Water Margin Survival

Chapter 607 Wang Huan with Quite a Character

Seeing that the opponent is only a small commander, he dares to show strength in front of himself.In old Wang Huan's heart, there was only a kind of sadness that the hero was getting old.It seems that the situation in this army has already changed, and the sky has changed.

Think about the ten heroes of their group, when they met the late emperor, they were blessed by God, they endured hardships, waited for the next day, trained soldiers and horses diligently, pointed their swords at the north, what kind of scenery and glory was it?I don't want to be treated coldly in the official family for many years, and now I am reduced to a paper door god in the eyes of the younger generation. It can only be used as a display, not to mention that I can't even scare a dog. Jun Zhi came here to pretend to be a tiger, in a vain attempt to gag himself.

Who is Wang Huan?In the past, the bandits from the outer court, the bandits from the inner peace, and those who were killed in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, who ranked first in the top ten due to their military exploits and prestige, how could they retreat at this time?Not to mention that his vigor is not weakened at this time, even the experience gained from leading troops for many years also told him that he should not be soft at this time, otherwise he will lose his spirit.Seeing that the old general was very determined, he ordered:

"The Qianfeng Battalion listened to the order and handed over the weapons to this general!"

General Pi panicked when he heard the words, and thought that this attack would definitely offend Gao Qiu. He is no more successful than Wang Huan, and he still has a lot of work to do, so he immediately persuaded:

"Master, as the saying goes, beating a dog to bully the master, although this fellow is rude, at least he has obeyed the order of the Taiwei! There is a conflict between the two sides, and the husband is afraid that he will not be able to explain it in front of the Taiwei!"

"Except for today's day, who will I need to explain to?"

Hearing this, Wang Huan looked at the general meaningfully, and said coldly: "The heavenly soldiers who suppressed the bandits are here to disturb the people. Don't be afraid of losing your dignity! Even if these guys don't care about the dignity of the whole family. How can the old man just sit back and watch?" ? You don't want to talk anymore, just follow the order, Gao Qiu, I'll go and talk about it!"

The assistant general saw that he still had doubts and doubts, so he glanced at the chief general awkwardly, and saw that his angry eyes were wide open, and his will was very firm.I had no choice but to send an order, and I saw the first battalion of the vanguard, five hundred brave men, shouting to the vanguard, and the people in the sheep fighting field suddenly boiled, shouting, "Old general, make the decision for us!" Sneered, determined to dig a hole for this veteran.Unexpectedly, he drew his sword and shouted, and gathered the soldiers, as if he wanted to bear it hard.

"This old man doesn't bully his juniors. He is the first battalion, and I will only send one battalion! You can do it yourself. If you can't do this job well, you don't have to come back to see me. Go to the Privy Council to find your seniors and ask for it." transfer order!"

Wang Huan said coldly, saying that the gold-plated Pi will be forced to the forefront, Wang Huan ignored him, and went straight to Xingren Mansion with the remaining soldiers and horses.

Driven into a desperate situation, Pi Jiang took a look at Wang Huan, who was going away, and suddenly turned around, roaring: "You bastard is from Tokyo, you bastard, you are all tied up by me! "


Xingren Mansion, also known as Caozhou.In the first year of Song Huizong's second reign title "Chongning".It was upgraded to a mansion.At this time, in the magistrate's yamen in the city, there were phoenix songs and phoenix dances, and there were endless cheers. It turned out that the officials were considerate of Gao Taiwei's hard work, and specially ordered the Jiaofang Division to send [-] singers and dancers to accompany the army for entertainment. .

It is said that Gao Qiu is sitting high in the government office, with him as the core, sitting on his left is a group of local officials such as the prefect of Xingren prefecture, the general judge, Liang Heng, the military and horse governor, and other local officials. Among the many confidantes he brought from Beijing, the first gentleman, surnamed Sun Mingjing, was very resourceful and well versed in the art of war. He was Gao Qi's first chief of staff.

Sitting next to this gentleman are the three instructors of Tokyo's 80 forbidden troops: Qiu Yue, Zhou Ang, Wang Wenbin, and the two Jiedu envoys Xiang Yuanzhen and Mei Zhan who arrived earlier. He is one of the most powerful generals in the Forbidden Army.

At this time, Gao Qiu is alone in the lead, and the officials are intimidating, and he has long since lost sight of the ruffian that he used to hang out on the streets.

