This night, Yu Baosi, the God of Dangerous Way, was in charge of duty, because he was still young when he went up the mountain, and among the six people who came to knock at the pass before, except for a prodigal son Yanqing, the others did not know anyone.

Yu Baosi's slightly wary eyes made the two nervous men even more uncomfortable.The identities of Li Ying and Du Xing had already been introduced by them, Yu Bao thought that these two could be regarded as revisiting their old places no matter what, but their preoccupied appearance seemed a little abnormal to him.

On the contrary, the three men in Xintou Mountain reacted more normally than the two "old" leaders. The man who looked older than Chao Gai, the leader, just stood there silently, and his body was full of anger. A long-standing aura.At this time, he knew that Yu Baosi's eyes were on him, but this man didn't look sideways, standing steadily.There was neither hostility nor humility.

At this moment, standing next to this person was a young man in his early twenties, and the expression on his face became much more vivid. He could not stop looking at the layout of the three levels of Erlong Mountain. When he found that Yu Bao Sichao himself When he looked over, he first smiled friendlyly, and then said with emotion:

"I know a thing or two about the cottages in the world. If you want to say that the location is excellent, there is no better than Liangshan Mountain. But Erlong Mountain is also very steep. In my opinion, even the Fangshan base camp of Wang Mengzhu is not as good as it! No wonder My uncle said that Uncle Wang's vision of seeing people and choosing things is unparalleled in the world!"

Yu Baosi is a person who doesn't talk much. Hearing that this young man even called Uncle Wang, he already guessed his origin in his heart. He just nodded to this young man as a response.His eyes then turned to the next person.

This man has a distinctive feature.It is born tall and mighty, almost indistinguishable from Yu Baosi's figure, which can be described as bright for a while.The giant man didn't speak, but his face was full of flesh, looking hideous and terrifying. When he found Yu Bao looking at him, he looked at him unconvinced.Seeing this, Yan Qing said something in a low voice, but Yu Baosi hadn't heard it clearly, the man was already discouraged, withdrew his fierce light, and cupped his fists at Yu Baosi, looking very afraid of Yan Qing.

"Who is this person?" Yu Bao asked Yan Qing, keeping his eyes on the man.

"This is an official document, please take a look at it!" Yan Qing knew that Yu Bao could read and write, so he immediately handed over the official document signed by Xiao Jiasui.Yu Baosi watched carefully.From time to time, he glanced at the three people in front of him, as if making comparisons. After watching for a while, he returned the official document to Yan Qing with a determined expression. weapon.He ordered to let go.

"Brother Yi, who is this man here? Why is he so strict! You are accompanying him, and he still reads Lao Shizi's official document!" The young man walked up the steps to the temple and asked Yan Qing through the crowd.

"You child, you are so snobbish! Seeing that we are all of the same generation, you still call the village master your uncle, don't you intend to disturb the seniority of our cottage?" Yan Qing didn't answer him, but said "blame", it seems The two are quite acquainted.

"You have nothing to do with my uncle, so you are my friends! Since you are my friend, you should be friends with my peers! But Uncle Wang is different. He and my uncle are brothers. I dare to call him brother, but my uncle does not." Come from Fangshan to cut my tongue!" The young man argued with a smile, "Hey, Brother Yi, you still haven't said who that man is?"

"The envoy of the village lord's army who holds the flag, he is called Yu Baosi, the god of danger!" Yan Qing had nothing to do with him.

"Look at my memory!" The young man slapped himself on the forehead, "It turned out to be the great hero who proclaimed himself emperor by the pseudo-emperor of Jin. If it wasn't for him, how could the jade seal fall into Tian Hu's hands? My uncle is magnanimous." , not only recruited enemies, but also stayed by his side to be the leader of the pro-army, no wonder Yu Baosi worked so hard, guarding against us is like guarding against thieves!"

Among the six people in this group, except for Yan Qing, this young man is the most relaxed. At this time, he is just a fledgling, and he feels excited when he sees everything, so he has a lot of words, but unexpectedly, a word that he inadvertently evoked The thoughts of Li Ying and Du Xing.

