Water Margin Survival

Chapter 604 Wanting to Tell Me to Call You Brother, But It's Difficult!

Seeing that Wang Lun made Li Ying and Du Xing, who had been preoccupied before, smile all over their faces with just one sentence, the old man became more determined in his mind. It seems that Liang Shanbo's current strength is really not by accident.

That being the case, in front of this sensible person in front of him, he doesn't have to beat around the bush when he speaks.After all, he has led the army for many years and killed decisively, but seeing that the old man was unambiguous, he immediately bowed down in front of Wang Lun and said:

"Xu's life was saved by the king's leader, how dare he call him a guest? In a word, Xu Jing is willing to join the leader of the village, with a whip and a stirrup, he will not avoid fire or water!"

Wang Lun was slightly surprised by Xu Jing's attitude.After all, this person was the Jiedu Envoy of the imperial court a few months ago, so it can be said that he has a high position and power in his hands.The people in the world who can make him bow down like this, except for officials and Cai Jing, who are rare in the country, are really not the treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

Seeing that Wang Lun was not slow at all, he immediately stepped forward to help this person up, saying:

"The old general is very polite! Mr. Huanzhang used to talk about the benefits of the old general when he was in the village. Seeing the general's suffering, how can the younger generation sit and watch in the village! It's good that Liang Shanbo still has a little hope in the green forest, otherwise wouldn't he Fulfilling Mr. Huanzhang's entrustment?"

Seeing that Wang Lun kept his posture very low and did not take any credit for it, Xu Jing could not help but sigh with emotion and said:

"Even if it's Mr. Wen's kindness, it all depends on the face of the village owner. Otherwise, who would you take seriously if you are as arrogant as Tian Hu? I heard that Wang Qing's envoy from the west of Beijing proposed to exchange the old man several times, but they were all rejected. Tian Hu blamed him. In the end, it was Daoist Li Zhu who came in person. In the end, he revealed the name of the village master. He also threatened to cut off the support, so he suppressed this guy's arrogance. Otherwise, he will fly my banner and make a fuss, and I will be a hostage in Beijing. The whole family, young and old, are all dead without a place to bury them!"

After all, Xu Jing is a person who has been honed in the secular world for many years. He is very good at talking, and I thank Wen Huanzhang for his words.He also expressed his gratitude to Wang Lun emphatically, showing that he knew the inside story and was willing to accept Wang Lun's kindness, and he also lifted Wang Lun by the way by telling the truth.

Being able to speak is a skill, and being able to understand other people's words is also a necessary ability for a superior.At this time, Wang Lun not only understood what he meant from the other party's words, but also got another truth: that is, Li Zhu regarded himself as a relative, and he had already told Xu Jing the truth before.If it were Wang Qing, he probably wouldn't miss this opportunity to sell well.

"That guy Tian Hu. The means are really low! First destroy the whole family, and then force people to take refuge, compared with Song Heizi! On the surface, it seems that the power is expanding rapidly, but in fact, the people's hearts are unstable. When you really meet a strong opponent, you will fall apart. The day is approaching. If Uncle Wang hadn't led Wang Mengzhu to help him, how could this kind of chicken and tile dog survive until today!"

At this time, Li Xuan walked in from outside the hall.Hearing Xu Jing's words, he unconsciously followed up. Of course, because of Xu Jing's presence, he still left some words, and the words did not involve the performance of the officers and soldiers.

At this time, he didn't show any sign of shrinking when he saw Wang Lun. Instead, he subconsciously felt a kind of kindness, which probably came from his uncle's usual indoctrination.

Wang Lun smiled apologetically at Xu Jing, waved to Li Xuan, waited for him to come over, and asked, "Brother Li Xuan, is your uncle okay?"

"I really don't dare to call Uncle Wang brothers and sisters. Wouldn't it be a waste of my nephew's fodder! If my uncle hears about it, I will definitely make my nephew look good!" Li Xuan said hastily when he heard the words, and everyone laughed when he said it, only to hear him say again, " I'm sorry for Uncle Wang, my uncle is fine! Speaking of which, since Uncle Wang is such an outstanding junior, who would dare not give him face in the green forests of the world? Even Leader Wang must rely heavily on him, and the days are nourishing!"

