Water Margin Survival

Chapter 667 The Last Five Generals

Even without the previous "suppression" experience, Shi Wengong basically didn't have any hope about whether he could squeeze into the last group of five tiger generals.It's not that he doesn't have confidence in his own skills, nor does he lack the spirit, but... just like a person who is struggling on the line of food and clothing (trust is a question mark), how can he expect wealth? (reuse)

What's more, the leaders who belong to the garrison now have a hard hand.Not only are there 80 Imperial Army instructors, the instructor Qiu Yue and the deputy instructor Zhou Ang, but there are also seven Jiedu envoys from the imperial court.The former two are not necessarily inferior to themselves in ability, and the situation in Liangshan can be regarded as half a catty.The latter is more like an insurmountable mountain, lying in front of him.Regardless of Wang Lun's considerations, Shi Wengong couldn't believe that such a good thing would happen to him!

This village owner has always kept the balance well.The last place among the five generals of Bu, Ma, and Navy was somewhat unexpected, which is the proof: Luan Tingyu, who came later, replaced the powerful Lian and Yuan Lang, and the newcomer Hu Yanzhuo squeezed out the veterans Xu Ning and Yang Zhi However, Zhang Shun, who is not well-known, made his loyal confidant Ruan Xiaoqi drop off the list.

Shi Wengong felt that choosing one of the generals would play a greater role than promoting himself.After all, how can the word "complex" in this world be exhaustive, and it is impossible to rely solely on ability for anything, otherwise, Shi Wengong would not be living in the militia and become a farmer's teacher.

At this time, the applause stopped abruptly, and the applause became sparse, far less enthusiastic than when the four of them appeared on stage.But Shi Wengong felt a fire burning in his heart, and Su Ding kept urging him.And under the gaze of the audience.Shi Wengong walked towards the Kangzhuang Avenue in the center of Juyi Hall full of ambition.

Wang Lun still didn't seem to have much to say, he just awarded the pure gold tiger seal made by Jin Dajian to the five tiger generals standing in front of him one by one.

Wang Jin carefully held the tiger seal in his hand, with a sigh on his face.However, Lin Chong felt that Wang Lun was a little abnormal during the day, and something was even more wrong at this time. In the process of receiving the big seal from Wang Lun, he felt that the other party was a little hot.Concerned: "Brother, you..."

After stopping Lin Chong with his eyes, Wang Lun glanced at the golden seal again, obviously telling the other party to finish the important matter before him.

The tacit understanding between the two reached a certain level, and this kind of eye contact was only a moment, and it did not attract the attention of others.However, Lin Chong subconsciously turned his head and searched for An Daoquan in the crowd.

After granting seals to Guanghui and Han Shizhong, Wang Lun went to the last Shi Wengong.Shi Wengong solemnly received the golden seal in his hand, the first feeling was that it was heavy, maybe it weighed a catty or two?

But as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Shi Wengong killed it in the bud, what a joke!Using weight to measure the value of the five tigers' golden seal is simply desecrating its meaning.The honor behind this seal.It is incomparably precious.

This is not only a personal affirmation of Shi Wengong.At the same time, this cottage is showing the world the self-confidence of meritocracy.

After conferring the last tiger seal, Wang Lun's face was a little tired, and he didn't talk as usual, but just patted the shoulder of the seal recipient, but in the eyes of the excited Shi Wengong, these gestures meant Shen Chang, seized the time and said: "Little brother will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Wang Lun nodded, and took the lead in clapping, congratulating the five generals on their promotion to Liangshan for the final round of five tiger generals.Although many leaders had some opinions on Shi Wengong's selection, since Wang Lun took the lead.The other four were all expected, and the applause was still very enthusiastic.

When he returned to the top chair, Wang Lun couldn't bear it any longer. He tried his best to sit back on the top chair as smoothly as possible, and he didn't let his brothers see his flaws.But this kind of concealment obviously couldn't hide the truth from the three military advisers around him, Xiao Jiasui said in a low voice:

"I think we'll just stop here today, and I'll ask Brother Zhu Wu to do the lecture in the Martial Arts Hall tonight. Brother, you are overworked, so please ask Doctor An to take a look, so we brothers can feel at ease!"

