Before the confrontation between the two armies at the moment, there were four vicious fights before and after.

As the saying goes: Those who can read watch the doorway, those who can't read watch the excitement.Witnessed by countless masters on both sides (mainly the tiger generals of the Liangshan infantry), there are three pairs whose advantages are too obvious, but not so attractive.

For example, when Han Cunbao played against Hu Yanzhuo, his confidence was revealed.Hu Yanzhuo's relatively incompetent marksmanship was difficult to suppress the opponent, and the very powerful double whip was suppressed by the opponent, so this battle was extremely aggrieved.

In the duel between the two former coaches of the 80 imperial army, the first [-] rounds of Wang Jin and Qiu Yue were wonderful, but after the watershed of the [-]th round, Qiu Yue completely lost confidence in winning, but he wanted to have a decent exit. The spectability of this fight is destined to be discounted, except for tricky professionals like Luan Tingyu, it gradually loses the support of many audiences.

The confrontation between Yang Zhi and Yang Wen, the two elites of the third and fourth generations of the Yang family, did not cause much disturbance.Both of them have the same marksmanship of the Yang family, but Yang Zhi, who is younger and older, seems to have the essence of the family's martial arts. He is quite comfortable in front of this elder nephew, and it is only a matter of time before Yang Wen loses.

Only the pair of Lin Chong and Wang Huan can be said to have performed at the highest level. It can be regarded as the peak duel between hard guns and soft guns in the martial arts of the Song Dynasty. Seeing fierceness, Wang Huan can grit his teeth and resist no matter how bad he suffers.That's why Wang Jin just said firmly to Li Kui's words, but he also watched this textbook-like duel intently, with a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Mr. Li's deal is worth it!"

Three out of four wins.This made Xu Guanzhong, the military adviser with the army, in a good mood.Seeing him supporting the building car, he looked back at Wang Lun and said with a smile.

Wang Lun gave an absent-minded "Yeah". For the people present, everything that happened in front of him was definitely fresh and fresh, but for the "comer" Wang Lun, it was more sighing during the loop playback .

In the original trajectory, Lin Chong fell into the grass.After going through the hardships of serving the three masters, until he died in depression, he never touched the pewter rod again, and he was only quite satisfactory in battle. Why is he so energetic at this moment?

That's right, being able to reunite in this wilderness and regain the hope of life, the depression and vicissitudes of Lin Wushi's original aura were replaced by the heroic aura at this time.That alone.Wang Lun felt that there was a mass of pride in his chest. After all, he was reincarnated, and God's gift was not in vain.

"Where is Brother Hua Xian now? Have you gone to Luezhen?" Wang Lun asked suddenly.

Wang Lun's sudden question made Xu Guanzhong smile. He knew what Wang Lun was worried about, and said immediately: "The drum is ringing in Huazhi Village. Why do you need to hammer it? Since my brother told him to keep an eye on Xiangyuan Town, just put 1 of them. Heart! My little brother reckons that the first sharpshooter in ten knots may not even have a chance to disrupt the situation!"

Wang Lun also smiled, shook his head and said: "One of the officers and soldiers was killed or wounded, Gao Qiu just thought he was missing a running dog, and he might not take it to heart, but our army is all confidantes of the Shanzhai, so we can't lose any of them!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded towards Wang Lun quite understandingly, and was about to speak, but was surprised by the scene on the battlefield:

The scene of Hu Yanzhuo leaving the battle just now reappeared again, and Yang Zhi, who had clearly gained the advantage, suddenly turned his gun.He also imitated Hu Yanzhuo and galloped out of the formation.Yang Wen, who was facing him, hesitated for a moment, and finally flew after him.

Xu Guanzhong took a deep breath, and said meaningfully: "Even if you don't talk about me and I don't accept you, at the critical moment, blood and family will prevail! Brother, I'm afraid that envoy Yang Zhi has reported to you in advance? "

"I said I said it, but I didn't say it thoroughly, but I don't need to explain these things!" Wang Lun sighed softly.

Wang Lunyun's calm expression made Xu Guanzhong's heart feel hot for no reason, and he said with emotion: "This group of brothers have to meet their elder brother, it is really a blessing from the past life!" He is a reserved and elegant person, but he is moved in his heart. He said that he just used Yang Zhi to express his emotions.

Don't bother me, let's say that Yang Wen is feeling more and more pressure from the gun in the other party's hand, but Yang Zhi unexpectedly turned around and left, neither saying a word nor returning to the battle, rebelling against learning. That Hu Yanzhuo ran out of the formation.

The members of the Yang family have been through a hundred years of journey since they voted for the Song Dynasty. They have stumbled and experienced a lot of hardships, and they have more city in their hearts.Yang Wen thought to himself why Yang Zhi had to work so hard to win me. If I fight for dozens of rounds, even if I am undefeated, I will end up running away. Seeing that I am dying, he withdraws his gun and walks out of the formation. Could it be that there is a big secret?

With this thought in mind, Yang Wen hesitated for a moment, and chased after him.Before the battle, Wang Jin was startled suddenly. Looking back, he saw that the command flag on his building car was not displayed, it was quiet and unmoved. .

