Water Margin Survival

Chapter 618 Gao Li is So Shameless

Frost in late autumn, leaves rustling, and autumn days are long, full of meaning.

It is said that Yunzhou, a great city with good politics and harmonious people, has been disturbed and panicked these few days.Menacing officers and soldiers are everywhere, whether it is the bustling state city or as far as the remote countryside, you can see these headless flies running around.

According to a leak from a well-informed person, this is the secret operation of the conscript army who just arrived in the city and stationed in the city, hunting and arresting Liangshan strongmen.

At this time, in Zhizhou Yamen, a middle-aged scribe sat with his confidant and aide, looking at each other speechlessly.

After a long while, the master's voice of complaint broke the peace of the government office: "Master, this Ji Zhongduan's good trick has caused a lot of trouble in our Yunzhou! It is clear that Liangshan Po belongs to Jeju, but the imperial court has repeatedly conquered Liangshan. , all the places to stay are in our Yunzhou, what a hell!"

This middle-aged man, who was newly appointed as the prefect of Yunzhou, seemed to be about forty years old, and he was in the prime of his life when he was developing his ambitions. Unexpectedly, he took over the post of Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Hou Meng's younger brother Hou Fa, and asked the imperial court to send him here. An official next to the robber's den.At this time, when he heard the master blame Zhang Shuye, he shook his head and said:

"Ji Zhong is not to blame for this matter, he sent a secret letter last month and told me he knew the clue!"

It could be seen that the Zhizhou trusted the staff in front of him very much, but even so, he kept his mouth shut and did not reveal the specific content of Zhang Shuye's letter.

The master knew the rules and didn't ask too many questions, but he was able to sit firmly in this position, and he had his own skills, and expressed his emotion to the benefactor:

"Doesn't that mean that our Qingming parent official is going to take action against Wang Lun who protects the people? He is full of strategies to save the world and change the times. If he can't use it himself, the Liangshan Po has been realized for him. Now he But wanting to take pictures of Wang Lun, the world is really unpredictable!"

The magistrate was silent when he heard the words, and said after a long while: "The court's selection of scholars is biased! People like Wang Lun actually let him live in the rivers and lakes. After all, such embarrassing things happened-the court's prestige among the people is not as good as it is. A strong man, it is a big joke in the world! Lords of the world!"

"If that prime minister was Kuangshi, my Song Dynasty wouldn't be full of thieves! Just as Tian Hu proclaimed the false emperor, there was a riot here, hehe, one after another, it's very lively!"

Master's survival philosophy is to pursue the benefactor closely, which can be said to be prosperous for all, and all for loss.His benefactor was originally going to Jingzhao Mansion to become the magistrate.Unexpectedly, with a slight word from the big boss in the court, he asked the officials to "assign" him to this Yunzhou, and entertained people with the nonsense that he would be upgraded to Dongping Mansion soon.Not to mention upgrading to a mansion, but to list Yunzhou as the fifth capital of the Song Dynasty. Your official department sent a document to ask the officialdom to see who is willing to come over?certainly.Except for Zonglaozhi County in Yuncheng County.He has always been inclined towards Tiger Mountain.

"In my opinion, Wang Lun is not like such a brainless person who puts himself on the fire!" Na Zhizhou frowned deeply in thought, and said uncertainly: "I don't believe in God's will, I'm afraid there are people under him I wanted to flatter, but I ended up slapping on the horse's hooves, causing this lawsuit!"

"What Xianggong said is true! It seems that someone wants to push Wang Lun. This group of strong men have a lot of ambition!" The master seconded: "It's just that once Gao Taiwei's army arrives, the people in the city will have no way out. Today's big Long ago, a group of common people carried the corpse to the gate of the city and cried, saying that they delayed the free clinic in Liangshan and caused the death of the patient. I need to ask the current Taiwei for an explanation!"

"When did it happen?" The magistrate stood up in shock and asked, "Where are the people now?"

"How many of the people who asked Gao Qiu to explain to him ended well? This person has already been arrested by Gao Qiu's men!" the master sighed.

