Seeing Gao Qi's immortal appearance, Suo Chao's first reaction was "fear", but Lin Chong, who caught up with him later, was relieved of his hatred in his heart.

As the saying goes, "revenge and revenge", it should be said that the moment of revenge is definitely the most gratifying.Some people will say that many people feel empty in their hearts after taking revenge, but they don't feel much pleasure.There may be such a situation, but it is definitely because the person concerned has been hurt too deeply and thoroughly by this hatred, so that his whole life has been dragged down, dragged down, and when he looked up again, there was nothing left in his heart , can no longer find their own way and future.After all, there was still a target that was persecuting and warning me before, but after getting revenge, even starting a new life seemed so difficult.

This was not the case for Lin Chong.

Looking back on his past experience, as an unambitious instructor of the Imperial Army, if he had not been destined for many ups and downs, he might have retired from active service with a small military rank on his head like his fathers, and eventually died in the In this bustling city of Tokyo.

Maybe when the Jin soldiers approached the city, he would appear on the battlefield to defend the country like most of his fellow imperial guards, but he was destined not to shine.Because, the result of the tiger group imprisoned by a group of incompetent leaders is already doomed.Just look at the ending of veteran generals like Lao Zhong, it is the last faithful portrayal of Lin Chong's generation of frustrated warriors.

Therefore, living in such an oppressive atmosphere, the future is predictable.

Even if future generations mention him in the future, they will only be praised for his superb martial arts, not for the outstanding feats he was originally capable of but failed to accomplish in the end.When time goes by there will be flesh and blood.When the man who has tasted the ups and downs of the world is compressed into two simple characters "Lin Chong" in the mountains and seas of paper.At most, later generations would sigh with regret: This man was born at an untimely time!

I believe that every warrior with great ambitions has in his mind the fantasy of traveling three thousand miles like Huo Qubing, sealing the wolf and living in Xuxu, and making immortal achievements.But at the same time, they also clearly understood a truth, the reason why Huo Qubing became Huo Qubing.The key is that there is Emperor Wudi of Han behind him.That's why Han Yu, who barely became the Minister of the Ministry of Officials in his later years, felt infinitely sentimental: Maxima often exists, but Bole does not often have it.

What kind of soil will only bear what kind of fruit. "Cultivating" the half-tone of Tong Guan is already Zhao Ji's greatest good fortune.Even Yue Wumu and Han Shizhong, who are famous in history, can't clean up the old mountains and rivers.Because, the biggest Bole in the world has already regarded them as trouble.

So, in a sense.Gao Qiu destroyed Lin Chong, did he not make Lin Chong a success?

If he hadn't jumped out of the shackles of the imperial court, how could Lin Chong have found that rare ray of dawn in his ordinary life?And this kind of rare and mysterious opportunity can never be encountered at any time.At least.His father, Lin Tixia, and his father-in-law, Zhang Jiaotou, belonged to the generation.Exhausted his life, also never waited.It's just that the boy's head turned white and the strong man's blood was cold in the regret and wasted time.

Lin Chong has never forgotten the feeling of hatred.But at this moment, he felt that he had grasped the tail of fate, but there was something more important in his heart.Compared with the lingering and lonely Coach Lin in the original trajectory, the biggest difference between them is that there is less despair and more hope.

"Son of a bitch! Are you stupid, or do you think we're all stupid? Playing dead would work. You won't die in war!"

Suo Chao cursed angrily, making Lin Chong realize that Gao Qi was still alive, and immediately jumped off the horse, approaching this mortal enemy step by step.

After all, Gao Qiu came out of the street market. Since he realized that he would die if he fell into Lin Chong's hands, he simply stiffened and raised his head and said, "Lin Chong! Since I'm in your hands, let's have a good time!"

"How dare you put on a show when you are about to die! Big brother, kill this traitor and go to the ball, will my brother blame you?" Suo Chao said indignantly.

Gao Qiu can die, but he can't die by his own hands, otherwise he won't let his brothers complain about his death when he goes back?But if this guy died in the hands of Lin Chong, no one would be able to speak up and down the mountain.It's like a matter of course, no one is too idle to jump out and question.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chong's next move left Suo Chao dumbfounded.