"It's okay!" Wang Lun changed his sitting position, feeling more comfortable, and said in a low voice, "Let's proceed according to the original negotiated procedure! Today you three will present the flag for me, and I won't speak. If you have a cold, don't worry about it." Don't make a fuss out of a molehill, and make the Shanzhai panic!"

Since Wang Lun came to this era, it seems that he hasn't suffered from any illness in the past three years.I really didn't know how to do it today. When I woke up, I felt a little top-heavy, and I have been resisting until now.

But although he had a fever on his head, he was very clear in his heart.Right now, the medical level in Liangshan is far higher than that of any prefecture or capital in the Song Dynasty, except for the uncertainties in Tokyo.

"It's all tired!" Zhu Wu sighed and said, "The three of us, each in charge of a business, are all so busy, but my brother is taking the lead in catching the boss. I think this time we really need to take a good rest! Mr. Xiao , or the flag was conferred early, please go down to recuperate your brother! I will go to the martial arts lecture in the evening!"

Xiao Jiasui thought the same way, nodded immediately, stood up and faced the boiling leaders, cleared his throat, and after a while, the Juyi Hall returned to calm, only to hear Xiao Jiasui say: "There is one more important event today, which is Give the battle flags to several battalions to show your prestige! Next, please come out to the leaders who read their names!"

With a sound of "wow", the Juyi hall became lively again. Since the establishment of the village, there has been a field camp with a number, no!Now it's time to call the field army, and there are only a small number of field troops with numbers.In Liangshan, where there is a strong sense of honor, many leaders dreamed of winning a title. At this time, hearing Xiao Jiasui's words, many people were waiting for the next sentence with fiery eyes.

"By the order of Wang Lun, the head of the Shanzhai's general army, the Fourth Army of the Horse Army is awarded the banner of 'Fenwei'!"

Yang Zhi stood up with a solemn expression, and the brothers around him gave way one after another.

Thinking of the battle he fought at the edge of the water a few days ago, he shared the burden with Lin Chong's Panshi Battalion, and he did not lose the slightest bit in the fierce battle against Wang Huan's elite soldiers.This kind of excellent performance, even if the hall is full of unruly people, he can't help but be convinced at the moment.

"General Yusheng, please get up!" Guanghui's reminder surprised Han Tao, and he subconsciously said: "I have a share too?" One heart!" Han Tao clasped his fists and laughed loudly: "One heart is still one, I just don't know the rules!"

Such a serious moment.Xiao Jiasui did not share the joy with everyone.He just continued to announce with a majestic expression: "Following the order of Wang Lun, the leader of the Shanzhai General Army, the Fifth Army of the Horse Army is awarded the banner of 'Xiongyi'!"

Before Xiao Jiasui finished speaking, Tang Bin got up and shouted "Ok".In his opinion, his sworn brother has kept a low profile for too long.Fortunately, not long ago, he finally shined on the Korean battlefield, and the brothers are naturally extremely happy for him.In addition, the village owner's name "Xiong Yi" is very expressive, majestic and elegant. Isn't this a true portrayal of Hao Siwen's style of leading troops?

Hao Siwen's expression was not as solemn as Yang Zhi's.His face was still easy-going, but the determination in his eyes made those who knew him quite gratified.Although Wang Lun was dragging his sick body, when he looked at Hao Siwen, he still felt the power from his eyes.

Shan Tinggui did not make the same mistake as Han Tao this time. He followed the general to the aisle in the middle of the hall. After he stood still, the first thing he did was to look for Wei Dingguo. He wanted to share his memory with this brother. joy.

"By decree of Wang Lun, the head of the Shanzhai's general army. Grant the Eighth Army of the Horse Army the banner of 'Yi Lie'!"

