The morning breeze rolled up a yellow leaf, brushed over the fence of the barracks, and gently fell on the shoulder of a white-haired veteran.Perhaps feeling the coolness of late autumn, the old general tightened the cloak on his shoulders, and arranged for the few subordinates waiting in front of him:

"This morning's meal will be richer. Didn't Chen Zhizhou come to work in the army yesterday? He cooked all the [-] catties of meat he sent. Taking advantage of the time before eating, he put on his war horses. The order to march out may be issued at any time." Don't hold back the army when the time comes!"

"Two thousand catties have been boiled!?" General Pi said in surprise.

The veteran nodded and said: "This meal may be the last meal of many brothers in this life! If the order continues, whoever dares to pick food out of the brothers' mouths, I want his head!"

The old general's temper was well known to his subordinates, and they absolutely kept their promises. After taking orders, the generals all went down to make arrangements.The old general wandered freely in his camp with his hands behind his back.He likes this feeling very much, as if the outside world is complicated, as long as he returns to this three-acre land, he will feel relaxed and free from the inside.Even though the people here have changed from one crop to another, and many old brothers who followed him have been separated, but he still misses this feeling very much. Maybe it's because people get old and become nostalgic.

Inadvertently smelling the smell of meat wafting from the kitchen, he suddenly remembered what he said just now, yes, how long can he eat this bowl of rice by himself?Looking at the upstarts rising in the court, he felt how out of place he was.Maybe, it's time to retreat bravely.

The old general ate breakfast with the soldiers with a sigh of gratitude, and walked to the camp of the Chinese army on foot.Waiting for coach Gao Qiu to raise his account.As soon as you enter the door.Many old men had already arrived first, and when they saw him coming in, they all greeted him with "Morning, General Wang!" and "Have you eaten, Wang Jiedu?"

Wang Huan responded to everyone one by one, then found a chair to lean on, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. He didn't know how long he waited, but Zuo waited silently.Waiting for no one to be seen, Wang Huan had already opened his eyes, looked at Sun Jing, Gao Qiu's aide, and said, "Officer Sun Tui, I have heard that you are someone who knows how to fight soldiers. Land, if you extend too late, you will not be able to form a formation against the enemy. Wouldn’t it be dangerous if you let the thieves take advantage of the situation? This general is already at this age, and martyrdom is a trivial matter, but I don’t know if the captain would like to see this Are there consequences?"

Sun Jing's face froze when she heard the words, and she cursed in her heart: Haoshou old thief, he doesn't say auspicious words so early in the morning.The battle hasn't been fought yet.Chewing what martyrdom?But no matter how angry Sun Jing is, she also knows that this person is far above her, and even Gao Qiu dares to contradict her, so what is she in his eyes?

Sun Jing is a smart person, and he is not prepared to have a direct confrontation with these Jiedu envoys, besides, what this person said is true, if it is really late to set off, then he will end up in a predicament where the front line meets the enemy and the rear line has not yet set off. It's a small matter when people laugh out loud.Losing your life is a big deal.Although these people have their own bad tempers, there are still some goods on them.Precisely because they saw that these people would not be a moth on the issue of exterminating Liangshan, and Taiwei Gao would not tolerate them until now.

"What the old general said is true, I will go to the city to invite the Taiwei to preside over the overall situation!" Sun Jing greeted him with a smile.

A long nasal sound came out of Wang Huan's nasal cavity as an answer.Sun Jing still had a smiling face, politely asked everyone to sit down for a while, and then retreated.The generals in the big tent waited for him to leave, they couldn't help discussing, they were all quite dissatisfied with Gao Qiu's behavior of staying in the city on the eve of the battle.Only the alien Jing Zhong just raised his legs and hummed a ditty with his head shaking, not participating in the complaints of the crowd at all.

The words of complaints could fill the entire tent of the Chinese army. Only then did Gao Qiu, who arrived late, appear in the eyes of everyone. They saw him striding in with Qiu Yue and Zhou Ang with a happy face, and when he came up, he threw a good news:

"The commander received the exact information. In the early morning of last night, several fires suddenly ignited in Liangshan's thief's lair, and it has not stopped until now. It must be that Zhang Zhizhou of Jeju made a great contribution and successfully broke into the thief's lair. We must work hard today. Exterminate this thief and share the worries of the officials!"