"Report! Wang Huan, the Jiedu envoy of Henan and Hebei, led the [-]th battalion of soldiers and horses, and came to join us!" Hearing the sound of the report, everyone in the hall was alarmed. No worries! Please hurry up!"

Taking advantage of Wang Huan's absence, Sun Jing got up and whispered to Gao Qiu: "Master En, didn't the government order that every Jiedu envoy should bring ten thousand troops each? Why is Wang Jiedu missing a battalion? I'm afraid there is something strange in here!"

Everyone in the court was no stranger to such things as empty pay, and Gao Qiu didn't take it to heart, saying: "You worry too much! There are some things that need not be explained too clearly!"

"It's really rare for Prime Minister En to consider everything for the people below! However, this General Wang Huan has always kept himself clean, and it's normal for each battalion to have different numbers of soldiers, but we can't lose the number of a battalion out of thin air, right? It's too ugly to eat like this, and it doesn't look like General Wang's style!" Sun Jing was careful, but from this report, she could hear something was wrong.

Hearing this, Gao Qiu frowned, nodded slightly, and told Sun Jing to go down.Not long after, I saw Wang Huan walking into the hall, and suddenly found that the hall of the magistrate's yamen had become a place of entertainment. He secretly sighed unconsciously, and had to meet Gao Qiu patiently. Gao Qiu stood up with a smile, slapped his hands, and told all the dancing girls to back off, while he went up to Wang Huan himself, held his hand and said, "Since the old general is here, I will be carefree!"

Wang Huan withdrew his hand, cupped his hand and said: "I'm ashamed, I'm all for the country's suppression of thieves, I don't dare to worry about the Taiwei!"

Gao Qiu laughed, and invited Wang Huan to take a seat, but Wang Huan said bluntly: "Dare to ask the Taiwei, the army seems to be short of food and grass?"

Gao Qiu was startled when he heard the words, and immediately asked, "How did the old general know that?"

"When the last general came, he met a group of people who were robbing the people's property. The leader claimed to be the commander of the Wansheng Battalion. The last general sent someone to arrest him and wait for the Taiwei to be sent down!" Wang Huan didn't bother to go around in circles, so he sent Bring up the matter.

At this time, Gao Qiu hadn't answered yet, the person on his right seat had already got up, and shouted: "Old General Wang, the Wansheng Battalion is performing military duties and raising food and grass for the army. Why did you capture the commander indiscriminately and return them to the army?" Please, the old general, give the subordinate an explanation!"

Wang Huan recognized this person, he was the instructor of the 80 forbidden troops in Tokyo, Qiu Yue, who led the commander of Zuo Yiwei's personal army and escorted the general, only heard him sneer, and said: "Qiu Dutou asked me to explain, then the Who do the common people ask for an explanation? Qiu Dutou, may I come here this time? Is it an order to suppress the thieves, or is it an order to be a thief?"

Qiu Yue's face turned red when he heard the words, thinking that he has many positions, but the position of the head teacher is the lowest, but Wang Huan despises him so much that his lungs are about to explode, but this person is alone in the high position of the Jiedu envoy, Let him be helpless for a while.

See Wang Huan so ignorant of flattery.Gao Qiu, who was originally keen to win over this person, has quietly changed his face. At this time, Sun Jing saw the benefactor's face, and hurriedly got up and said:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! The old general only knows one thing and doesn't know the other. Because of the thieves entrenched in Liangshanpo, it has been difficult for Ji and Yun prefectures to collect food in the past two years, resulting in an empty treasury. Rely on supply from state capitals along the road. When the 13 troops reach the city of Jeju, what will they eat? The thieves are deeply entrenched and cannot be wiped out in a day or two. We still need to make long-term plans, can we prepare in advance?"

"This gentleman makes a good point! Even if the military rations are temporarily in short supply, you can't harass the people. Isn't this a loss of people's hearts? It is said that the gangsters in Liangshan know how to win over the people. Is it true that I am not as good as him when I wait for the officers and soldiers?"

Wang Huan seemed to speak sharply, but in fact, he still showed affection to the group in front of him. Over the years, officials have guarded against themselves and stolen. They just steal and sell the grain in stock, exchange it for gold and silver, and manage their own bosses.There is not enough food for the war now.It's really a big joke in the world to only plunder the common people.

