Water Margin Survival

Chapter 668 Fang La Who Was Shot While Lying Down

"Doctor An, look at how my son is doing? Why does he keep sleeping? Does it matter!"

When An Daoquan took the pulse, no one at the bedside dared to disturb him. When he got up, the mother-in-law who had been guarding by the bed asked eagerly.

Only Sanruan's mother dared to call Wang Lun "my son" in the cottage. An Daoquan knew that she couldn't understand pathology, so he said in plain English: "Don't worry, sleeping and resting is a good thing. The Lord’s disease is fever caused by qi deficiency, when Xiaosheng goes back to make a decoction, it will be effective after eating!"

Jiao Tingjian said that he was relieved, but he still didn't dare to be negligent, and personally sent An Daoquan out, just when Wang Lun woke up at this time, seeing Sanruan's old lady guarding him, he said: "Old lady, I'll just sleep and sweat a little. How dare you work and guard here!"

"My son, it's not that I'm old and talkative. After all, you should have a wife. In the future, I can rest assured that I will have someone who knows the cold and the hot by my side!"

Although Wang Lun's head was dizzy, he still laughed when he heard it, and Granny Kuan said inwardly, "Old lady, I understand!"

"I know, you're still thinking about that girl in Yanzhou, oh! What a good couple, but one is a girl from the magistrate's family, and the other is a mountain king who murdered officials and rebelled. Alas, it's nerve-wracking!"

The mother-in-law sighed as she spoke, went to the side to fetch some cold boiled water, brought it to Wang Lun, and said, "Drink more water, the fever will go away!"

Looking at her, Wang Lun unconsciously thought of his mother, and was moved for a while. He took the warm water from her hand and drank it slowly.When a person is sick, he likes to think wildly.Not to mention a fever.Wang Lun's thoughts slowly diverged, and gradually a burst of tiredness came over him, making him fall into a strange dream.

The military advisers didn't stay in the back room, they were afraid of disturbing Wang Lun, but they didn't feel at ease and went back like this. They all sat in the living room when Jiao Ting sent An Daoquan out.Everyone stood up and said in unison: "How is brother's condition?"

"The owner of the village has a fever caused by qi deficiency. This disease usually occurs after overwork and long-term illness. The owner of the village is always in good health. I believe the cause is tiredness. This symptom is often accompanied by spontaneous sweating, lack of breath, and laziness. Mental fatigue, thirst for hot drinks, tender tongue, weak pulse, etc. It should be sweet and warm, and if the problem is not serious, I will go back to make medicine!"

When everyone heard the words, they were all relieved, who is An Daoquan.He said it was not a big problem.There must be no problem. Jiao Ting thought that although An Daoquan went to dispense the medicine together, but thinking that Wang Lun could not leave people around, he looked at Lin Chong for help, and saw Lin Chong nodded slightly: "You go with the imperial doctor yourself, I will go to the room." stay with my brother!"

Jiao Ting was overjoyed, so he personally sent An Daoquan out. Xiao Jiasui instructed: "Since the problem is not serious, don't let this matter spread. My brother once told me that it's an eventful time. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Don't affect the morale of the army and the people in the cottage. ,!"

An Daoquan naturally said goodbye to everyone, and Xiao Jin'er hurried ahead, raised the curtain, and a gust of cool wind swept into the room.

Sending An Daoquan away, several military advisers sat back at this time, everyone drank the tea made by Jin Er, only to hear Xu Guanzhong say: "Today, you two... are too busy!" Originally, he wanted to say something small The couple held back for the time being, after all, they were not married yet.

Xiao Jin'er pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't answer. Seeing that there was nothing busy outside, she went in to talk with her mother-in-law. Lin Chong greeted the three of them and went in too.

Although I heard that Wang Lun's condition was not serious, but the symptoms came on urgently, everyone's brows were still tightly frowned, and Zhu Wu couldn't stop drinking water.I don't know how long it took, but only hearing the salute of the guards at the door, everyone knew that Sun An was coming.As soon as he entered the room, he cut straight to the point and said, "Brother, isn't there something wrong with your body?"

"I've got a little fever, Doctor An said it's fine!" Xiao Jiasui didn't hide it from him, this brother probably saw some clues when he was in the Juyi Hall, "It's good that you know it, don't spread it anymore!"

Sun An agreed, and proposed to go in to have a look at Wang Lun. Xu Guanzhong got up and said, "Brother is asleep, so Chief Sun can come out after looking at it!"

Sun An raised the curtain and went in alone. Seeing Lin Chong guarding the head of the bed and Wang Lun breathing steadily again, he immediately felt relieved. After nodding with Lin Chong, he withdrew.At this time, he did not leave, but sat beside several military advisers and said:

"Since my brother is fine, why do the brothers seem to be preoccupied? I think the urgent report from Jiangnan won't hurt the minds of the military advisers!"

After Sun An said this, he had no choice but to explain the news he had just sent from the small school in Juyi Hall and Wang Lun's treatment.

Speaking of Shi En, he couldn't help talking about it. Just today, his news was sent by Ji Ji from Siming Mountain, and it also included news from other channels.

It turned out that the imperial court could no longer recruit sailors from the forbidden army like Liu Menglong in the south of the Yangtze River.Only one or two battalions in the east and three or two battalions in the west could gather the number of soldiers, and after a lot of difficulty, they managed to gather tens of thousands of people.But in this way, time is delayed.

