xing, the leader of buying and trading. They don’t know each other, but brother Yanqing is leading them, so the switch let them in!” (To be continued~^~)

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