Lin Chong casually stuck the spear on the ground, walked up to Gao Qiu, raised his hand, tore off the saber from his waist, and threw it to Suo Chao, Suo Chao took the knife with his hand, committing an occupational disease , unconsciously drew it out, but seeing a flash of cold light, the sharp edge was menacing, Suo Chao was surprised: "Could it be that this is the treasured sword that the eldest brother brought when he broke into the White Tiger Hall? The blood of a dog thief?"

"You go back to have a good life. Just remember this head of yours. Five or seven years later, Lin Chong will come to pick it up with his own hands!"

After Lin Chong said this, the person who was most surprised was not Gao Qi, but Suo Chao who was behind Lin Chong. He jumped up and shouted, "Brother, are you dizzy? My brother told you to come and catch him." , even I can see the meaning of that, it is obvious that I want you to take revenge! You don't kill him right now, why do you want to let him go..."

Lin Chong glanced at Suo Chao with deep meaning in his eyes, and Suo Chao subconsciously stopped talking. He had never seen Lin Chong, who had always been gentle, with such decisive eyes. Just when he was wondering, he heard the guy on the ground speak:

"Okay! Good man! Coach Lin, I never expected you to be so selfish and put aside the enmity between us for the sake of the safety and future of your cottage. Disabled soldiers, return to Tokyo, and never ask Liangshan anything again. If you want to seek revenge on me in the future, I, Gao Qi, will wait for you in Bianliang City!"

Gao Qiu's words can be said to have brought his power tactics to the extreme. These words were obviously meant for Lin Chong, but the content was meant for Suo Chao.

There is a saying in this world, "the person who knows you best is often not your friend, but your enemy", which is not false at all.Lin Chong is a sincere gentleman, a word is worth ten thousand gold, since he said these words, it shows that he has made up his mind.

Ke Suo Chao, listen to his tone of voice.I'm afraid it's a joke.If Lin Chong is not prepared.If he is obsessed with himself to death, isn't he, Gao Qiu, just out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den again?Therefore, he purposely explained Lin Chong's unspoken thoughts in his mind this time, just to "wake up" this joker, "Kill me, this situation will not be closed!"

"Go!" Lin Chong pulled Suo Chao past him, but Suo Chao suddenly broke free from Lin Chong.He turned around and stepped forward, kicked off Gao Qiu's helmet, and then slapped Gao Qiu four times in a row. After finishing the slap, he pointed at Gao Qiu who was blushing and said, "If you look at me again When you step half a step into Shandong, I will never hold back this axe, and I will greet you with the blade of the axe!"

Gao Qiu has never been so elated when someone slapped him, what he thinks now is that this bastard has already made a move.It is inevitable that there will be no more backers. This kind of shame is really negligible compared with the desire to survive.However, although he was happy in his heart, he didn't dare to show it. He just stared at Suo Chao "angrily", expressing the emotions that a humiliated high-ranking official should have vividly.Seeing him, Suo Chao dared not speak up.Very disdainfully said: "What the **** bird Taiwei. I was so stupid back then that I actually gave my life to such a person!" After speaking, he spat at Gao Qiu, turned around and left.

At this moment, Lin Chong didn't look at the muddy Gao Qi at all, but waited for Suo Chao to come back, and said, "You think he cares about this?"

"Whether he cares about my business or not! Anyway, I slapped the court captain four times in a row, but this guy can only stare at me, and I feel relieved when I look at it!" Suo Chao said carelessly: "Today, the right is to practice, next time What kind of prime minister, privy secretary, etc., come back again!"

Suo Chao finished speaking.He got on his horse, said hello, and threw back the treasured sword that Lin Chong had bought for a thousand guan in his hand back then, saying: "This is your thing, return it to its original owner!"

Lin Chong took the knife, and at this moment Suo Chao said: "Brother, this guy was here just now, I didn't know how to ask. Could it be that Qin Ming and Huang Xin didn't want to hurt the cottage, so they let Murong Yanda go in Qingzhou? You don't want to kill Gao Qiu?"