The news that Gao Qiu threw out was really explosive, because everyone hadn't received any wind at all. At this time, they suddenly heard that Wang Lun's base camp was attacked by Zhang Shuye. He questioned: "Taiwei, is this news true?"

In the past, Gao Qiu would never have bothered to answer such questions. Although the words that came out of Gao Qiu's mouth could not be said to be golden words, but the gold content was not much different.But this Han Cunbao is not an ordinary person, and at the same time he couldn't stand Gao Qiu's good mood, so he made an exception and said, "General Qiu, let's talk to you gentlemen!"

Qiu Yue bowed his hands to Gao Qiu, and said loudly to the crowd: "The spies sent by the last general were divided into five or seven fishing boats, and they were far away in the water and grass to monitor the movement of the thief's den. It is said that the flames on Liangshan are soaring to the sky, and the shouts of killing can be heard endlessly, so it will be judged in the end that there will be great changes on Liangshan!"

"When the commander-in-chief was in Xingren Mansion, Zhang Shuye had sent his young master to report secretly that they had already planted a detailed work in Liangshanpo. They were the two people named on the so-called stone tablet by Wang Lun. One is Shi Wengong and the other is Su Ding. They used to be martial artists in Zengtou City, Lingzhou, but they were captured by Wang Lun and taken to the mountains as generals to pick up dung. They have been dealing with these filthy things for more than half a year..."

Hearing Gao Qiu's words, all the envoys couldn't help being amazed, even Wang Huan's face changed a little. Although this Shi Wengong is a junior, he is quite famous in the Jianghu. Even the old seniors like them have heard of it. Such a character, was assigned by Wang Lun to pick up dung, and still worked for more than half a year, it was really humiliating!

Seeing that his news had calmed down the group of unruly generals, Gao Qiu felt very relieved, and deliberately asked: "Do you all still think this news is not true?"

Jing Zhong heard Gao Qiu's voice, how could he miss this opportunity to express his opinion?Immediately said: "Half a year ago, he was sent to pick up dung. It is absolutely impossible to prepare for today's event. Could it be that he still expected that my army would conquer him at this time? The thieves are playing with each other in the palm of their hands. The general admires him from the bottom of his heart!"

"I scolded the sycophant next door!" Han Cunbao cursed secretly in his heart.He said to Jing Zhong: "Jeju is only a small state, how many troops can there be? Even if Zhang Zhizhou is asked to attack Liangshan Island, it may not be able to take it all at once. If the attack fails and the island is not captured, the Liangshan bandits will be scared back to their lairs. It’s not beautiful! It’s a pity. If we send reinforcements along the way to attack from both sides, I’m afraid something big will happen!”

Although Han Cunbao was looking at Jing Zhong as he was talking, he could not help but hint at Gao Qiu, Gao Qiu sneered, looked around the crowd and said, "Chen Wenzhao once complained to my commander, saying what book he read the night before, and Wang Lun the next day. You can know the title of the book. If the commander-in-chief dispatches troops with great fanfare, do you want to tell the thief Wang that I want to rob his old lair? Han Jiedu. You are from a scholarly family. Wouldn’t you lose your reputation if you don’t keep secrets? If you don't keep it secret, you will be harmed?"

For a moment Han Cunbao asked Gao Qiu to force him with words, his face flushed red, Gao Qiu was born in a poor family, and he was the most hated to see a family member.Continue to attack him and say: "There are not many officers and troops in Jeju. But Uncle Zhang had a plan in advance. He contacted five thousand people and strong men to seize the island. He measured how many soldiers and horses there could be in Xiaoliang Mountain. He rejected me while rejecting me. Self-preservation?"

Han Cunbao saw that Gao Lian didn't say anything beforehand, but now he used it to show off, and his heart was burning with karma. He thought he was also a majestic Jiedu envoy, so why did he suffer from such arrogance?It's about to happen.Suddenly he felt the person beside him pull him violently, and when he went to look, the person who pulled him had already rushed to take the topic away:

"So, don't miss this opportunity! If the bandits from Liangshan get the news, they will rush back to their lair in all likelihood. No matter how many people Zhang Zhizhou recruits, they won't be able to hold back Wang Lun's return to the teacher. It's a pity that all previous efforts will be wasted! Please also invite the Taiwei Make a decision early!"

