Fertile soil will naturally bear rich fruits.Inheriting China's history of civilization that dominates the universe, even if it has already embarked on a downhill road, the current Song Dynasty will never lack people of insight.

At this time, in the jester Gao Qiu's camp, there are also sensible people, obviously Wang Wenbin can be counted as one of them.It's just that a group of people like him who have not yet lost their conscience, although they have a clear understanding of Gao Qiu's short-sighted approach, and know that this person is vigorously digging the foundation of the court, unfortunately, there is no way to turn things around and return those responsibilities that should have been The people who swore to defend to the death have a bright future.

At this moment, the self-correction function of the Zhao and Song Dynasties was hindered. Fortunately, Wang Lun still remembered the significance of hanging the banner of "walking for the sky".Finally, the day after Gao Qiu went against his will, Liangshan's army, who did not want to sit back and watch the people suffer, descended the mountain and marched into the border of Shouzhang County in great strength and strength.

Unexpectedly, Gao Qiu, who had succeeded in the poisonous plan, was uncharacteristically, and did not immediately agree to a decisive battle with Wang Lun. Instead, he lied and delayed for two days before agreeing to the decisive battle on the next day, as if he was waiting for something.

On the eve of the war, both the offensive and defensive sides are stepping up their rest, waiting for the decisive battle after the sun rises.

This night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and there was no wind.On the vast and boundless lake, hundreds of fishing boats, large and small, are densely scattered, heading north secretly, aiming at Wang Lun's base camp: Liaoerwa.

In other words, this is the first time since the rise of Liangshanbo, someone organized a group of people and planned to launch an attack on Liangshan Island (Liu Menglong surrounded the point to fight for reinforcements, and the entire army was wiped out before entering the lake. Naturally, it does not count).And these people, to be honest, have nothing to do with Gao Lian.Because before Gao Qi came, this group of people gathered together for various reasons had already regarded Liang Shan as a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh, and wished to get rid of it quickly.

"Master, if we walk for a while, we have to put out the torches! Seeing that we are getting closer to Liao'erwa, lest the thieves make us false and guard against it!"

On a large ferry at the protruding part of the fleet, a man with a face as round as a mirror and a color like yellow sand turned his head to ask the people behind him for instructions.Under the flickering light of the fire, it was enough to see that this man was completely naked, exposing snow-covered white flesh, and his belly was huge.The limbs are short and small, so different from ordinary people, it looks a little scary.

"So what if he was prepared! This gang of thieves has been down the mountain for three days, and the navy is moored on the north bank of the great lake. It can be said that they have come out in full force. There are only old, weak, sick, and ignorant people left on the mountain. No matter how many people there are. Use? Let my wife and I have three thousand or five thousand hard-working and courageous men, plus three thousand officers and soldiers from the imperial court, A Chou, are you afraid?"

The host that the hateful man said hadn't answered yet, but a woman beside him sneered and snatched up the words.Hearing the woman's ridicule, the ugly man couldn't help lowering his eyebrows and saying "dare not".Looking at his face, it seemed that he was very afraid of the mistress, but at this moment the master spoke up and relieved him:

"Pile up flowers. Stay safe and don't be impatient! As the saying goes, be careful sailing for ten thousand years. It's better for us to catch him off guard than to head-on with the thieves! You don't know something. Think about this Liangshan gangster, which is different from other mobs. There are only 2000 direct descendants around us, and most of the rest are borrowed by wealthy landowners from various places. If you can be cautious, you should be more cautious! Also, the Shen family brothers are good men, if they are timid, Are you willing to cross us to take revenge? Even though you and I are skilled in martial arts, we can't fly up to Liangshan through this vast wild water?"

It is said that this woman is named "Duihua" because she likes to arrange flower branches. At this time, her man called out her boudoir name in front of everyone. Going is for revenge, you should still be at home!"

The man smiled when he heard the words, but inadvertently glanced coldly at the dark road ahead, the calmness in his eyes was completely driven away by the ferocity, and he also said with a sneer: "This group of thieves who were struck by lightning, my Zhao family has never provoked them." For the sake of Li Yun, who was not compatible with each other, he first killed Hua Diao and Jinzhuang, and then destroyed the incense fire of my Zhao family. The mountains are all scorched!"

Seeing her man getting angry, the woman restrained herself a little, but turned to face Mr. Wenmian beside her and said, "Mr. Shi, in your opinion, is Shi Wengong trustworthy?"

As soon as this remark came out, that Ah Chou immediately slandered in his stomach. At this moment, the arrow had already been released from the string, but he still asked such ugly words, what was he trying to do?If you can't believe it, why do you have this line?This woman has always been troublesome, and it seems that she doesn't care about the occasion.

Fortunately, the person called Mr. Shi was a good-tempered person, and he didn't take offense when he heard the words, but he just calmed down the woman's heart, and said slowly:

"Although Shi Wengong didn't have much acquaintance with me, he is an outstanding person in my family. I know a thing or two about him. I think he has taught himself a world-class martial arts, and he is full of hope to serve the court, and he can win a wife's shadow." It's a pity that I have never been able to get in, and I have found another way to live in Zengtou City. I was captured by Liangshan before. If Wang Lun is so talkative and pulls him into the gang, I really don't have much confidence in persuading him. Rebellion. Who knows that Wang Lun is a man with a vain reputation. With Shi Wengong's talent as a great general, he is forced to serve as a pickpocket and humble servant, showing humiliation and torture. How can Shi Wengong not hate it? According to Xiaosheng, Shi Wengong This time, I sincerely serve us, but..."