To say that the most complicated thing in this world is nothing more than interpersonal relationship.Li Ying and Du Xing used to be a good rich man and little housekeeper, they didn't ask for anyone, they didn't rely on anyone, they lived their happy life freely, they didn't need to look forward and backward like this.It's a pity that being harmed by Song Jiang's gangster made it hard to return home, hard to vote for the country, and fell into the whirlpool of the green forest for no reason, and couldn't extricate himself.

Now that the two of them want to be good citizens, they can't do it. They are in the green forest and have no backing. They can't even find someone who wants to take advantage of him like Song Jiang. Is there anything more sad than this in life?

In fact, in Erlong Mountain, although Song Jiang deserved to be hacked to death, at least he could show a gesture of wooing him, so that his master and servant could still have status in Erlong Mountain.But when he went to Liangshan, he really felt his own insignificance.There are more than 100 leaders here, big and small, ranging from royal descendants to famous generals to counselors and wealthy people. There are a lot of talents here. Li Ying's little sense of superiority accumulated in Erlong Mountain has long been lost.

Only then did Li Ying realize the tragedy. He seldom took the initiative to make friends with people in the world. Even if he fell into the grass, this inertia also prevented him from making many friends in Erlong Mountain. None.

Let's just talk about Chao Gai, the old village owner. During the Chao-Song dispute, he was always wise and safe, and neutrality was the top priority. If you say that there is really not much friendship between them.And the relationship between him and Wang Lun, the owner of the new village, is even more negative. In the past, when Liangshan attacked Zhujiazhuang, he even formed a relationship.

Only he understands his own difficulties. Although he is now in Liangshan with the title of an invited diplomatic leader, the worries in his heart still make him unable to calm down.This kind of life without a sense of belonging and security is really tormented. Since the news that Wang Lun met a group of old men in Erlong Mountain at Baozhu Temple not long ago reached Liangshan, the two of them could no longer sit still. You can't sit on Liangshan Island, but wait for Wang Lun to talk to you.

Taking initiative at certain times also represents sincerity. Now that we live under the fence of others, Li Ying and Du Xing want to come and explore the way, to see if the two of them together are close to Zhu Dian's weight in Wang Lun's heart, It is still more similar to Lei Heng's arrangement.In this way, they can also plan for the future.

In fact, it's not just Li Ying and Du Xing.Every leader who came from Erlong Mountain has more or less such concerns.Before they met Wang Lun and got word from him, people like Li Zhong and Xue Yong were also so uneasy, but now they took a reassurance and went to sleep with peace of mind.

However, there are exceptions to everything. For example, there is a new leader who did not come to see Wang Lun with Li Ying and the others.But people have the confidence of others.There is no need to bend this extra bend to get some limelight.I don't know if it was because of this objective situation that Xiao Jiasui stopped this person so that he could train and prepare for war in the cottage with peace of mind, but he allowed the two of us to go together. I don't know if it was out of consideration or for some other reason.

Yan Qing noticed that Li Ying and Du Xing beside him were a little unnatural, and immediately said: "The two elder brothers also stayed with Chao Tianwang in Liangshan for a while, and know that although the brothers in my cottage are very harmonious in private, they dare not to do so in official affairs. Laxity. Even if Xiao Yi came alone, he would have to go up the mountain with official documents, and he would be interrogated. I hope the two elder brothers don't mind!"

Li Yingjian said that after taking a look at Du Xing, he found that Du Xing was also looking at him, and the bitterness in the two people's stomachs that they had no one to complain about could only be resolved through their eyes.At this time, Li Ying said: "I dare not. Thank you, Brother Yi, for your kind words!"

Yan Qing also found that they had something on their minds along the way, but it was a pity that he was not the one who could cure their heart problems, so she smiled silently, but at this moment, she saw the old man inadvertently glanced back, his eyes were full of deep meaning, as if he could see through the situation. The two people had the same thoughts in their hearts, and they said a meaningful sentence:

"Even the old man, who has never met before, can take good care of him. I think as long as he is not a treacherous person, who goes against the banner of 'doing justice for the sky'. On this Liangshan, he can finally find his own. Location!"