Seeing that Yang Wen got to the point, Sun Jing also said: "Master En, what Yang Jiedu said is very true. If we let the thieves go away, we may be in vain to fetch water from the bamboo basket! At that time, Zhang Zhizhou will not be able to justify it! "

"I heard that Zhang Jizhong sent both of his sons to the island this time. This commander really can't let him down! Where is Wang Wenbin?" Gao Qiu pretended to be excited, and waited for Wang Wenbin, who had a complex expression, to come out. Qiu Wen said: "You are my confidant, and it is not easy to entrust others with such a critical errand. You quit your hard work, and take 1 horses, go to the fishing village on the shore to collect boats and guides, and rush to Liaoerwa to reinforce the island. The Jeju Army!"

Wang Wenbin didn't say a word, because he knew it was useless to say anything at this time, and he had completely offended the person standing in the handsome position, so he just took the token calmly, turned around and bowed to everyone present, As Quan bid farewell, at a certain moment he suddenly had the urge to entrust his wife and children, but unfortunately although there were many people present, he couldn't find anyone who could talk to him. A trace of playful bitterness appeared on Wang Wenbin's face, and he left the tent.

The Jiedu envoys looked at his lonely back when he was leaving, and sighed in their hearts. They thought to themselves that once this person left the door, it would be a disaster, and the powerful navy in Liangshan, which even Liu Menglong could swallow in one bite, would be stationed there. On the north bank, Gao Qiu knew it well at this time, but still insisted on him to die, which is really chilling.

At this time, many people's eyes fell on Jing Zhong, full of contempt. If he hadn't turned Wang Wenbin's private words on the table, would this person have been forced to this point?Thinking of him as a majestic Jiedu envoy, he has many ways to curry favor with Gao Qiu, but he uses the official career and life of a forbidden army instructor as a stepping stone, thanks to which he is only so promising.

Gao Qiu coughed, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said, "In order to prevent the bandits from returning to Liangshan, all Jiedu envoys should lead their horse troops and go to the front line with this commander first! Order Qinghe Tianshui Jiedu envoy Jing Zhong and Longxi Hanyang Jiedu envoy Li Congji and Zhou Ang led the infantry, and then came to join us!"

Gao Qiu's military order seems to be in line with common sense. If he waited for the infantry to go there together, the bandit soldiers of Liangshan might have left without a trace. Moreover, every Jiedu envoy who led the troops to suppress the bandits this time had four soldiers under his command. The horse army organized by the battalion, not counting the Tokyo Forbidden Army brought by Gao Lian, their local army alone has nearly [-] cavalry. Bing Xia Thief, these old ranks can also be calm and unhurried.

However, Gao Lian did not follow the brigade infantry, but led the horse army to attack, which made everyone feel a little strange, but when they thought of Gao Lian who was beheaded by Liang Shan for public display, everyone was relieved.

"Let's all go back and get ready!" Gao Qi waved his hand, and he was about to leave the account immediately. Before he went to the expedition, he had to go to see his trump card in person, so he had a good idea.

"The final general will live up to the Taiwei's high expectations!" Jing Zhong didn't expect Gao Qiu to leave as soon as he said he would leave, secretly thinking that if he didn't express his gratitude again, he might have no chance, and immediately bowed to Gao Qiu's back with a shy face.

Gao Qiu was more respectful to those who took the initiative to seek refuge, and immediately turned his head and smiled, saying: "This commander entrusted the infantry to Jing Jiedu!"

"Don't worry, Taiwei, the final general will lead the army to come quickly!" Jing Zhong didn't care about the sarcasm in everyone's eyes. This could not be more direct way of expressing that in his current position, he no longer needs any military exploits.The most important thing right now is to follow the right person, keep the title in front of the name and the position under the butt.

Gao Qiu left, everyone dispersed, and the noisy Chinese army tent returned to calm. After a while, the order to dispatch troops and generals came down, and even the defenders began to withdraw. It is said that Gao Qiu lived in the city and was not here at all. In the office, the guards simply cleaned up and withdrew.At this time, I saw a man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes flashing out from nowhere, and said indignantly:

"You motherfucker! What book does Chen Wenzhao read at night, and it won't be revealed until the next day?" (To be continued~^~)

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