Water Margin Survival

Chapter 643 General

Seven infantry battalions and four cavalry battalions in Liangshanbo swept from south to north, and more than 2000 heavy cavalry behind Hu Yanzhuo were carrying nets from north to south, and the work of clearing the battlefield was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Commander Lei, the leader of the heavy cavalry who was in charge of guarding Han Cunbao, already sent this important prisoner to the Chinese army with anxiety, and handed it over to the leader of the Liangshan bandits who had already intersected with his life... the leader of Liangshan to deal with.

Facing the very kind Wang Lun, to be honest, Commander Lei still had concerns in his heart.As a middle-level officer of Runing Heavy Cavalry, his thoughts are very representative.

The reason why they would renege on the battlefield was because they couldn't stand Gao Lian's deliberate suppression of these old officers.Commander Lei's current position is not the Commander of Zhengyin in command of the first battalion, but is left idle by Gao Lian.There are a lot of officers like him in the current Runing heavy cavalry, and they are not considered to be slowly dispatched. It is precisely because of the large number that Gao Li has not had time to completely digest these middle and lower level officers.

This kind of negative emotion accumulated over time is very scary. Because there was no suitable outlet for venting, it was temporarily suppressed.Unexpectedly, just in time for a very prestigious old boss to appear, Gao Qi's lackeys in the army want to drive them to kill Hu Yanzhuo, and now the pot is blown up.

Shi Xiu has done a lot of work in the past few months, and it has achieved great results at critical moments.At this critical juncture, someone in the team took the lead and shouted: "Fuck you!", and then an outsider who was forced in by Gao Qi died at the hands of the rebels, and the situation became irreversible.

When more than 100 of Gao Qiu's confidantes died in the wilderness like this.Although many emotions are disgusted with Gao Lian.But those who never thought of mutiny were coerced into it, and in the end, hundreds of people broke up on their own because they were afraid of the consequences of rebellion.But this does not mean that among the remaining people, everyone is determined to follow Huyan Zhuo Luocao.It's just that because the incident happened too suddenly, they had no better way, so they had to follow the trend.Step by step.

Because Shi Xiu's conclusions were used as a reference in advance, Wang Lun could not be more clear about the thoughts of these people.Among other things, this team is an elite team built by the imperial court with a lot of money. The usual treatment and the like are much higher than other Qingqi. It is probably out of righteous indignation or even helplessness to take a bite of the high ball after following Hu Yanzhuo, but suddenly called They accepted Liang Shan's reorganization and the status of grass bandit. Who can adapt to this kind of super reversal?

Wang Lun knew that for ordinary soldiers, the problem was fairly simple.Not a big concern.After all, bare feet are not like a person wearing shoes. When grass falls, grass falls. Where is food not food?But for these officers, there is a great burden in their hearts. After all, they are all people with a certain status and status, and family is also an unavoidable problem.It was so easy to get on the thief ship.If there is a mistake in the future, will you forgive yourself for being rash?

"General Lei, you don't need to be cautious. Since you are the old department of Brother Huyan, you are my guests of Liangshan. Now you have helped me a lot and are my friends of Liangshan. Therefore, Liangshanbo will never treat you badly! Of course, I am I look forward to everyone joining me in Liangshan to gather for righteousness in the future, but I also know that people have their own ambitions, and you can’t force them to come! We don’t engage in the set of forcing people to go up the mountain, so don’t feel burdened! After cleaning the battlefield, everyone, go up the mountain to eat How about a glass of water and wine, let's sit down and discuss the way out for the future?"

Commander Lei is also a person who knows things. Wang Lun, as the commander-in-chief of tens of thousands of troops, was able to talk positively to himself, a former commander who once supervised 500 people, and made many promises in person. It is a "guest" and a "friend" who characterizes his team, and Gao Qi, who intends to annex his own team, makes a judgment, and immediately expresses his position: "Don't worry, Chief Wang, Hu Yandu is the old boss of the young general. Let us I will never add chaos to your army, everything depends on the leader Wang and Hu Yan!"

Wang Lun ordered the leader of the pro-army to take Commander Lei and his entourage down to rest their horses. When they were far away, Wang Lun turned around and started talking with Xu Guanzhong.

Let's say that the captive Han Cunbao didn't do anything as soon as he landed. He stared blankly at the leader of the thieves on the building car chatting and laughing with Commander Lei. In front of his eyes, he can still be so dignified and upright, understatement, as if he is not tempted at all, could it be that he is playing hard to get? No wonder Gao Qi is not his opponent, he has completely lost in appearance!"

