Water Margin Survival

Chapter 606 Zhang Dushi, Who Can't Be Scared Even by Dogs

While Wang Lun was trying his best to integrate internal resources, he led the conquest and suppression army, and the Sanya Taiwei Gao Qiu who was stationed in Xingren Mansion, the gateway of Jingdong, was not idle.

"Top...Top, hey, push hard! Good!"

The sky-shattering cheers erupted from the crowd of onlookers attracted the attention of a group of officers and soldiers passing by. The officer leading the group ordered the whole army to stay temporarily. In the arena, the two rams circled and provoked each other. The eyes of the rams were red, and their front hooves kept rubbing against the ground. They pounced forward, and when the owner tightened the ear ropes, they shouted "Go", and the two rams went through a run-up. , and then flew into the air like a lion, and suddenly saw the four horns colliding together in the air with a "bang", the sound was like thunder, and the scene was very spectacular.The scene was instantly overwhelmed by bursts of cheers, and the audience was all extremely excited.

"Brother, what are you doing!" the officer leading the team asked.

"Goat fighting! This is a tradition in Caozhou, I'm afraid it has a history of nearly a thousand years!" The man who was questioned didn't turn his head, his eyes kept on the fierce scene on the field, but he explained it to foreigners The origin of this kind of culture can be said to be without delay, "Look carefully, this is the one with two teeth, and the one with four or six teeth is even more intense!"

"Dare to ask brother, what do you say about these two teeth, four teeth, and six teeth?" the officer asked again.

"Oh, you, a foreigner, just watch what you want, how can you have so much to say?" The man was watching intensely, but at the critical moment, he was asked back and forth, and he became anxious, and said: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble. ! Two mouths of teeth is one year of sheep. Four mouths is two years. An Sheng see it!"

The officer looked back at the half-person-high fighting sheep on the sidelines, each tall and fat, and was very happy in his heart. He whistled immediately, and suddenly saw that the team moved, and the people who were happily watching the fighting sheep realized that something was wrong around them. , could not help but panic.Just listen to the officer shouting:

"According to the decree of Gao Taiwei Jun, the commander-in-chief of Tokyo, from now on, the conscript army will collect food and grass on the spot. All the lambs on the pasture will be used for military use. Those who dare to resist mercy will be dealt with by military law!"

Seeing that the army came from Tokyo half a month ago, how could the common people dare to talk too much in front of them?This group of people are thieves in official clothes. The officials are scraping the land in Xingren Mansion, and these low-level officers are fighting the autumn wind outside the city.As a result, many people's homes have suffered seedlings.

But this Xingren Prefecture has been the hometown of martial arts since ancient times, and there are many customs of martial arts among the people. When young and bloody offspring encounter these injustices, it doesn't matter whether you are from Tokyo or Xijing, let's fight!All of a sudden, conflicts broke out, and many deserted imperial soldiers were beaten black and blue.I heard that Gao Lian specially took pictures of the table for this purpose.He said that the Jingdong states have always been a den of bandits.

The commander-in-chief of the conquest army and the Taiwei of the Sanya of the current dynasty slapped the table, who can sit still among the local officials?The magistrate took the lead in the battle, led the yamen servants to catch people quickly, and cooperated with the officers and soldiers to arrest people everywhere. After four or five days of frantic fuss, after filling the government yamen prison to the brim, the commotion among the people was finally temporarily suppressed. It was hard pressed down.

There is no distinction between high and low in military disasters, and now not only the poor and common people suffer from such military disasters, but even the rich and well-to-do households cannot escape.They had no choice but to spend money to buy peace and feed the officials of these bandit soldiers, so as to avoid unreasonable disasters at home.

Originally, I thought that I could live a comfortable life for two days after spending money, but who would have thought that these plague gods would be involved in the annual goat fighting event before the Mid-Autumn Festival?

"Master, it's not Master, this is our fighting sheep, not meat sheep, you can't eat it, Master..." A man in brocade clothes pulled the imperial army who was snatching the sheep, almost pleading.It's not that he can't afford one or two sheep, the key is that this sheep is not an ordinary mutton sheep, but a fighting sheep that has been carefully bred for generations.

