Water Margin Survival

Chapter 605 Now that I'm going to mess around, I'll give you a gift

"Master Wang, I, Ren Yuan, am a rough person and can't speak. If I offend you, I hope you will forgive me. I thought I was fighting in Tai'an to fight against the heroes of the world. I originally lost to Brother Yan Xiaoyi in Guizhai. It’s because I’m not good enough, so I don’t complain. But what’s wrong is that he didn’t really come to fight with me, he just wanted to make the leader of Guizhai Lehe famous, but it caused my younger brother’s reputation to be ruined, and he lost his food. Thinking about it, I feel wronged, and I ask the village master to give me an explanation!"

Ren Yuan had held back his words for a long time, and seeing that it was finally on his own head, he couldn't help getting up and saying.I saw that when he stood up, he was more than a head taller than everyone else, but he had a good figure.It is said that he has a dignified appearance and a diamond appearance, and it seems that this statement is true.

Ren Yuan can be regarded as a "professional athlete" in this era. Unfortunately, in the original trajectory, Li Kui, who watched the excitement, smashed his head with a slate.

Speaking of which, apart from his liking to speak wild words, it seems that this person really has no major bad deeds.Although he stepped on the spot in advance to spy on the reality of potential opponents, he didn't do anything to harass him.Even when Yan Qing was playing before the "match" and was going to step on the spot by the way, Ren Yuan found out, and he only uttered a cruel word arrogantly, and there was no real contact between the two sides.Later, when the two came to the stage to fight, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the middle, and nothing happened.

At that time, Wang Lun asked Yan Qing to go to Tai'an to wrestle with this person. The main reason was that the incident had a great impact, and he just used the word of mouth to spread Lehe's identity. He really didn't think about accidentally smashing this person's job. Seeing this King Kong-like man with an aggrieved face, it was very funny, Wang Lun got up and said: "I didn't think carefully! Sit down for a while, what happened at that time. Brother Yi, why don't we all talk about it?" Listen!"

Ren Yuan didn't expect that Wang Lun would admit that he had made a mistake, his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't utter a word.You must know that this person is a figure in the green forests of the world, and his status in the sumo world of the Song Dynasty is countless times higher than his own. He can be so calm, but it makes Ren Yuan feel incredible, and he wants to explain the idea.It went out immediately.

Seeing Wang Lun's moving question, Yan Qing smiled, and articulately told the story in front of everyone.

It turned out that Yan Qing and "Lehe" went to challenge Ren Yuan that day, and everything came to fruition. The prodigal Yan Qing from the Daming Mansion was still the best player, and he used the stunt "Pigeon Spin" to defeat Optimus Prime Ren Yuan from the Taiyuan Mansion. When he went down to present the stage, Ren Yuan's apprentices saw that he had turned his master upside down.Afraid that the work for a long time would be wasted, he first pulled down the mountain shed and robbed the property indiscriminately.The yamen servants who maintained the order got orders from their superiors, and when they were drinking and beating indiscriminately, the [-] or [-] disciples ignored their masters and rushed into the offering platform instead.It got out of hand.The officials who presided over the scene were furious.When the soldiers were mobilized, Ren Yuan and his apprentices were first arrested, and the main thing was to take the advantage with Yan Qing.

But why did Yan Qing come here for these benefits? In front of the civil official, he deliberately named "Lehe" and his own identity. The civil official was shocked, and his first reaction was to arrest people, but then he thought of these two people Certainly not coming unprepared, scared and afraid to move.

Yan Qing saw that this official did not look like a treacherous person, and could maintain order.He also wanted to use his word of mouth, and didn't make things difficult for him, but just rewarded all the benefits to the people present, and immediately won a sky-high price of thanks, Yan Qing thought that Ren Yuan was good at skills, but also thought that he would be burdened by his money-grubbing apprentice , staying here is not the reason, so he was taken out of Tai'an, Ren Yuan finally had nowhere to go, and after listening to Yan Qing's words, he went to Liangshan.

"Since you lost your job, how about paying you a job?" Wang Lun couldn't help sighing after hearing Yan Qing's words, and looked at Ren Yuan.

"Dare you ask me to stage a fight in the cottage to tease the leaders?" Ren Yuan said in a daze, "No matter how much money I have, I, Ren Yuan, can't take it away. Let's not talk about Brother Yi, I heard that the hero who beats the tiger is also Falling grass in Liangshan, even if I confront him head-on, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him!"

Yan Qing supported Zhi Renyuan when he heard the words, and reminded: "Brother is officially inviting you to go up the mountain!"

"Ask me to go to Liangshan?" Ren Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, and said, "Then brother, don't give me this job again!"

"I can guarantee this, as long as you don't smash it yourself, no one will smash your job! Xiao Yi needs to tell him more about the rules of the cottage. I think Deng Fei is alone in Erlong Mountain, and there is no one to take care of him. Tell Ren Yuan to come over and take the second position!" Wang Lun said.

People who are mixed in the rivers and lakes can get a top spot in Liangshan, and they can be regarded as taking the top spot on the Green Forest Road. I saw Ren Yuan was overjoyed, and said: "Thank you brother for your support!"

Wang Lun asked him again if he had any family members, and Yan Qing answered them one by one on his behalf. Wang Lun was also saddened to see that these two enemies in the previous life had become friends now.