"Prepare the sedan chair! I want to meet Gao Qiu!" Na Zhizhou was not official when he chatted with the master, but when it came to the matters of his own three-acre land, he was like an old hen protecting its cubs.

Seeing that Zhizhou had already walked out of the door, the master shook his head, chased after him and persuaded him, "Master, this Gao..." Before he finished speaking, Gao Qi's driver had arrived at the prefectural office, the master cursed secretly, and followed Zhizhou Let's meet each other.

"Chen Zhizhou, you came at a good time. How is the preparation of the food and grass that the commander needs?" Gao Qiu didn't talk nonsense as soon as they met, straight to the point.

Chen Zhizhou was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "The [-] shi of grain and grass in the treasury have already been prepared, and we just wait for the army to receive them!"

"A mere 12 shi is enough to feed my [-] troops for a few days?" Gao Qiu looked dismissive. Did not hug.Gao Qiu originally wanted to show kindness and accept him as a person in the pocket, so as to expand his influence among the civil servants, but he didn't know how to praise him, no wonder he was "assigned" to this Yunzhou as an official, not without cause and effect of.

"The imperial court's conquest of Liangshanbo is not a matter of the lower officials in Yunzhou. The Taiwei can draw up an order and issue it to the surrounding state capitals, asking them to escort the army and help them!" The last dignity in front of the favored military officials.

"Chen Wenzhao, are you teaching me what to do?" Gao Qiu snorted coldly, and issued an ultimatum: "If you don't get 20 shi of food within three days, you can do it yourself! Don't force me Do it yourself!" After Gao Qiu finished speaking, he turned around and left without entering the yamen.Unlike in Xingren Mansion, his camp is located in the magnificent courtyard of a wealthy family in the city.It really complies with the old saying that people are divided into groups and birds of a feather flock together.

"As for the military rations, I will try my best to raise them to ensure the supply of food and grass for the army!" Chen Wenzhao stopped Gao Qiu, who was leaving in a huff, and said, "I heard that the Taiwei captured a group of people wearing filial piety today. I am the magistrate of Yunzhou , and ask the Taiwei to hand over the person to the next official!"

In fact, speaking of it, this group of people is insignificant, if it were other dignitaries who knew the state, Gao Qiu might have gotten along with them.But Chen Wenzhao asked him for someone in such a tone, which made him keenly aware that this person would urinate on himself even if he didn't want to urinate in the same pot as him.

"Come on, hand over the group of people who have opened up the eyes of Liangshan bandits to Chen Zhizhou!" Gao Qiu rolled his eyes and gave an order unexpectedly.

The left and right didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly sent orders to go.Uncharacteristically, Gao Qiu smiled at Chen Wenzhao.Then he left the yamen with a smile.

Chen Wenzhao and Master looked at each other.The indescribable complexity in the eyes.Gao Qiu's move was obviously on the general's part. Just now, the army was short of supplies, and there was a reason for the incident. He told the truth and made troubles in the court, so he could not be blamed for his crime.But under the banner of Liangshan, these people approached Gao Qiu at the gate of the city to ask for an explanation, if they let them all go.He happened to be caught by Gao Lian's treachery, and he wrote a letter to himself. This impression of adultery or sympathy for Liang Shan is probably planted in the hearts of the officials.

"Sir, what should I do?" The master looked at Gao Qiu's back, crying in his heart.This benevolent official is good at everything, but there is no one up there, and now that Gao Lian wants to tease him, there is no one to talk to.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. You start to raise military rations now, don't leave any excuses for Gao Qi! Don't engage in forced conscripts, speak more good words to the wealthy households in the city, if it doesn't work, I'll come forward!" Chen Wenzhao said , but there was not much disappointment on his face.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.In the other courtyard where Gao Lian lives.Suddenly there was a roar of anger, and I saw one of Gao Qiu's aides throwing a tantrum at the officials of Yunzhou:

"Fifty-five thousand shi!? You should be sent as a beggar!? Tell you Chen Zhizhou to come to see my Taiwei, and speak clearly! Don't think that you have been fooled by imprisoning those unscrupulous people! The imperial court raised you to relieve the country's worries , not for dry rice!"