"Isn't this animal growing meat? A sheep with meat is a meat sheep. What do you say to me? Get out of the way!" The imperial guard seemed to be a small leader. At this time, he ignored the pleading people, just with his companions, alone Grabbing a leg of lamb, he dragged it out vigorously.

The sheep owners who want to cry without tears, seeing their beloved things being "requisitioned" by the officers and soldiers, are bleeding in their hearts, but they dare not make drastic actions. They are different from those poor households who have nothing Well, even if the officers and soldiers are hated, they just go to Liangshan to join the gang without any ties, and those of them who have families and have land and land can't be so chic.

"Suppressing bandits, I don't know who is a thief and who is a bandit! Liang Shanbo never came to borrow food, but was dragged down by his own army and wanted to die, bah!" Those who can personally participate in sheep fighting (not onlookers) are generally They are well-to-do wealthy households with a good family environment. At this time, even they have begun to question the nature of the officers and soldiers. It has to be said that Liang Shanbo's role as a demon mirror in the past two years has gradually become popular in the hearts of the people.

"Stop!" A group of soldiers and horses passing by on the main road noticed the strange appearance here, and the leader, a white-haired old general, was furious, and shouted to the general beside him: "Go! Ask where the soldiers and horses are from, how dare they fight in broad daylight?" Loot the people!"

"My family's Jiedu envoy asked, who is the leader here!?" Napi general shouted loudly.

The leading officer in this group didn't pay attention to these soldiers from other places at all, and thought: What about Jiedushi?Mei Zhan, the Jiedu Envoy of Yingzhou Runan, and Xiang Yuanzhen, the Jiedu Envoy of Langya Pengcheng who came to join us earlier, are not respectful in front of the Taiwei?I am doing official business today under the order of Taiwei Jun, let's see who dares to stop me! "

"The last general is the commander of the Wansheng First Battalion under the Tokyo Palace Division. He was ordered to collect food and grass for the army. If the general has any doubts, please go to the city to talk to the general's superiors. Please don't hinder the general's execution of official duties!" Seeing this At the scene, the words were soft but tough.

"Nowadays the world has changed, and the thieves have begun to show compassion for the common people, but you are trying to embarrass the officials!" The old Jiedu envoy had a fiery temper, and immediately said: "The commander-in-chief asked you, are you going to withdraw? "

"Please forgive General Mo's life, it's really hard to obey! What are you looking at? Continue to rob!" The commander turned back and shouted coldly. The benefactor's benefactor's military order must be carried out vigorously and resolutely.

"Who is this dog thief under? My old general is Wang Huan, the imperial envoy of Henan and Hebei Jiedu. How dare you disobey?" the general shouted loudly.

"I don't dare to obey orders!" The commander cupped his hands, raised his head and threw out the trump card and said, "The last general will serve the Sanya Gao Taiwei Jun's order, is that enough?"

Hearing the words, the general was very weak, and looked at the commander in surprise, but the old general remained calm and uttered three words: "It's all tied up!"

"Master, this man said that he was following the order of Taiwei Gao..." General Pi persuaded his own family's general instead.

"I said, they are all tied up!" Wang Huan repeated.Originally, he just wanted to scare the tofu soldiers in Tokyo, but he started to tremble, it seemed that his Jiedushi couldn't even scare a dog, how could Wang Huan stop at this time.

The general was helpless, so he had to draw out his saber, and said: "Following the military order of my lord, rebellion is suppressed, and those who dare to resist will be shot to death!"

The commander was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly thought about the way out, thinking that if he just disarmed, he would be looked down upon by the benefactor when he went back, and he would lose his status in front of the Taiwei in the future.Moreover, this Wang Huan is too bullying, relying on himself as Jiedu envoy, he doesn't pay attention to the lower-ranking officers, I will definitely let you fall into a pit today. (to be continued~^~)

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