"Then ask General Wang to teach me, what is the best way to save the army from suffering from lack of food?" Gao Qiu was already angry, and the good mood just now was completely disturbed by this old man.If we really want to be held accountable for the lack of food, it's all the fault of the local officials, and it can't be traced to Gao Qiu at all. He is favored by others, but he doesn't know where such a person who accepts death comes out of nowhere!

"Wang Jiedu, in the past two years, there has been chaos in Liangshan, mobs have risen, and they have resisted food and rent. Please Wang Jiedu be considerate of the difficulties of us people! Not only the Cai family is aware of the situation here, but the officials are also very sympathetic to us. Yes!" Without Gao Qiu's words, the prefect of Xingren had already stood up to defend himself.

This civil servant is the magistrate of a state after all, even Wang Huan, who is on the road to the peak of a military official, can't blame him easily. He just looked at Liang Heng and said, "You are the governor of a state's soldiers and horses, and the people under your rule are suffering from military disasters. How can you do that?" Gaotang sit down?"

Seeing that Wang Huan was talking about it, but actually talking about himself, Liang Heng really wanted to reply to him, "None of my business!" Right now, he was full of bitterness and had nowhere to pour out, so he subconsciously went to look at Gao Qiu, but saw the third yatai There was a playful smile on Wei's face, Liang Heng put his heart on hold, and said: "At an extraordinary time, you can't deal with it with common sense! When the army breaks Liangshan, the Taiwei will make his own decision. Since the old Jiedu was ordered to transfer the Taiwei's subordinates Listen to the order, why are you roaring at the court? Still look forward to self-respect!"

Wang Huan was furious, pointing at Liang Heng and was about to curse, when suddenly Xiang Yuanzhen and Mei Zhan stood up, held him down and said, "Brother Wang, let the man go, let the Taiwei do it!" Wang Huan is an old acquaintance, and only heard Xiang Yuanzhen whisper: "If you offend him, you will lose your reputation for the rest of your life. Brother, why do you do this?"

"Taiwei, Wang Jiedu is tired from a long distance. I'll help him go down to rest first, and he will be released immediately!" Mei Zhan pulled Wang Huan and walked out, Gao Qiu didn't say a word.

"This, Taiwei, these Jiedu envoys have really been in charge for a long time, and they have developed a temper! The lower officials must write a letter to the court to reveal the truth!" Xingren Zhifu said angrily.

"I don't want to say too much about the matter of Shangzuo, so I can do whatever I want!" Gao Qiu waved his hand.

Qiu Yue stepped forward and said, "Master En, what about the grain requisition?"

Gao Qiu stared, and shouted: "I didn't listen to what I said, so do whatever you want!"

"Yes! The young general takes orders!" Seeing that the coach of the 80 forbidden army looked extremely submissive, he bowed his hands and retreated.

Sun Jing looked on coldly, thinking that Wang Huan is really a brain, no wonder the whole court doesn't like him, if it wasn't for the bandits needing to rely on him, the Taiwei would give him a good look?A leader of the army dares to speak out in public in front of the public, forgetting how Di Qing died?

People, it doesn't matter if you can't think about it, don't look for death yourself!Thanks to his age, this man has almost lived like a dog, and even the Taiwei can't learn half a trick.Previously, Gao Yanei did whatever he wanted in Tokyo, which was intentionally indulged by his own Taiwei. Isn't it just for self-defilement?At this time, for the sake of official business, what is it to rob a few ordinary people, the officials are afraid that they will secretly rejoice, the more they are those who hold military power, the more they are scolded by the world, the more secure their positions will be.It's just such a dead-headed person, but he can still sit on the high position of Jiedushi, what kind of shit luck did he step on.


Just as Gao Qiu calmed down, seeing another urgent report, he said angrily, "What's the matter!" It seemed that he was far from being as calm as he appeared on the surface, but in fact Wang Huan was very angry, and all the slang in the market came out all at once.

"Report, Liu Menglong's entire army was wiped out under the command of the Jiankang Navy Navy, and the whereabouts of the three generals Niu Bangxi, Dang Shiying, and Dang Shixiong are unknown..." The officer who reported the news knew that he was here to report a funeral, and his heart was guilty. As soon as Qiu drank, his voice became smaller and smaller.

There was a crisp sound of "Kang Dang", and a precious tea set was knocked down by Gao Qi, fell on the steps and shattered. (to be continued~^~)

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