Although he called Wang Lun one by one "the culprit" in his heart, Han Cunbao didn't want to confront Wang Lun face to face, so he sighed, and then walked towards the troubled brothers not far away.He just took two steps when he suddenly thought of something. Looking back, he found that the guards guarding him followed him unhurriedly. He also remembered that they were transparent people and didn't rush him just now. He was secretly surprised, "The thief is polite. It's not a good sign, could it be that you want to recruit yourself into the group?"

Seeing whether Han Cunbao wanted to enter or not, Yang Wen greeted, "Han Jiedu, have you also been murdered?"

Because Yang Zhi's promise was in his ears, when Yang Wen met Han Cunbao at this time, he was closer than seeing his relatives, just like seeing a talisman.

"Back time! I was about to capture Hu Yanzhuo alive, but I bumped into his old army, and most of Runing's three thousand heavy cavalry turned against me. I was so unlucky! Let alone, why are you all here? , not with the team?"

Han Cunbao found out that all the envoys of the Seventh Festival had gathered here, so he couldn't help laughing wryly.Before the battle is over, all the chiefs and generals have been captured. How can this battle be undefeated?

"Gao Qiu used us to stimulate the army's morale. If we don't miss, how can the brothers work so hard? This bastard is too vicious. Use our brothers to fill in the front line. It is estimated that the fourth battalion of the old general Wang is now There's only one shelf left!"

Xiang Yuan couldn't help cursing, pointing at Qiu Yue who was not far away: "This dog has the softest bones, and now it has fallen to Liangshan. Look at who we are all in the same robe with!"

Han Cunbao was not surprised at all when he said that, he glanced in the direction Xiang Yuanzhen was pointing at, and saw that the brightly armored Qiu Yue had already taken off his armor.He kept his head down and said nothing.Holding a gourd in a daze, this scene was in great contrast to the inherent impression in his mind, and he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "A few hours ago, the 80 imperial guards in Tokyo were the instructors, and they became robbers in the blink of an eye. The person Gao Li valued!"

When everyone heard the words, they all echoed, pointing at Qiu Yue and cursing endlessly.After all, everyone just made this guy very angry, and in a blink of an eye the place became lively again.

Yang Wen's eyelids twitched, he looked up at Wang Lun on the Wanglou car, and then blinked at Han Cunbao, wanting to remind him not to say anything more, lest the person who can control their fate remember it, and wait for Yang Wen When the will is in operation, it will only increase a lot of troubles!After all, he had already lifted a rock just now.Smashed his own foot.

Seeing Yang Wen winking at him, Han Cunbao thought about it for a while, but picked up which pot he didn't open, and said, "Brothers, if you want to say that this ceremony is for others, you must ask for it. Wang Lun put us under this building car. Chatting lightly. Such loose supervision. Could it be that there are plans for us? Is it really because of admiration that I can't wait?"

At this time, Zhang Kai put on an expression that you only know, bull eyes stared over, and shouted: "Han Ya Nei, the benevolent and righteous 'brother' above said personally that if Gao Lian is alive, he will die." Let us go. If Gao Lian dies, let us take refuge here. Damn, what a nice way to say it! It seems to be thinking about us in every way! I have been out for a lifetime, and the end is coming. Being so and so by a junior , really..."

Zhang Kai didn't care about the minions who were glaring at him, just wanting to vent out the evil fire in his heart, when Han Cunbao suddenly waved his hand and interrupted him: "Did you say that? When did you say that! I just said that I saw Lin Chong go out of the formation with my own eyes, and there were thousands of cavalry rushing out of the formation before, so they must have gone after Gao Qi!"

When everyone heard the words, they stood up one after another. Even Wang Huan, who had just woken up, and Wang Wende and Mei Zhan, who were expressionless, surrounded them. Mei Zhan said, "What did you say? You saw Lin Chong leading people with your own eyes. Did you go after Gao Qiu?"

"The battle was in chaos, and Lin Chong went north to kill. If Gao Qi hadn't escaped, who else would be worthy of such a big fight!" Han Cunbao felt that with his identity and status, his words were questioned by others, which was simply humiliating. His personality, but facing Mei Zhan, a good guy at the same level, he was not easy to get angry, so he just made an exception and explained.

