Water Margin Survival

Chapter 626 Teacher Wang is showing off his power!

The 80 imperial guards are all coaches, and not everyone can come and take a seat.Even if your flattering skills are superb, you must at least have the hard skills to convince the public with one hand.

The distinguishing characteristic of treacherous ministers is "treacherous", not "stupid".Otherwise, he would be sniped and eliminated by good ministers and other similar people with the same aura on the most difficult and dangerous road in the world, his official career.

Therefore, although they don't play cards according to the routine, it doesn't mean they will act recklessly.Take Gao Qiu as an example, even though Lu Qian presented Lin Chong, who is called a brother, to him, he still held the title of Marquis of Yu, and he failed to replace the position left by Lin Chong until his death, and was filled by the latecomer Wang Wenbin. pit.

And Qiu Yue is such a person who has the ability to fight hard.

In addition to passing through hard skills, he is naturally handsome, and his mind is far more active than a group of colleagues. He is used to trying to figure out what his boss thinks, and he never has his own point of view in front of Gao Lian.To put it aptly, the word "catering" is completely a conditioned reflex of his bone marrow.

As a result, he has won many more dazzling titles than his predecessor, Wang Jin. In addition to his job as the head of the capital, he also served as the commander of the Zuo Yiwei's pro-army, escorting the general, and his future can be said to be in the sky.It can be said that as long as Gao Lian is in power for one day, Coach Qiu will be the hottest figure in the Tokyo Imperial Army.

Unfortunately, all this came to naught.

In fact, it was expected that Qiu Yue could not win Wang Jin in his heyday, but who was Wang Jin?An unborn talent among generations of coaches of the Forbidden Army!Even Lin Chong, the leopard head, who is a hero in this world, can only be inferior.And without complaint.

What Qiu Yue relied on before.It was the Wang Jin in front of him who was no longer the majestic coach Wang he used to be.He is also someone who knows the inside story. He knows that Wang Jin was tortured on Shamen Island for several years. Be brave in front of the battle?

Unfortunately, Qiu Yue was wrong.

All down.Doesn't this person look like he's picking up his life before the gate of hell?

On the other hand, Qiu Yue only had offense and defense in the first [-] rounds, and he was not put on airs, but he became more and more conservative later on. Except for guarding the goal carefully, the number of times that three-stop attack was very few. , where is the calmness and arrogance of guiding thousands of soldiers and horses on the imperial school field?It made the officers he had promoted in the past two years feel deeply aggrieved.

Being pressed and beaten like this, Qiu Yue persisted for another hundred and ten rounds, and that stroke defeated countless enemies like Yanyue.In front of Wang Jin's brilliant guns, he was completely reduced to a clumsy close-range weapon. If it wasn't for worrying that he would not be able to explain to the benefactor behind him, Qiu Yue would have fled long ago after testing out Wang Jin's existing strength.

What can be seen by mediocrity is only the difference between victory and defeat, and only a master can see the profound meaning hidden in it through the phenomenon.Luan Tingyu, who was also a teacher, nodded at Qiu Yue's choice.Directly use this rare battle example to teach the apprentice who loves private fighting:

"Meeting such a super-class expert. You don't even have to think about how to win. The most important thing is to get out of your body. You can see that Qiu Yue is also a self-aware person. Facing Coach Wang, he defends more than he attacks. He is very conservative. He is currently the head coach of the 80 Imperial Guards, and he is not afraid of losing face in front of his subordinates and superiors, which is very rare! Not showing off a moment of bloody courage is really a golden rule for those of my generation who lead troops to fight!"

"A good boy is a dog for a treacherous minister. It's not clear whether this guy has blood or not!"

Shan Shiqi muttered in a low voice, of course he knew the meaning of what Master said.It's nothing more than talking about his somewhat reckless personality.As a martial arts practitioner, he also understands the situation on the field. It turns out that the three stops are very important. Leaking a loophole in front of him is undoubtedly seeking his own death, and all of them said with emotion at the moment:

"Fortunately, there is only one Wang Jin in the world, and he is still a character in the pocket of the village master! If Gao Qiu learned the heart of the village master, and brought Wang and Lin to destroy us this time, tsk tsk... I dare not think about it!"

Luan Tingyu, who has always been a serious person, laughed out loud when he heard Shan Shiqi's funny words, and said after a while: "There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. The world is so big that the village master dare not say that he will wipe out all the heroes in the world! You must know , the farther we travel in the cottage, the more powerful enemies we will encounter!"

Shan Shiqi looked at Luan Tingyu with admiration when he heard Master's philosophical words, his eyes were full of admiration.Unexpectedly, this kind of look made Luan Tingyu a little sad. In the past, there were three young people who looked at him like him.

But he said that when the master and apprentice were sighing, it was the moment when Gao Qiu lost face: Qiu Yue couldn't bear it any longer, and fled with his saddle, but Wang Jin's sharp eyes and quick hands pierced him to pieces. The breastplate behind his armor, Qiu Yue's last thought was to hug the mount tightly, hoping it would take him home.

"Gaoqiu thief! My Wang Jin is standing here, do not hide, do not avoid, you come to harm me again! Let's see if God will stand on your official thief's side!"