"The rivers and lakes are chaotic, everyone talks about their own things, your uncle and I are naturally considered brothers and sisters, but he is not in front of you at this time, and you are not a few years younger than me, so we are of the same generation! You stayed on the mountain for a while You should know that the three generations of Huyan's family are all in the cottage, if it comes to this, Brother Huyantong will be a head shorter!" Wang Lun shook his head and laughed.

"Why does the village master call my nephew? My nephew has no choice, but the village master is my uncle! It is difficult to ask my nephew to call you brother!" Li Xuan insisted.

Everyone was amused by what he said, who in Xindao Jianghu could say such words from his mouth?Even Tian Hu, who now presumptuously proclaims himself emperor, told Wang Lun about his elder brother not long ago. At that time, there were three people and six faces, which was a fact he could not deny.Although the context is different at this time, only Li Xuan can say the words that he refuses to call Wang Lun brother even if he dies.

"Forget it, then you can call yours, I'll call mine!" Seeing his stubbornness, Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, introduced Xu Guanzhong's identity, and invited everyone to sit down. Zhang San brought people in and served tea, and everyone drank tea When I was talking about the battle in Hedong, I only heard Xu Guanzhong ask: "Mr. Wen has often talked about Xu Jiedu's martial arts skills. I heard that he lost his hand to a thief general under Tian Hu. We used to have a lot of dealings with Tian Hu. Why? Never heard of this person having such a strong general?"

Xu Jing took a sip of tea, shook his head and sighed, "I thought the same way as you did before. I underestimated the enemy and went into battle. I wanted to catch one or two of his bandits and demoralize him. Who would have thought that there would be someone in the opponent's formation?" The man with two spears is very skilled in marksmanship, the old man fought fiercely with him for seventy or eighty rounds, his strength was exhausted, and he missed in the end, which brought bad luck to my [-] troops, what a sin!"

A thief with two guns?

Wang Lun really couldn't remember such a person under Tian Hu's subordinates, so he exchanged a glance with Xu Guanzhong, only to hear Xu Guanzhong ask: "Xu Jiedu, isn't that guy surnamed Dong! The self-supporting banner said: Dong Yichuang?"

Xu Jing was startled, and said, "How do you know?!"

"In Xiqing Mansion, there was a soldier named Dong who was a prisoner of soldiers and horses. He claimed to be a romantic general with two guns. He had murdered his father and seduced his daughter. He was a bandit with talent but no virtue. General Wang was expelled from the mansion, but he didn't want to vote for Tian Hu, a thief!"

Xu Jing saw that it was only then that he suddenly realized, and said: "I said his marksmanship is not a green forest method. It turns out that there is still such a past, and I lost my old face when I lost to such a person!" However, there are many military states in the Song Dynasty, and there are at least three to 200 soldiers and horses. Even if you don't know Dong Ping, you can't say he is ignorant.

"Don't worry, old general, and live in my cottage with peace of mind. I just want to go to Mr. Wen's place. I will arrange for you!" Wang Lun comforted him.

"I've been hated to the bone by some people. When I go back to court, I'm nothing more than ransacking my home and questioning my crimes. My fate is bleak! If the village master doesn't give up, my old bones will be buried in Liangshan. The child is the flesh and blood of my heart, and I hope the village master will send him to Mr. Wen's school in Jeju Island. From then on, learning literature will not be as bitter as his father!"

Xu Jing has spent more than 40 years in the streets, green forests, and official circles. He has already seen the world's sophistication thoroughly. Their group of ten Jiedu envoys all belong to the political heritage of the previous emperors, and they have no sense of existence in front of today's officials. On the contrary, because of his humble background and extraordinary status, he has been envied by many new generals, and he is currently in the middle of the court.Most of them are definitely waiting to see their jokes and plan to make trouble. If he returns as a defeated man, he will be a target and he will definitely not end well.

The Liangshan Bozhu in front of him is different from ordinary green forest characters, with a detached vision.There is actually a foundation overseas.Another old friend Wen Huanzhang was there to take care of him. In this case, he simply did not do anything, and then went back to his old business and went to the green forest again. If he can find a future for his children, this life will not be in vain.

