Water Margin Survival

Chapter 617 I Have a Fate

"Everyone, the mood is not very high!"

Seeing off the Liangshan Fleet sailing away, Wang Lun did not go back to the Juyi Hall when he saw that the leaders of the village were all looking at him and waiting for instructions. The morning meeting was held, and the first sentence pointed to the dispirited infantry leaders.

"They eat meat, and we look at it, and we still have to laugh foolishly with it? The military master brother will make fun of us!"

Only a black man in the crowd yelled.All the leaders present did not need to look to know who was speaking.Besides him in the cottage, who else would dare to call Wang Lun's "Military Adviser" brother?Only Liu Menglong, Niu Bangxi, and Ren Yuan, the three newcomers, cast doubtful eyes on the three military advisers present without knowing what was going on.

Wang Lun laughed, glanced at more than a dozen infantry leaders in turn, and said with a smile: "I asked you to choose people yesterday, but your vision is so high that it is even more difficult than picking the champion! It is obvious that there are more than 6000 people in the imperial army. , your eight infantry battalions combined (Shi Jin and Yuan Lang are in Korea) only required less than 900 people! In the end, even Coach Wang was alarmed! Brother, do you blame me for this?"

"Who said it's your fault!" Xuan Ji muttered, and then said: "I can't pick anyone who is pleasing to the eye! Besides, who knows that Mr. Luan's eyes are so poisonous, and he will pull away anyone who is pleasing to the eye. It's gone! I can't grab him to win!"

Shan Shiqi couldn't help lowering his head and grinning secretly when he saw that.When Luan Tingyu saw his name, Luan Tingyu also smiled and said: "Li Dutong, I only selected 67 people. If I really miss and choose someone you like, I will let you all. Is it possible?"

For mullet.Including Yuan Lang, Luan Tingyu has always felt guilty when speaking from his heart.Because in the selection of the five tiger generals of the infantry, when it comes to personal martial arts and the origin with the cottage, the former is still close to equal, but the latter is far behind.

Wang Lun promoted him to such a height without warning.If Luan Tingyu said that there was no touch in his heart, it would be a lie.But the two most competitive chiefs lost the election. Although he had no direct relationship with him, he always felt that he owed Li and Yuan something.At this moment, there was a chance to make up for the guilt in his heart, so Luan Tingyu blurted out the words without any hesitation.

Luan Tingyu was born as a teacher, so her vision for selecting seedlings is impeccable.Shan Shiqi, who got cheap money, wanted to make a fortune silently, but he didn't know that his master wanted to spit out what he swallowed, which would kill him.Immediately shouted:

"Oh my god! There were 67 people yesterday, but we only selected [-] people, one out of a hundred, so pitifully small! Brother Yu, all the brothers in your army were killed in the sea of ​​corpses and blood. Where is the lack of heroes? You are really lacking. Then we are even more lacking! Anyway, you have to leave a way for us new troops to survive!"

He saw that his master and his disciples carried forward the same style.One kept complaining, his brain was not enough, and he said after a long time: "You two, master and apprentice, are singing love and love with me, don't you?"

When everyone saw it, they all burst into laughter, and the two Ma brothers laughed and booed even more at this time, complaining that they would not give the new army a living.But they are all from Jinghu, so they are not afraid of being offended by their fellow villagers.Luan Tingyu saw that he was getting squeezed by everyone, so he hurriedly said: "Shiqi is naughty, he is used to playing around, so don't take it seriously. I will naturally accept what I say!"

Yan Jiao is a straightforward person. When he heard the words, he turned from anger to joy, and shouted: "I don't have to ask for yours. Next time, if there is another good thing, you have to help me pick it!"

"No problem! If Master doesn't come, I will choose for the elder brother of the Li family!" Seeing that Xuan Yuan actually made this request, Shan Shiqi rushed to answer for the master.

"Who do you choose? You are not as good as me!" Xuan Yuan said in disgust, causing everyone to burst into laughter again.Shan Shiqi turned his head back, and said to Luan Tingyu solemnly: "Master, you have to entrust all your housekeeping skills to me!"