Li Ying and Du Xing seemed to respect the old man very much, they cupped their hands and said, "Thank you Xu Jiedu for your kind words!"

The old man smiled, and then stopped talking.It's just that the speaker has a heart, and the listener also has a heart. Although what he said just now was to Li Ying, it caused the giant man next to him to think secretly, "I used to be arrogant, and I once said, 'There is no opponent in sumo wrestling. I am the leader, and I have recruited a group of disciples who have no righteousness to trap me to death, and I don’t know if I count them as the treacherous and evil people?"

Not to mention that these few people had their own thoughts and walked dully, when they came to the front of the main hall of Baozhu Temple, they saw a man walking back and forth, and said from a long distance:

"Brother Yi, I finally waited for you to come over, but the person who was going to rest, brother, has been waiting in the temple!"

This person was Zhang San, the mouse crossing the street who was on duty in front of the main hall, and he yawned unconsciously after speaking.Yan Qing is good at making friends with all kinds of religions and nine streams, and the two formed a good relationship as early as when they were in Daming Mansion.

"Third brother, congratulations!" Yan Qing clasped her fists and smiled as soon as she stepped forward.

Zhang Sanjian said with a smile, "If you are still following Yuanwai Lu, you are no different than me. But brother cherishes your talent. In the future, with your status as the leader of the scout, I don't know what official title you will be corresponding to, but definitely not. Will be worse than me!"

"Deputy! I'm just assisting Brother Zhu Gui!" Yan Qing smiled and corrected Zhang Sandao.

"Your name is just behind Zhu Gui's brother, who said it's a bad name!" Zhang San immediately shook his head when he heard this, and said seriously.

Yan Qing chuckled, and stopped entangled in this topic, and consciously put the small crossbow on her body on the table in front of the hall. Li Ying was a delicate person, and also took the throwing knife on his body when Zhang San saw Li Ying. The exquisite flying knife seemed to be more eye-catching than Xiang Chong's flying knife, and he sighed: "My dear! This knife is not made of ordinary materials at first glance. Li Yuanwai is a master after all!"

Li Ying smiled wryly, cupped his hands, and dealt with it, Du Xing and the three new leaders didn't have any weapons, only Zhang San laughed and said enthusiastically: "Everyone, please, brother has been waiting for a long time!"

What should come is coming, Li Ying is in the end the city is extraordinary, although his heart is full of thoughts, but his face is as stable as Mount Tai, he took a long breath calmly, and strode into this place that is so familiar old ground.

When everyone was walking towards Baozhu Temple, only the young man turned around, clasped his fists and said, "I've heard about the third brother's name for a long time, wait for the little brother to come out, let's talk about the world of Tokyo together!"

"Excuse me, who are you?" Zhang San asked in a daze.

"Little brother Li Xuan! Doesn't our cottage have a contact point in Tokyo, and I am assisting Zuo Le and brother!" The young man laughed.

"Oh, oh, the nephew of Daoist Li Zhu!" Zhang San instantly matched the name of the person in front of him with the name in his heart, and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, you go in and meet the village master, and we can talk again when you come out! "

Li Xun clasped his fists and left, and walked into the hall with a smile. As soon as he entered the door, he heard a magnetic male voice laughing: "Li Yuanwai, Director Du, we are old acquaintances, and we are on our own right now, why should we run alone?" This trip? The two of you at Baozhu Temple are more familiar than me, please sit down first and wait for me to entertain these three new guests!"

Wang Lun's words seemed meaningless to others. Li Ying and Du Xing were already the leaders of Liangshan, but at this moment, when they heard the two people who had been anxious, they suddenly felt warm in their hearts. The performance of not seeing outsiders at least showed a good opening. The two were flattered and said: "Yes, we are on our own. Brother greets the guests first!" (To be continued~^~)

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