"If the old general joins, Liangshan will be full of glory! Don't worry about the child, Mr. Wen must be willing to accept such a good student!" Wang Lun gave Xu Jing a promise, seeing that the latter looked at him very seriously. to myself.He opened his mouth and said:

"Many brothers in my cottage were born in the green forest, and they are weak in handling large-scale wars. Therefore, I opened a lecture hall in the cottage, where experienced veterans will teach the brothers experience. The old general holds a high position in Jiedu I have led the army for decades, and I must have gained a lot of experience. I intend to invite the old general to be the head of the lecture hall, and lead these juniors. I don’t know what the old general thinks?"

In fact, Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong discussed Xu Jing's arrangement for a long time, and it took a lot of effort.If he is asked to lead troops in the battle, call him brother and brother with the general juniors, and command the post of commander, it will be tantamount to torture for this former Jiedu envoy.Or the location of the martial arts lecture hall is suitable for him. To be a "military school professor" will not only not have to suffer from the pain of being attacked by his own relatives, but also he can rest in peace of mind. It is really a good thing to have the best of both worlds.

Wang Lun's principle is to put himself in the shoes of others and make the best use of his talents. Seeing that Xu Jing did not refuse, he got up and thanked him: "That's good, I finally have a serious occasion to say it after holding back this talk. Could it be that the experience gained from serving in the army for many years Follow me into the coffin? Thank you, the village master, for understanding the old man. In the martial arts lecture hall in the future, you will know everything, talk endlessly, and never hide anything!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Xu Jing agreed very readily, Wang Lun immediately toasted him with a cup of tea, chatted a few more words, looked back at Li Xuan, and said with a smile, "Your uncle told me that he wanted you to come here Tokyo experience experience, I want to hear your thoughts!"

"Little nephew listens to the two uncles!" Li Xuan said in one breath.

According to Wang Lun's impression of Li Xuan, this person was originally the commander in chief of the Jishan Army's five tigers, and his subordinates commanded fierce generals such as Yuan Lang, the Ma brothers, and the Teng brothers. It doesn't matter, but he can beat Song Jiang a little as soon as he debuts, and make these five people willingly obey his orders. He should be a man with good martial arts and commanding ability, but he is too young now, and Wang Lun has no intention of overthrowing it. I also need a man with force like him, so I promised to let him practice in Tokyo first.

"What do brothers Lehe think? Why are you still in Tokyo and refuse to come back?" Wang Lun talked about Li Xuan's arrangement, but he thought of Lehe. Although this brother was exposed by the stone tablet, he insisted that he used a pseudonym , it is not so easy to reveal his secrets, and he has been sticking to his post.

This matter is under Yan Qing's jurisdiction. He got up and said, "Brother Lehe is very conscientious. The little brother sent someone to urge him, but he refused to come back easily. The villain had no choice but to obey my brother's military order and take the brothers from the village together." , pretending to be his first and last name, and made a big fuss in Tai'an. Now everyone thinks that Lehe brothers are haunting Jingdong, and Lehe brothers use this as an excuse to write letters to the cottage many times to let him stay in Tokyo. Junshi Xiao and Leader Zhu Gui considered his personal thoughts, and finally did not force Le He brothers to withdraw!"

The dexterous person in the cottage, Yanqing is the first, and Lehe is the second. It seems that there is really no suitable candidate to replace him. This Lehe, who has always been weak, is actually tough this time. The fact that it is still safe and sound is used as a reason to convince the copycats, and the facts have indeed proved this point. Thinking about the billions of people in the Song Dynasty, there is a vast sea of ​​​​people (and there is no such thing as online pursuit), except for the colleagues in the Dengzhou Prison in Bianjun (who broke down that day) City killed a lot), who can be sure that this Ledong family is Liangshan Lehe?Presumably, Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Gui had considered all this, so that Le He, who had gradually opened up the situation, continued to stay in Tokyo.Wang Lun pondered for a while, and finally said cautiously: "I have to discuss this matter with Sun Xin, Mrs. Gu and his wife!"

"You really should be more careful!" Yan Qing echoed, and then brought out the burly man next to him in his words and said: "The little brother made a big fuss in Tai'an that day, and it was this brother who made the fuss!" (To be continued~^ ~)

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