In front of the Golden Beach yesterday, not only the sailors were selected, but also the infantry soldiers from Qingzhou and Zizhou. At that time, Liu Menglong's navy was very popular, and they were basically selected.Only the Forbidden Army in Zizhou and Qingzhou were suspected by everyone. These more than 6000 captive soldiers wanted to be recruited by Liangshan, but the leaders of these infantry troops had too high a vision. After the selection, on average, each battalion was replenished. About one hundred people.

The remaining officers and soldiers who were picked up would be disgusted by the strong when they saw the fallen grass. They were already emotionally unstable, and coupled with the gossip that came from nowhere, saying that they were going to be sent overseas to do coolies, everyone burst into tears. Ask Liangshan to give a way out.Zhu Wu, who was dedicated to doing ideological work for the surrendered soldiers, couldn't laugh or cry, and finally invited Wang Jin's master, and selected another [-] people from among these people, and finally handed them over to Zhu Dian, who didn't dislike them, and accepted them all. .

With the source of supplementary troops in front of him, he could expand the army without moving. Wang Lun understood the thoughts of the leaders of the infantry army too well. I am afraid that they all focused on the soldiers under Jiu Jiedu.

It is said that when Xu Jing gave lectures in the martial arts hall, he often talked to them about the benefits of these soldiers. He said that besides the Western Army, the Song Dynasty seemed to be the most proficient soldiers and horses in the Nine Towns among the local armies.

Of course Wang Lun would not poke them.Seeing that the leaders are holding back at this time, it is actually beneficial.At least the influx of a large number of recruits in a short period of time will definitely dilute the combat effectiveness of any powerful force.Moreover, if everyone expands the army according to the bold and unrestrained way of the navy, Wang Lun is learning the secret method of turning beans into an army, and it may be too late.

Speaking of which, there are also quite a few copycats of reserve soldiers, from the garrison new barracks where Lin Chong and Wang Jin served as the instructors, to the reserve troops of the horse, infantry, and water armies, after this period of accumulation, it can be said that they are fully staffed.

But the reserve army is only enough for horses and infantry to supplement their attrition in Goryeo.As for the recruit battalions of the garrison, although there are famous teachers and professors, the time for soldiers to enlist in the army is generally short, and they have not gone through the selection process from "startup battalions" to "checkpoint defenders" to "reserves of various armies" and finally to "field troops". It is inappropriate to be stationed directly in the first-line team that is about to face a big battle.Therefore, Wang Lun plans to transfer them to Chao Gai and Deng Fei's subordinates, where the pressure is not so great, and they will grow up while training.

Thinking that even Erlong Mountain, which has natural dangers, was almost taken down by Pang Yi, Dang Shiying and Dang Shixiong, this lesson made him deeply understand the disadvantages of insufficient manpower in each branch.There is a word in military jargon called standing by and waiting for help.But at least you have to hold out until reinforcements arrive, right?Each sub-village has ten battalions with a total of 5000 men and horses, which are on par with Jeju Island. This is the bottom line set by Wang Lun.Moreover, these ten battalions included two battalions of horse troops.

In this way, the demand for soldiers is not a small number. Fortunately, Qingyun Mountain has established a stronghold for a year or two.After self-recruitment, the defenders have exceeded [-], and there is no need to deploy them from Liangshan.The mouth of the Yellow River is a cooperation village, and no additional troops are considered for the time being.In this way, only Erlong Mountain and Siming Mountain are in urgent need of manpower. Even so, the new barracks have been emptied out, and even the garrison guarding the six passes have been mobilized to build the skeleton of the two villages. .

This situation made Du Qian complain endlessly. "Every time you expand your army, we reduce your number of people. We didn't complain, but you think it's annoying?"

"If the surrendered soldiers can fight like the Jinling Navy, our cottage will not be short of manpower. Seeing that more than 3000 people are about to be sent to Brother Tao, we still have to recruit troops from the six-pass garrison, alas. I don't know how rotten the Great Song Forbidden Army is!"