Lin Chong looked back at Suo Chao, and said noncommittally: "When Lin was just going up the mountain, my brother took risks and went to Tokyo to pick up my family. At that time, Gao Ya Nei fell into his hands, and neither my brother nor Taishan killed him! Why do you think?"

"I've heard that from Coach Zhang! He was joking and he was afraid of his elder brother, so he killed Gao Qiang with a knife!" Suo Chao suddenly patted his head and said, "You said that to prevent the anger behind Gao Qi from getting mad. Instead, it will affect the major events of our cottage?"

"After the beginning of spring, the war in Koryo will be on the agenda. If I insist on killing this Gao Qi out of personal revenge at this time, causing the officials to be furious and endless revenge, I, Lin Chong, will have no face to repay my brother's kindness! Man In this world, love and hatred are welcome, but when "gratitude" and "hatred" need to be repaid at the same time, I, Lin Chong, must first repay the favor!"

When it came to the end, Lin Chong's eyes couldn't help moistening. Knowing the consequences he would bear, Wang Lun still chose to kill Gao Qi without hesitation and avenge his brother. This friendship cannot be repaid beyond death.

"Big brother thought so deeply!" Suo Chao said in shock, "but big brother let Gao Qi go, and we swallowed up this army of more than [-] people. This loss has caused the mother-in-law's family to suffer, so why go back and try to get revenge?"

"This guy is able to rise to the top, and he is also a smart man! When he harmed me, Coach Wang, and Teacher Xu, it was because we couldn't threaten him at all, and the price he had to pay was negligible, so he dared to be lawless and unscrupulous. But he If you want to plot against me again, Liang Shanbo, you have to weigh it!" Lin Chong smiled coldly, and said to Suo Chao:

"This war, at least let this guy have a long memory. Three to five to seventy-eight thousand people came here, and it was completely sending meat to the chopping block. If you can't get together a team of 8 to 20, don't even talk about conquering Liangshan. Brother, you and me They all came from the forbidden army. Think about how many times my Song Dynasty can withstand the annihilation of an army with a scale of [-]? Repeatedly to defeat the foundation of the official family? Cai thief and Tong thief are not fools, do you really think that they are as sympathetic and friendly as my Liangshan brothers? I think this guy hates me, my brother, and Liangshan, But I won't easily bet on my own future!"

"My God, no wonder they said that you don't open your mouth on weekdays, and you know everything in your stomach. Today I have opened my eyes! Brother, if you have something to do in the future, please remind me in advance! I just don't bother to think about such troublesome things!" Suo Chao Dafa said with emotion.


It was okay when he was lying on the ground, but when he stood up, there was a sudden sharp pain. Gao Qiu secretly called "It's broken". The experience of being beaten on the street when he was young told him that Suo Chao should have broken his ribs a few times with an axe. root.If this was in the past, it would definitely be surrounded by imperial doctors.But right now it was so chaotic, he didn't even dare to stop and rest for a moment.He just panted heavily, and staggered towards the snow-kicking black horse waiting for him not far away.

These few steps are okay, and I can carry them through with patience. The key is that after climbing on the horse with all my strength, the lame horse started to run. It makes people feel that the most inhuman torture in the world is nothing more than this. It feels like my internal organs seem to be shifting.After just a few miles, he felt as if he had been drenched in a heavy rain, with cold sweat pouring all over Yu Ma's body. To this day, he wished that even the moisture in his body would abandon him and run away.

But so what?Is it possible to dismount?Gao Qiu understood very well in his heart, from Suo Chao's attitude, he could see that Lin Chongfang was acting on his own initiative, and the gang of bandits originally planned to capture him alive and go back.It doesn't matter if he rests this time, he is afraid that his life will be lost!

Tormented by this tragic situation, Gao Qiu couldn't help but swear secretly in his heart, "The leader, the Taoist emperor, bless you! Disciple Gao Qiu is in such a miserable situation, why should I pass this test? As long as I return to Tokyo safely, I will definitely...ah..." (to be continued~^~)

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