In addition, Gao Lian's people encountered big troubles when they were levying ships.Not far away, Liu Menglong and Niu Bangxi confiscated a bunch of civilian ships, and they were still waiting for the news of the imperial court's victory so that they could be returned to merchants in various places.Unexpectedly, in this deep anticipation, the second batch of solicitation orders came down.These people can do shipping business, and they are not fools who have nothing to do with their backs. They inquired in private, and it turned out that Liu Menglong suffered a big defeat in Beiqinghe, and even the boat and soldiers were packed and dragged away by Liangshan bandits.

Once this explosive news is spread, who else is willing to send ships to the imperial court for nothing?This time, everyone gave up the unrealistic fantasy of currying favor with the imperial court. All the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. They fed all the officials in charge of collecting ships and asked him to harm others.

As a result, Fang La suffered a lot.

I don't know what kind of thoughts Fang La has, not to spread the teachings in the south of the Yangtze River, but seeing Wang Lun and Wang Qing's private salt business are booming, I feel that this is also a way to make money.After careful consideration, he found that as long as he becomes the head of private salt in the south of the Yangtze River in the future, wouldn't all the private salt dealers in the south of the Yangtze River have to rely on themselves to live?After going back and forth with the powerful people in the half of the Great Song Dynasty to get acquainted with each other, when my Mingjiao made troubles, didn't they respond to all calls and get twice the result with half the effort?

So in the face of such great benefits, he resolutely rejected Deng Yuanjue's proposal to cooperate with Liangshan, took out the money from the teaching, and built ships in the coastal states on the spot.

Fang La is a cautious person, either he doesn't make a move, or he does it!This time he went to Liao to compete with Wang Lun for business, and he already had the intention of pushing Wang Lun out of Liao.

Because only in this way can he underwrite most of the private salt in the Great Song Dynasty, and even Wang Qing, who has been doing well recently, will have to please himself when the time comes.In the past few years, Liangshan has been too popular, and it has already laid chess pieces in the south of the Yangtze River. It is hard to guarantee that it will not be its own enemy in the future. After this kind of plan of ebb and flow, everyone's strength can be balanced.

I never thought that if a stone fell from the sky, it would really hit my own foot.These dog officials of the imperial court wantonly recruited civilian ships in several states in the south of the Yangtze River. Who knew that the conscripts came and went, and they were inexplicably recruited on their own heads. Most of the passenger boats that had not been delivered in the shipyard were dressed like beggars. The box soldiers were snatched away.

When this news came out, Mingjiao’s internal frying pan was general, and many people proposed to raise an incident in advance. After all, Fang La is a person who does big things. At this time, Tian Hu and Wang Lun attracted all the attention of the court. Da Cai, is he still in a hurry to raise the banner to share the pressure of the court for the two in front?

Fang La's prestige in Mingjiao is still extremely strong, he has made a decision, and no one dares to say anything below.But Deng Yuanjue, the future national teacher, will be miserable.

Thinking that he, as a monk, can actually make a name for himself in the Ming Cult, which has already displeased many believers who are loyal to the teachings.The previous trip to Hebei Qiang Yuxi missed, not to mention breaking several hard hands in the sect, but he came back with good hands and feet, not even hurting a hair.Then someone revealed the fact that he used his public equipment for private use and sent his congregation to be driven by foreign teachers (Wang Lun). Deng Yuanjue, who was upright all his life, was so worried that he didn't think about eating and drinking.

Fortunately, Fang La is a person who does great things and knows how to win people's hearts. At the critical moment, he still supported Deng Yuanjue so that he did not become the target of public criticism.

That's all about the funny things in Jiangnan.When Wang Lun heard the news at that time, he felt that he couldn't laugh or cry.Although the person was still feverish, he immediately expressed his opinion on how to deal with this matter:

"If God doesn't take it, you will be blamed; if the time is not right, you will be blamed! Since the Jiangnan troops didn't receive the news that Gao Qi was dead, and they rushed here, then this piece of fat Meat, let's eat!"

After Wang Lun expressed his opinion, three military advisers added details and discussed who to send to eat this piece of fat. Li Jun, Zhang Shun, and Hu Yanqing who stayed in the cottage but did not go to Qingzhou all stood up to fight.Liu Menglong and Niu Bangxi looked at each other, their heads drooping.

At this time Wang Lun added another sentence, telling them to bring Liu Menglong and Niu Bangxi with them as staff officers. The two men looked at each other and wept when they heard the words, and they all got up and ran out to thank them.They thought it would take three to five years before they could emerge, but they didn't know that this period of dormancy was so short, which gave them a glimmer of hope.

The meeting decided to order Li Jun to take Zhang Shun to set off at five o'clock tomorrow, join the Sanruan Fleet in Qingzhou, and take the initiative to face the imperial navy.After all, if these people stopped at Jingdong County and learned the news of Gao Qi's tragic defeat and death, where would they go to find their shadows?

Speaking of which, since he bit the imperial court, he also bit Fang La at the same time.No one present sympathized with this person. After all, Liang Shan had kindly joined him to make a fortune, but he left the person who came up with the idea and went it alone!This kind of thinking is simply too independent, and I don't understand the reason for everyone to make a fortune together.It's all right now, and I can't make a fortune myself.

At this time, the leaders sitting in Wang Lun's outer room were all good men, and no one would worry that their own navy would not be able to defeat the invading enemy assembled by the imperial court.

The worries of these people are not in the east, but in the west, in Tokyo City, in Zhao Ji.

Gao Qiu died, and the court had to react somehow.As for whether it was a storm or a gentle drizzle, one could guess just by looking at the expressions of the people present. (to be continued~^~)

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