At this time Tang Bin said something fair.To say that he is considered an outsider, anyway, the expansion of the army has nothing to do with the Ma Jun, but the Ma Jun's reserve army is divided equally, which can be regarded as maintaining the level before the Korean expedition.

Liu Menglong felt a little relieved when he heard Tang Bin's words.These subordinates who turned against each other did not recognize themselves, but they could not deny the credit for training them.This is Liu Menglong's capital, as long as he is given enough time and trust, he can still repeat himself in the past.

"If the court is rotten, it will be rotten. Brother, what are you doing with your leisure time? It doesn't matter if there is a lack of people. Let's wait for Gao Qiu to come. Let's talk about it!" Zhang Qing laughed, and his words immediately opened up everyone's chatterbox Talk about the composition of Gao Li's conscript army.

"My little brother suggests, don't fight with Gao Qiu Lu, the best is to avoid his edge!" Amidst the sound of the main battle, a different kind appeared. It turned out that Liu Menglong plucked up his courage and sang the opposite tune.

"What's your opinion, why don't you tell me!" Wang Lun said, looking at Liu Menglong, this man is quite capable, and if he was not only a little bit lucky, he might succeed at both ends.

Liu Menglong had already felt dozens of unkind eyes falling on him, secretly blaming himself for being too reckless, but fortunately he won Wang Lun's response, and quickly said: "Although the soldiers of my brothers are extremely powerful, but if you kill one thousand, you will hurt yourself three hundred. How to get a good deal?" He temporarily changed a word of this saying in order to win the favor of everyone, but there is no way, after 20 years in the officialdom, it is difficult not to think about everything, this habit is really deep in the bone marrow.

"Keep talking!" Wang Lun replied three words without comment.

"If we don't go down, Gao Lian won't be able to come up. If this guy can't come up, he has to find a way to get up! At this time, there are only fishing boats in the eight hundred miles of water. He can't ask the fishermen in this lake to make a living. Should he be a sailor?" Liu Menglong didn't dare to show off anymore, and looked back at Niu Bangxi, and said:

"Niu Tou-ling told my younger brother that if Gao Qiu's disposition could tell me that... the entire Jinling navy was wiped out, the order to redeploy the ship has already been issued. What my younger brother means is that we should wait and say Maybe he sent another batch of sailors to our cottage to join the gang, maybe it's also possible!" After Liu Menglong finished speaking, he seemed a little unsure, and added:

"Do you think there are any strong people in the Jiangnan Navy? Why don't they come here to send people and ships? As long as our cottage remains unchanged, it is enough to make Gao Li go around without eating!"

As soon as Liu Menglong's words came out, all the leaders immediately discussed, some praised him, and some despised him, most of them praised him because his strategy was not bad, waiting for work with ease, using advantages to disadvantages, are the best strategies for using troops.Most of the contestants questioned his character, but not many people opposed this strategy.

From this plan alone, Wang Lun saw that this person had spent a lot of time, nodded, and affirmed him: "The decisive battle on the water is indeed the most ideal, but we still need to sit down and discuss this matter carefully." , I hope it will come true!"

Seeing Wang Lun affirming his opinion, Liu Menglong was overjoyed, but felt that Wang Lun's words had a bleak taste, as if there were loopholes in his suggestion?

It's a pity that Wang Lun didn't say anything more. After a few words of encouragement to Liu Menglong, he announced the end of today's morning meeting. After all the leaders retired, Wang Lun, who stayed where he was, said frankly in front of the three military advisers:

"Liu Menglong's plan is good, but he 'knows only one thing but not the other'. The decisive battle on the water is the best, but unfortunately, I have a fate!"

Xiao, Xu, and Zhu looked at each other, and they all understood what Wang Lun meant by "Mingmen", and said in unison: "Isn't Gao Qiu so shameless?" (To be continued~^~)

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