Speaking of later, the woman was a little displeased with the writing and writing, because both of her husband and wife were excellent martial artists, and her husband had a lot of friends when he was young, and he learned a good skill when he went out, so far he has few rivals.And the sixteen throwing knives of her own couldn't even be picked up by her own men, and they were not less bloody. Who would have thought that Mr. Shi, who had just joined the job not long ago, kept saying that Shi Wengong's unrivaled martial arts skills and general talent made her feel in her heart. How to use it?Just as he was about to say a few words to squeeze him, he didn't expect that the person next to his pillow had already guessed his thoughts and spoke ahead of time:

"Mr. Gu Gong, there is no outsider on board, in front of my wife and I, there is nothing wrong with speaking!"

The gentleman smiled when he saw the talk, looked at the couple and said: "I also ask the virtuous Liang Meng to help Zhang Xianggong a little bit, and promised Shi Wengong's future earlier, so don't lose your word!"

"As long as the Liangshan bandits are wiped out, it must be a great contribution. Don't talk about Zhang Taishou Shuye. Even in front of Gao Qiu and Gao Taiwei. My husband and wife will try our best to recommend it!" The man smiled and promised, looking at the scene again Shi Gu smiled and said: "Even sir, you don't have to live in a hut at that time, the imperial court must have Bole who knows people!"

The man who spoke looked less than 40 years old, and his words were very sophisticated. It seemed that his win over people's hearts did not happen overnight, otherwise it would not be possible to call Liangshan in his hometown to break through.Another two thousand unruly people were recruited, thinking about going to Liangshan for revenge all day long.

"Then I will borrow a good word from the owner!" Shi Gu Gong clasped his fists and thanked.I want to say that the surrender of Shi Wengong came from his suggestion, and it can be regarded as a great gift for him to serve. For some reason, the people who come out of their Shijiazhuang always have a rougher life than others, so Shi Wengong can't go to the court. He can only live in Zengtou City, and he.What's more, he couldn't find anything in the East, and he couldn't find anything in the West. In the end, he met Zhao Xin who destroyed his family and fled, and started a new stove. This is what happened today.

"If the event is successful, I will live up to Your Excellency! Shen Boer, put out the fire!" Zhao Xin waved his hand.Full of pride.

Ah Chou, who was in command of the fleet, got his master's order and took the lead in extinguishing the torches on his own ship. Seeing this, the surrounding ships followed suit and extinguished the torches on board one after another, but the boundless darkness began to spread in the fleet. Come.

"Brother, the boat in front is putting out the torches. I think it's about to reach the thief's lair. Let's put it out too!" A young man in the middle of the fleet saw this.He turned back and asked his brother for instructions.If you look carefully, this person is clearly the envoy from Jeju who went to Gaoqiu in Xingren Mansion before, Zhang Shuye's youngest son, Zhang Zhongxiong.

The elder brother let out a "hmm" and dipped the torch into the water. With the sound of "Ziz", the flame suddenly turned into a trace of green smoke. Said: "Why is brother like this? Is it because you are afraid that this trip will be useless?"

"Gao Taiwei forced the Liangshan bandits to come out of their nests. Right now, the bandits' dens are empty. We have Shi Wengong leading a group of people to respond internally. Zhao Xin and his wife, who are the vanguards, are both brave enough to coordinate. Shen Bo'er of the fleet is also accustomed to walking by water. Just because he was afraid of making trouble, these civilian ships were collected after nightfall, brother, all of these are in your calculations, so perfect, what am I afraid of?" Then Brother smiled wryly.

Zhang Zhongxiong, who was in a state of excitement, didn't notice the self-mockery in his brother Zhang Bofen's tone. Instead, these words aroused the old things he was proud of.Back then when Liang Shan robbed his house in Jeju and burned a lot of land deeds, he was the first to see the opportunity contained in it, and he told his father Zhang Shuye several times that he wanted to use these fields as bait to attract Jingdong tycoons to enter Jeju to fight against Liangshan The Zhaoxin and Gaoliang couple who took the lead this time missed Xiao Jiasui who led the brigade to the village to rescue Li Yun because they met with him to discuss buying land at a low price.

"The broken thief is only in front of my eyes, why is my brother so unhappy?" Zhang Zhongxiong asked.

"Zhong Xiong, have you ever thought about what is the reason why Liangshan bandits are taken advantage of by us? If Gao Taiwei hadn't killed the people in Yunzhou, this Liangshanbo would have come out in full force? Think of us dignified officers and soldiers, On behalf of the Son of Heaven and the imperial court, you actually want to do such a thing to lure the snake out of the hole, think about it afterwards, can you live with your conscience?" Zhang Bofen shook his head.

"As the saying goes: there is no second day in the sky, how dare this Wang Lun do justice for the sky! We brothers have worked hard for a year or two, just for this moment? If Liangshan bandits are allowed to sit on the throne, I am afraid that the country will have no peace. !" Zhang Zhongxiong didn't directly respond to his brother's question, but just said to himself.

Seeing that his elder brother remained silent for a while, Zhang Zhongxiong said to himself: "When the Liangshan bandits are wiped out, father will contact the prefects of the states around Shuibo to write a letter, asking the officials to exempt the taxes of several states. Will the common people benefit then?"

Speaking of the four words of benefiting the people, Zhang Zhongxiong couldn't help but emphasize his tone, but his brother who remained silent made him feel a little guilty. This passage is not so much to persuade his brother, but to cheer himself up, because he can't I don't admit it, when it comes to benefiting the people, no one has ever been able to compare with Liangshan, and the imperial court after regaining Liaoerwa is even more impossible.

"A thief is a thief after all, killing a thief is all right!" At this moment, a voice sounded from the bottom of Zhang Zhongxiong's heart. For Wang Lun, who had made his father suffer for the past two years, he would not be soft in any case, "Perhaps, I will leave it to you." A complete corpse is my greatest respect!" (to be continued~^~)

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