Thanks to the physical foundation he built when he was young, as well as his love and pursuit of Cuju, even though he has been sitting firmly in the high position of Sanya Taiwei for many years, Gao Qiu's physical fitness is still quite good.

No, Gao Taiwei ran for tens of miles early in the morning, and now he is running for his life. Although the pain in his waist and legs is inevitable, he can still control himself.At this time, relying on the leg strength of the imperial horse, after throwing off his guard, he ran wildly for another five or seven miles.

Seeing turning out of the woods, Gao Qiu thought to himself: "I am riding a snow-kicking black horse given by the emperor. Even if the Liangshan bandits once robbed the Mulongfang of Daming Mansion, they will never be able to match my horse. Shit, it seems that this time we escaped a catastrophe! Only Sun Jing, who was a wonderful planner, was lost. Now that I think about it, it's quite a pity!"

At this time, Gao Qiu can think so, and he wonders if Sun Jing, whose life and death are unknown, will be a little moved.It's a pity that Gao Qiu's thinking jumps too fast, as far as he thinks from a practical point of view, he basically has no emotional color.

"There are only [-] infantry left, and three or four generals. I am afraid that this battle will not be able to continue. At this time, Wang Lun knew that there was a loss in the old nest, so he sent his [-] to [-] cavalry to the shore of the lake, taking the opportunity to take back the nest , the officers and soldiers can only stare and have nothing to do!"

"Is there anyone else in the court who can advise me... Forget it, maybe I owe Tong Guan a favor. He has a lot of people who can fight in his pocket. Even if he has a bad temper, as long as he has the ability, I will bear him. Come back, first restore the current decline!"

Although Gao Lian was fascinated by his thoughts, his intuition was still very sensitive. Suddenly, he felt a tiny sound of horseshoes piercing into his eardrums.Gao Qiu felt a "plop" in his heart. , Looking back, I saw a sturdy man with a beard, carrying a golden dipped axe, leaping out from the edge of the woods.

Gao Qiu recognized this person, wasn't this the thief who led people to chase after him, he was shocked.A heavy whip was whipped on the body of the kicking snow black horse. Since the imperial horse was affixed with the royal label, it has never suffered such a disadvantage. Suddenly, it became anxious, spread its hooves, and flew away. Going forward, Gao Qiu secretly said harshly: "Could it be that the master still can't get rid of you?"

Unexpectedly, when he looked back, he saw that his three souls had lost two of his souls, leaving only one of his seven souls.Not only did the fellow behind him not be thrown away by him, but he seemed to be approaching him. Gao Qiu felt it was inconceivable: "Impossible! Lin Chong is only ranked sixth in the gangster's den. This person is his partial general, and his ranking is still low." How can a horse that matches the identity of this class of people be stronger than me? How many royal families do I have in the Song Dynasty?! Why are these guys overpowering me? Evil!"

"Gao Qiu's thief. Get off your horse and surrender! Otherwise, wait until I catch you. I must let you taste the power of grandpa first!" The idea of ​​chasing soldiers is not as complicated as Gao Qiu's. Consider the issue of rank and treatment.

"Hero, I have no grievances with you in the previous life, and I have no grudges in recent days. Why bother to force you? I am the court captain, a high-ranking official from Tokyo. As long as you let me go, I will guarantee your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. Jin! How?"

Even the [-] cavalry and the royal horse under him are useless, what cards does Gao Lian have left?The only one that can be sold right now.It is the system of the imperial court.When things come to an end, even if Zhao Ji is here, he might be betrayed by him.

"Bah! You still have the face to claim to be the imperial court's Taiwei, a high-ranking official from Tokyo? I think that when your grandfather Suo was in the army in the Daming Mansion, he only beat up cuju scumbags in the market, and he was afraid that another thief like you would bring disaster to the country and the people." Come on, tell me, let me meet the right master today, is there any way for you to survive!"

After all, Gao Li is the Taiwei who is in charge of the army. When he heard the other party claiming to be Grandpa Suo of the Daming Mansion, he immediately thought of Suo Chao, the No. , and was stopped by Liang Zhongshu, Gao Qiu did not expect that the two would meet in such a situation.

Knowing that the other party was from the Imperial Army, not a strongman from the mountains and wild grass, Gao Qiu suddenly realized that he was sitting so tall, like setting a target for the opponent who must be proficient in bow and horse, and hurriedly leaned over and fell down. Saddle up and flee, never daring to take the risk of talking back.

Seeing that Gao Qi was scolded by him, Suo Chao didn't dare to make a sound, and he didn't bother to scold him anymore, but was aroused by his behavior.You must know that for a general like Suo Chao who is good at hand-to-hand combat, it doesn't matter if he is not good at archery, but it is a joke to say that he can't bow and arrow.

Right now, Gao Qiu puts on this posture of avoiding arrows, telling Suo Chao who is chasing after him to shoot, or not to shoot, to shoot, because he is afraid that his archery skills are not good, and one arrow will kill the other party, which is really cheap!Why don't you shoot, the other party puts on such a comfortable posture, and it seems a little sorry for him if you don't shoot.

Fortunately, in the end, reason overcame the temptation. Suo Chao gave up the idea of ​​taking the bow, and just focused on chasing the horse, and wanted to capture alive the thief who deserved to be killed for his brother Lin Chong.

It seems that today is not only unfavorable for Gao Qi, but also not a good day for this horse kicking the snow. Seeing that Suo Chao is getting closer and closer to Gao Qi, the latter is almost bluffed out of his heart.Seeing that he was about to catch up, he saw the reckless pioneer behind him, without saying a word, swung his sweaty golden ax and slammed it down on the target's back.

Rao is that the golden armor on Gao Qi's body is a rare item made by the top craftsmen in Tokyo with great painstaking efforts. Suo Chao's sudden attack will definitely cause him serious damage. If the opponent puts the ax blade down , I'm afraid Gao Qiu will pay the bill immediately.

This thunderous blow was so powerful that not only Gao Qi fell to the ground, but even the imperial-given horse kicking the snow and the dark horse couldn't bear it anymore. With a whine, its hind legs couldn't support it, and even Suo Chao smashed the man and the horse to the ground.

Seeing Gao Qi fell and ate shit, vomited two mouthfuls of blood, and then there was no more movement, Suo Chao panicked, and thought to himself: "Didn't I smash this bastard to death? Go back to Wang Lun, Lin Chong, Xu Ning, Of course Wang Jin’s elder brothers would not blame me, but Monk Nalu, Master Wang’s apprentice, and Chai Daguan, the three grandparents of Huyan’s family, why don’t they eat me alive?”

Just when Suo Chao was worried and was about to go up for the autopsy, he suddenly saw another horse flying out from the edge of the woods, and the one on it was a general with a swallow's jaw and a tiger's beard, his brows were frowned, and he was leaning forward , holding the rein in his left hand and a bloody white wax spear in his right, rushing towards here as if on fire.

Seeing this, Suo Chao couldn't help being overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "Brother, I gave this guy a hard hammer, but there is no movement at the moment, could he be dead?" (To be continued~^~)

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