Wang Jin's action caused a chain reaction of a general in the army formation. This man subconsciously wanted to take an arrow to defend Wang Jin, but suddenly his actions froze. Wang Wende who was standing next to him noticed something unusual and asked, "Old Xiang, What's wrong?"

Xiang Yuanzhen shook his head, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, I feel like someone is watching me!"

Wang Wende was taken aback when he heard the words, it was the first time he met Xiang Yuanzhen with such an abnormal performance, he hurriedly raised his eyes and scanned the opponent's camp, wanting to see who could make Xiang Yuanzhen so nervous.

Let's say that Yang Wen chased Yang Zhi for five or seven miles, and gradually moved away from the formation. Suddenly Yang Zhi stopped his horse, and Yang Wen also reined in his mount. No matter how fierce you were, the two looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly Yang Zhi sighed and said, "You go!"

"This road is a road of no return, where can I go?" Yang Wen smiled wryly.

It was strange to say that no matter what complex emotions he had for this little uncle before, but at this moment, he didn't mind revealing his bitterness in front of him.Even if he is already in the high position of Jiedushi at this time, and the other party is just a grassroots bandit who is not tolerated by the court.

"This is your last chance!" Yang Zhi was still succinct and to the point, long speeches were not his style.

"What chance?" Yang Wen asked knowingly, but Yang Zhi's certainty made Yang Wen a little uncomfortable at this time. The consistent sense of superiority when facing his down-and-out uncle made him unwilling to walk away without dignity.

"A chance to get away cleanly!" After Yang Zhi finished speaking, he looked at Yang Wen, and added: "Gao Qi is already a dead man, if you follow him, sooner or later you will be dragged down!"

"What capital does Wang Lun have to make you say this?" Yang Wen said indignantly.He looked down upon Gao Qiu, but he still didn't forget his position.He has always believed in his heart that the imperial court just used an unsuitable commander to conquer Liangshan, but it does not mean that the imperial court's original intention of arresting robbers was wrong.

"You only get a glimpse of Wang Lun's capital! Listen to my advice, go back! Tianbo Mansion has survived in this troubled world until now. It's not easy for a person like you to come out. It can't just be destroyed like this, let alone me. hands!" Yang Zhi confided the truth.

Yang Wen had never heard such words from Yang Zhi's mouth before, so he couldn't help being a little moved, he was stunned for a while, gritted his teeth, and said: "You come back with me, I have fought hard to wear this official clothes, and I have to keep it You have a future!" At this point, Yang Wen smiled wryly, and said: "In fact, these things added to me should belong to you!"

Yang Zhi heard the words and sighed, and said: "I will take what I want, but I will definitely not take it from you!"

"Following the thief all the way to the dark, is it so attractive to you?" Yang Wen was very puzzled.

"Everyone has his own fate, and my fate is already inseparable from the people in this village!" Yang Zhi is very worthy of Wang Lun's trust, even in this occasion where uncles and nephews trust each other, He never told the reality of Liangshan.

"What fate? Your surname is Yang, and you are a descendant of Yang Wudi from my Yang family! How can you be so confused by phlegm? With that piece of broken stone with your name written on it, you are determined to be a thief with that guy?" Yang Wen hated that iron could not become a steel road.

Yang Zhi's expression was calm, he didn't explain anything, he just continued: "Gao Qi will not die here, he will die on Mount Liang. When you come down from the cottage, there will be stains on your body that cannot be washed away, and the officials will take their anger out on you." For you, this is an impression that no amount of money can redeem!"

Yang Wen was completely convinced by Yang Zhi, and laughed at himself: "It seems that I can only rely on your protection this time to get through this difficult time? May I ask how much you will have to pay from Wang Lun for letting me go here?" cost?"

"Twenty army sticks!"

Yang Zhi's answer made Yang Wen dumbfounded, and he said after a while: "Since I have lost, I can escape, and I can't run away! Uncle, I will remember your kindness in my heart! If you fall into my hands , I will definitely protect you in front of the officials, even if I take off this official clothes!"

"I'm afraid your official family is not as easy to talk to as my brother!"

Yang Zhi smiled wryly.When the stubborn kind meets the stubborn kind, there is no way to fight each other.It was just the other party's sudden "uncle" that melted the ice in Yang Zhi's heart.He already knew at this time that it seemed that he would not be able to persuade this nephew who was determined to fight to the death no matter what, and immediately put himself in his heart to find a way out for the other party, and said after a long time: "What is the relationship between Han Cunbao and you?"

"It's irreversible!" How could Yang Wen not understand the meaning of Yang Zhi's words?But he felt that before the victory or defeat was decided, he was so convincing, it was ridiculous but there was a hint of warmth of family affection, and he finally resisted the urge to speak sarcasm, and just spit out the four words truthfully.

"Well, I just hope this guy doesn't die in the chaos!"

Yang Zhi sighed, stopped looking at Yang Wen, turned his horse's head, and galloped towards the center of the formation. At this time, Yang Wen neither caught up with him, nor shouted behind him, but kept silent, while the fast horse left Yang Zhi never looked back.

The warm sun of late autumn fell on these two figures that were drifting away, causing an indescribable loneliness. (to be continued~^~)

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