Everyone chatted for a while, Xu Jing was old and couldn't bear it any longer, so Wang Lun asked Jiao Ting to take everyone down to rest. Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they talked with Yan Qing outside the temple. He and Du Xing didn't know whether to go or not. At the end of the day, they saw Wang Lun, who was seeing off the guests, suddenly nodded at them, and both of them stayed happily. These two people, the two of them also felt relaxed, just listening to Wang Lun, they started talking to these two people, from how they met at the beginning, how they became a family now, similar to "no deal, no deal" And so on and so forth.

Li Ying and Du Xing are both mature people, and Wang Lun didn't care what to discuss with them, he just showed that his attitude of acceptance was enough, and emphasized that the two positions of them were personally arranged by him, and Du Xing's errands were not important. There will be changes, Hu Chengcheng is too busy to do it alone, and needs help from others, and Du Xing and Hu Cheng are old acquaintances, Hu Cheng is a humble person, I believe that the running-in period between the two of them will not be too long.

Li Ying's situation is a bit special again. Compared with Chai Jin, his reputation is much worse, but his martial arts are not the same. It is more than enough to go out and take charge of his own side. At this time, the position of welcoming and sending him is to temporarily place him, Wang Lun He also directly pointed out to him that there will be more state capitals under Liangshan's management in the future, and it is bound to be guarded by separate leaders. He is very optimistic about Li Ying and let him seize this opportunity by himself.

Li Ying naturally understood the meaning of Wang Lun's words, this was the best result he could imagine.Immediately, he expressed that he wanted to get close to Zhu Teng, who was sticking to Erlong Mountain. For him, this might be his last chance in the drowning, and he must seize it and refuse to relax.

After a long talk, the guests and the host had a great time. At this time, Xu Guanzhong also came back. He first apologized to Li Ying and Du Xing, saying that he had neglected them. Li Ying knew that this military adviser was the closest adviser to Wang Lun in the cottage. , Wang Lun's attitude towards him can also be reflected from his attitude towards him from the side, so before Xu Guanzhong finished speaking, Li Ying and Du Xing interrupted his apology, saying that he was serious.

Several years later, Du Xing still had this scene in his mind, and sometimes he would think that maybe the military adviser avoided it on purpose, fearing that his presence would embarrass himself and the owner.

The four of them talked for a while, Li Ying winked at Du Xing, Du Xing understood, and said: "It's so late, I shouldn't disturb my brother's rest, but there is something, I think I should tell my brother!"

Wang Lun smiled and said, "If you have something to say, it's okay to say it!"

"It's like this. Didn't the navy in our cottage salvage sunken ships on the bank of the Beiqing River in Zizhou a few days ago? I heard that the leader of the navy, Li Jun, decided to hand over the wreckage of these ships to the local people for free. Take..." When Du Xing said this, he was affirmed by Wang Lun, and said: "There is such a thing!"

Du Xing said again: "When I was in charge of the owner's house in Lijia Village, my younger brother once dealt with a timber merchant in Zizhou. Yes. The day before yesterday, I suddenly found Shanxia and asked me to talk. He came here for these dozens of sunken ships. It turned out that this person heard that these ships were free to take, so he summoned hundreds of people and brought a cart to carry them. The people in several villages on the shore refused to follow, saying that it was promised to the people by Liangshan Park. People from your county, three or five people came over, and each took some. Fang clashed, but fortunately no one was hurt, the timber merchant was worried that the people would go to Liangshan to sue him, so he came to find my younger brother in advance to explain the situation!"

Wang Lun listened for a long time, but he didn't hear anything particularly important. Does Duchenne need such a formal report?After thinking for a while, he said: "I know about this, I will ask Chief Sun An to send people to visit these villages, if it really doesn't hurt anyone, forget it!"

Du Xing nodded, and said again: "This man swears to the sky that he never hurt anyone, he is afraid of something happening, so he is very restrained, he came to find the younger brother, one is to clarify this matter, and the other is to buy it with money. The material of these big ships!"

Wang Lun smiled, and said to Du Xing, who was a businessman: "Brother Li Jun informed me of his decision in advance. Since he said it on behalf of the Shanzhai, he regretted it for some money. This deal is not worth it! That official officer If it really didn't hurt anyone, we wouldn't go to him either!"

Seeing this, Du Xing looked at Li Ying, and Li Ying said with a smile: "Brother, of course this money is not in our eyes. But I also know this man. He has a precious land in his home, where hundreds of ash trees are planted. According to my knowledge, You know, they are all more than ten years old. This man was born as an officer, and he regards it as a treasure, and he will not sell it to anyone who asks for it. I see generals like Lin Touling in the cottage. This opportunity, get in touch with this person!"

Ash rod?

I once heard Wang Jin tell himself about this matter, and Wang Lun also asked Hu Cheng to buy it everywhere, but it takes at least ten years to develop a good white wax pole, and it takes a lot of time and effort during the process, and it can't be infested with insects. It is relatively rare, but since this person has it, he can give it a try.

"This matter is easy to handle. Our cottage needs a lot of wood, especially the shipyard. Let Director Du discuss this matter. As long as he is willing to part with us, we can purchase wood from his family in the future! Tell him to take a long-term view, don't be old I want to take advantage of it!" (to be continued~^~)

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