The official was obedient, and went out in a cold sweat.Although in Yunzhou, Chen Wenzhao is heaven, but if this heavenly master wants to wrestle with the Sanya Taiwei from Tokyo, he will undoubtedly be playing with his arms.When gods fight, it's always the kid who suffers!For those of them who are caught in the middle, this kind of thing is simply a disaster.

The staff saw that the Yunzhou officials had left.The anger on his face disappeared instantly, as if he had pretended just now.He immediately turned his head and saluted Gao Qiu, and said with a sly smile: "The scenes that need to be done are gone, we can start as planned! At that time, even if someone in the court criticizes Enxiang, we will have something to say!"

Gao Qiu was very satisfied with his staff, praised him a few words, and made a wish: "Your brother Sun Gao, I have meant to praise him for a long time, and it will be in his own interest to calm the bandits in Liangshan!"

Seeing Gao Qiu's kindness, Sun Jing hurriedly stepped forward to thank him, and Gao Qiu said a few words about her own future, which whetted Sun Jing's appetite, so she stopped talking, and just invited a dozen generals to accompany the army.After all the generals have finished seeing each other, they return to their respective positions. Only Gao Qiu said:

"Generals, it's been a long time since our army came here. I have sent people to fight several times, but the Liangshan bandits refused to show their face. It seems that this battle will not be successful in a short time! Right now, the prefect of Yunzhou is not good at raising rations. I have to deal with him, let’s not talk about him! I intend to raise food around this pond, which general is willing to share my worries?"

As soon as Gao Qiu's words fell, Qiu Yue, the head of the 80 imperial guards, came out and said, "The young general is willing to share the worries of the Taiwei!"

Gao Qiu made a nasal sound contentedly, glanced at Qiu Yue appreciatively, and continued to ask: "Is there any general who is willing to share the country's worries!"

Zhou Ang followed closely behind, and expressed his opinion in front of Gao Qiu: "The young general is willing to go!"

At this time, Gao Qiu was not as excited as before, but looked at Wang Wenbin with deep eyes. This man was single-handedly picked up by himself. Have an idea!

"Coach Wang! Why are you so preoccupied?"

Gao Qiu's unhurried questioning pushed Wang Wenbin to a dead end. Compared with Jiu Jiedu, they are all Gao Qiu's hardcore. At this time, a slight movement is enough to cause a gap in Gao Qiu's heart. , sighed secretly, and suddenly said decisively: "The young general is willing to go with the two generals!"

Gao Qiu glanced at Wang Wenbin meaningfully, causing the latter to break out in a cold sweat. Gao Qiu didn't say anything, but just set his eyes on the nine Jiedu envoys under his command. I looked at him, but he didn't speak. Only one veteran came forward and said bluntly: "Didn't the Taiwei raise food and grass in Xingren Mansion that day? The commotion made the people in the city restless. Do you want to perform it again in this Yunzhou? The Taiwei is Your majesty's important minister, you still have to save some face for the court!"

It's Wang Huan again!

Thinking that Gao Qiu repeatedly told him to attack him, if he had followed his temperament, he would have killed this person long ago.But thinking that the enemy is in front of him, he still needs to use him, so he doesn't care about it at this time, and just said:

"The old general is a senior general in the army. How can he not know the truth that the food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses are moved? My army of 12 people eats horse chews every day. How much food and grass does it cost? Thinking about the large number of people that my commander reassigned from Jiangnan The fleet has not yet arrived, and the Liangshan bandits are cowering in the bandit's den, and they don't know how long they will be stationed. If my commander has no foresight, is he just waiting to sit and eat the mountain?"

"The Taiwei's words are wrong! There is a way to raise military rations, but is it the only way to plunder the people? The Taiwei can..."

Another idiot who came to teach himself how to do things!Gao Qiu cursed secretly in his heart, these idiots are really full of shit, can't they see their own strategy at all? (Although it was proposed by Sun Jing, it was Gao Qiu who adopted it.) Thinking that he and the common people have no grievances, why repeat this matter again and again, thinking what banner is Liang Shan playing?It's not easy to think about it with your butt! (to be continued~^~)

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