"This fellow is also a liar! No wonder he speaks so righteously. This is clearly determined not to let us go!" Zhang Kai couldn't help but jumped out and shouted.

Everyone thought it was true, and asked Lin Chong to catch Gao Qiu, and made it clear that he would kill Gao Qiu before he brought him back. The nasty things that came out, any one of them, from Lin Chong's point of view, would have done so.

Being fooled twice by the juniors in a short period of time really made these old Jiang Hu disheartened. It seems that this day has really changed, and the current Jiang Hu has eliminated them.

Wang Huan sighed in grief and indignation, and wanted to seek death again, begging to be clean.With experience, everyone quickly reminded the guards and finally stopped him.It was very easy to suppress Wang Huan here, but the veterans over there set fire to Wang Lun, blaming him for playing tricks on himself and these old people. At this moment, Yang Wen suddenly yelled and spoke up for Wang Lun. :

"Brothers, as the saying goes: How can a defeated general speak bravely? We were captured by mistake, and he wanted to kill or cut him. This is his right. Could it be that we captured Wang Lun, and he asked us to let him go, but we didn't let him go? Do we owe him? Gao Lian is his mortal enemy of Liangshan. When Gao Lian was captured, Wang Lun chopped him down with a knife. How can he let Gao Qiu go now? Besides, it was explained just now that he is Gao Qiu will be caught, but if Gao Qiu escapes by chance, he will send us out of the country. This is not clear enough? We are all elderly people, so let's be less angry and be reasonable!"

The people who were on fire asked Yang Wen to extinguish the flames of anger with one word. After all, they were completely untenable in principle, not to mention that everyone was not ignorant, but because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the immediate reaction over.

It's just that Han Cunbao was a little puzzled. Although Yang Wen was right, why did he talk to Wang Lun?At least the buttocks are crooked!Han Cunbao subconsciously felt that there was something abnormal. At this time, with Qiu Yue acting as a pretense, Han Cunbao looked at Yang Wen with a different look.

Yang Wen knew that the "talisman" was despising him, but he didn't express anything. Could it be that those few were only allowed to drag him into the water, and he was not allowed to go ashore to save himself?There is no such reason!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I don't know how long he had been suffering. Han Cunbao, who was bowing his head in thought, suddenly felt someone approaching him. When he was about to get up to watch, he suddenly heard the person say: "Brother Han, don't move! I have a way to make it go away." We're out of danger!"

Han Cunbao was startled when he heard the words, and looked around vigilantly. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he asked in a low voice, "What can you do!"

"Yang Zhi." Yang Wen whispered two words.

When Han Cunbao heard the words, he suddenly realized that he couldn't write two "Yang" characters in one stroke. The two uncles and nephews are still a family after all.However, Han Cunbao thought about it, frowned slightly, and expressed his worry: "Even if Yang Zhi is doing well on this mountain, Wang Lun sees his face, letting you go is already the limit, can you still take me with you?" one?"

"Without you, I will not end well when I go back. I am a descendant of Tianbo Mansion. Although the official family will not kill me, my life is completely over, and the Yang family is also over! This, Yang Zhi thought. Very clear!"

Yang Wen clarified the reason for Yang Zhi's rescue of Han Cunbao without any concealment, and it's better to clarify some things first, so as to avoid dark losses in the future.After all, the relationship between the two has not reached the point of cutting off the head and changing the neck.

"After I go back, if I am relegated to be a regiment training envoy, you will be a regiment training envoy. I will be the capital supervisor, and you will be the capital supervisor! I will remain unchanged, and you will still be the Jiedu envoy!" Seeing his request, Han Cunbao was more sure of this. The truth of the incident was immediately and categorically agreed to. Looking at the audience, he was the only one who had the confidence to make such a promise.

Yang Wen was overjoyed and was about to thank each other when he suddenly heard the minions in charge of guard shouting:

"Coach Lin is back! Coach Lin is back!"

Lin Chong's horse was fast, and he rushed to the central army in a short time. After handing over the horse to the brothers in the personal guard camp, he hurried up. Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong came down to greet him in person. At this time, the eyes of the prisoners looking at Wang Lun were extremely complicated, but He couldn't help but want to know the results of Lin Chong's battle. At this time, even Qiu Yue couldn't help standing up and looking around.

Just when everyone was anxious, Lin Chong said a word that made everyone dumbfounded, and then the veterans who were the first to react cheered, and looked at Wang Lun like a general. (to be continued~^~)

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