The anger suppressed in Wang Jin's heart for many years, combined with the body of Qiu Yue, the head of the 80 imperial guards, whose life and death are unknown, is so intimidating that even Gao Qiu trembles. He shouted: "Go and snatch Coach Qiu back!"

Only then did everyone come to their senses, yes, Coach Qiu might not be dead yet!It's not that everyone was expecting Qiu Yue to be bad, it's that his fall from the horse was too shocking for the officers and soldiers, and they didn't care about it at all.It can be said that Han Cunbao's morale, which had been raised up by beating Hu Yanzhuo away just now, was completely lost in the face of this defeat.

The big people didn't move, and the people who came to snatch people were all young people with stunned heads. When they approached Wang Jin, they saw Wang Jin lightly raised the gun, and these few were too scared to go forward. : "Teacher Wang!"

Wang Jin's face softened a little, and the point of the spear in his hand was no longer aimed at the person, but he just warned: "The wrong has its leader, and the debt has its owner. Since it has nothing to do with you, don't force yourself into it!"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at him, no one dared to step forward, and no one dared to retreat.In such a stalemate, five or seven big men ran out from the Liangshan formation. The leader was a black man with two axes. He didn't want to grab Qiuyue, but instead attacked these hard-ridden men. Those people were afraid of the god-like Wang Jin in their hearts. , but where do you put a pawn in your eyes?On the contrary, he secretly thought that he was active, this person may be a leader or something, so it is not good to catch Wang Jin and change him?

Just do what you say, a cavalry officer is going to stab the black man who rushed forward, who knows that this man dodges the gun very well, cuts off the horse's leg with an axe, and immediately calls the superior The officer fell down, and what was waiting for him was a giant sword from the Sangmen, before it could cry out, it was cut into two bloody halves.

Obediently!Wang Jin was terrifying, at least it was just amazing kung fu, how could it be as bloody as the two killing gods in front of him?Taking advantage of this accident, they all returned to their horses and fled. How could the black man catch up with four legs with two legs?He had no choice but to yell at the back, but the man next to him who wields the Sangmen Sword didn't follow him, but just cupped his fists at Wang Jin and said, "Congratulations to Brother Coach for recovering!"

Wang Jin cupped his fists to return the salute, thought for a while, and said: "The two elder brothers will not return the teacher if they don't see the blood..."

The black man was turning around angrily, and when he heard Wang Jin's words, he grinned and said, "The instructor really knows that I am an iron cow! Usually I would get sick from being choked up on the mountain, how can I not be right if I don't have a good time in battle now?" Keep my pair of axes?"

"Where am I praising you!" Wang Jin sighed secretly and shook his head helplessly. Li Kui focused all his energy on Lin Chong who was not far away. Where did he notice Wang Jin's reaction?Instead, he asked carelessly, "Teacher Wang, you have poisonous eyes, so how many rounds can this old man carry Brother Lin? Please explain clearly, so that my brother won't run back and forth a few times!"

On the battlefield, blaming people for killing again and again sounds a bit hypocritical. Wang Jin also knew that he and Li Kui did not have the kind of tacit understanding that could affect each other, so he stopped acting like a son and daughter and set his sights on Looking at Wang Huan, who was fighting Lin Chong fiercely, he saw deep regret.

It turned out that this new white wax gun was in Lin Chong's hands, and he was able to handle it with ease. He could shoot wherever he pointed, and the combination of man and gun was a perfect match.After more than a hundred rounds of fierce battles, veteran Wang Huan was already hot and out of breath.Lin Chong, on the other hand, became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, heartily and vividly testing his family's unique skills in all directions and without dead ends on this weighty opponent.

Seeing this, Wang Jin's heart warmed up.In fact, Wang Lun also left a good pole for himself, but it is a pity that his body knows that it is far from recovering to the point where he can make the white wax pole as good as Lin Chong, so he heard that the old thief Gao Qi came. Temporarily took an iron gun to deal with it.

"What's your face?" Li Kui became sensitive, and he felt very accurate. Seeing Wang Jin's serious face, he thought that Wang Huan was about to turn over, and he was about to repeat the old trick of chopping a horse's leg, so he stepped forward with an ax in hand. Go to help Lin Chong.Seeing this, Wang Jin quickly stopped him and said, "No accident, Wang Huan will be hard to escape. As for when the winner will be decided, I don't know. It depends on the interest of Coach Lin in testing the gun!"

"Is it exhausting again? Brother Lin is good in everything, but the battle is too boring, and everyone can play for a long time! I don't like it, so I won't accompany you! Bao Xu, carry Qiu Yue!"

As soon as Li Kui said hello, Bao Xu greeted the three or five soldiers, and carried the unconscious Qiu Yue back, and asked two people to carry it with great difficulty, Bao Xu didn't believe in evil. , cursed: "Pretentious! Is it so heavy?" After finishing speaking, he saw him stepping forward to take the knife with one hand.

To say that Bao Xu is also used to wielding heavy swords, his arms are not weak, so he has the confidence to hold the sword with one hand, but when the two soldiers relieved their strength, the weight of the sword fell on Bao Xu's hands Only then did he realize the difficulty and weight of this captive who can skillfully use this knife, and subconsciously glanced at Wang Jin again, this time there was no politeness in his eyes, only awe. (to be continued~^~)

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