Water Margin Survival

Chapter 620 Liangshan's gate of life, isn't it the gate of life in Song Dynasty?

Happy new year to all heroes!I wish you all the joy of being a "sheep", the success of your business, the success of your future, the long-term success of your troubles, and the happiness of your every day!


For the people of Yunzhou who have lived on the edge of the water for generations, the sudden rise of the Liangshan Dazhai in the past two years is undoubtedly the most attractive topic of conversation before and after tea and dinner.No matter a peddler, a chariot seller, or a farmer who has been farming for generations and may have never even been out of the county, as long as someone talks about Liangshan, everyone can chime in and wish to say something. Come five, six, seven.

There is no other reason, but the appearance of the "heterogeneous" Wang Lun directly brought earth-shaking changes to the lives of the people down the mountain.After two or three years of contact, Liangshan has long been integrated into their lives and is inseparable.

The most personal experience for the common people is that the rich and powerful households with entangled forces in the villages in the countryside no longer dare to bully others.Not only that, even the minions of the government dare not go to the countryside easily. Even if they come down, they are polite to the people who have no power but are supported by nobles. the untouchables. The word "dignity" has finally given the common people a real understanding of it.

These are only the senses on the spiritual level, but in life, it is even more incredible.

With the measure of free treatment for the sick, Liangshan successfully captured the hearts of the surrounding people.For the vast majority of impoverished and helpless people who have been "enduring minor illnesses and procrastinating serious illnesses" all their lives, let me ask what other measures are available.It can make everyone feel safe and secure.No longer confused about the future?

Even the big households who had to lower the land rent, no one said anything bad about Liangshan's free clinic.It should be known that people eat whole grains, and no one can guarantee that they will not get sick for a lifetime.Right now, Liangshan has the highest level of medical care in the Song Dynasty, and there is no charge for seeing a doctor, but you have to pay for the medicine yourself.But whether Liangshan made money from this matter, the rich men who are most able to plan and count are very clear. At the beginning, there were many rich men who were hostile to Liangshan and had to come to see the doctor.But they bought medicinal materials through other channels, but in the end they found that compared with the medicinal materials in Liangshan, the medicines were inferior and expensive. In the end, many people finally realized the truth and turned back to Liangshan to buy medicines.An Daoquan once inadvertently sighed about this phenomenon, "You take the prescription we prescribed and go outside to buy medicine. For my cottage, the pressure is less!"

It is precisely because it has become a free/affordable medical center for people in several nearby states.The amount of medicinal materials handled by Liangshan in a year can be described as astronomical, and it has faintly become the medicinal material trading center on the East and West Roads of Jingdong. Due to timely payment and excellent reputation, not only the medicinal material dealers in Jingdong, but also the merchants in Hebei and Huainan are not far away.I am very willing to do business with Liangshan, a big customer.

However, the trading of medicinal materials is booming.But it can only reflect one aspect of Liangshanbo's prosperity, and it is not enough to summarize the whole of this cottage.The four hotels on the shore of the water every day, vividly speaking, are completely a temporary market center.

Not to mention the business travelers coming from all directions, as long as the nearby people bring chickens, ducks, mutton, pigs, or fresh vegetables to sell, they will definitely be able to get a fair price for them.If someone encounters some impassable threshold, he only asks to go to the top of Liangshan, and there is nothing wrong with it. Such a move has made many elderly people say "Liangshan is benevolent and righteous!" when they see people.If they have spare time, they will also chatter with others such words as "These two years are the most comfortable days in their lives".

Such generous and beneficial measures are absolutely incomparable to Song Jiang, who is trying to gain fame.Since both benevolence and hypocrisy can win a reputation of protecting righteousness on the green forest road, then the sincere devotion thousands of times beyond the former is enough to make the title of white-clothed scholar a fascinating legend among the people and the world.

However, since Liang Shanbo has undertaken many responsibilities that should have been borne by the court, but has not made any demands on the people, then don't blame the people here who only have Liang Shan in their hearts, but not the clay bodhisattva in Tokyo.

The parents and officials who originally represented the imperial court, in this embarrassing situation, begged to go, and were transferred, which turned into a strange process of removing the dross and extracting the essence from the officialdom of the Song Dynasty.Those who stayed in the end, such as Zhang Shuye in Jeju and Chen Wenzhao in Yunzhou, were all good officials who were disliked by the bureaucracy and sent here. The actual status in the hearts of the people.This is the entanglement that makes them helpless. Originally, the strongman showed his intention to win the hearts of the people, but the court is still in a daze. For such a long time, wherever Wang Lun's power reaches, the world may only hear about Liangshan, and there will be no court anymore. carry on!


"You motherfucker, Gao Popi! We people are easy to bully. You took food and slandered us as thieves! I hate it. I was deceived by lard. The cottage is so good to me, why don't I let it go?" The kid is going to Liangshan!?"

An old man with a wrinkled face was holding his son's still warm body in his arms, and he no longer shy away from yelling at the captain in charge of the army. Beside the road, wailing was mixed with scolding, the appearance was very miserable, and the sound was shrill.