As soon as Xiao Jiasui's words fell, there was a brief silence in the hall, and Tang Bin jumped up again, and clasped his fists at Wang Lun, who was sitting in the top spot, and said, "Brother Guan Sheng is now stationed on Jeju Island, and the 'Yi Lie' flag , how about letting my younger brother lead it? By the way, I also have the loyalty of the Guan family!"

Of course Wang Lun would not discredit Tang Bin.But I heard a brother jokingly said: "Old Tang, your two elder brothers have given the flag, when will you take your own?"

Tang Bin laughed, and said: "After gnawing the bones, we will have it!" He is also a veteran of the cottage, with a sharp personality, outstanding martial arts, and very popular. After he said this, he immediately won applause from everyone.

Cui Ye didn't know what he was thinking, and almost got up with Tang Bin.But Wen Zhongrong stopped him, and said in a low voice: "I gave it to someone else, let's go out too, to make everyone laugh?"

Xiao Jiasui was still unhurried, and continued to announce: "Following the order of Wang Lun, the leader of the Shanzhai General Army, the Ninth Army of the Ma Army is awarded the banner of 'Thunder'!" (similar to Qin Ming, but the former is "Thunderbolt")

Hu Yanzhuo and Hu Yantong were beaten.Although he met the old department by accident and made a good contribution by chance, but he left the battlefield privately.Speaking of which, this is considered to be a record, that is, the three generations of the Huyan family's grandparents, within a few months, all of them have tasted the taste of Liangshan's military law.

Hu Yanqing, who didn't go to Qingzhou with the Ruan Brothers, was blushing at this moment. After all, it was the moment for his family to feel elated, and this event should be praised!One more thing, these two juniors command the only heavy armored cavalry in Liangshanbo, and almost no one can replace the role they will play in the army in the future!Irreplaceable means that the position is stable. Thinking of this, I saw him, a "grandfather" generation, standing up unsteadily, cheering loudly for his family, but unknowingly called out the two nicknames, and was so irritable. Zhuo and Hu Yantong's faces were flushed.

However, the most nervous person at this time was not Huyan and his nephew, but Pang Wanchun who was beside Hua Rong.I saw that the high-ranking chair under him was creaking, ready to fall apart at any moment.His eyes stared at Xiao Jiasui persistently for a moment, as if he hoped to see through the things in his head.

Hua Rong looked amused, and said in a low voice: "How long has our new army been formed? Firstly, we haven't fought any big battles, and secondly, we haven't made any contributions. I think this time it's dead!"

"Why didn't you do any meritorious service? The old thief Gao Qi was captured by my younger brother!" As soon as he finished speaking, Pang Wanchun realized that the words were a bit full, and added an explanation blushingly: "Although I asked Teacher Lin to let me go! But it's me Picked it up with my own hands!"

"That's just your personal contribution. It's different from our Tenth Army. You should know that the flag is awarded to our collective. If it is purely for individuals, when the rewards were awarded a few days ago, didn't you already reward them? Is it gone?"

After listening to Hua Rong's analysis, Pang Wanchun felt as if he was beating an eggplant, and regretted, "I knew that I would have taken a battalion of brothers to capture Gao Qi. This is the collective contribution of us!"

Hua Rong couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, but at the end of the laugh, he lacked stamina.There was still a trace of disappointment and longing in his eyes, because at this time, Xiao Jiasui had already announced that he had gone to the various heads of the infantry:

"According to Wang Lun's order from the head of the Shanzhai's general army, the first infantry army is awarded the banner of 'Crazy Demon'!"

"And the benefits of spoiling the family?" Lu Zhishen touched his bald head and stood up. Not many people dared to laugh at him this time.It is said that this great monk is a prestige figure in the cottage.Even if there are people who are older than him.But he would not have a playful smile with him on this occasion. For example, Lin Chong signaled to him not to dawdle and waste time.

"According to Wang Lun's order from the head of the Shanzhai's general army, the Second Infantry Army is awarded the banner of 'Chidan'!"

Before Xiao Jiasui finished speaking, Shi Yong trembled and said repeatedly: "There are us. We really are!" Yuan Langjian said with a smile: "You earned it all!"