Against the backdrop of this horrific scene, even the murderer, after hearing his curses, did not act rascally any more, but chose to walk away.The old man cried for a long time by the side of the road. From time to time, groups of cavalry roared past, indifferently passing by the person who was supposed to be guarding.

Sun Jing's scheme of exterminating households is indeed enough. Under his calculations, the officers and soldiers at this time have already indiscriminately, and they have begun to use deer as horse, and use knives against the people.

In fact, according to Sun Jing's strategy, he knew how to cover things up, such as sending a group of people to pretend to be Liangshan troops, burn, kill and loot, so naturally Wang Lun couldn't sit still.But in the end it was rejected by Gao Lian. The confidence of the Sanya Taiwei made him disdain to accept the concerns of a cautious staff.He chose to directly send troops and horses, and with the support of the intelligence sent by the secret line, he directly raided the villages that were very close to Liangshan.

And Gao Qiu's reasons are also very good. He thinks that the people around him are bandits, and Liang Shanbo's current climate is inseparable from these ignorant people.

As Zhao Ji's confidant and minister in charge of the army, Gao Qiu deliberately created an unpopular image for himself, Sun Jing could understand, but always felt that he only hugged the official's thigh tightly and ignored everything else, which was a bit distasteful Insurance.In the future, when the officials can't protect him, and he is burdened with overwhelming public anger, how will the end be better?

Every time Sun Jing thought of this, she felt a little at a loss.However, he can always think of ways to comfort himself. After all, today is the heyday of spring and autumn, and it seems that he can sit on the dragon chair for at least 30 years. And 30 years later, is he still the vines entwined on the tree of Gao Qi? ?

That being the case, climb up regardless of the cost!What Liangshan, what Wang Lun, like these innocent people at this time, are Sun Jing's shortcuts to high positions.

But they are all used as stepping stones, some of them are down-to-earth, and naturally some are unwilling to bear this crime.In this "general" action against Liangshan, Gao Qiu can be said to have spotted one person, but at the same time missed another person.

"I'll arrest all these unscrupulous people who are liaising with Liangshan bandits! But if there is any resistance, they will be punished on the spot!"

Qinghe Tianshui Festival Jing Zhong seemed to have found the feeling he had when he was a bandit. Now that he slaughtered innocent people, he felt the pleasure that had been silent for many years.He is different from the other Jiedu envoys who are generally over sixty years old. Jing Zhong is only in his early fifties, only slightly older than Yang Wenwen and Han Cunbao. of.

As for how to keep this title, Jing Zhong made his own choice.

And the 80 Imperial Army's spear and stick instructor Wang Wenbin followed Jing Zhong into battle, somewhat forced.Just because Gao Qiu remembered his hesitation in expressing his position at the military meeting, he specially asked him to follow Jing Zhong, who had taken refuge in Zhejie.Wang Wenbin couldn't help lamenting that the officialdom was even more vicious than the green forest. Qiu Yue, Zhou Ang and Gao Qiu followed closely, but Gao Qiu didn't force them to do this life-saving thing, but he just hesitated for a moment, and the butcher knife was forced Stuffed into my hand, I can't throw it away, and I can't hide it.

"Coach Wang, why are you so dazed?"

Jing Zhong's hateful smile appeared in front of him, Wang Wenbin really wanted to drive the fly away, but he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a cesspit, even if Jing Zhong was gone, there would still be a pile of flies in the future, There is no way to avoid it.

"Coach Lin, coach Lin, it's not easy for you to sit in this position!" Wang Wenbin thought of Lin Chong on Liangshan, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Perhaps, since he succeeded Lin Chong and took the position of the 80-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand gun-stick instructor, he was doomed to betray his dignity and step on the corpses of his colleagues to climb up.

"Coach Lin? Which coach Lin?"

Jing Zhong’s malicious laughter sounded, which made Wang Wenbin stunned. He looked back at Jing Zhong and didn’t answer, but asked: “Jing Jiedu, everything must be done! So let’s do something like this , won’t there be retribution in the future?”

"Contributing to the country, suppressing rebellion and suppressing bandits, how can there be retribution!? I think Coach Wang is thinking too much? As military officers, we only need to follow the orders of our superiors. No matter how much we think, we will not be the champion I can't be the prime minister!" Jing Zhong, who was born in the green forest, couldn't help but sneer at this moment.

Wang Wenbin was obviously stimulated by this disdain, and after holding back for a long time, he decided to say all the panicked words in his heart. No matter what the result was, he had an explanation for himself:

"Suppressing bandits and suppressing rebellion is justified! But the question is, what kind of bandits are we suppressing now? No matter how I look at it, we feel like Liao bandits holding the people to attack the city, waiting for Wang Lun, who plays the role of our Song official army, to open the door to meet the enemy ? Let me ask, is there such an anecdote about suppressing bandits in the world? You are all scheming people, and you can see that these people are the life gate of Liangshan, but don’t you know that they are also the life gate of my Song Dynasty!? "( To be continued~^~)

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