"I'm just an introduction. Brother, you are known as the red-faced tiger. From now on, we will be called the red-faced army. How can we not have anything to do with you?"

It is said that these two people just chatted, and they couldn't wait any longer, and got up to urge them, Yuan Lang laughed and clasped his fists in all directions to express his apology.Quickly get in place with Shi Yong.

"By the order of Wang Lun, the head of the Shanzhai's general army, the Ninth Army of the Infantry Army is awarded the banner of 'Decisive Victory'!"

This time the span was a bit big, jumping from the Second Army to the Ninth Army, Shi Jin, Bian Xiang and Luan Tingyu's complexions were a little gloomy, but the original leaders of Erlongshan were all smiling.After all, Liu Tang is a brother who came out of a mountain.He's done well, and if he speaks out to save face, if something happens to him in the future, his words will carry weight.

Of course, this idea only exists in the minds of a few leaders who have not mixed up, but Wu Yong shook his feather fan and whispered to Chao Gai: "I'm afraid we gave him this name! The victory is beyond thousands of miles, this man It’s really amazing to have insight into the details, just as we sent it to him last time, it can be regarded as a success for him!”

Sun An is worthy of Wu Yong's mouth who can see the details.Wang Lun didn't speak much this time, so he noticed something strange, seeing Xiao Jiasui kept speeding up his speech, until he guessed something, he didn't dare to delay, and didn't interact with other leaders, and went directly to Liu Tang.

Xiao Jiasui glanced at Sun An, with an intriguing expression on his face. He nodded slightly and continued to announce: "By the order of Wang Lun, the head of the Shanzhai General Army, the garrison Wang Jin is granted the banner of 'teaching'!"

Different from the number that was meant to be rewarding just now, the number that is awarded now somewhat indicates the nature of the team.Wang Jin got up again, and stood up with Wang Wenbin.

Different from Shi Jin's happy eyes looking at Wang Jin, Qiu Yue and Zhou Ang looked at Wang Wenbin, the former subordinate, with sour and envious eyes.

Xiao Jiasui jumped directly from the infantry to the garrison to clarify Wang Jin's number. All the leaders thought this was the end, but Xiao Jiasui didn't mean to say anything at all, and continued: "By the order of Wang Lun, the head of the general army of the Shanzhai, I awarded the garrison Shi Wengong Department of the 'Fanluo' banner!"

When the news came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and some leader laughed sullenly: "It turns out that these two scumbags are going to bring the fans, haha!"

It wasn't until this time that Shi Wengong, who had been in the position for a long time, finally realized why Wang Lun only gave him two battalions, but they were all capable and brave.

He already knew that Liangshan had captured more than [-] people from the Goryeo Jing Army alive in the Battle of Kaijing. Although the overall quality is not very good, it is not difficult to pick out [-] available people from among these people. of.

This time, even Su Ding no longer thinks that Wang Lun is discriminating against his brothers, but thinks that his actions can be regarded as making the best of his talents.After all, they trained Fanren in Zengtou City.May I ask, who else in Liangshan knows Fan people better than the two brothers?It is not uncommon for Fan people to be aggressive and less courteous, and it is not uncommon for them to be powerful, but they are also good materials for soldiers. In the future, as long as they are well trained, they may not lose to other field troops.

Thinking of this, the two felt deep apologies in their hearts.They were obviously their own shadows, but they regarded others' magnanimity as transparency. After today's stories, both of them secretly vowed in their hearts that such low-level mistakes would never be made again in the future.

After announcing Shi Wengong's matter, Xiao Jiasui really finished talking this time.At this time, after taking the battle flag, he began to present the flag to the garrison. Xu Guanzhong and Zhu Wu also got up from their positions and presented the flag to the horse and infantry respectively.Everyone is trying to shorten the time of the ceremony so that Wang Lun can go back to recuperate earlier, but the more he hides, the more things happen. At this moment, a small school hurried into the Juyi Hall and said loudly:

"Report to the village lord and brothers, Jiangnan urgent report!" (to be continued~^~)

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